Using ENUMs as bitmaps, how to validate in C - c

I am developing firmware for an embedded application with memory constraints. I have a set of commands that need to processed as they are received. Each command falls under different 'buckets' and each 'bucket' gets a range of valid command numbers. I created two ENUMs as shown below to achieve this.
BUCKET_1 = 0x100, // Range of 0x100 to 0x1FF
BUCKET_2 = 0x200, // Range of 0x200 to 0x2FF
BUCKET_3 = 0x300, // Range of 0x300 to 0x3FF
BUCKET_N = 0xN00 // Range of 0xN00 to 0xNFF
} cmd_buckets;
//BUCKET_1 commands
//Add new commands above this line
//BUCKET_2 commands
//Add new commands above this line
//BUCKET_3 commands
//BUCKET_N commands
//Add new commands above this line
When my command handler function receives a command code, it needs to check if the command is enabled before processing it. I plan to use a bitmap for this. Commands can be enabled or disabled from processing during run-time. I can use an int for each group (giving me 32 commands per group, I realize that 0xN00 to 0xN20 are valid command codes and that others codes in the range are wasted). Even though commands codes are wasted, the design choice has the benefit of easily telling the group of the command code when seeing raw data on a console.
Since many developers can add commands to the 'cmd_codes' enum (even new buckets may be added as needed to the 'cmd_buckets' enum), I want to make sure that the number of command codes in each bucket does not exceed 32 (bitmap is int). I want to catch this at compile time rather than run time. Other than checking each BUCKET_N_CMD_MAX value as below and throwing a compile time error, is there a better solution?
#if (BUCKET_1_CMD_MAX > 0x20)
#error ("Number of commands in BUCKET_1 exceeded 32")
#if (BUCKET_2_CMD_MAX > 0x20)
#error ("Number of commands in BUCKET_2 exceeded 32")
#if (BUCKET_3_CMD_MAX > 0x20)
#error ("Number of commands in BUCKET_3 exceeded 32")
#if (BUCKET_N_CMD_MAX > 0x20)
#error ("Number of commands in BUCKET_N exceeded 32")
Please also suggest if there is a more elegant way to design this.
Thanks, I appreciate your time and patience.

First fix the bug in the code. As mentioned in comments, you have a constant BUCKET_1 = 0x100 which you then assign CMD_BUCKET_1_START = BUCKET_1. The trailing enums will therefore get values 0x101, 0x102, ... and BUCKET_1_CMD_MAX will be 0x106. Since 0x106 is always larger than 0x20, your static assert will always trigger.
Fix that so that it actually checks the total number of items in the enum instead, like this:
Assuming the above is fixed, then you can replace the numerous checks with a single macro. Not a great improvement, but at least it reduces code repetition:
#define BUCKET_MAX 32 // use a defined constant instead of a magic number
// some helper macros:
#define CHECK(n) BUCKET_ ## n ## _CMD_N
#define STRINGIFY(n) #n
// the actual macro:
#define BUCKET_CHECK(n) \
_Static_assert(CHECK(n) <= BUCKET_MAX, \
"Number of commands in BUCKET_" STRINGIFY(n) "_CMD_N exceeds BUCKET_MAX.");
// usage:
int main (void)
Output from gcc in case one constant is too large:
error: static assertion failed: "Number of commands in BUCKET_1_CMD_N exceeds BUCKET_MAX."
note: in expansion of macro 'BUCKET_CHECK'
If combining the bug fix with the check macro, you would get this:
#define BUCKET_MAX 32
#define CHECK(n) (BUCKET_##n##_CMD_MAX - CMD_BUCKET_##n##_START)
#define STRINGIFY(n) #n
#define BUCKET_CHECK(n) \
_Static_assert(CHECK(n) <= BUCKET_MAX, \
"Number of commands in BUCKET " STRINGIFY(n) " exceeds BUCKET_MAX.");
int main (void)

