How to split and recombine an unsigned long into signed shorts? - c

I need to store a large number, but due to limitations in an old game engine, I am restricted to working with signed short (I can, however, use as many of these as I want).
I need to split an unsigned long (0 to 4,294,967,295) into multiple signed short (-32,768 to 32,767). Then I need to recombine the multiple signed short into a new unsigned long later.
For example, take the number 4,000,000,000. This should be split into multiple signed short and then recombined into unsigned long.
Is this possible in C? Thanks.

In addition to dbush's answer you can also use a union, e.g.:
unsigned long longvalue;
signed short shortvalues[2];
The array of two shorts overlays the single long value.

I assume your problem is finding a place to store these large values. There are options we haven't yet explored which don't involve splitting the values up and recombining them:
Write them to a file, and read them back later. This might seem silly at first, but considering the bigger picture, if the values end up in a file later on then this might seem like the most attractive option.
Declare your unsigned long to have static storage duration e.g. outside of any blocks of code A.K.A globally (I hate that term) or using the static keyword inside a block of code.
None of the other answers so far are strictly portable, not that it seems like it should matter to you. You seem to be describing a twos complement 16-bit signed short representation and a 32-bit unsigned long representation (you should put assertions in place to ensure this is the case), which has implications that restrict the options for the implementation (that is, the C compiler, the OS, the CPU, etc)... so the portability issues associated with them are unlikely to occur. In case you're curious, however, I'll discuss those issues anyway.
The portability issues associated are that one type or the other might have padding bits causing the sizes to mismatch, and that there might be trap representations for short.
Changing the type but not the representation is by far much cleaner and easier to get right, though not portable; this includes the union hack, you could also avoid the union by casting an unsigned long * to a short *. These solutions are the cleanest solutions, which makes Ken Clement's answer my favourite so far, despite the non-portability.
Binary shifts (the >> and << operators), and (the & operator), or (|) operators introduce additional portability issues when you use them on signed types; they're also bulky and clumsy leading to more code to debug and a higher chance that mistakes are made.
You need to consider that while ULONG_MAX is guaranteed to be at least 4,294,967,295, SHORT_MIN is not guaranteed by the C standard to be -32,768; it might be -32,767 (which is quite uncommon indeed, though still possible)... There might be a negative zero or trap representation in place of that -32,768 value.
This means you can't portably rely upon a pair of signed shorts being able to represent all of the values of an unsigned long; even when the sizes match up you need another bit to account for the two missing values.
With this in mind, you could use a third signed char... The implementation-defined and undefined behaviours of the shift approaches could be avoided that way.
signed short x = (value ) & 0xFFF,
y = (value >> 12) & 0xFFF,
z = (value >> 24) & 0xFFF;
value = (unsigned long) x
+ ((unsigned long) y << 12)
+ ((unsigned long) z << 24);

You can do it like this (I used fixed size types to properly illustrate how it works):
int main()
uint32_t val1;
int16_t val2a, val2b;
uint32_t val3;
val1 = 0x11223344;
printf("val1=%08x\n", val1);
// to short
val2a = val1 >> 16;
val2b = val1 & 0xFFFF;
printf("val2a=%04x\n", val2a);
printf("val2b=%04x\n", val2b);
// to long
val3 = (uint32_t)val2a << 16;
val3 |= (uint32_t)val2b;
printf("val3=%08x\n", val3);
return 0;

There are any number of ways to do it. One thing to consider is that unsigned long may not have the same size on different hardware/operating systems. You can use exact length types found in stdint.h to avoid ambiguity (e.g. uint8_t, uint16_t, etc.). One implementation incorporating exact types (and cheezy hex values) would be:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main (void) {
uint64_t a = 0xfacedeadbeefcafe, b = 0;
uint16_t s[4] = {0};
uint32_t i = 0, n = 0;
printf ("\n a : 0x%16"PRIx64"\n\n", a);
/* separate uint64_t into 4 uint16_t */
for (i = 0; i < sizeof a; i += 2, n++)
printf (" s[%"PRIu32"] : 0x%04"PRIx16"\n", n,
(s[n] = (a >> (i * CHAR_BIT))));
/* combine 4 uint16_t into uint64_t */
for (n = i = 0; i < sizeof b; i += 2, n++)
b |= (uint64_t)s[n] << i * CHAR_BIT;
printf ("\n b : 0x%16"PRIx64"\n\n", b);
return 0;
$ ./bin/uint64_16
a : 0xfacedeadbeefcafe
s[0] : 0xcafe
s[1] : 0xbeef
s[2] : 0xdead
s[3] : 0xface
b : 0xfacedeadbeefcafe

