ng-class calling function on page load - AngularJS - angularjs

This may be very simple but I can't seem to be able to successfully get the logic I want.
<div class="group-title" ng-class="{'group-hasError': !isValid(orderItem)}">
As you can see I'm adding a class group-hasError if the function isValid(orderItem) returns false.
Now the issue is that this is called on page load. But I don't want to call this function on page load rather when a submit button is called
<button id="add_modified_item" ng-click="isValid(orderItem)" class="btn btn-primary btn-fixed-medium pull-right">
How can I achieve this?
This is the function;
$scope.isValid = function(orderItem) {
var count = 0;
//By default make it true
var IsAllSelected = true;
angular.forEach(orderItem.menu_modifier_groups, function(group) {
var count = 0;
angular.forEach(group.menu_modifier_items, function(item) {
count += item.selected ? 1 : 0;
if (count == group.max_selection_points) {
IsAllSelected = true;
} else {
//if one item failed All select do return false
IsAllSelected = false;
return IsAllSelected;
Any advice appreciated

Defalut set
<div class="group-title" ng-class="(setValidClass)? 'group-hasError':'')}">
set model with
//if IsAllSelected=false then set IsAllSelected to true
return IsAllSelected;


How to add condition class in angularjs

if (url.indexOf('master/confirm-account') > 0) {
$scope.accountInfo = 'Confirm Account';
$ = 'confirm_account';
$scope.activeTab = true;
} else if (url.indexOf('master/master-profile') > 0) {
$scope.accountInfo = 'Confirm Account';
$ = 'master_profile';
$scope.activeTab = true;
} else {
$scope.accountInfo = 'Create Account';
<div ng-class = "{'process-step' : true, '({{page}}=='confirm_account') ? 'active-tab' : ' '}" >
How can I add process-step and active-tab class
Expected result if condition match then it become like that
The ng-class works like
{'add_this_class' : (if_this_expression_is_true)}
and not in the other way.
try this
<div class="process-step" ng-class="{'active-tab' : (page =='confirm_account') }">
Seeing to the complexity of your class matching logic you could go for second way of implementing ng-class
** Inside HTML**
<div class="process-step" ng-class="ctrl.getPageBasedClass()">
Inside Controller
var self.getPageBasedClass = function(){
var yourClassNameAsString = // your logic for class name
return yourClassNameAsString;

How to set all the rows of ng-repeat to be selected in Angular

I have a smimple ng-repeat that displays user details. I am trying to set all the rows to be selected.
Currently I can manually click and select all the rows individually using following code:
<tr ng-repeat="room in classrooms" ng-class="{'selected': room.selected}" ng-click="select(room)">
in controller
$ = function(item) {
item.selected ? item.selected = false : item.selected = true;
and to get data from the selected rows I use following logic
$scope.getAllSelectedRows = function()
var x = $filter("filter")($scope.classrooms,
selected: true
}, true);
$scope.toggleSelectAll = function()
angular.forEach($scope.classrooms, function(room) {
room.selected ? room.selected = false : room.selected = true;
Set up a new function in your controller:
$scope.selectAll = function() {
angular.forEach(classrooms, function(room) {
room.selected = true
And then you can create a button in your html to call this function.
If you want to select all data you got you can set selected property using angular.forEach() method.
In your case:
angular.forEach(x, fuction(value) {
value.selected = true;

Display element in angular based on condition in array of objects

I have the following element.
<div> My element</div>
and the following object:
$scope.myObject = {'life_log' : [{status: 'ALIVE'},{status: 'DEAD'}]}
How can I display the element ONLY if all status is ALIVE.
I know how to use ng-show on a variable but what about a condition like this?
You'll have to create a function that loops through your array and checks if all the statuses are 'ALIVE'. Or just use a reduce method on the array:
$scope.allStatusesAreAlive = $scope.myObject.life_log.reduce(function(a, b) {
if (a === false) return false;
if (b.status === 'DEAD') return false;
return true;
}, true);
Then you can display your element if $scope.allStatusesAreAlive is true:
<div ng-if="allStatusesAreAlive"> My element</div>
You can do something like this
angular.forEach($scope.myObject.life_log, function(item){
if(item.status !=='ALIVE'){
$scope.isAlive = false;
$scope.isAlive = true;
then in your html
<div data-ng-if="isAlive">My element</div>
Check the following link
angular code:
$scope.myObject = {'life_log' : [{status: 'ALIVE'},{status: 'DEAD'}]}
if($scope.myObject.life_log[i].status != "ALIVE")
html code:
<div ng-show="val">My element</div>
// This is here to make it configurable
$scope.keys = Object.keys($scope.myObject);
// In this case you have the "life_log" key
$scope.keys.forEach(k => {
$scope.myObject[k].forEach((d) => {
// our object here is myObject["life_log"];
// obj is a temp array to check the amount of statuses that are dead
var obj = [];
d["allAlive"] = d.status.forEach( s =>{
if(s == 'DEAD'){
if(obj.length > 0){
d.allAlive = false
d.allAlive = true;
<div ng-if="myObject[o].allAlive>

Didn't get multiple checked checkbox on button click and on load page : ionic

On page load I checked few of check boxes . using following code
<li ng-repeat="template in alltest" >
<input type="checkbox" name="template" ng-model="template.isselected" value="{{}}" id="{{}}" ng-checked="isChecked(">
<label for="{{}}" class="position-relative"><span></span>
isChecked function
$scope.isChecked = function(id){
var match = false;
for(var i=0 ; i < $scope.alltest.length; i++) {
if($scope.alltest[i].tmp_id == id){
match = true;
return match;
When I click on button to get those checkboxes then didn't get those check boxes
angular.forEach($scope.alltest, function(template){
if (template.isselected)
If I again deselected those check boxes and again select then i get value..but on page load by default few of check boxes coming with true option and directly i click on submit button then didn't get those checked check box
what is wrong with this code? please help me to solve this
ng-model is defult undefined. When checkbox is checked ng-model create property. that is why you get only checked checkbox when form submitted. You need define false checkboxes also inside isChecked function
ng-checked="isChecked(, $index)">
$scope.isChecked = function(id, index) {
var match = false;
if ($scope.alltest != null) {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.alltest.length; i++) {
if ($scope.alltest[i].tmp_id == id) {
match = true;
if (!match) $scope.alltest[index].isselected = false
return match;

AngularJS ng-click toggling between functions

<span ng-click="resetbyTask() || filterTask(, $index)">{{ }}</span>
I am trying to toggle between fucntions in a single ng-click so that the first click will run filterTask() and when clicked again it will run resetbyTask
Try this :
// controller
var called = false;
$scope.toggle = function (taskId, index) {
if (called) { called = false; return $scope.resetbyTask(); }
$scope.filterTask(taskId, index);
called = true;
<span ng-click="toggle(, $index)">{{ }}</span>
