can we edit the definitely typed file in typescript to change some parameter types? - angularjs

Can we edit definitely typed file in Typescript?
When using ui-grid with typescript I came across a scenario where I edited the
ui-grid.d.ts file to make the date filter work. I need to filter the date based on the displayed result in the ui-grid and not on the
raw data (the data which I am getting from the Web API).
Here is the code snippet:
ui-grid.d.ts file code:(under interface IFilterOptions)
condition?: number;
Corresponding typescript code:
column.filter = {
condition: (searchTerm, cellValue, row, column) => {
var date = this.$filter("date")(row.entity.Date,
return (date + '').toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, "")) !== -1;
The error I faced is as follows:
Type '(searchTerm:any, cellValue:any, row:any, coloumn:any) => boolean' is not assignable to type 'number'
After that I made the changes to the filter object to return a number as follows:
column.filter = {
condition: (searchTerm, cellValue, row, column) => {
var date = this.$filter("date")(row.entity.Date,
var res: number = (date + '').toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, "")) !== -1 ? 1 : 0;
return res;
But after this I got error saying that:
Type '(searchTerm:any, cellValue:any, row:any, coloumn:any) => number' is not assignable to type 'number'
After this I made the change in the definitely typed file i.e. in the ui-grid.d.ts file as follows:
under interface IFilterOptions
I changed
condition?: number;
condition?: (searchTerm: any, cellValue: any, row: any, column: any) => boolean | number;
so the corresponding filter function which worked for me is as follows:
column.filter = {
condition: (searchTerm, cellValue, row, column) => {
var date = this.$filter("date")(row.entity.Date,
return (date + '').toLowerCase().indexOf(searchTerm.toLowerCase().replace(/\\/g, "")) !== -1;
Is this the right way to solve this problem?
Can anyone guide me to the right solution if the above solution is not good or it is not a good practice to edit the definitely typed file?
And also used
column.filterCellFiltered = true;
instead of filter function but it didn't work. This is also a concern as why it didn't work because I need to filter the date based on the displayed result in the ui-grid and not on the raw data. Can anyone explain why it didn't work?
Please help me understand the right approach. Let me know if anyone require any other details. Thanks in advance.
Angular JS version: AngularJS v1.4.7
Angular JS definitely typed version : Angular JS 1.4+
ui-grid Version: * ui-grid - v3.0.5
ui-grid definitely typed version: ui-grid v3.0.3
typescript version:

i had also same problem ,
adding "< any >" beginning of the function should solve the problem.
like this :
condition: <any>((searchTerm, cellValue, row, column) =>
return cellValue.indexOf(searchTerm) > -1
and don't forget to parenthesis ().

You can, but the changes will be overwritten the next time you install/upgrade that dependency, and won't be reflected in git (assuming you're not checking generated files into source control). You're better off overriding the type definitions in your project. The common way to do this is within an #types directory but anywhere within your TS project will work.
You'll want to create a file with the extension .d.ts under TS's project files. The modules within this file will be merged with other declaration files, to determine the final type definition. So in your case you'd want:
// ui-grid.override.d.ts
declare module 'ui-grid' {
// overriden types go here
The benefit of this method is that you only need to add the types you want, and the rest will be merged with the definitely typed declarations.
This is a very useful tool if you need to do things like type globals, or to provide additional type information for libraries. It's used extensively in the definitely typed declarations for library plugins which alter an api in some way.
I'd recommend reading the TS docs on declaration files as they're an incredibly useful tool if used correctly.
Although if you do find the types in definitely typed are incorrect/incomplete then please create a PR for the benefit of everyone

I do not recommend to modify definitions and sources of the libraries you do not actively develop. What will happen when you will decide to upgrade to the newer version and it will override your changes? You will be forced to merge them each time you upgrade. And the larger your project will get the more complicated this will become.
I would recommend to either submit a request to the angular-ui team, or find a way to go with existing functionality.
Hope this helps.


