How to change $_REQUEST['something'] for $_user['something']? - request

if (isset($_REQUEST["$something"])) {
$user["$something"] = $_REQUEST["$something"];
Need to change the variable name for use in class.
Easy way?

I didn't figure out your question. Maybe do you want pick up the value from resquest and put in your Array ?
if (isset($_REQUEST["something"])) {
$user["something"] = $_REQUEST["something"];


Laravel Checking if Array or Collection is not Empty to run

I have an object of $person as below:
$person = Person::where('id', $id)->first();
According to which $person exists or not I load other data:
if($person) {
$person->family_members = FamilyMemberController::FamilyMemberOf($person->id);
} else {
$person->family_members = [];
In the view file, I check the $person->family_members if not empty and exists to add a generated value :
if(!empty(array_filter($person->family_members))) {
// my code
But it throws an error:
array_filter(): Argument #1 ($array) must be of type array, Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection given
I need to check this $person->family_members to make sure whether it's an array or a collection is not empty.
Writing code for if array do something if collection do something is the wrong way of implementation.
You can do two things.
use both returns as collection()
or either use both returns as an array[]
If collection
else {
$person->family_members = collect();
If array
use ->toArray() at the end of Eloquent. Check this answer
As well, I think you are confused with array_filter(). Maybe you are searching for in_array() or contains()
Use count method
//your code
We don't know your code, but given the error, it's safe to assume your method returns a Collection. You can see available methods in the docs. However, if you need it as array, all you need to do is call ->toArray() on the result Collection. Then you can use array_filter.
What about just doing
// your code here
// your code here
} else {
// code of "if it's empty" goes here
You can use the count() function to return a count of an index. ex
//do your true algo
Why you are using the empty method ?! Try this:
$person->family_members = $person ? FamilyMemberController::FamilyMemberOf($person->id) : null;
if($person->family_members){ // your code }
Try simple ways in Programming ;)

Refactor checking that an item exist in an array

In my code, I have to check an array contains a specific item or not.
Here is my code
If error.errors[0].peoples = .noteEntered {
To learn better, can I ask you to show me how to do it in the better way, I think it's not good.
Many thanks
You can try
if error.errors.contains(where:{$0.peoples == .noteEntered}) {
If you need the item do
if let item = error.errors.first(where:{$0.peoples == .noteEntered}) {
if error.errors[0].peoples.contains(.noteEntered) {

valid object property in javascript

how can i check if any javaScript object's property exists and if it exists then it has a valid value?
actually,i am a beginner and trying to solve this-
Check if the second argument is truthy on all objects of the first argument(which is an array of objects).i.e.
check if the second argument exists in all the objects in first argument(an array) as a property.
if it exists, it should not be-
invalid, as age can't be 0
empty string('')
till now i have this-
function truthCheck(collection, pre) {
for(var i=0;i<collection.length;i++){
if(!(pre in collection[i])||collection[i]
return false;
return true;
i know this is not the best wayto solve .Is there a better way to do this?i don't like that long if statement in my code.i have seen other SO links-link1,link2 but none of them seemed to solve my query. any kind of help is highly appreciated.
P.S. this code is not working for some true cases even.
o = new Object();
o.prop = 'exist';
alert('good value')
this is what i was looking for and absolutely logical-
for(var i in array){
if((prop in array[i])&& Boolean(array[i][prop]))
//do something
the Boolean() function is something which made my day. Learn more at this link.
Look at the below example.
let the json object be
var a = { obj1:"a",obj2:"b"}
to check if an object exists,you can use hasOwnProperty() method.
a.hasOwnProperty("obj2") //this will return true
a.hasOwnProperty("obj3") // this will return false
to check the value of an object
if(a["obj1"] && a["obj1"]!="" && a["obj"]!=0){
//place your logic here

Compare getValue with map.layers[i].name

As part of a xtype combo, I would like to know if the layer I choose in my simple data store (represented by this.getValue()) is present in the map layers. So if it does, A should occur, and B if it does not. The problem is that myLayer variable seems to be unrecognized, even though Opera Dragonify throws no error at all. Where would be the error?
listeners: {
'select': function(combo, record) {
for(var i = 0; i <; i++) {
var myLayer =[i].name;
if (myLayer == this.getValue()) {
// do A here...
} else {
// do B here...
Thanks for any pointers,
I think the problem is that you are using this.getValue() instead of using combo.getValue().
I don't know how your app is set but it's usually a better idea to use the first parameter of your listener instead of the keywork this in order to avoid scope issues.
Hope this helps
#Guilherme Lopes Thanks for that, but the solution was this: instead of

Variable array/object in one file changes when you change it in a callback in another file

I have two files in Node.js where one requires the other one.
TEST = require('./variable_test_external.js');
TEST.get(function(myVariable) {
var changeMeVariable;
changeMeVariable = myVariable.epicVariable;
changeMeVariable.evenEpicerVariable = "test3";
TEST.get(function(myVariable2) {
var testVariable = new Array({epicVariable: {evenEpicerVariable: "test1"}}, {epicVariable: {evenEpicerVariable: "test2"}});
exports.get = function(callback) {
callback(testVariable[1]); // I know that the return is unnecessary in this example but in my real application I have return there for compactness.
This is the output when run in Node.js with node variable_test.js:
{ epicVariable: { evenEpicerVariable: 'test2' } }
{ epicVariable: { evenEpicerVariable: 'test3' } }
The console.log(myVariable) changes in the two TEST.get's. Why does this happen?
This is a reference copy, not a value copy. You got the object from the array, NOT a copy of them.
changeMeVariable = myVariable.epicVariable;
This would have to fix yout problem
// PSEUDO CODE, i don't know the correct syntax
changeMeVariable = {
epicVariable = myVariable.epicVariable
The answer in my case is the following based on the links at the bottom:
changeMeVariable = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(myVariable.epicVariable));
But, it's much better to manually copy it like the bottom most link like this:
changeMeVariable = {
evenEpicerVariable: myVariable.epicVariable.evenEpicerVariable
n0m's answer is similar but if the epicVariable.evenEpicerVariable contained an object that object's reference would still be linked! (I tested it)
What is the most efficient way to deep clone an object in JavaScript?
