What is "my_main()" in the code - c

I've seen code like below in a project:
extern void my_main(void) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__, asection(".main","f=ax")));
What does this do?
The project does not have a direct main() function in it. Does the above code indicate to the compiler that my_main() should be treated as main()?
Also, what does the .main memory section indicate?

What the above declaration basically does is declare an extern function called my_main() with no arguments.
The __attribute__ section is a GNU/LLVM attribute syntax. Attributes are basically pragmas that describe some non-standard or extended feature of the function in question - in this case, my_main().
There are two attributes applied to my_main().
__noreturn__ (search for noreturn) indicates that the function will never return.
This is different from returning void - in void-type functions, calls to the function still return at some point, even without a value. This means execution will jump/return back to the caller.
In noreturn (a.k.a. _noreturn or __noreturn__) functions, this indicates that, among other things, calls to this function shouldn't add the return address to the stack, as the function itself will either exit before execution returns, or will long jump to another point in execution.
It is also used in places where adding the return address to the stack will disrupt the stack in a way that interferes with the called function (though this is rare and I've only ever seen it used for this reason once).
The second attribute, asection(".main","f=ax"), is a little more vague. I can't seem to find specific documentation for it, but it seems more or less pretty straightforward.
What it appears to be doing is specifying a linker section as well as what appears to be a unix filemode specifying that the resulting binary is executable, though I could be wrong.
When you write native code, all functionality is placed into appropriate sections of the target binary format (e.g. ELF, Mach-O, PE, etc.) The most common sections are .text, .rodata, and .data.
However, when invoking ld, the GCC linker, you can specify a linker script to specify exactly how you want the target binary to be constructed.
This includes sections, sizes, and even the object files you want to use to make the file, specifying where they should go and their size limits.
One common misconception is that you never use ld. This isn't the case; when you run gcc or g++ or the clang-family of compilers without the -c flag, you inadvertently invoke ld with a default linker script used to link your binaries.
Linker scripts are important especially for embedded hardware where ROM must be built to memory specification.
So back to your line of code: it places my_func() into an arbitrary section called .main. That's all it does. Ultimately, somewhere in your project, there is a linker script that specifies how .main is used and where it goes.
I would imagine the goal of this code was to place my_main() at an exact address in the target binary/executable, so whatever is using it knows the exact location of that function (asection(".main")) and can use it as an entry point (__noreturn__).


Make unresolved linking dependencies reported at runtime instead of at compilation/program load time for the purposes of unit testing

I have a home-grown unit testing framework for C programs on Linux using GCC. For each file in the project, let's say foobar.c, a matching file foobar-test.c may exist. If that is the case, both files are compiled and statically linked together into a small executable foobar-test which is then run. foobar-test.c is expected to contain main() which calls all the unit test cases defined in foobar-test.c.
Let's say I want to add a new test file barbaz-test.c to exercise sort() inside an existing production file barbaz.c:
// barbaz.c
#include "barbaz.h"
#include "log.h" // declares log() as a linking dependency coming from elsewhere
int func1() { ... res = log(); ...}
int func2() {... res = log(); ...}
int sort() {...}
Besides sort() there are several other functions in the same file which call into log() defined elsewhere in the project.
The functionality of sort() does not depend on log(), so testing it will never reach log(). Neither func1() nor func2() require testing and won't be reachable from the new test case I am about to prepare.
However, the barbaz-test executable cannot be successfully linked until I provide stub implementations of all dependencies coming from barbaz.c. A usual stub looks like this:
// in barbaz-test.c
#include "barbaz.h"
#include "log.h"
int log() {
assert(false && "stub must not be reached");
return 0;
// Actual test case for sort() starts here
If barbaz.c is large (which is often the case for legacy code written with no regard to the possibility to test it), it will contain many linking dependencies. I cannot start writing a test case for sort() until I provide stubs for all of them. Additionally, it creates a burden of maintaining these stubs, i.e. updating their prototypes whenever the production counterpart is updated, not forgetting to delete stubs which no longer are required etc.
What I am looking for is an option to have late runtime binding performed for missing symbols, similarly to how it is done in dynamic languages, but for C. If an unresolved symbol is reached during the test execution, that should lead to a failure. Having a proper diagnostic about the reason would be ideal, but a simple NULL pointer dereference would be good enough.
My current solution is to automate the initial generation of source code of stubs. It is done by analyzing of linking error messages and then looking up declarations for missing symbols in the headers. It is done in an ad-hoc manner, e.g. it involves "parsing" of C code with regular expressions.
Needless to say, it is very fragile: depends on specific format of linker error messages and uniformly formatted function declarations for regexps to recognize. It does not solve the future maintenance burden such stubs create either.
Another approach is to collect stubs for the most "popular" linking dependencies into a common object file which is then always linked into the test executables. This leaves a shorter list of "unique" dependencies requiring attention for each new file. This approach breaks down when a slightly specialized version of a common stub function has to be prepared. In such cases linking would fail with "the same symbol defined twice".
I may have stumbled on a solution myself, inspired by this discussion: Why can't ld ignore an unused unresolved symbol?
The linker can for sure determine if certain linking dependencies are not reachable. But it is not allowed to remove them by default because the compiler has put all function symbols into the same ELF section. The linker is not allowed to modify sections, but is allowed to drop whole sections.
A solution would be to add -fdata-sections and -ffunction-sections to compiler flags, and --gc-sections to linker flags.
The former options will create one section per function during the compilation. The latter will allow linker to remove unreachable code.
I do not think these flags can be safely used in a project without doing some benchmarking of the effects first. They affect size/speed of the production code.
man gcc says:
Only use these options when there are significant benefits from doing so. When you specify these options, the assembler and linker create larger object and executable files and are also slower. These options affect code generation. They prevent optimizations by the compiler and assembler using relative locations inside a translation unit since the locations are unknown until link time.
And it goes without saying that the solution only applies to the GCC/GNU Binutils toolchain.

