cannot subscript of type [String] - arrays

i get this error on:
cell.naamItem = VragenInformatie[indexPath.section][indexPath.row][0]
i have this in the same class:
var VragenInformatie: [[[String]]] = [[[]]]
and this is how the array looks like:
var VragenInformatie: [[[String]]] = [[["Spelletjeskamer",""],["Keuken",""],["Garage",""],["Binnenplaats",""],["Zitkamer",""],["Slaapkamer",""],["Studeerkamer",""],["Eetkamer",""],["Badkamer",""]],[["De Wit",""],["Pimpel",""],["Blaauw van Draet",""],["Roodhart",""],["Groenewoud",""],["Van Geelen",""]],[["Loden pijp",""],["Pistool",""],["Engelse sleutel",""],["Dolk",""],["Touw",""],["Kandelaar",""]]]
i don't really no what the problem is here neither do i know what subscript really means
could someone give some advise?

I bet your naamItem is a UILabel or something like that, and you forgot to append the '.text'. If my theory is true, your code should look something like this:
cell.naamItem.text = VragenInformatie[indexPath.section][indexPath.row][0]
In any other case where the naamItem is NOT an UILabel, UITextView or UITextField, you should make sure the naamItem is of type String.


How to simplify Swift array initialization

This is in reference to
The following statement is given:
let fooPaths: [WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>] = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\, WritableKeyPathApplicator(\Foo.baz)]
Is there an init or something else that can be done so that the following (or something similar) might also work?
let fooPaths: [WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>] = [\, \Foo.baz]
The original statement is just too much typing! My "preferred" method currently gives the error:
error: cannot convert value of type 'WritableKeyPath<Foo, String>' to expected element type 'WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>'
The type is unnecessary:
let fooPaths = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\, WritableKeyPathApplicator(\Foo.baz)]
The second Foo is unnecessary.
let fooPaths = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\, WritableKeyPathApplicator(\.baz)]
Also the first one if you do provide the type:
let fooPaths: [WritableKeyPathApplicator<Foo>] = [WritableKeyPathApplicator(\.bar),
If the major concern is typing, add a local typealias:
typealias WKPA<T> = WritableKeyPathApplicator<T>
let fooPaths: [WKPA<Foo>] = [WKPA(\.bar),

How to make array of UILabels in swift 3

I tried this but got error !!!!
var lable : UILabel = [lable1, lable2, lable3]
// do stuff with label
In Swift, variable declarations follow this pattern:
var variable name: type = expression
You are saying that the type is a UILabel, while assigning it a list of UILabels.
Use [UILabel] as your type to fix your issue.
Two issues:
The type is UILabel (typo)
An array is indicated with a pair or square brackets []
However the compiler can infer the type (and the variable is most likely a constant)
let lables = [lable1, lable2, lable3]
if you want mutable :
var labels = [xyz1, xyz2, xyz2]
and if you want immutable
let labels = [xyz1, xyz2, xyz3]

Simple swift array append not working

I know this is going to be super elementary, but I have this piece of code:
var labels: [String]?
func initVC(image: Images){
self.image = image
let tempLabels = image.label?.allObjects as! [Labels]
for i in 0..<tempLabels.count{
labels is in the public scope, so the function should have access to it, but when the loop runs through, labels is still nil with no elements.
When I po during debugging, tempLabels is as I expect it to be with 2 string elements.
I'm pretty sure this is a very simple problem, but I guess I'm just out of it right now.
Labels has never been initialised. Change
var labels:[String]?
var labels:[String] = []
You are declaring the labels variable but never allowing it to store information. This means that it does not necessarily exist, since it is not initialized, and therefore cannot be used.
For it to be useable, you must initialize it
var labels:[String] = []
Yep, it was super simple.
var labels: [String]?
var labels = [String]()

swift setting string from array element error

So im grabbing a property from core data, using a dictionary. And it grabs it just fine. However, when I try to take that single returned attribute and assign it to the navigationitem.title it throws some nasty error. Am I missing something here..
Its not actually outputting an error message in the console but instead is giving me this:
Thread 1: EXC_BREAKPOINT(code+exc_I386_BPT.....
on this line.
0x10707a5f3: nopw %cs:(%rax,%rax)
Also its saying
0 swift_dynamicCastObjCClassUnconditional
override func viewDidLoad() {
let appDel:AppDelegate = UIApplication.sharedApplication().delegate as AppDelegate
let context:NSManagedObjectContext = appDel.managedObjectContext
let frequest = NSFetchRequest(entityName: "Round")
frequest.propertiesToFetch = NSArray(object: "course")
frequest.returnsObjectsAsFaults = false
frequest.returnsDistinctResults = true
frequest.resultType = NSFetchRequestResultType.DictionaryResultType
var fetchedArray = context.executeFetchRequest(frequest, error: nil)
//this is the line that throw the error...why won't it let me set the title to the array of the single returned result?
self.navigationItem.title = fetchedArray[0]
Without a specific error message you are receiving, this is just a guess...
NSArray un untyped contents (that is to say that elements are of type AnyObject), so the compiler probably doesn't think you can set AyObject as a string. So likely need something like:
self.navigationItem.title = fetchedArray[0] as String
self.navigationItem.title = String(fetchedArray[0])
To start, I would check couple of things to see if the problem is in the fetched array or in the navigation item:
what exactly is returned in fetchedArray[0]? Is is a string? A nil? Something else? Does it actually have anything at index 0? After checking if fetchedArray is not nil and has any elements, you could use "\(fetchedArray[0])"
What is the state of navigationItem? Is it actually instantiated at the time you are trying to set it's title property? I would suggest checking it for nil. You can also try assigning it a string like this: self.navigationItem.title = "Hello" and see if it fails.

How can i cast an Object in mobiaccess?

I am playing around with mobiaccess framework, but i am stuck when i try to cast an Object to Integer.
Is it possible to cast in mobiaccess?
I tried to below code but it does not work:
var i:Integer = (Integer) objectClass;
You can use the square bracket "[]" like this:
var i:Integer = [Integer] objectClass;