First of all, preprocessor commands do not work that way. The C preprocessor is able to "see" only names instruced by the #define statement or passes as compiler flags. It is not able to see constants defined as part of an enum or with the const keyword. You should use _Static_assert to validate the commands instead of the preprocessor.
As for the commands, I would suggest to have all the commands numbered in the range 0..0x20:
enum {
enum {
Then you need only a single guard value to check if all the commands are in valid range:
#define MAX_COMMAND 0x20
_Static_assert(BUCKET_1_CMD_MAX <= MAX_COMMAND, "too many bucket 1 commands");
_Static_assert(BUCKET_2_CMD_MAX <= MAX_COMMAND, "too many bucket 2 commands");
To use the commands, bitwise-or them together with the bucket "offset":
enum {
BUCKET_1 = 0x100,
BUCKET_2 = 0x200,
int cmd = BUCKET_2 | BUCKET_2_CMD_1;


Advance way to search for define in c

#define featureA 0xA0
#define featureB 0xB0
#define featureC 0x20
- // increment on feature, value of feature are random
#define featureZ 0x??
#define CHECK_CHAR(x) ((x==featureA)||(x==featureB)||(x==featureC) ------- (x==featureZ)? TRUE: FALSE)
Hi all, I got a set of UART header that to indicate what the commands for. So every time I am checking the header using the macro, but I realize that when the command is keep increasing and the macro length also keep increasing, it make the code very messy. I am looking for a mechanism to handle this checking when the feature is more and more.
Since this seems to be a run-time check, you can speed up the program considerably by using a look-up table instead. It will also make the code more readable. Assuming you can spare 256 bytes of flash and all codes are unique, then:
bool CHECK_CHAR (uint8_t ch)
const bool LOOKUP [256] =
[featureA] = true,
[featureB] = true,
[featureC] = true,
return LOOKUP[ch];
The second best option is a sorted array of uint8_t constants + binary search.
Assuming that your values follow the simple pattern above, this would work:
#define CHECK_CHAR(x) ( ((x)&0xf) == 0 && (x) >= featureA && (x) < featureInvalid )
where you define featureInvalid to be the next logical value after featureZ.

C macro parameter test at design time

I need a macro variable check at design time (preprocesor), more specific that number to fit in 24 bits.
The macro is intended to be used in a if() statement so I have no idea how to test it.
This is a ARM systick timer (24 bits) and so many time I forgot to #define the right value, especially when change the MCU clock and of course, my if() never fired and this silly mistake was hard to debug.
So in this example, there is a trick to force gcc to ERROR when PARAMETER > 24 bits ?
#define PARAMETER 20000000 // over 24 bits, should throw a error at design time
#define MyMacro(var, par) (var > par)
uint32_t variable;
// do something
// do something WRONG because PARAMETER > 24 bits
// Actually this is working as expected, test for < is valid because
// _Static_assert() is check for TRUE condition
// But I am still trying to find a way to combine this in original macro
_Static_assert(PARAMETER < 0xFFFFFF, "Ooopss... ERROR");
Thanks in advance!
Unfortunately, _Static_assert is syntactically defined as a declaration, which means you can't use it directly inside of an expression.
However, _Static_assert isn't needed anyway, because you can perfectly (sans the nice compile time error reporting--but you're a programmer, you should be able to figure out a compile time failure a slightly more technical compile-time error message) emulate it with
#define static_assert_0expr(Truth) ((int)(0*sizeof(struct { int _ : (Truth)?1:-1; })))
(or an equivalent) and that you can fit in an expression (even an integer constant expression) no problem:
#define static_assert_0expr(Truth) ((int)(0*sizeof(struct { int _ : (Truth)?1:-1; })))
#define PARAMETER 20000000 // over 24 bits, should throw a error at design time
#define MyMacro(var, par) (static_assert_0expr((par)<0xffffff) + ((var) > (par)))
//or this, but this is won't preserve integer-constant expressions because of the comma:
/*#define MyMacro(var, par) (static_assert_0expr((par)<0xffffff), ((var) > (par)))*/
//alternatively: (static_assert_0expr(assertion) ? (expr) : (expr)) is the most
//general form (though it leads to larger preprocessor expansions, which may worsen debugging experience with cc -E)
#include <stdint.h>
int main()
uint32_t variable;
The above static_assert_0expr macro could also be implemented with _Static_assert:
#define static_assert_0expr(Truth) \
((int)(0*sizeof(struct { int _; _Static_assert(Truth,""); })))
or you could paste the body of this directly in MyMacro and customize the message (but I consider _Static_assert and its custom compile-time error message feature an unnecessary addition to C and prefer not to use it).
Well, I don't want to reply my own answer, but I think I found a solution that is working (thanks #PSkoicik) and thanks to GCC that allows statement expressions (found in this reply)
Using and returning output in C macro
So basically I could use _Static_assert() inside if() statement, with a helper macro
#define CheckParameter(val) ({bool retval = true; _Static_assert((val)< 0xFFFFFF, "Timer value too large!"); retval;})
Now my macro become
#define MyMacro(var, par) ((var > par) && CheckParameter(par))
Which should work because CheckParameter() will always return TRUE at RUNTIME but at COMPILE time, _Static_assert() will catch my error parameter.
So now I can use
// PAREMETER will be in range
Hope I'm not missing something :)
If you need to check that PARAMETER is > 24 bits during compile time you can simply do this:
#define PARAMETER 20000 // over 24 bits, should throw a error at design time
#if PARAMETER > (1<<24)
#error PARAMETER > 24 bits
What you do here is not compile time checking but run time checking:
// do something
// do something WRONG because PARAMETER > 24 bits
but what is variable doing here anyway if you just want to know if PARAMETER is > 24 bits?

