WPF Including Tooltip in Render with RenderTargetBitmap - wpf

I've searched and searched but haven't been able to find anything with the same problem as me. I'm trying to render some high resolution/dpi screenshots of a WPF application. Only problem is that I need to include information from chart tooltips in the render, other than that I can save screenshots just fine.
I'm currently using Infragistics XamDataChart and I generate the tooltips in code rather xaml.
Anyone have a clue how to get the tooltip in the visual tree so it renders? Or to be able to render the whole window and everything inside of it including tooltip overlays?
Code for the render:
public static void RenderVisualToFile(this FrameworkElement visual)
var width = (int)visual.RenderSize.Width;
var height = (int)visual.RenderSize.Height;
RenderTargetBitmap renderTarget = new RenderTargetBitmap(width * 4, height * 4, 384, 384, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
// Encode and save to PNG file
var enc = new PngBitmapEncoder();
if (Directory.Exists("Screenshots"))
using (var stm = File.Create(#"Screenshots\Render_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMMdd_HHmmss") + ".png"))
using (var stm = File.Create(#"Screenshots\Render_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyMMMdd_HHmmss") + ".png"))
And I call this in the MainWindow code behind.
if (e.Key == Key.PrintScreen)

It is a bit late but maybe someone can use my solution.
My Screenshot class is based on the following solutions:
The creation of the screenshots is based on a post on the QMINO technical blog High Res Screenshots
To get the currently opened ToolTips I use the code fragment posted here: Find all opened Popups in WPF application
It took me a while to find a solution on how to merge the UIElement for the screenshot with the PopUps but a comment of Clemens gave the final clue Overlay Images with PngBitmapEncoder in WPF
I use tuples to to return multiple parameters C# 7.0 Tuples.
So here is my class:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls.Primitives;
using System.Windows.Interop;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
public class Screenshot
//UIElement to create screenshot
private UIElement _element;
//Bounds for the screenshot
private Rect _screenshotBounds;
//Path for Screenshot
private string _path;
private const int DPI = 384;
private const double BASEDPI = 96;
private const double DPISCALE = DPI / BASISDPI;
public Screenshot(UIElement element, string path)
this._element = element;
this._screenshotBounds = this.createBounds(this._element);
this._path = path;
//public interface to create the screenshot
public void createScreenshot()
if (this._element == null)
//Create a list of tuples with the elements to render in the screenshot
List<(UIElement, Rect, Point)> listElements = new List<(UIElement, Rect, Point)>
//Fist element in the list should be the actual UIElement
RenderTargetBitmap renderBitMap = this.createBitMap(this._screenshotBounds);
//Get the opened Popups, create a list of tuples for the Popups and add them to the list of elements to render
listElements.AddRange(this.createListPopUpBoundsPosition( this.getOpenPopups()));
DrawingVisual drawingVisual = this.createDrawingVisual(listElements);
//Create DrawingVisual based on List of Tuples
private DrawingVisual createDrawingVisual(List<(UIElement, Rect, Point)> listElements)
DrawingVisual drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual();
using (DrawingContext context = drawingVisual.RenderOpen())
foreach((UIElement element, Rect bounds, Point position) in listElements)
VisualBrush visualBrush = new VisualBrush(element);
context.DrawRectangle(visualBrush, null, new Rect(position, bounds.Size));
return drawingVisual;
//Save RenderTargetBitmap to file
private void saveRTBAsPNG(RenderTargetBitmap bitmap)
PngBitmapEncoder pngBitmapEncoder = new PngBitmapEncoder()
Interlace = PngInterlaceOption.On
using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(this._path))
//Create Bounds for Element
private Rect createBounds(UIElement element)
new Rect(new Size((int)element.RenderSize.Width, (int)element.RenderSize.Height));
//Create a Tuple with the Element, its bounds and its position
private (UIElement element, Rect bounds, Point position) createElementBoundPosition(UIElement element)
return (element, this.createBounds(element), element.PointToScreen(new Point(0,0)));
//create the RenderTargetBitmap
private RenderTargetBitmap createBitMap(Rect bounds)
(int width, int height) calculatedBounds = this.calculateBounds(bounds);
return new RenderTargetBitmap(calculatedBounds.width, calculatedBounds.height, DPI, DPI, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
//recalculate bounds according to the scale
private (int width, int heigth) calculateBounds(Rect bounds)
int width = (int)(bounds.Width * DPISCALE);
int height = (int)(bounds.Height * DPISCALE);
return (width, height);
//Convert the list of Popups into a List of Tuples
private List<(UIElement element, Rect bounds, Point position)> createListPopUpBoundsPosition(List<Popup> listPopup)
List<(UIElement, Rect, Point)> list = new List<(UIElement, Rect, Point)>();
foreach (Popup p in listPopup)
//The Child-Element contains the UIElement to render
UIElement uiElement = p.Child;
return list;
//get the open Popups
private List<Popup> getOpenPopups()
return PresentationSource.CurrentSources.OfType<HwndSource>()
.Select(h => h.RootVisual)
.Select(f => f.Parent)
.Where(p => p.IsOpen).ToList();