Does CMake compile everything in the included headers into the executable or only the parts used in the main class?

I'm writing a C program where every bit of the executable size matters.
If, for example, only printf() from stdlib.h is required in my program, would including the header actually cause everything in that library to be copied into the CMake compiled executable?
CMake is just the build system generator. What ultimately goes into the final executable is decided by the linker and which options you use with it. Typical linkers will only link into the executable what they can determine to be necessary – unless you ask them to link everything. However there's some limits on how much they can reduce the footprint.
The rule of thumb is, that if you use a function found in foo.o, then the whole lot of foo.o gets linked; hence if size optimization is your goal, it's a good idea to give each function its own compilation unit.
What headers you use has no effect whatsoever, because headers are processed at compilation time, not linkage time.
Last but not least: In most implementation of the standard library, the printf family of functions is among the most heavyweight ones, so don't use them if you're beancounting.
As a principle, headers should be idempotent, that is, they should not affect the executable if the declarations are not used. stdlib.h should only have things like prototypes, pre-processor macro definitions and struct definitions, it should not contain executable code or variable declarations.
Standard library code is included by the linker as required. However, the C runtime-library library (RTL) might have this code in a DLL or shared object, depending on your platform. Using a DLL (or equivalent) does not affect the size of the executable file, but of course can affect the memory used. Since DLL code is shared between processes it is not uncommon for the C RTL to remain in memory, but, assuming dynamic linking, there will only be one copy, regardless of the number of C processes running. Most C RTLs will have some memory allocated per-process, but how much depends on the compiler/platform.

Win32, WinMain vs custom Entry Point (huge size difference), why?

As topic says.
I noticed that if i use WinMain or any other default Entry Point, a C application can be like 70kb.
But if i just specify a custom Entry Point, say "RawMain", int RawMain().
Then the file will be like 6kb.
So i am wondering, why is this, what does it add/reference to the file?
I could understand there being some small difference in size, but the difference is huge for an empty application.
When building for windows in most environments, the actual program entry point will be provided by a function in a small runtime library. That will do some environment preparation and then call a function you provide, such as main, wmain, WinMain, etc.
The code that runs before your user-provided main function includes running global C++ constructors, enabling TLS variables, initializing global mutexes so that standard-library calls work properly in a multithreaded environment, setting up the standard locale, and other stuff.
One thing that setting the entry point does is starts the linker with an undefined symbol with the name you give the entry point, so for example, if you're using mingw32, the linker will start assuming that it needs to link libmingw32.a and with the undefined symbol __tmainCRTStartup.
The linker will find (hopefully) __tmainCRTStartup in libmingw32.a, and include the object file crtexe.o which contains it, along with anything else needed to satisfy undefined symbols emanating from crtexe.o, which is where the extra size comes from.
When you set your own entry point, you override this, and just set the linker to look for whatever function you specify. You get a smaller executable, but you have to be careful that features you're using don't rely on any of the global initialization that would be done by the runtime's startup function.

