XamDatetimeEditor calendar lost - wpf

I am working on a big application that relies on Infragistics objects to display info to the user (WPF, Infragistics suite Ver 11.2). Inside the XamDatagrid users can input some dates (internally it uses the XamDatetimeEditor) using either the keyboard or a calendar. Most of the times the calendar is there but sometimes, for no reason (and I've been debugging and checking exceptions) the calendars just disappear, specially when I reload the data (by pressing "Search" again).
I know there is not enough technical data nor code but I just wanted to know if somebody has faced similar issues with this grid/version and how (if you could) solved it.


Why does Inspect.exe hang frequently and inconsistently display AutomationId?

I'm trying to use MS UI Automation to test a WPF application, and am using the Inspect Object tool (inspect.exe) included with the Windows SDK to look up the AutomationId property on certain elements.
Inspect is behaving very strangely for me:
If I close all applications and start the WPF application and Inspect, inspect is able to see the AutomationId property for various UI elements. Elements which do not have an AutomationId simply show two quotation marks denoting an empty string ("").
After I perform a few actions in the WPF application, inspect.exe hangs and I have to kill it and restart it. Even though the machine's CPU and RAM utilization are around 50% or less, I've tried waiting several minutes--possibly close to 20 or 30 mins on a couple occasions--to no avail.
After restarting, inspect.exe can no longer find an AutomationId for any UI element, even those which did have them previously. What's more, the property is completely missing when hovering the mouse over the WPF application--it is no longer listed at all, not even with an empty string value.
If I move the mouse to another screen (specifically, to another computer, using Mouse Without Borders), the AutomationId property reappears with a value of "FormDot"
If I restart only inspect additional times while the WPF application is still running, inspect still behaves the same as after the first restart.
If I restart only the WPF app while inspect is still running, inspect still behaves the same as after its first restart.
If I close both inspect and the WPF app, then start inspect, then start the WPF app, everything works correctly for a while and inspect finds the AutomationId on a few elements in the WPF app...up until the point at which inspect hangs again.
I've tried running inspect both normally and as an administrator as suggested in https://stackoverflow.com/a/7833728/44737, and it behaves the same either way.
What, if anything, am I doing wrong? Am I just too impatient and do I need to wait a really long time instead of assuming inspect is hung? And why does inspect's behavior regarding AutomationId vary?
There are more than one version of Inspect.exe. The latest to my knowledge is the one dated from 2012 that says version in the help/about dialog box.
The old one doesn't have a tree view on the left with all detected automation elements displayed in a tree, so it's easy to check you're using the right one.
The latest one works quite correctly, however, IMHO, the best tool so far to work with UI Automation is Visual UI Automation Verify. It's a .NET program, and he source is available here:
UI Automation Verify (UIA Verify) Test Automation Framework.
Note that although it's a .NET program, it doesn't use the standard .NET automation dlls (more on that here: What's the difference of UISpy.exe and Inspect.exe? (From Microsoft Windows SDK)).
About the AutomationId property, to clarify my initial comment to the question, I meant its usefulness depends on the program that you're trying to automate.
If you own it as a developer, it's clearly interesting. For example, if you're working with WPF, you can use the x:Uid property, it's clearly meant for UI automation. In the Winforms space, it's also quite useful because UI Automation will use the control's AccessibleName by default and revert to the Name as a fallback, for the AutomationId value.
But there are many apps that don't rely on .NET (browsers, native apps, etc.) Usually, for these apps, it's easier to use other properties.
I have been using inspect.exe for a while on a Microsoft Surface Studio PC (running Windows 10), and my experience is that inspect.exe will hang much more frequently (sometimes always) when Windows Updates are pending. When the updates are out of the way, inspect.exe is still somewhat slow, but much more stable.