How to optimally find the smallest image rendered by a WPF control

I am using the FormulaControl from WPF-Math to render a bitmap for a tek equation. The bitmap will be delivered as content over a web service ( slack ). There is no desktop component. I am only using the WPF framework to try to capture the image from the tek control. The code for the renderer component is
public static class Renderer
private static readonly StaTaskScheduler _StaTaskScheduler = new StaTaskScheduler( 1 );
public static async Task<string> GenerateImage(string formula)
string Build()
var control = new FormulaControl
Formula = formula
, Background = Brushes.White
control.Measure(new Size(300, 300));
control.Arrange(new Rect(new Size(300, 300)));
var bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap(300, 300, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
var encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
var file = #"test.png";
using (Stream stm = File.Create(file))
return file;
return await Task.Factory.StartNew
( Build, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _StaTaskScheduler );
Using the above code and the input
k_{n+1} = n^2 + k_n^2 - k_{n-1}
the below image is generated
As you can see, in this case, an arbitrary size of 300x300 is too big and for a different tek input it maybe too small.
The challenge is to generate a bitmap of exactly the correct size for the rendered equation. How can this be done?
One solution is to render to a large bitmap then auto crop the whitespace. There is a solution for auto cropping whitespace at
Cropping whitespace from image in C#
Using the ImageCrop class from above I modified the rendering code to
public static class Renderer
private static readonly StaTaskScheduler _StaTaskScheduler = new StaTaskScheduler( 1 );
public static Bitmap Convert( RenderTargetBitmap inmap )
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream();
BitmapEncoder encoder = new BmpBitmapEncoder();
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(stream);
return bitmap;
public static async Task<string> GenerateImage(string formula)
string Build()
var control = new FormulaControl
Formula = formula
, Background = Brushes.White
control.Measure(new Size(300, 300));
control.Arrange(new Rect(new Size(300, 300)));
var bmp = new RenderTargetBitmap(300, 300, 96, 96, PixelFormats.Pbgra32);
var image = ImageCrop.AutoCrop( Convert( bmp ) );
var file = #"test.png";
image.Save( file,ImageFormat.Png );
return file;
return await Task.Factory.StartNew
( Build, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _StaTaskScheduler );
The output in my slackbot is now perfectly cropped.
Obviously this is not perfect as there is an upper bound on the render size.