C macros: Conditional code based on parameter value?

Is there a cleaner/simpler way to do this?
The below works OK, but I think it's ugly - I'd like a solution that doesn't need a separate #define for every possible invalid value passed as "port".
#define _port_A_config_digital(mask) // do nothing; this port is always digital
#define _port_B_config_digital(mask) AD1PCFGSET = (mask)
#define _port_C_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_D_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_E_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_F_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_G_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_H_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_I_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_J_config_digital(mask)
#define _port_K_config_digital(mask)
#define ConfigDigitalBits(port, mask) _port_##port##_config_digital(mask)
If "port" is anything other than B, I want a null statement.
I'd like to get rid of all the #defines other than the one that does something.
I want to do this because on this MCU all ports other than B are always digital and there's nothing to be done.
But calling ConfigDigitalBits() ought to be a valid thing to do for any port.
You could do something like
do { if (PORT == 'B') AD1PCFGSET = (MASK); } while (0)
and trust (or check by reading the assembly) your compiler to evaluate the if condition at compile-time. That is,
would generate code for only
AD1PCFGSET = 0x42;
would generate no code at all.
The proposed code above has the problem that it ignores errors. For example,
would happily compile although there is no port Z. You could assert on this but this will only catch the error at run-time.
Once you got to this, consider getting rid of the macro at whole and use an inline function instead that will also permit constant propagation.
inline void
config_digital_bits(const char port, const unsigned mask)
assert(port >= 'A' && port <= 'K');
if (port == 'B')
AD1PCFGSET = mask;

Calculating parity bit with the preprocessor (parity functional style with call by ref)