Silverlight OOB User Menu Control

Well ... at the risk of sounding like I really don't know anything about programming, I have a question about controls in Silverlight 5.
I have an OOB App that I am working with, but I need to add the User Menus (File, Edit, etc.) that are normally seen at the top of all apps. There used to be a control in VS (the Menu control) that was easily configurable. What is the control used to create the User Menus in Silverlight 5? The Context Menu is not what I am asking about. That is the right mouse click menu ... so that's not the answer ...
Please, understand my problem. It's been since Silverlight 2 since I worked in Silverlight. I appreciate any information you kind folks would be willing to provide.
There is no such thing available directly from Microsoft (meaning it's neither built-in or present in the Silverlight Toolkit).
You will have to use third-party controls such as DevExpress or Telerik.
EDIT: Some more advice in response to your comment.
Another possibility is to create UIs from scratch. There are two forms of UIs that I found inspiring lately, both of which don't use any ribbons or drop-down menues at all. The first is to use "Windows 8"-like dashboards instead of traditional menues, the other is the Windows Azure Management Portal (a web application).
I don't use traditional UI frameworks for menues myself, but mostly because I don't like those approaches and I'm picky with how user interfaces should work and look like.
But obviously you have to make a serious time investment to go new ways. And it will heavily depend on your application what approach makes sense.
Here's one simple approach that could work in a number of cases, I used it for a database application (I call it the Windows-Phone-7/8 approach):
The screen is divided into the "page" area and information bars. The information bars contain no menues, just who's logged on, a back-button, a home-button, and context-sensitive buttons depending on what's in the view. So basically it behaves like a web browser and you navigate through the app by clicking on "links" (buttons that take you elsewhere).
There's only one page area, so no windows and no popups. I've gone to the extreme of making even dialog windows to be pages.
Now you need menues. You do that with "dashboards", ie. pages that present some overview stuff and buttons that lead to the other areas of your application.
Although you could have action buttons like save or delete on the page itself, I put them in the bottom bar (but they are still dependent on the page your on) - that is exactly how it works in Windows Phone 7/8.
One last advice: The real effort is usually not in the menus anyway. Beside your application logic itself, it's a lot of little things like login screen, error handling and how to present error messages (look at the windows azure management portal for how they did that really nicely) and gracefully failing on session timeout. There's also a lot of nuisance on how you manage your data (ria-services, etc.).
So as long as you don't need fancy data grid grouping, rich-text edit or excel-like pivot controls, a toolkit might not help you as much as you'd hope - because they give you only the controls, not the entire UI.

Is it possible in c# to show, hide, and manipulate the Windows 8 on-screen keyboard?

I am making a WPF application that is to be used on a kiosk with no hardware keyboard. Currently we are using a third party on-screen keyboard, but the Windows 8 version is a lot better and we are thinking of switching to it.
So my question is simply if it is possible to show/hide it as well as show a numeric only version using c#.
From this source:
There is no direct way to control the touch keyboard programmatically.
Requiring the user to set the focus rather than the program is a
deliberate design decision to prevent UI churn.
See Input Hosting Manager and the Touch Keyboard for more information
on how and why this works. The User-driven invocation section of that
document explains the specific behavior you are asking about.
But, once the user touches an input control, the soft keyboard will automatically be displayed (with no extra coding needed).
Finally, to address your question on a numeric-only version of a keyboard, you may propose a different keyboard layout using InputScope on a TextBox. The different input scopes are enumerated here, but one of them is "Number".
I've published a sample on how to trigger the touch keyboard in WPF applications when a user clicks into a Textbox, its here:
I've been working on this sample for many months and am glad to finally contribute it to our community. Please let me know if there are any questions, suggestions, problems, etc in the sample Q&A pane
Also note that while demonstrate how to "show" the keyboard, i'm not sure how to dismiss it programmatically at this point so its important to test any actual implementation to ensure its a good experience. For example some controls like Button will dismiss the keyboard when they get focus from a TextBox, but certain ones like Checkbox will not and I demonstrate that in my sample.

WPF Performance Problems with derived TextBox controls

I have a WPF application that renders input forms based on form-configurations saved in a database.
The forms have many controls (100+) and most of these controls are derived from a TextBox-control. On some machines (fast Hardware, Win7 32Bit, also some elder, Windows XP 32Bit), after entering data to a lot of these forms, input performance goes down. Every keystroke gets a delay of some milliseconds and the only solution to resolve this is to close the application and restart it.
My derived control overrides the metadata of the DefaultStyleKeyProperty to set a custom template.
I'm currently reasearching the app in SciTech memory profiler, but maybe someone has already experienced a similar problem with derived TextBoxes and can give me a hint and spare me some more hours/days investigating the problem?
Look also here
It sounds like you may have something stopping the controls on the "used forms" being GCed.
Firstly opening and use as many forms as possible looking at the windows task manager to see if you memory usage is going up – if it is not there is no point looking for memory leeks
Check you are removing all events handlers you forms/controls have put on any long lived objects.
Check that any objects you databind to implement INotifyPropertyChanged, see KB938416
I have in the past had good results using the Red Gate memory profiler.
You don’t need to have controls created that the user can’t see, 100+ controls will have a cost.
Can you use something list a list control in virtual mode, so your TextBox controls are only created when visible.

Calendar Control 12.0 Refuses Input

In Microsoft Access, I have a series of forms that require the user to specify a date range. Right now I do this with Calendar Control 12.0. However, at random times, the control refuses to accept any user input (such as changing the date).
Why would the Calendar Control refuse input? Is there any known workaround for this?
I'm running it on my development, which has the control properly registered.
One alternative to the control is a completely API generated Month Calendar derived directly from the Common Control DLL. Another alternative is to use an Access form. Which you can do anything with them you want. There are also links to several downloadable calendar forms at my website.
See the Calendar Tips page at my website In addition there could, likely will, be lots of version problems when you go to distribute the MSCal.OCX.
The Allow Edits property needs to be set to Yes to make changes to the Calendar Control. Somehow, this was set to No on the form with the control, so they would not respond to user input.
The other Data properties, such as Allow Additions, can be set to No on a dialog-style Access form.
