in the libev ,I have initilized the io watcher to catch events and this event causes to store certain value in some cache. I have another timer watcher which runs every 10 sec, reads the cache value. In such case I suppose there is a race condition. do I need to use lock in two different libev watcher or libev handles it.
TCP_CACHE_TIMEOUT = g_hash_table_new_full(g_str_hash, g_int_equal, key_destroy_cb, value_destroy_timeoutcb);
zlog_info(_c,"TCP Server started at _port: %d",_port);
int fd =setup_tcp_socket(_port);
return NULL;
struct ev_loop *loop = EV_DEFAULT;
struct _sock_ev_serv server;
server.fd = fd;
ev_io_init(&, event_server, server.fd, EV_READ);
ev_io_start(EV_A_ &;
ev_timer_init (&timeout_watcher, timeout_idle_fd, 0, 10.);
ev_timer_again (loop,&timeout_watcher);
ev_loop(loop, 0);
here I have loop and initilizes io watcher to accept server event, and timer watcher to look in the cache every 10 sec. In such case Do I need to handle the race condition myself or the two watcher io and timer running time is managed by libev?
Short answer: There is no race condition, you don't need a lock.
Longer answer:
The reason that there is no race condition, is because libev is in a loop checking the io watcher, then the timer, then the io, then the timer.....
Whichever one is triggered first, is run first. There is no overlap between the two callbacks.
If however, you were using a threaded event loop (possible, but unlikely judging by your code), and you were reading from the same file in two different threads, then there would be a race condition and you would need a lock.
If you get data in the io watcher after 0.9 seconds, and your callback for that watcher takes 0.2 seconds to run, your timer will be invoked after the io callback has already finished (at ~10.1 seconds).
I'm learning c and messing around with xcb lib (instead of X11) on a raspberry pi4.
The problem is that when implementing the events loop with xcb_poll_for_event instead of xcb_wait_for_event, one core of four is 100% full. What am I doing wrong? And is there any benefit of using wait_for_event (blocking way) instead of xcb_poll_for_event(non blocking)?
The goal is to create a window where the user interact with keyboard/mouse/gamepad on objects, like a game. Can anyone give a hand?
The relevant code is:
int window_loop_test(xcb_connection_t *connection, Display *display){
/* window loop non blocked waiting for events */
int running = 1;
while (running) {
xcb_generic_event_t *event = xcb_poll_for_event(connection);
if (event) {
switch (event->response_type & ~0x80) {
case XCB_EXPOSE: {
/* Quit on 'q' key press */
/* write key pressed on console */
const xcb_key_press_event_t *press =
(xcb_key_press_event_t *)event;
XKeyEvent keyev;
keyev.display = display;
keyev.keycode = press->detail;
keyev.state = press->state;
char key[32];
XLookupString(&keyev, key, sizeof(key) - 1, NULL, NULL);
// key[len] = 0;
printf("Key pressed: %s\n", key);
printf("Mod state: %d\n", keyev.state);
if (*key == 'q')
running = 0;
return 0;
Polling and waiting each have their advantages and are good for different situations. Neither is "wrong" per se, but you need to use the correct one for your specific use case.
xcb_wait_for_event(connection) is a blocking call. The call will not return until an event is available, and the return value is is that event (unless an error occurs). It is good for situations where you only want the thread to respond to events, but otherwise not do anything. In that case, there is no need to spend CPU resources when no events are coming in.
xcb_poll_for_event(connection) is a non-blocking call. The call always returns immediately, but the result will be NULL if no event is available. It is good for situations where you want the thread to be able to do useful work even if no events are coming in. As you found out, it's not good if the thread only needs to respond to events, as it can consume CPU resources unnecessarily.
You mention that your goal is to create a game or something similar. Given that there are many ways to architect a game, either function can be suitable. But there are a couple of basic things to keep in mind that will determine which function you want to use. There may be other considerations as well, but this will give you an idea of what to look out for.