This is one possible solution (which assumes ulong is 32-bits, and sshort is 16-bits):
unsigned long L1, L2;
signed short S1, S2;
L1 = 0x12345678; /* Initial ulong to store away into two sshort */
S1 = L1 & 0xFFFF; /* Store component 1 */
S2 = L1 >> 16; /* Store component 2*/
L2 = S1 | (S2<<16); /* Retrive ulong from two sshort */
/* Print results */
printf("Initial value: 0x%08lx\n",L1);
printf("Stored component 1: 0x%04hx\n",S1);
printf("Stored component 2: 0x%04hx\n",S2);
printf("Retrieved value: 0x%08lx\n",L2);


Bitwise operation in C language (0x80, 0xFF, << )

I have a problem understanding this code. What I know is that we have passed a code into a assembler that has converted code into "byte code". Now I have a Virtual machine that is supposed to read this code. This function is supposed to read the first byte code instruction. I don't understand what is happening in this code. I guess we are trying to read this byte code but don't understand how it is done.
static int32_t bytecode_to_int32(const uint8_t *bytecode, size_t size)
int32_t result;
t_bool sign;
int i;
result = 0;
sign = (t_bool)(bytecode[0] & 0x80);
i = 0;
while (size)
if (sign)
result += ((bytecode[size - 1] ^ 0xFF) << (i++ * 8));
result += bytecode[size - 1] << (i++ * 8);
if (sign)
result = ~(result);
return (result);
This code is somewhat badly written, lots of operations on a single line and therefore containing various potential bugs. It looks brittle.
bytecode[0] & 0x80 Simply reads the MSB sign bit, assuming it's 2's complement or similar, then converts it to a boolean.
The loop iterates backwards from most significant byte to least significant.
If the sign was negative, the code will perform an XOR of the data byte with 0xFF. Basically inverting all bits in the data. The result of the XOR is an int.
The data byte (or the result of the above XOR) is then bit shifted i * 8 bits to the left. The data is always implicitly promoted to int, so in case i * 8 happens to give a result larger than INT_MAX, there's a fat undefined behavior bug here. It would be much safer practice to cast to uint32_t before the shift, carry out the shift, then convert to a signed type afterwards.
The resulting int is converted to int32_t - these could be the same type or different types depending on system.
i is incremented by 1, size is decremented by 1.
If sign was negative, the int32_t is inverted to some 2's complement negative number that's sign extended and all the data bits are inverted once more. Except all zeros that got shifted in with the left shift are also replaced by ones. If this is intentional or not, I cannot tell. So for example if you started with something like 0x0081 you now have something like 0xFFFF01FF. How that format makes sense, I have no idea.
My take is that the bytecode[size - 1] ^ 0xFF (which is equivalent to ~) was made to toggle the data bits, so that they would later toggle back to their original values when ~ is called later. A programmer has to document such tricks with comments, if they are anything close to competent.
Anyway, don't use this code. If the intention was merely to swap the byte order (endianess) of a 4 byte integer, then this code must be rewritten from scratch.
That's properly done as:
static int32_t big32_to_little32 (const uint8_t* bytes)
uint32_t result = (uint32_t)bytes[0] << 24 |
(uint32_t)bytes[1] << 16 |
(uint32_t)bytes[2] << 8 |
(uint32_t)bytes[3] << 0 ;
return (int32_t)result;
Anything more complicated than the above is highly questionable code. We need not worry about signs being a special case, the above code preserves the original signedness format.
So the A^0xFF toggles the bits set in A, so if you have 10101100 xored with 11111111.. it will become 01010011. I am not sure why they didn't use ~ here. The ^ is a xor operator, so you are xoring with 0xFF.
The << is a bitshift "up" or left. In other words, A<<1 is equivalent to multiplying A by 2.
the >> moves down so is equivalent to bitshifting right, or dividing by 2.
The ~ inverts the bits in a byte.
Note it's better to initialise variables at declaration it costs no additional processing whatsoever to do it that way.