how to display the co-ordinates of the point in tooltip of D3 chart

I have generated a graph using the tutorial provided by James McCaffrey : http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/ff714591.aspx
Iam able to do so successfully. Also I have added a tooltip as follows:
new Pen(Brushes.Blue, 2),
new CircleElementPointMarker{ Size = 10.0, Fill = Brushes.Red ,Tooltip="Coordinates"},
new PenDescription("Number bugs open"));
My Question is : how do I display the co-ordinates of the point in tooltip.?
This is how I solved my issue.
EnumerableDataSource<TPoint> edc;
edc= new EnumerableDataSource<TPoint>(List_Of_TPoint);
edc.SetXMapping(x => dateAxis.ConvertToDouble(x.X));
edc.SetYMapping(y => Convert.ToDouble(y.Y));
edc.AddMapping(CircleElementPointMarker.ToolTipTextProperty, s => String.Format("Y-Data : {0}\nX-Data : {1}", s.Y, s.X));
I just added above mapping while creating my EnumerableDataSource.
And then added the edc to plotter.
new Pen(Brushes.Transparent, 3),
new CircleElementPointMarker
Size = 15,
Brush = border,
Fill = c2
Using the ElementMarkerPointsGraph and CircleElementPointMarker could be very resource expensive. For each Point an Ellipse will be created. Also the Mapping (building the string for Tooltip) will be executed for every point, even if nobody wants to see the tooltip.
So my way is to use a MarkerPointsGraph and set it's Tooltip dynamically.
<d3:MarkerPointsGraph Name="MyMarkerPointsGraph" DataSource="{Binding Values}" ToolTip="Dummy" ToolTipOpening="CircleMarker_OnToolTipOpening">
<d3:CirclePointMarker />
and here the Code behind:
private void CircleMarker_OnToolTipOpening(object sender, ToolTipEventArgs e)
var pos = Mouse.GetPosition(MyMarkerPointsGraph);
var transform = GetTransform(MyMarkerPointsGraph);
var dataPoint = transform.ScreenToData(pos);
MyMarkerPointsGraph.ToolTip = $"Y-Data : {dataPoint.Y}\nX-Data : {dataPoint.X}";
public static CoordinateTransform GetTransform(PointsGraphBase graph)
if (!(graph.Plotter is Plotter2D))
return null;
var transform = ((Plotter2D)graph.Plotter).Viewport.Transform;
if (graph.DataTransform != null)
transform = transform.WithDataTransform(graph.DataTransform);
return transform;