First of all, is your input system running on the same thread as other systems (simulation, rendering, etc)? If so, it's probably important to keep that thread available for work other than waiting for input events. In this case, xcb_poll_for_event() is almost required, otherwise your thread will be blocked until an event comes in. However, if your input system is on its own thread that doesn't block your other threads, it may be acceptable to use xcb_wait_for_event() and let that thread sleep when no events are coming in.
The second consideration is how quickly you need to respond to input events. There's often a delay in waking up a thread, so if fast response times are important you'll want to avoid letting the thread sleep in the first place. Again, xcb_poll_for_event() will be your friend in this case. If response times are not critical, xcb_wait_for_events() is an option.
When I open and read file in OVERLAPPED manner on Win32 api, I then have several ways to complete IO request including waiting for file handle (or event in overlapped structure) using
GetOverlappedResult with bWait=TRUE
Both functions seems to have same effect: thread stopped until handle or event is signaled, and that means data is placed in buffer provided to ReadFile.
So, what is the difference? Why do I need GetOverlappedResult?
i full agree with Remus Rusanu answer . also instead create own IOCP and thread pool, which will be listen on this IOCP, you can use or BindIoCompletionCallback or CreateThreadpoolIo (begin from vista) - in this case system yourself create IOCP and thread pool wich will be listen on this IOCP and when some operation completed - call your callback. this is very simplify code vs own iocp/thread pool (own iocp/thread pool really i think have sense implement only when you have very big count I/O (say socket io on server side) and need special optimization for perfomance)
So, what is the difference? Why do I need GetOverlappedResult
how you can see GetOverlappedResult[Ex] not only wait for result, but
return to you NumberOfBytesTransferred if operation is completed.
if operation is completed with error NTSTATUS - convert it to win32
error and set last error
if operation still pending and you want wait - it select wait on
hFile or hEvent
so GetOverlappedResult[Ex] do much more than simply call WaitForSingleObject
however not very hard implement this API yourself. for example
_In_ HANDLE hFile,
_In_ LPOVERLAPPED lpOverlapped,
_Out_ LPDWORD lpNumberOfBytesTransferred,
_In_ BOOL bWait
if ((NTSTATUS)lpOverlapped->Internal == STATUS_PENDING)
if (!bWait)
return FALSE;
if (lpOverlapped->hEvent)
hFile = lpOverlapped->hEvent;
if (WaitForSingleObject(hFile, INFINITE) != WAIT_OBJECT_0)
return FALSE;
*lpNumberOfBytesTransferred = (ULONG)lpOverlapped->InternalHigh;
NTSTATUS status = (NTSTATUS)lpOverlapped->Internal;
if (status)
return NT_SUCCESS(status);
so what better : use GetOverlappedResult[Ex] or implement it functional yourself ?
You could use either, but truly that's not the 'right' way of doing it. you should attach the handle to an IO completion port and then wait on the completion port. This way you have one pool of threads servicing many IO events, as you can attach multiple handles to a completion port. I recommend reading Designing Applications for High Performance.
I want to run a periodic erlang process every 10ms (based on wall clock time), the 10ms should be as accurate as possible; what should be the right way to implement it?
If you want really reliable and accurate periodic process you should rely on actual wall clock time using erlang:monotonic_time/0,1. If you use method in Stratus3D's answer you will eventually fall behind.
start_link(Period) when Period > 0, is_integer(Period) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, Period, []).
init(Period) ->
StartT = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
self() ! tick,
{ok, {StartT, Period}}.
handle_info(tick, {StartT, Period} = S) ->
Next = Period - (erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond)-StartT) rem Period,
_Timer = erlang:send_after(Next, self(), tick),
{noreply, S}.