sign = (t_bool)(bytecode[0] & 0x80); the sign in the number is stored in the 8th bit (or position 7 counting from 0), which is where the 0x80 is coming from. So it's literally checking if the signed bit is set in the first byte of bytecode, and if so then it stores it in the sign variable.
Essentially if it's unsigned then it's copying the bytes from from bytecode into result one byte at a time.
If the data is signed then it flips the bits then copies the bytes, then when it's done copying, it flips the bits back.
Personally with this kind of thing i prefer to get the data, stick in htons() format (network byte order) and then memcpy it to an allocated array, store it in a endian agnostic way, then when i retrieve the data i use ntohs() to convert it back to the format used by the computer. htons() and ntohs() are standard C functions and are used in networking and platform agnostic data formatting / storage / communication all the time.
This function is a very naive version of the function which converts form the big endian to little endian.
The parameter size is not needed as it works only with the 4 bytes data.
It can be much easier archived by the union punning (and it allows compilers to optimize it - in this case to the simple instruction):
#define SWAP(a,b,t) do{t c = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = c;}while(0)
int32_t my_bytecode_to_int32(const uint8_t *bytecode)
int32_t i32;
uint8_t b8[4];
uint8_t b;
i32.b8[3] = *bytecode++;
i32.b8[2] = *bytecode++;
i32.b8[1] = *bytecode++;
i32.b8[0] = *bytecode++;
return i32.i32;
int main()
union {
int32_t i32;
uint8_t b8[4];
uint8_t b;
i32.i32 = -4567;
SWAP(i32.b8[0], i32.b8[3], uint8_t);
SWAP(i32.b8[1], i32.b8[2], uint8_t);
printf("%d\n", bytecode_to_int32(i32.b8, 4));
i32.i32 = -34;
SWAP(i32.b8[0], i32.b8[3], uint8_t);
SWAP(i32.b8[1], i32.b8[2], uint8_t);
printf("%d\n", my_bytecode_to_int32(i32.b8));
If the purpose of the code is to sign-extend a 1-, 2-, 3-, or 4-byte sequence in network/big-endian byte order to a signed 32-bit int value, it's doing things the hard way and reimplementing the wheel along the way.
This can be broken down into a three-step process: convert the proper number of bytes to a 32-bit integer value, sign-extend bytes out to 32 bits, then convert that 32-bit value from big-endian to the host's byte order.
The "wheel" being reimplemented in this case is the the POSIX-standard ntohl() function that converts a 32-bit unsigned integer value in big-endian/network byte order to the local host's native byte order.
The first step I'd do is to convert 1, 2, 3, or 4 bytes into a uint32_t:
#include <stdint.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <errno.h>
// convert the `size` number of bytes starting at the `bytecode` address
// to a uint32_t value
static uint32_t bytecode_to_uint32( const uint8_t *bytecode, size_t size )
uint32_t result = 0;
switch ( size )
case 4:
result = bytecode[ 0 ] << 24;
case 3:
result += bytecode[ 1 ] << 16;
case 2:
result += bytecode[ 2 ] << 8;
case 1:
result += bytecode[ 3 ];
// error handling here
return( result );
Then, sign-extend it (borrowing from this answer):
static uint32_t sign_extend_uint32( uint32_t in, size_t size );
if ( size == 4 )
return( in );
// being pedantic here - the existence of `[u]int32_t` pretty
// much ensures 8 bits/byte
size_t bits = size * CHAR_BIT;
uint32_t m = 1U << ( bits - 1 );
uint32_t result = ( in ^ m ) - m;
return ( result );
Put it all together:
static int32_t bytecode_to_int32( const uint8_t *bytecode, size_t size )
uint32_t result = bytecode_to_uint32( bytecode, size );
result = sign_extend_uint32( result, size );
// set endianness from network/big-endian to
// whatever this host's endianness is
result = ntohl( result );
// converting uint32_t here to signed int32_t
// can be subject to implementation-defined
// behavior
return( result );
Note that the conversion from uint32_t to int32_t implicitly performed by the return statement in the above code can result in implemenation-defined behavior as there can be uint32_t values that can not be mapped to int32_t values. See this answer.
Any decent compiler should optimize that well into inline functions.
I personally think this also needs much better error handling/input validation.

