Cookies for inferHtmlResources - gatling

I want to use Gatling for testing that I can access html resources.
In order to access given HTML, and its resources, I have to have some cookies defined.
I can set Cookies in http call with simple .header("Cookie","test=test"), but that way, it doesn't set cookie to inferred resources.
According to docs, you should be able to set cookies as:
One might want to manually add or compute a cookie:
exec(addCookie(Cookie("name", "value")))
but that doesn't work for me at all when used like this:
val someScenario = scenario("scenario").exec(
Is there a way to set cookies for inferHtmlResources?

Cookies are bound to a domain. If you don't specify one with withDomain, Gatling will use the one of the HttpProtocol baseUrl, and crash if you don't have one. So, a possible explanation is that this default domain doesn't match the one of your resources. If that's the case, set a proper domain on your cookie.
Otherwise, it could be a bug. Check the bug tracker, upgrade your Gatling version if you use an old one (as you don't specify the version you're using, which is bad), and give the latest snapshot a try. If nothing works, open an issue where you provide a way to reproduce.


google managed-VMs specify instance in URL

I use google managed-VMs. My module has several instances. I need to perform a HTTP call on each of these instances. Hence, I would like to know if there is a way to specify the recipient instance in the URL.
For instance I tried: http://<instance-name>.<module-name>.<project-name> without success.
You're missing a <version-name> in there:
See for more details (this is the page for Python, but it applies across-the-board.

authentication/http headers support in forge.file module?

in the official docs there seems to be no provision for custom http headers when it comes to the forge.file module. I need this so I can download files behind an http authentication scheme. This seems like an easy thing to add, if support is not already there.
any workarounds? any chance of a quick fix in the next update? I know I could use forge.request instead, but I'd like to keep a local copy (saveURL).
Unfortunately the file module just uses simple "download url" methods rather than a full HTTP request library, which makes it a fairly big task to add support for custom headers.
I've added a task to our backlog for this, but I don't have a timeframe for it being added.
Currently on iOS you can do basic auth by using urls in the form in case that helps.
Maybe to avoid this you can configure your server differently, or have a proxy server in front that allows you to pass authentication details as get parameters?

Can't configure varnish to work with cookies and drupal module

I'm using cookies so that mobile users can visit my site as desktop users. To do this, I give them a cookie - mob_yes.
Then, in a module, i use a drupal hook to see if the cookie is set.
I can see that the cookie IS getting set, but in my module (isset($_COOKIE["mob_yes"])) always returns false when using varnish.
In /etc/varnish/default.vlc I have the following:
if (req.http.Cookie) {
set req.http.Cookie = regsuball(req.http.Cookie, ";(mob_yes)=", "; \1=");
I'm really not sure what's going on here, but I only presume varnish is not unsetting that cookie temporarily? Does anyone have any idea what's going wrong here?
what do you mean by
I can see that the cookie IS getting set
you mean that you can see it in headers in firebug (client side) and then you see it on the server side with tcpdump / varnishlog / application (server side)?
code snippet from vcl is probably part of commonly used way of preserving important cookies by adding a space in front of them, deleting all that dont have ";[space]" combination and removing space at the end.
It is used later on to generate hash for specific url+cookies request.
i think you should check your vcl if its not removing any cookies if user is not logged in - it's a common practice to increase hitrate.
usually in vcl for drupal it's part which checks for DRUPAL_UID

Is there any way to whitelist so I can set a cookie on that domain in Firefox 6?

In order to test some stuff, I've been using the trick of setting a cookie on the domain, which allows me to share data between two different GAE apps. This has stopped working in Firefox 6, and a google person told me:
It's because was added to the public suffix list of
domains that modern browsers should not allow cookies to be set for:
which totally makes sense for regular users. But for my testing, I'd really like to have FF treat as a regular domain, not an "effective TLD". Is there any way to "whitelist" or otherwise override the effective_tld_names.dat used within FF?
(I need a hack that will work on OS X, in case that matters.)
Unfortunately for you, there is no supported way to do this. I checked the implementation of nsCookieService and method SetCookieStringInternal will reject any host names where it cannot get the base name from (which would be the case for "" now - for the Firefox engine this is no longer a complete host name). This means that not even extensions can set a cookie for "" other than by writing to the database "manually". But that doesn't help much here because method GetCookiesFromHost also uses the base domain for its checks so that any cookies for "" will be ignored.
Given that effective_tld_names.dat is compiled into xul.dll the only way to change this data is using a hex editor on this file and for example replacing "" by "" which should "disable" this rule. Note that a manipulation like this will break incremental updates and you will have to repeat it after the update.

httplib.HTTPConnection in Google AppEngine

I use httplib.HTTPConnection within my app. Do I really need to provide host parameter in httplib.HTTPConnection constructor? If so, why? (I mean, I know that it's a mandatory parameter, but I wonder if I could specify None or empty string) And is there any global constant in Google AppEngine and in development server which I can use within my app in order to omit explicitly defined host.
If you leave it out of the constructor, how will the other methods know where to send their messages?
The address/name of the server you're connecting to is the parameter for the HTTPConnection, the URI on that server is what goes into request.
From the python documentation (which is the basis for AppEngine)
h1 = httplib.HTTPConnection(host[, port[, strict[, timeout[, source_address]]]])
h1.request(method, url[, body[, headers]])
Remember, it may not always be you who is responsible for this code. Also, why complicate things by including so much more information in the URI when you're (for example) making calls to numerous URI's on the same website?