You can test in the shell:
spawn(fun() ->
P = 1000,
StartT = erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond),
self() ! tick,
(fun F() ->
tick ->
Next = P - (erlang:monotonic_time(millisecond)-StartT) rem P,
erlang:send_after(Next, self(), tick),
io:format("X~n", []),
If you really want to be as precise as possible and you are sure your task will take less time than the interval you want it performed at you could have one long running process instead of spawning a process every 10ms. Erlang could spawn a new process every 10ms but unless there is a reason you cannot reuse the same process it's usually not worth the overhead (even though it's very little).
I would do something like this in an OTP gen_server:
... module exports
start_link() ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [], []).
... Rest of API and other OTP callbacks
init([]) ->
Timer = erlang:send_after(0, self(), check),
{ok, Timer}.
handle_info(check, OldTimer) ->
Timer = erlang:send_after(10, self(), check),
do_task(), % A function that executes your task
{noreply, Timer}.
Then start the gen_server like this:
As long as the gen_server is running (if it crashes so will the parent process since they are linked) the function do_task/0 will be executed almost every 10 milliseconds. Note that this will not be perfectly accurate. There will be a drift in the execution times. The actual interval will be 10ms + time it takes receive the timer message, cancel the old timer, and start the new one.
If you want to start a separate process every 10ms you could have the do_task/0 spawn a process. Note that this will add additional overhead, but won't necessarily make the interval between spawns less accurate.
My example was taken from this answer: What's the best way to do something periodically in Erlang?
When trying to implement a simple echo server with concurrent support on linux.
Following approaches are used:
Use pthread functions to create a pool of thread, and maintained in a linked list. It's created on process start, and destroy on process termination.
Main thread will accept request, and use a POSIX message queue to store accepted socket file descriptor.
Threads in pool loop to read from message queue, and handle request it gets, when there is no request, it will block.
The program seems working now.
The questions are:
Is it suitable to use message queue in the middle, is it efficient enough?
What is the general approach to accomplish a thread tool that needs to handle concurrent request from multiple clients?
If it's not proper to make threads in pool loop & block to retrieve msg from message queue, then how to deliver requests to threads?
This seems unneccesarily complicated to me. The usual approach for a multithreaded server is:
Create a listen-socket in a thread process
Accept the client-connections in a thread
For each accepted client connection, create a new threads, which receives the corresponding file descriptor and does the work
The worker thread closes the client connection, when it is fully handled
I do not see much benefit in prepopulating a thread-pool here.
If you really want a threadpool:
I would just use a linked list for accepted connections and a pthread_mutex to synchronize access to it:
The listener-process enqueues client fds at the tail of the list.
The clients dequeue it at the head.
If the queue is empty, the thread can wait on a variable (pthread_cond_wait) and are notified by the listener process (pthread_cond_signal) when connections are available.
Another alternative
Depending on the complexity of handling requests, it might be an option to make the server single-threaded, i.e. handle all connections in one thread. This eliminates context-switches altogether and can thus be very performant.
One drawback is, that only one CPU-core is used. To improve that, a hybrid-model can be used:
Create one worker-thread per core.
Each thread handles simultaneously n connections.
You would however have to implement mechanisms to distribute the work fairly amongst the workers.
In addition to using pthread_mutex, you will want to use pthread_cond_t (pthread condition), this will allow you to put the threads in the thread pool to sleep while they are not actually doing work. Otherwise, you will be wasting compute cycles if they are sitting there in a loop checking for something in the work queue.
I would definitely consider using C++ instead of just pure C. The reason I suggest it is that in C++ you are able to use templates. Using a pure virtual base class (lets call it: "vtask"), you can create templated derived classes that accept arguments and insert the arguments when the overloaded operator() is called, allowing for much, much more functionality in your tasks:
void* thread_pool::execute_thread()
vtask* task = NULL;
// Try to pick a task
// We need to put condition.wait() in a loop for two reasons:
// 1. There can be spurious wake-ups (due to signal/ENITR)
// 2. When mutex is released for waiting, another thread can be waken up
// from a signal/broadcast and that thread can mess up the condition.