Silverlight Pixel Perfect Collsion Detection

I am working on a project for my Uni, and I am currently stuck on a Pixel Perfect Collision Detection from this website http://www.andybeaulieu.com/Home/tabid/67/EntryID/160/Default.aspx. I have downloded example project that is using this collsion detection and it is working fine even with my own pictures. I have done the same thing in my project and it is not working. Here is the link to my app: https://www.cubby.com/pl/LostInTheMath.zip/_dd23e2c827604c068a3fe63ff42d22b2 could anyone tell me whats wrong with it? Thank you.
Here is the main code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Documents;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Windows.Media.Animation;
using System.Windows.Shapes;
using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
namespace LostInTheMath
public partial class MainPage : UserControl
public MainPage()
this.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Page_Loaded);
void Page_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CompositionTarget.Rendering += new EventHandler(CompositionTarget_Rendering);
private void UserCntrl_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
Point pt = e.GetPosition(cnvHitTest);
Monkey.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, pt.X);
Monkey.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, pt.Y);
void CompositionTarget_Rendering(object sender, EventArgs e)
Image MonkeyShell = Monkey.FindName("imgMonkey") as Image;
Image Mazer = Maze.FindName("imgMaze") as Image;
if (CheckCollision(Monkey, MonkeyShell, Maze, Mazer))
Monkey.Width = 1000;
txtStatus.Text = "Collision with XAML Element!";
txtStatus.Text = string.Empty;
private bool CheckCollision(FrameworkElement control1, FrameworkElement controlElem1, FrameworkElement control2, FrameworkElement controlElem2)
// first see if sprite rectangles collide
Rect rect1 = UserControlBounds(control1);
Rect rect2 = UserControlBounds(control2);
if (rect1 == Rect.Empty)
// no collision - GET OUT!
return false;
bool bCollision = false;
Point ptCheck = new Point();
// NOTE that creating the writeablebitmap is a bit intense
// so we will do this once and store results in Tag property
// in a real game, you might abstract this into a Sprite class.
if (controlElem1 is Image)
controlElem1.Tag = GetWriteableBitmap(control1);
if (controlElem2 is Image)
controlElem2.Tag = GetWriteableBitmap(control2);
// now we do a more accurate pixel hit test
for (int x = Convert.ToInt32(rect1.X); x < Convert.ToInt32(rect1.X + rect1.Width); x++)
for (int y = Convert.ToInt32(rect1.Y); y < Convert.ToInt32(rect1.Y + rect1.Height); y++)
ptCheck.X = x;
ptCheck.Y = y;
if (CheckCollisionPoint(ptCheck, control1, controlElem1))
if (CheckCollisionPoint(ptCheck, control2, controlElem2))
bCollision = true;
if (bCollision) break;
return bCollision;
public bool CheckCollisionPoint(Point pt, FrameworkElement control, FrameworkElement controlElem)
if (controlElem is Image)
// NOTE that we saved the WB in the Tag object for performance.
// in a real app, you might abstract this in your sprite class.
WriteableBitmap wb = controlElem.Tag as WriteableBitmap;
int width = wb.PixelWidth;
int height = wb.PixelHeight;
double offSetX = Convert.ToDouble(control.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty));
double offSetY = Convert.ToDouble(control.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty));
pt.X = pt.X - offSetX;
pt.Y = pt.Y - offSetY;
int offset = Convert.ToInt32((width * pt.Y) + pt.X);
return (wb.Pixels[offset] != 0);
List<UIElement> hits = System.Windows.Media.VisualTreeHelper.FindElementsInHostCoordinates(pt, controlElem) as List<UIElement>;
return (hits.Contains(controlElem));
private WriteableBitmap GetWriteableBitmap(FrameworkElement control)
WriteableBitmap wb = new WriteableBitmap((int)control.Width, (int)control.Height); ;
wb.Render(control, new TranslateTransform());
return wb;
public Rect UserControlBounds(FrameworkElement control)
Point ptTopLeft = new Point(Convert.ToDouble(control.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty)), Convert.ToDouble(control.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty)));
Point ptBottomRight = new Point(Convert.ToDouble(control.GetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty)) + control.Width, Convert.ToDouble(control.GetValue(Canvas.TopProperty)) + control.Height);
return new Rect(ptTopLeft, ptBottomRight);

WPF issue with VisualBrush for Image while moving

I have Image and i have created visual brush for image when i move object form one point to another. but I don't see image on visual brush. if you see my rectangle, it suppose to show image.
See image : http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/wpf/thread/e8833983-3d73-45e1-8af1-3bc27846441d
here is code:
internal static VisualBrush GetVisualBrushByObject(LabelObject obj, Rect objectRect, int quality, FlowDirection flowdirection)
DrawingVisual drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual();
DrawingContext drawingContext = drawingVisual.RenderOpen();
Rect objectbounds = new Rect(0, 0, objectRect.Width, objectRect.Height);
if (obj is TextObject)
TextObject txtObj = obj.Clone() as TextObject;
DymoTextBlock txtBlock = txtObj.DymoTextBlock as DymoTextBlock;
objectbounds = new Rect(txtBlock.GetNaturalSize(txtBlock.GetFormattedText(flowdirection)));
if (obj is ImageObject)
drawingContext.DrawImage(((ImageObject)obj).Image, objectbounds);
LabelObject.RenderParams lrp = new LabelObject.RenderParams(drawingContext, new Common.Resolution(96, 96), false, objectbounds, flowdirection);
VisualBrush vBrush = new VisualBrush();
vBrush.TileMode = TileMode.None;
vBrush.Stretch = Stretch.Fill;
if (obj is ImageObject)
vBrush.Opacity = 0.4;
vBrush.Visual = drawingVisual;
return vBrush;
pls help me
If you are moving your image with Transforms(TranslateTransform), then you have to undo it for the visual brush phase.