Copy 6 byte array to long long integer variable

I have read from memory a 6 byte unsigned char array.
The endianess is Big Endian here.
Now I want to assign the value that is stored in the array to an integer variable. I assume this has to be long long since it must contain up to 6 bytes.
At the moment I am assigning it this way:
unsigned char aFoo[6];
long long nBar;
// read values to aFoo[]...
// aFoo[0]: 0x00
// aFoo[1]: 0x00
// aFoo[2]: 0x00
// aFoo[3]: 0x00
// aFoo[4]: 0x26
// aFoo[5]: 0x8e
nBar = (aFoo[0] << 64) + (aFoo[1] << 32) +(aFoo[2] << 24) + (aFoo[3] << 16) + (aFoo[4] << 8) + (aFoo[5]);
A memcpy approach would be neat, but when I do this
memcpy(&nBar, &aFoo, 6);
the 6 bytes are being copied to the long long from the start and thus have padding zeros at the end.
Is there a better way than my assignment with the shifting?
What you want to accomplish is called de-serialisation or de-marshalling.
For values that wide, using a loop is a good idea, unless you really need the max. speed and your compiler does not vectorise loops:
uint8_t array[6];
uint64_t value = 0;
uint8_t *p = array;
for ( int i = (sizeof(array) - 1) * 8 ; i >= 0 ; i -= 8 )
value |= (uint64_t)*p++ << i;
// left-align
value <<= 64 - (sizeof(array) * 8);
Note using stdint.h types and sizeof(uint8_t) cannot differ from1`. Only these are guaranteed to have the expected bit-widths. Also use unsigned integers when shifting values. Right shifting certain values is implementation defined, while left shifting invokes undefined behaviour.
Iff you need a signed value, just
int64_t final_value = (int64_t)value;
after the shifting. This is still implementation defined, but all modern implementations (and likely the older) just copy the value without modifications. A modern compiler likely will optimize this, so there is no penalty.
The declarations can be moved, of course. I just put them before where they are used for completeness.
You might try
nBar = 0;
memcpy((unsigned char*)&nBar + 2, aFoo, 6);
No & needed before an array name caz' it's already an address.
The correct way to do what you need is to use an union:
#include <stdio.h>
typedef union {
struct {
char padding[2];
char aFoo[6];
} chars;
long long nBar;
} Combined;
int main ()
Combined x;
// reset the content of "x"
x.nBar = 0; // or memset(&x, 0, sizeof(x));
// put values directly in x.chars.aFoo[]...
x.chars.aFoo[0] = 0x00;
x.chars.aFoo[1] = 0x00;
x.chars.aFoo[2] = 0x00;
x.chars.aFoo[3] = 0x00;
x.chars.aFoo[4] = 0x26;
x.chars.aFoo[5] = 0x8e;
printf("nBar: %llx\n", x.nBar);
return 0;
The advantage: the code is more clear, there is no need to juggle with bits, shifts, masks etc.
However, you have to be aware that, for speed optimization and hardware reasons, the compiler might squeeze padding bytes into the struct, leading to aFoo not sharing the desired bytes of nBar. This minor disadvantage can be solved by telling the computer to align the members of the union at byte-boundaries (as opposed to the default which is the alignment at word-boundaries, the word being 32-bit or 64-bit, depending on the hardware architecture).
This used to be achieved using a #pragma directive and its exact syntax depends on the compiler you use.
Since C11/C++11, the alignas() specifier became the standard way to specify the alignment of struct/union members (given your compiler already supports it).

Determine the ranges of char by direct computation in C89 (do not use limits.h)