Consider I want to generate parities at compile time. The parity calculation is given literal constants and with any decent optimizer it will boil down to a single constant itself. Now look at the following parity calculation with the C preprocessor:
#define PARITY16(u16) (PARITY8((u16)&0xff) ^ PARITY8((u16)>>8))
#define PARITY8(u8) (PARITY4((u8)&0x0f) ^ PARITY4((u8)>>4))
#define PARITY4(u4) (PARITY2((u4)&0x03) ^ PARITY2((u4)>>2))
#define PARITY2(u2) (PARITY1((u2)&0x01) ^ PARITY1((u2)>>1))
#define PARITY1(u1) (u1)
int message[] = { 0x1234, 0x5678, PARITY16(0x1234^0x5678));
This will calculate the parity at compile time, but it will produce an enormous amount of intermediate code, expanding to 16 instances of the expression u16 which itself can be e.g. an arbitrary complex expression. The problem is that the C preprocessor can't evaluate intermediary expressions and in the general case only expands text (you can force it to do integer arithmetic in-situ but only for trivial cases, or with gigabytes of #defines).
I have found that the parity for 3 bits can be generated at once by an arithmetic expression: ([0..7]*3+1)/4. This reduces the 16-bit parity to the following macro:
#define PARITY16(u16) ((4 & ((((u16)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>3)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>6)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>9)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>12)&7)*3+1) ^ \
((((u16)>>15)&1)*3+1))) >> 2))
which expands u16only 6 times. Is there an even cheaper (in terms of number of expansions) way, e.g. a direct formula for a 4,5,etc. bit parity? I couldn't find a solution for a linear expression of the form (x*k+d)/m for acceptable (non-overflowing) values k,d,m for a range > 3 bits. Anyone out there with a more clever shortcut for preprocessor parity calculation?
Is something like this what you are looking for?
The following "PARITY16(u16)" preprocessor macro can be used as a literal constant in structure assignments, and it only evaluates the argument once.
/* parity.c
* test code to test out bit-twiddling cleverness
* 2013-05-12: David Cary started.
// works for all 0...0xFFFF
// and only evalutes u16 one time.
#define PARITYodd33(u33) \
( \
((((((((((((((( \
(u33) \
&0x555555555)*5)>>2) \
&0x111111111)*0x11)>>4) \
&0x101010101)*0x101)>>8) \
&0x100010001)*0x10001)>>16) \
&0x100000001)*0x100000001)>>32) \
#define PARITY16(u16) PARITYodd33(((unsigned long long)u16)*0x20001)
// works for all 0...0xFFFF
// but, alas, generates 16 instances of u16.
#define PARITY_16(u16) (PARITY8((u16)&0xff) ^ PARITY8((u16)>>8))
#define PARITY8(u8) (PARITY4((u8)&0x0f) ^ PARITY4((u8)>>4))
#define PARITY4(u4) (PARITY2((u4)&0x03) ^ PARITY2((u4)>>2))
#define PARITY2(u2) (PARITY1((u2)&0x01) ^ PARITY1((u2)>>1))
#define PARITY1(u1) (u1)
int message1[] = { 0x1234, 0x5678, PARITY16(0x1234^0x5678) };
int message2[] = { 0x1234, 0x5678, PARITY_16(0x1234^0x5678) };
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int errors = 0;
int i=0;
printf(" Testing parity ...\n");
printf(" 0x%x = message with PARITY16\n", message1[2] );
printf(" 0x%x = message with PARITY_16\n", message2[2] );
for(i=0; i<0x10000; i++){
int left = PARITY_16(i);
int right = PARITY16(i);
if( left != right ){
printf(" 0x%x: (%d != %d)\n", i, left, right );
return 0;
printf(" 0x%x errors detected. \n", errors );
} /* vim: set shiftwidth=4 expandtab ignorecase : */
Much like the original code you posted, it pairs up bits and (in effect) calculates the XOR between each pair, then from the results it pairs up the bits again, halving the number of bits each time until only a single parity bit remains.
But is that really what you wanted ?
Many people say they are calculating "the parity" of a message.
But in my experience, most of the time they are really generating
a error-detection code bigger than a single parity bit --
a LRC, or a CRC, or a Hamming code, or etc.
further details
If the current system is compiling in a reasonable amount of time,
and it's giving the correct answers, I would leave it alone.
Refactoring "how the pre-processor generates some constant"
will produce bit-for-bit identically the same runtime executable.
I'd rather have easy-to-read source
even if it takes a full second longer to compile.
Many people use a language easier-to-read than the standard C preprocessor to generate C source code.
See pycrc, the character set extractor, "using Python to generate C", etc.
If the current system is taking way too long to compile,
rather than tweak the C preprocessor,
I would be tempted to put that message, including the parity, in a separate ".h" file
with hard-coded constants (rather than force the C pre-processor to calculate them every time),
and "#include" that ".h" file in the ".c" file for the embedded system.
Then I would make a completely separate program (perhaps in C or Python)
that does the parity calculations and
prints out the contents of that ".h" file as pre-calculated C source code,
something like
print("int message[] = { 0x%x, 0x%x, 0x%x };\n",
M[0], M[1], parity( M[0]^M[1] ) );
and tweak my MAKEFILE to run that Python (or whatever) program to regenerate that ".h" file
if, and only if, it is necessary.
As mfontanini says, an inline function is much better.
If you insist on a macro, you can define a temporary variable.
With gcc, you can do it and still have the macro which behaves as an expression:
#define PARITY(x) ({int tmp=x; PARITY16(tmp);})
If you want to stick to the standard, you have to make the macro a statement:
#define PARITY(x, target) do { int tmp=x; target=PARITY16(tmp); } while(0).
In both cases, you can have ugly bugs if tmp ends up a name used in the function (even worse - used within the parameter passed to the macro).