WPF: Drawing on top of a TextBlock

I want to be able to draw on to the top of a TextBlock, and have found a way to do this, but i cannot remove the drawing once it is there. Here is the code.
public class DerivedTextBlock : TextBlock {
public Boolean DrawExtra {
get { return (Boolean)GetValue(DrawExtraProperty); }
set { SetValue(DrawExtraProperty, value); }
// Using a DependencyProperty as the backing store for DrawExtra. This enables animation, styling, binding, etc...
public static readonly DependencyProperty DrawExtraProperty =
DependencyProperty.Register("DrawExtra", typeof(Boolean), typeof(DerivedTextBlock), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(false, FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsRender | FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsArrange));
public DrawingVisual DrawingVisual { get; set; }
public DerivedTextBlock() {
DrawingVisual = this.CreateDrawingVisualRectangle();
protected override int VisualChildrenCount {
get {
//if we want to draw our extra info, add one to
// our visualChildrenCount, usually with a textblock it is 0
if (DrawExtra) {
return base.VisualChildrenCount + 1;
else {
return base.VisualChildrenCount;
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index) {
return DrawingVisual;
// Create a DrawingVisual that contains a rectangle.
private DrawingVisual CreateDrawingVisualRectangle() {
DrawingVisual drawingVisual = new DrawingVisual();
// Retrieve the DrawingContext in order to create new drawing content.
DrawingContext drawingContext = drawingVisual.RenderOpen();
// Create a rectangle and draw it in the DrawingContext.
Rect rect = new Rect(new Point(10.0, 0), new Size(10.0 / 2.0, 10));
drawingContext.DrawRectangle(Brushes.LightBlue, (Pen)null, rect);
// Persist the drawing content.
return drawingVisual;
Reason I want to do this: We have a datagrid with a lot of cells, each cell displaying text. we show some validation information on the cells and we do this by using a template with a textblock and some paths hosten in a grid. the overhead of this adds extra elements to the visual tree and when we have to redraw (on loading, switching windows or on a sort) it takes a lot longer the more elements in the visual tree. when it is just a textblock it is about 1/3 - 1/2 faster than having the control with a grid. So we would like to draw our validation stuff right on top of the textbox.
Your problems are:
GetVisualChild() should return base.GetVisualChild(index) except when index==base.VisualChildrenCount.
You forgot to call AddVisualChild() when DrawingExtra becomes true or DrawingVisual changes
You forgot to call RemoveVisualChild() when DrawingExtra becomes false or DrawingVisual changes
You can fix #2 and #3 by setting a PropertyChangedCallback on DrawingExtra and adding code to the setter of DrawingVisual.
Explanation: It is the AddVisualChild() call that actually adds the visual to the tree. What is happening is that your visual is being found and displayed "accidentally" because of your error in GetVisualChild(), but it is not being properly linked into the visual tree so you'll encounter many problems.
I edited your code as described above, and it worked perfectly. Here are the changes:
PropertyChangedCallback = (obj, e) =>
var textBlock = (DerivedTextBlock)obj;
if((bool)e.OldValue) textBlock.RemoveVisualChild(textBlock.DrawingVisual);
if((bool)e.NewValue) textBlock.AddVisualChild(textBlock.DrawingVisual);
public DrawingVisual DrawingVisual
get { return _drawingVisual; }
if(DrawExtra) RemoveVisualChild(_drawingVisual);
_drawingVisual = value;
if(DrawExtra) AddVisualChild(_drawingVisual);
private DrawingVisual _drawingVisual;
protected override int VisualChildrenCount
get { return base.VisualChildrenCount + (DrawExtra ? 1 : 0); }
protected override Visual GetVisualChild(int index)
return index==base.VisualChildrenCount ? DrawingVisual : base.GetVisualChild(index);
