How to disable "Authentication Required" and "Confirm Navigation" Popup - angularjs

A project I am working on all of a sudden start showing "Authentication Required" and "Confirm Navigation" Popup when some links are clicked. I am using angularjs on .net MVC project. How do I disable this?

I think one of your MVC Controller has [Authorization] attribute, please remove it it will fix the problem.

For Authentication how its configured in IIS? If not anonymous user it will show like this
For navigation pop up go through How to show the "Are you sure you want to navigate away from this page?" when changes committed?


disable right click in login page extjs not working

I want to disable right click on a login page in extjs to prevent pasting of credentials. No matter whatever i tried, it is not working. Any suggestions please
You have to listen to contextmenu on the body
Ext.getBody().on('contextmenu', function(e) {e.preventDefault();});
Remember to clear the listener, once you need it no longer.

Keyboard automatically pops up when I visit a page which has a form in it?

I am building a Cordova app using angularJS and some of the screens in the app have login forms. Whenever I navigate to those screens from any other page,the keyboard automatically pops up. I have tried everything but nothing solves it. Right now I have temporarily disabled the form fields by making them read-only.
Please can anyone provide a fix for it? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

how to add registration form in drupal block in a popup box in home page

I want to add a registration form in a popup on home page in drupal, with fade in fade out functionality. Is there any module available to do so? Please help.
Add this module & Configure it...
and use hook_form_alter() to edit registration form
I used it for making popup contact form, worked like a charm
Maybe you will need some jQuery customisation for fadeout or other jQuery effects

Disable popup blocker in firefox

From one of our application, we are calling method to open a pop up. When we are using this, the browsers are blocking the popup and user has to disable popup blocker for the specified web site.
Is there any way to disable the popup blockers for specified URL patterns(With out user intervention),like using browser API etc...
No. There is no way to alter the browser's popup blocker behaviour from within a webpage. The best you can do is include a message on your website asking people to turn off their popup blockers while using your site so that the site can function properly.

How to use a Backbone view in bootstrap modal for login and perform task after login?

I have a backbone view call LogOnView. In my LogOnView A user can login using username and password. There exist all type of server and client side validation. I want to use this view in a bootstrap modal when a user click a button in another view. I can add all the content LogOnView into bootstrap modal-body like this
$('.modal-body').html(new LogOnView().el);
N.B. I am enabling the Bootstrap modal dynamically that means from a view (using javascript).
By this content of LogOnView is successfully added to Boostrap modal. And also login and validation is ok as it ok in LogOnView. But I need to find a way to do another work when user Login successfully. That means when an user successfully login the modal popup will close and another task will need to done in this view.
So what can I do in this aspect? Any advice will be appreciable.
N.B: (summary/similar criteria )
It's all the same as facebook like. When anyone like a content of other website using facebook account. A user click in like button then a modal popup is opened and after logged in there his like is confirmed.
I want to do something like this using my LogOnView into bootstrap modal.
I'm not sure I understand your question. But if you want to execute an action once some work has been done (i.e. logging on, in your case), you can handle "doing things after" using jQuery Deferreds and promises:
I've written 2 posts on the subject, if this is the route you want to use:
