Collection repeat angular equivalent - angularjs

Is there an equivalent directive for angular thats similar to collection-repeat for ionic? I'm looking for ways to do infinite scroll without taking too much of the dom. Tried the ngInfiniteScroll and the angular ui/ui-scroll.

Are you looking for directives that handle very large collections with decent performance?
I think what you're looking for is called Virtual Scroll. There are a few libraries that do it. I haven't used any yet, but check out angular-virtual-scroll or angular-vs-repeat.


For repeating html , good to go with template or directive

Implementing below feature, when user clicks on Add button , new conext is getting added.
I created that context as directive, Am not sure whether i should create this just as template and repeat using ng-repeat or using directive is better.
I would recommend a directive. I personally find its a good way to encapsulate code. It makes it re-usable, and there is absolutely no performance issues doing so. AngularJS will run smoothly to about 2000 directives within the same page.
Doing it in a directive will also allow you to use functionalities later on you might not have predicted to use.

Caveats of highcharts-ng

I read more about highcharts-ng to use directive, but they have many caveats.
I have two options:
- Use highcharts.js, then create my directives.
- Use highcharts-ng directive.
Please, What's the best way to use highcharts directive for angular, and If I use highcharts-ng, will I need some options, or features of highcharts, which didn't implement yet for highcharts-ng ?
I think the best way is to use highcharts-ng and edit it because they do almost every thing you need and they spend a lot of time to produce this directive and if you write your own directive you will waste your time
then you can add some options or features and contribute with it
Although it is a very late response, This answer might be helpful. Highcharts-ng is a good option if you want to just use the chart for visualization purpose and you do not let the users of your application update certain properties of the charts. if you try to change any property of the chart other than the ones under "options", your entire chart will be redrawn. So, each time the user tries to update, the chart is going to be redrawn.
Also, Highcharts-ng has issues handling large amount of data. Apart from these, Highcharts-ng is the best to use with angular.

Angular slow drawing

I've got some nested directives inside ng-repeats, they consist of directive that got ng-repeat.
It renders very ugly.
I want to show the content when its finished drawing.
Ive tried to use directives events things like scope.$last, or timeouts but the problem is these elements are created but the browser havent rendered them yet. How to deal with that?
no wonder, you ran into the same problem as me, it's caused by AngularJS dirt checking, it's a cost you using it, but there is not official solution to it yet, there is link has a temp solution you can use, please check on hope this helps!

Is it possible to have drag and drop functionality with AngularJS without relying on jQuery UI?

I've seen, but this requires jQuery and jQuery UI. If possible, I'd like to not have those dependencies.
The AngularJS documentation SURPRISINGLY has an example of this on the Compiler page. Check it out. You may have to add to it, but it is a great simple example of how to write a directive to get the draggable functionality.
Yes, ngDraggable is designed to support drag-drop functionality without dependency of jQuery UI.
I did some spike and it worked well on PC browsers, however, it still has some UI issues on mobile so far. Here is a live demo.

Angular.js: View Transition Animations

I'm new to angular and been following the basic tutorials from their official site but I haven't see any tutorial about animating specifically view transition animations. What I want for example is for my current view to pan to the right to show the next view and hitting the back button pans to the left to reveal the previous view.
Does angular.js supports this out of the box? If it does, what is the proper or recommended way of doing it? Thanks a lot.
Angular 1.1.4, released just last night (4/3/2013) supports CSS animation. Though the documentation and examples are still a little scarce, you'll find a good introduction in this video presentation.
Angular doesn't provide animations (or much DOM manipulation at all, really) - those would have to be provided by a 3rd party (probably JQuery).
Since you're new to Angular I'd try to write the animations in a non-angular app, get them working, and then read up on Directives to integrate your work into your Angular app.
Full Tutorials here:
Things has changed a little bit since 1.1.4