TYPO3 10 and Solr : can't modify the Typoscript config through a Viewhelpers

I'm trying to add search options on my search form that would allow the user to ensure that all the words he searched for are in the results, or at least one, or an "exact match".
I've found MinimumMatch and it's perfect for that.
I've made a custom viewhelper that I placed in my Result.html, it takes as parameter the type of search the user wants (atLeastOne, AllWords, etc...) and I've dug a bit in the source code and it seems I can override values of the current Solr Typoscript by passing an array to a mergeSolrConfiguration function.
So I tried something like that as a draft to see how it works :
public static function renderStatic(array $arguments, Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext)
$previousRequest = static::getUsedSearchRequestFromRenderingContext($renderingContext);
$usedQuery = $previousRequest->getRawUserQuery();
$contextConfiguration = $previousRequest->getContextTypoScriptConfiguration();
$override['plugin.']['tx_solr.']['search.']['query.']['minimumMatch'] = '100%';
$contextConfiguration->mergeSolrConfiguration($override, true, true);
return self::getSearchUriBuilder($renderingContext)->getNewSearchUri($previousRequest, $usedQuery);
But it simply doesn't work. Solr keeps using the site's Typoscript config instead of my overriden one.
I saw there was a way to also override the Typoscript of the filters, with setSearchQueryFilterConfiguration so I gave it a try with :
public static function renderStatic(array $arguments, Closure $renderChildrenClosure, RenderingContextInterface $renderingContext)
$previousRequest = static::getUsedSearchRequestFromRenderingContext($renderingContext);
$usedQuery = $previousRequest->getRawUserQuery();
->setSearchQueryFilterConfiguration(['sourceId_intS' => 'sourceId_intS:7']);
return self::getSearchUriBuilder($renderingContext)->getNewSearchUri($previousRequest, $usedQuery);
But nope, it keeps using the configuration set in the website's template, completely ignoring my overrides.
Am I going the wrong way with this ? Is the thing I'm trying to do not possible technically ?

Flow complains about type incompatibility even though I check type first

I have written a React dropdown component which I can supply either of the following to :
An array of strings
An array of simple JSON object each of which contains two properties of text and icon.
My simple flow types look as follows:
type DropdownMenuItemType = DropdownMenuIconAndTextType | string;
type DropdownMenuIconAndTextType ={
text: string,
icon?: React$Element<React$ElementType>;
Previous versions of the component only supports strings. The addition of an element to support text and an icon is a new feature request which I am in the process of implementing. I don't want any breaking changes for my existing users.
Therefore within my component I try to attempt to convert any string supplied and wrap it in a DropdownMenuIconAndTextType so everything ends up as this type. Items that are already DropdownMenuIconAndTextType just remain so.
let Array<DropdownMenuItemType> originalItems =
let Array<DropdownMenuIconAndTextType> convertedItems = [];
{'English', 'French', 'German', {text: 'Dutch', icon : <SomeIcon />}};
items.forEach( (currItem: DropdownMenuItemType) => {
if(typeof currItem === DropdownMenuIconAndTextType){
else {
convertedItems.push({text: currItem.toString()});
However flow has one error with :
if(typeof currItem === DropdownMenuIconAndTextType){
and it says that currItem could still be a string and is incompatible with convertedItems despite it being type checked as DropdownMenuIconAndTextType.
What do I need to do to satisfy flow in this scenario ? Thanks in advance.
I believe you're mixing up the distinction between Flow's type code and JS code.
Inside of type signatures, typeof returns the type of a literal value, as described here. In the JS code that exists at runtime, such as in your if statement, typeof will just tell you whether something is a string, object, etc., as described here. So the left side of your conditional operator will evaluate to either "string", or "object", not to the actual Flow type of the variable.
On the right side of your conditional, you have the Flow type DropdownMenuIconAndTextType, which only exists at type-checking time, not at runtime. I'm kind of surprised that Flow doesn't give you an error because of that.
Try something like this:
if(typeof currItem !== 'string'){
This will check whether the value that exists at runtime is a string or an object, which should work with Flow's type refinements.