I am trying to solve the Ex 2-1 of K&R's C book. The exercise asks to, among others, determine the ranges of char by direct computation (rather than printing the values directly from the limits.h). Any idea on how this should be done nicely?
Ok, I throw my version in the ring:
unsigned char uchar_max = (unsigned char)~0;
// min is 0, of course
signed char schar_min = (signed char)(uchar_max & ~(uchar_max >> 1));
signed char schar_max = (signed char)(0 - (schar_min + 1));
It does assume 2's complement for signed and the same size for signed and unsigned char. While the former I just define, the latter I'm sure can be deduced from the standard as both are char and have to hold all encodings of the "execution charset" (What would that imply for RL-encoded charsets like UTF-8).
It is straigt-forward to get a 1's complement and sing/magnitude-version from this. Note that the unsigned version is always the same.
One advantage is that is completely runs with char types and no loops, etc. So it will be still performant on 8-bit architectures.
Hmm ... I really thought this would need a loop for signed. What did I miss?
Assuming that the type will wrap intelligently1, you can simply start by setting the char variable to be zero.
Then increment it until the new value is less than the previous value.
The new value is the minimum, the previous value was the maximum.
The following code should be a good start:
int main (void) {
char prev = 0, c = 0;
while (c >= prev) {
prev = c;
printf ("Minimum is %d\n", c);
printf ("Maximum is %d\n", prev);
return 0;
1 Technically, overflowing a variable is undefined behaviour and anything can happen, but the vast majority of implementations will work. Just keep in mind it's not guaranteed to work.
In fact, the difficulty in working this out in a portable way (some implementations had various different bit-widths for char and some even used different encoding schemes for negative numbers) is probably precisely why those useful macros were put into limits.h in the first place.
You could always try the ol' standby, printf...
let's just strip things down for simplicity's sake.
This isn't a complete answer to your question, but it will check to see if a char is 8-bit--with a little help (yes, there's a bug in the code). I'll leave it up to you to figure out how.
#include <stdio.h>
main ()
char c;
printf("%d\n", c);
printf("%d\n", c);
Look at the output. I'm not going to give you the rest of the answer because I think you will get more out of it if you figure it out yourself, but I will say that you might want to take a look at the bit shift operator.
There are 3 relatively simple functions that can cover both the signed and unsigned types on both x86 & x86_64:
/* signed data type low storage limit */
long long limit_s_low (unsigned char bytes)
{ return -(1ULL << (bytes * CHAR_BIT - 1)); }
/* signed data type high storage limit */
long long limit_s_high (unsigned char bytes)
{ return (1ULL << (bytes * CHAR_BIT - 1)) - 1; }
/* unsigned data type high storage limit */
unsigned long long limit_u_high (unsigned char bytes)
if (bytes < sizeof (long long))
return (1ULL << (bytes * CHAR_BIT)) - 1;
return ~1ULL - 1;
With CHAR_BIT generally being 8.
the smart way, simply calculate sizeof() of your variable and you know it's that many times larger than whatever has sizeof()=1, usually char. Given that you can use math to calculate the range. Doesn't work if you have odd sized types, like 3 bit chars or something.
the try hard way, put 0 in the type, and increment until it doesn't increment anymore (wrap around or stays the same depending on machine). Whatever the number before that was, that's the max. Do the same for min.

C variable smaller then 8-bit

I'm writing C implementation of Conway's Game of Life and pretty much done with the code, but I'm wondering what is the most efficient way to storage the net in the program.
The net is two dimensional and stores whether cell (x, y) is alive (1) or dead (0). Currently I'm doing it with unsigned char like that:
typedef struct {
int rows;
int cols;
unsigned char *vec;
} net_t;
n->vec = calloc( n->rows * n->cols, sizeof(unsigned char) );
i = ( n->cols * (x - 1) ) + (y - 1);
n->vec[i] = 1;
if( n->vec[i] == 1 )
but I don't really need 0-255 values - I only need 0 - 1, so I'm feeling that doing it like that is a waste of space, but as far as I know 8-bit char is the smallest type in C.
Is there any way to do it better?
The smallest declarable / addressable unit of memory you can address/use is a single byte, implemented as unsigned char in your case.
If you want to really save on space, you could make use of masking off individual bits in a character, or using bit fields via a union. The trade-off will be that your code will execute a bit slower, and will certainly be more complicated.
#include <stdio.h>
union both {
struct {
unsigned char b0: 1;
unsigned char b1: 1;
unsigned char b2: 1;
unsigned char b3: 1;
unsigned char b4: 1;
unsigned char b5: 1;
unsigned char b6: 1;
unsigned char b7: 1;
} bits;
unsigned char byte;
int main ( ) {
union both var;
var.byte = 0xAA;
if ( var.bits.b0 ) {
} else {
return 0;
Union and Bit Fields, Accessed 2014-04-07, <>
Access Bits in a Char in C, Accessed 2014-04-07, <>
Struct - Bit Field, Accessed 2014-04-07, <>
Unless you're working on an embedded platform, I wouldn't be too concerned about the size your net takes up by using an unsigned char to store only a 1 or 0.
To address your specific question: char is the smallest of the C data types. char, signed char, and unsigned char are all only going to take up 1 byte each.
If you want to make your code smaller you can use bitfields to decrees the amount of space you take up, but that will increase the complexity of your code.
For a simple exercise like this, I'd be more concerned about readability than size. One way you can make it more obvious what you're doing is switch to a bool instead of a char.
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct {
int rows;
int cols;
bool *vec;
} net_t;
You can then use true and false which, IMO, will make your code much easier to read and understand when all you need is 1 and 0.
It will take up at least as much space as the way you're doing it now, but like I said, consider what's really important in the program you're writing for the platform you're writing it for... it's probably not the size.
The smallest type on C as i know are the char (-128, 127), signed char (-128, 127), unsigned char (0, 255) types, all of them takes a whole byte, so if you are storing multiple bits values on different variables, you can instead use an unsigned char as a group of bits.
unsigned char lives = 128;
At this moment, lives have a 128 decimal value, which it's 10000000 in binary, so now you can use a bitwise operator to get a single value from this variable (like an array of bits)
if((lives >> 7) == 1) {
//This code will run if the 8 bit from right to left (decimal 128) it's true
It's a little complex, but finally you'll end up with a bit array, so instead of using multiple variables to store single TRUE / FALSE values, you can use a single unsigned char variable to store 8 TRUE / FALSE values.
Note: As i have some time out of the C/C++ world, i'm not 100% sure that it's "lives >> 7", but it's with the '>' symbol, a little research on it and you'll be ready to go.
You're correct that a char is the smallest type - and it is typically (8) bits, though this is a minimum requirement. And sizeof(char) or (unsigned char) is (1). So, consider using an (unsigned) char to represent (8) columns.
How many char's are required per row? It's (cols / 8), but we have to round up for an integer value:
int byte_cols = (cols + 7) / 8;
int byte_cols = (cols + 7) >> 3;
which you may wish to store with in the net_t data structure. Then:
calloc(n->rows * n->byte_cols, 1) is sufficient for a contiguous bit vector.
Address columns and rows by x and y respectively. Setting (x, y) (relative to 0) :
n->vec[y * byte_cols + (x >> 3)] |= (1 << (x & 0x7));
n->vec[y * byte_cols + (x >> 3)] &= ~(1 << (x & 0x7));
if (n->vec[y * byte_cols + (x >> 3)] & (1 << (x & 0x7)))
/* ... (x, y) is set... */
/* ... (x, y) is clear... */
These are bit manipulation operations. And it's fundamentally important to learn how (and why) this works. Google the term for more resources. This uses an eighth of the memory of a char per cell, so I certainly wouldn't consider it premature optimization.