manually setting function address gcc

I've got a worked binary used in embeded system. Now i want to write a some kind of patch for it. The patch will be loaded into a RAM bellow the main program and then will be called from main program. The question is how to tell gcc to use manually setted addresses of some function which will be used from patch. in other words:
Old code has function sin() and i could use nm to find out the address of sin() in old code. My patched code will use sin() (or something else from main programm) and i want to tell the gcc (or maybe ld or maybe something else) for it to use the static address of function sin() while it linking the patched code. is it possible?
The problem is that you would gave to replace all references to the original sin() function for the patched code. That would require the runtime system to contain all the object code data used to resolve references, and for the original code to be modifiable (i.e. not in ROM for example).
Windriver's RTOS VxWorks can do something close to what you are suggesting; the way it does it is you use "partial linking" (GNU linker option -r) to generate an object file with links that will be resolved at runtime - this allows an object file to be created with unresolved links - i.e. an incomplete executable. VxWorks itself contains a loader and runtime "linker" that can dynamically load partially linked object files and resolve references. A loaded object file however must be resolvable entirely using already loaded object code - so no circular dependencies, and in your example you would have to reload/restart the system so that the object file containing the sin() were loaded before those that reference it, otherwise only those loaded after would use the new implementation.
So if you were to use VxWorks (or an OS with similar capabilities), the solution is perhaps simple, if not you would have to implement your own loader/linker, which is of course possible, but not trivial.
Another, perhaps simpler possibility is to have all your code call functions through pointers that you hold in variables, so that all calls (or at least all calls you might want to replace) are resolved at runtime. You would have to load the patch and then modify the sin() function's pointer so that all calls thereafter are made to the new function. The problem with this approach is that you would either have to know a priori which functions you might later want to replace, or have all functions called that way (which may be prohibitively expensive in memory terms. It would perhaps be useful for this solution to have some sort of preprocessor or code generator that would allow you to mark functions that would be "dynamic" in this way and could automatically generate the pointers and calling code. So for example you might write code thus:
__dynamic void myFunction( void ) ;
myFunction() ;
and your custom preprocessor would generate:
void myFunction( void ) ;
void (*__dynamic_myFunction)(void) = myFunction() ;
__dynamic_myFunction() ;
then your patch/loader code would reassign myFunctionDyn with the address of the replacement function.
You could generate a "dynamic symbol table" containing just the names and addresses of the __dynamic_xxxxx symbols and include that in your application so that a loader could change the __dynamic_xxxxx variables by matching the xxxxx name with the symbols in the loaded object file - if you load a plain binary however you would have to provide the link information to the loader - i.e. which __dynamic_xxxxx variable to be reasssigned and teh address to assign to it.

Position of functions in executable

Is there a requirement in the C standard that functions in the compiled (and linked) binary will appear in the ordered they are written in the C file?
Please assume that in the example below the compiler did not remove / inline any function, and they all exist in the binary. the question is not about what the compiler might do with empty function, but about the order of the functions.
For example, if I compile example.c:
void bar() { }
void foo() { bar(); }
int main() { foo(); }
Can I be sure that foo will come after bar in the output file?
No, there isn't such a requirement in the C standard. In terms of compilation and linkage, only particular properties of functions, such as extern or static linkage, etc. are mentioned explicitly, but even these are described in a mostly implementation-independent manner. There's no clause (as far as I know) in any of the standard documents so far that imposes expectations about the order of symbols in an executable.
There is no rule for this in the language. Typically, they do come in the order you expect from looking at the code, but there is nothing saying the compiler can't build a stack of functions, and output them in the completely opposite order - certainly, a function that isn't called can be deleted, and similarly, a function that is inlined and the compiler can determine that it doesn't need an external reference can be deleted in its original form.
You can find out where a function is by char *ptr = (char *)bar;.
Edit: Note, by taking the address of a function, you may alter the inlining of the function, so don't expect this to be a good way to determine what the compiler does "under normal circumstances".
It is not possible to control this through compiler switches alone. You need a two-step process; illustrating this for ELF (the UN*X object file format) here, but it can be done analogous to this for Windows PE objects.
Instruct the compiler to generate separate / specific object file ELF Sections for functions whose code placement you must strictly control. This can either, in GCC, be done via function attributes or via command line switches.
Depending on what type of placement you want to achieve, some of GCC's function attributes (hot, cold, ...) may already do what you need, but if not, and specific ordering / specific locations are absolutely necessary, then ...
Instruct the linker to order/rearrange/merge/position the input sections in specific way into the output.
The actual code / data placement happens at link time - the linker can control object code placement for "constitutent objects" - ELF sections of the source objects - within the resulting target "compound object", i.e. the resulting executable / library. This happens through Linker Scripts. The linker will place input sections at user-specified locations / in user-specified order into the output object if instructed to do so using a custom Linker Script. See the GNU binutils (ld) manual about linker scripts.
As a result (reflecting where into the output the linker actually puts the various parts of the input) you can request a Linker Mapfile to be generated; if you used a non-default / custom linker script to strictly control code placement, then you should instruct the linker to do that, so you can cross-check it did what you wanted. Otherwise, if you used the linker's default, the mapfile would tell you what's done without specific overrides - that may or may not be what you desire, but it at least is a way to check.
There is no such requirement. However, in your example, if bar() came after foo(), foo will consider bar() to be an yet undefined function that returns an integer.