Maximum call stack size exceeded when using the new typescript enabled version of reactjs

I use the new typescript supported version of reactjs
along with the redux-orm and when u try to insert a value into the store i get this issue of "Maximum call stack size exceeded" the same works with the old template
Below is the code with new typescript supported reactjs which throws the error and the old github version which works.
I am unable to understand what is different that causes the error with the new version. Thanks for any help.
Properties can't be defined directly on Model classes.
The root cause lies in the create-react-app's babel preset - transpilation output introduces additional property descriptors in Model prototype chain.
These properties interfere with descriptors installed by redux-orm during schema registration, resulting in Maximum call stack size exceeded error.
This can be avoided through declaration merging, specifically by providing a class and an interface with matching names. The interface contains Model properties, the class is almost 1:1 to JS Model definition.
interface Book {
id: number
title: string
class Book extends Model<typeof Book> {
static modelName = 'Book' as const
static fields = {
id: attr(),
title: attr()
I've created a repo with working example:
Mind you, these are custom types, but it's definitely where I'd like to take the #types/redux-orm package to, likely with the 0.14 release of redux-orm.

BreezeJS: Change Enum Text Values in MetadataStore

I'm absolutely loving BreezeJS and was so surprised to see that my Enum values were being displayed as their text values and not their ordinal ones! What I would love to be able to do is, on the client side, open the MetadataStore, fetch the enumeration and modify it's textual properties for display purposes.
Is this currently possible? From my research it would appear not, but I'm wondering if there is perhaps a simple workaround. Everything I've tried has involved a large number of hacks and server-side attributes, but to no avail, or the solution just seemed overly complex and not worth the benefits.
Here is what I said about how to get the enum values from raw metadata in another SO comment.
The enum values are available in the metadata generated by EF and sent to a Breeze client. I agree Breeze should pick them up automatically and put them somewhere so you don't have to make a separate request for them or extract them from the raw metadata passed to the MetadataStore.fetchMetadata success callback. It's on our backlog.
Meanwhile, you'll have to get them by hand. There is a DocCode test that shows how:
* Can can get enum types from raw EF-generated metadata
* Related to feature request #2271: Extract enum values from server metadata
asyncTest("can get enum type from raw EF-generated metadata", function() {
var serviceName = testFns.foosMetadataServiceName;
var store = new breeze.MetadataStore();
.then(metaSuccess, metaFail).fail(handleFail).fin(start);
function metaSuccess(rawMetadata) {
ok(true, "foos metadata fetched");
var enumType = rawMetadata.schema && rawMetadata.schema.enumType;
if (enumType && ==='Color') {
var members = enumType.member;
"should have several members; members are: " + JSON.stringify(members));
} else {
ok(false, "metadata should have had one enumType, 'Color'.");
function metaFail(error) {
ok(false, "foos metadata fetch failed: " + error.message);
we're using Breeze with NHibernate and wand to do the same. Metadata generated for NHibernate are standard breeze Metadata and doesn't contain the Schema part. Any ideas how to do it?
edit: To fix our issue I added a list of all used enums in the metadata(like the structuralTypes node). Then we cache it on the client when the metadata are retrieved.

How can i achieve dictionary type data access in Chromium embedded CEF1

I would like to achieve dictionary like data pattern that can be accessed from the
java script. Something like this:
pseudo Code:
for all records:
rec = //Get the Record
I am trying to achieve with CefV8Accessor, but i am not getting near to the solution.
Kindly provide few links for the reference, as i see the documentation is very less from chromium embedded.
If I understand correctly, you're trying to create a JS "dictionary" object for CEF using C++. If so, here's a code snippet that does that:
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> GetDictionary(__in const wstring& sName, __in const wstring& sAddress)
CefRefPtr<CefV8Value> objectJS = CefV8Value::CreateObject(NULL);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Name", sName, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
objectJS->SetValue(L"Address", sAddress, V8_PROPERTY_ATTRIBUTE_NONE);
return objectJS;
The CefV8Accessor can also be used for that matter, but that's only if you want specific control over the set & get methods, to create a new type of object.
In that case you should create a class that inherits CefV8Accessor, implement the Set and Get methods (in a similar way to what appears in the code above), and pass it to the CreateObject method. The return value would be an instance of that new type of object.
I strongly suggest to browse through this link, if you haven't already.