// So when the current thread wakes up the condition may no longer be
// actually true!
while ((m_pool_state != state::STOPPED) && (m_main_tasks.empty()))
// Wait until there is a task in the queue
// Unlock mutex while wait, then lock it back when signaled
// If the thread was waked to notify process shutdown, return from here
if (m_pool_state == state::STOPPED)
if(mad::details::allocator_list_tl::get_allocator_list_if_exists() &&
tids.find(CORETHREADSELF()) != tids.end())
->Destroy(tids.find(CORETHREADSELF())->second, 1);
task = m_main_tasks.front();
// Unlock
// execute the task
m_task_count -= 1;
return NULL;
int thread_pool::add_task(vtask* task)
return 0;
return 0;
// do outside of lock because is thread-safe and needs to be updated as
// soon as possible
m_task_count += 1;
// if the thread pool hasn't been initialize, initialize it
if(m_pool_state == state::NONINIT)
// TODO: put a limit on how many tasks can be added at most
// wake up one thread that is waiting for a task to be available
return 0;
void thread_pool::run(vtask*& task)
delete task;
task = 0;
} else {
if(task->get() && !task->is_stored_elsewhere())
else if(!task->is_stored_elsewhere())
delete task;
task = 0;
In the above, each created thread runs execute_thread() until the m_pool_state is set to state::STOPPED. You lock the m_task_lock, and if the state is not STOPPED and the list is empty, you pass the m_task_lock to your condition, which puts the thread to sleep and frees the lock. You create the tasks (not shown), add the task (m_task_count is an atomic, by the way, that is why it is thread safe). During the add task, the condition is signaled to wake up a thread, from which the thread proceeds from the m_task_cond.wait(m_task_lock.base_mutex_ptr()) section of execute_thread() after m_task_lock has been acquired and locked.
NOTE: this is a highly customized implementation that wraps most of the pthread functions/objects into C++ classes so copy-and-pasting will not work whatsoever... Sorry. And w.r.t. the thread_pool::run(), unless you are worrying about return values, the (*task)() line is all you need.
I hope this helps.
EDIT: the m_join_* references is for checking whether all the tasks have been completed. The main thread sits in a similar conditioned wait that checks whether all the tasks have been completed as this is necessary for the applications I use this implementation in before proceeding.
I'm writing a Windows (Win32) program in C, which features a worker thread to process data from a USB hardware device. The thread handling all works well, however I now need to add a timer to handle a timeout function. I don't need a callback function, just the ability to start a single shot timer, and to be able to test weather it's complete without sleeping, something like this:
start_timout(1000); // 1 second
while (timer_is_running())
doing stuff while waiting...
do stuff after timer is finished...
This would be running inside the worker thread.
I've looked at SetTimer(), and have tried creating a callback function that simply sets a global flag, then test for the flag, but that never gets set. I'm not sure if this is because I don't have a message handler inside my thread.
Any suggestions welcome.. Cheers!
Thanks for your reply, I had something working quite quickly. Here's a distillation of my working code:
#include <windows.h>
static void func(void)
liDueTime.QuadPart = -5000000LL; // 0.5 seconds
//liDueTime.QuadPart = -20000000LL; // 2 seconds
//liDueTime.QuadPart = -100000000LL; // 10 seconds
hTimer = CreateWaitableTimer(NULL, TRUE, NULL);
SetWaitableTimer(hTimer, &liDueTime, 0, NULL, NULL, 0);
while (WaitForSingleObject(hTimer, 0) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
do stuff
SetTimer requires you to catch the WM_TIMER event in a window and on top of that, is not very accurate. I wouldn't advise to use it.
Instead you could simply create another thread, let it do nothing but Sleep() for the specified time period (you could pass the time as parameter upon thread creation). You can then WaitForSingleObject(sleeper_thread, 0) to check if the timeout has elapsed.