How can I cast a char to an unsigned int?

I have a char array that is really used as a byte array and not for storing text. In the array, there are two specific bytes that represent a numeric value that I need to store into an unsigned int value. The code below explains the setup.
char* bytes = bytes[2];
bytes[0] = 0x0C; // For the sake of this example, I'm
bytes[1] = 0x88; // assigning random values to the char array.
unsigned int val = ???; // This needs to be the actual numeric
// value of the two bytes in the char array.
// In other words, the value should equal 0x0C88;
I can not figure out how to do this. I would assume it would involve some casting and recasting of the pointers, but I can not get this to work. How can I accomplish my end goal?
Thank you Martin B for the quick response, however this doesn't work. Specifically, in my case the two bytes are 0x00 and 0xbc. Obviously what I want is 0x000000bc. But what I'm getting in my unsigned int is 0xffffffbc.
The code that was posted by Martin was my actual, original code and works fine so long as all of the bytes are less than 128 (.i.e. positive signed char values.)
unsigned int val = (unsigned char)bytes[0] << CHAR_BIT | (unsigned char)bytes[1];
This if sizeof(unsigned int) >= 2 * sizeof(unsigned char) (not something guaranteed by the C standard)
Now... The interesting things here is surely the order of operators (in many years still I can remember only +, -, * and /... Shame on me :-), so I always put as many brackets I can). [] is king. Second is the (cast). Third is the << and fourth is the | (if you use the + instead of the |, remember that + is more importan than << so you'll need brakets)
We don't need to upcast to (unsigned integer) the two (unsigned char) because there is the integral promotion that will do it for us for one, and for the other it should be an automatic Arithmetic Conversion.
I'll add that if you want less headaches:
unsigned int val = (unsigned char)bytes[0] << CHAR_BIT;
val |= (unsigned char)bytes[1];
unsigned int val = (unsigned char) bytes[0]<<8 | (unsigned char) bytes[1];
The byte ordering depends on the endianness of your processor. You can do this, which will work on big or little endian machines. (without ntohs it will work on big-endian):
unsigned int val = ntohs(*(uint16_t*)bytes)
unsigned int val = bytes[0] << 8 + bytes[1];
I think this is a better way to go about it than relying on pointer aliasing:
union {unsigned asInt; char asChars[2];} conversion;
conversion.asInt = 0;
conversion.asChars[0] = 0x0C;
conversion.asChars[1] = 0x88;
unsigned val = conversion.asInt;