Mangling __FILE__ and __LINE__ in code for quoting?

Is there a way to get the C/C++ preprocessor or a template or such to mangle/hash the __FILE__ and __LINE__ and perhaps some other external input like a build-number into a single short number that can be quoted in logs or error messages?
(The intention would be to be able to reverse it (to a list of candidates if its lossy) when needed when a customer quotes it in a bug report.)
You will have to use a function to perform the hashing and create a code from __LINE__ and __FILE__ as the C preprocessor is not able to do such complex tasks.
Anyway, you can take inspiration by this article to see if a different solution can be better suited to your situation.
Well... you could use something like:
((*(int*)__FILE__ && 0xFFFF0000) | version << 8 | __LINE__ )
It wouldn't be perfectly unique, but it might work for what you want. Could change those ORs to +, which might work better for some things.
Naturally, if you can actually create a hashcode, you'll probably want to do that.
I needed serial valuse in a project of mine and got them by making a template that specialized on __LINE__ and __FILE__ and resulted in an int as well as generating (as compile time output to stdout) a template specialization for it's inputs that resulted in the line number of that template. These were collected the first time through the compiler and then dumped into a code file and the program was compiled again. That time each location that the template was used got a different number.
(done in D so it might not be possible in C++)
template Serial(char[] file, int line)
"template Serial(char[] file : \"~file~"\", int line : "~line.stringof~")"
"{const int Serial = __LINE__;");
const int Serial = -1;
A simpler solution would be to keep a global static "error location" variable.
#ifdef DEBUG
#define trace_here(version) printf("[%d]%s:%d {%d}\n", version, __FILE__, __LINE__, errloc++);
#define trace_here(version) printf("{%lu}\n", version<<16|errloc++);
Or without the printf.. Just increment the errloc everytime you cross a tracepoint. Then you can correlate the value to the line/number/version spit out by your debug builds pretty easily.
You'd need to include version or build number, because those error locations could change with any build.
Doesn't work well if you can't reproduce the code paths.
__FILE__ is a pointer into the constants segment of your program. If you output the difference between that and some other constant you should get a result that's independent of any relocation, etc:
extern const char g_DebugAnchor;
#define FILE_STR_OFFSET (__FILE__ - &g_DebugAnchor)
You can then report that, or combine it in some way with the line number, etc. The middle bits of FILE_STR_OFFSET are likely the most interesting.
Well, if you're displaying the message to the user yourself (as opposed to having a crash address or function be displayed by the system), there's nothing to keep you from displaying exactly what you want.
For example:
typedef union ErrorCode {
struct {
unsigned int file: 15;
unsigned int line: 12; /* Better than 5 bits, still not great
Thanks commenters!! */
unsigned int build: 5;
} bits;
unsigned int code;
} ErrorCode;
unsigned int buildErrorCodes(const char *file, int line, int build)
ErrorCode code;
code.bits.line=line & ((1<<12) - 1); & ((1<< 5) - 1);
code.bits.file=some_hash_function(file) & ((1<<15) - 1);
return code.code;
You'd use that as
buildErrorCodes(__FILE__, __LINE__, BUILD_CODE)
and output it in hex. It wouldn't be very hard to decode...
(Edited -- the commenters are correct, I must have been nuts to specify 5 bits for the line number. Modulo 4096, however, lines with error messages aren't likely to collide. 5 bits for build is still fine - modulo 32 means that only 32 builds can be outstanding AND have the error still happen at the same line.)
