Remove Option dynamically From select box - angularjs

api return status which is assign to $scope.status it come dynamically
$scope.status = [{"planStatus":"Completed","records":2},{"planStatus":"Partial","records":22},{"planStatus":"Active","records":24},{"planStatus":"Merged","records":6}]
This is my html code where i created select box using ng-repeat
<select ng-options="sta.planStatus as sta.planStatus for sta in status" ng-model="plan.planStatus" class="form-control">
<option class="selectoption" value="">Select Status</option>
I am creating a select box, 5 option show in my select box
I want to remove one option(like Active) from html? How can i do it. it is possible to do without change api response

You can use angular filters to remove the options. To remove the option where planStatus is 'Active', try this.
ng-options="sta.planStatus as sta.planStatus for sta in status | filter: optionsFilter"
In Controller:
$scope.optionsFilter = function (option) {
if (option.planStatus == 'Active') {
return false;
return true;


angularjs 2 select box loaded data but select box is not visible on browser

I have a select box which is populating from database. In the browser, I can see the select box template with all data from DB but not able to see the select box in the UI in a table.
$scope.GetCvSRCDetails = function() {
$scope.loader.loading = true;
crudFactory.getDataList("getcvsrcadetailalerts", "null")
.success(function (rcdata) {
$scope.cvsRCDetails = rcdata;
getDataList: function (ctrName, objId) {
url = serviceBase + "api/" + ctrName + "/" + objId;
return $http.get(url);//, authService.setHeader($http));
<select data-ng-options="rc.RCL1 for rc in cvsRCDetails"
On the basis of this, I need to populate another select box, but first I am not able to see the first Select box.
I resolved this issue with using below code.
<select ng-model="col" material-select>
<option ng-repeat="rc in cvsRCDetails">{{rc.RCL1}}</option>
I just added material-select in select tag.

Angularjs - get selected item text of select without ng-option

I have a dropdownlist -
<select ng-model="contact.type" id="select_{{$index}}" ng-change="changedValue()" class="searchCriteria">
<option>Policy Number</option>
<option>Insured Name</option>
I want to get the selected item using angularjs. So far I have tried
$scope.changedValue = function () {
alert($(".searchCriteria option:selected").html());
among other things. But each time the alert shows "undefined". How do I get the selected option text?
You can just use the $scope variable,
$scope.changedValue = function () {

Get selected option in ngOptions with protractor

How can I get the object associated to the selected option inside within a dropdown (select)?
Here's my html:
<select ng-model="selSeason" ng-options="season as for season in seasons"></select>
Every season is an object with several properties and I'd need to get the object associated to the selected object (and not only its text or value).
I know ng-repeat has something like (to select name of the 5th season):
element(by.repeater('season in seasons').row(4).column('name'));
Is there something similar for by.options() selector?
You can use by.options with evaluate():
var seasonNames = element.all(by.options('season in seasons')).evaluate("");
seasonNames.then(function (values) {
console.log(values); // array of season names is printed
You can also filter out the selected option with filter():
var selectedSeasonName = element.all(by.options('season in seasons')).filter(function (option) {
return option.getAttribute("selected").then(function (selected) {
return selected;
selectedSeasonName.then(function (value) {
console.log(value); // selected season name is printed
What you are looking for is the custom by.selectedOption locator.
For a better description, read this:
I ended up evaluating not the selected option but the ng-model associated to the select:
<select ng-model="selSeason" ng-options="season as for season in seasons"></select>
Your binding looks good, you can read all the properties easily by using your ng-model variable 'selSeason', see this example
<select ng-model="user"
ng-options="x as for x in users track by"
<option value="">-- Choose User --</option>
var id = $;
var name = $;
var role = $scope.user.role
For more detail check this

I want to select each value in dropdown and it is coming dynamically to do unit testing using protractor

This is my select tag
<select id="selectPrimaryObject" class="form-control" ng-change="getPrimaryRelations()" ng-model="relation.from">
<option id="md-option" ng-repeat="item in primaryObjectsList" value="{{}}">{{}}</option>
And my protractor code is
element.all('selectPrimaryObject')).each(function (values, index) {; // select the <select>
browser.driver.sleep(5000); // wait for the renderings to take effect
element.all('md-option')).click(); // select the first md-option
browser.driver.sleep(5000); // wait for the renderings to take effect
It is selecting last item from dropdown, but I want each item to be selected one by one.
Find the options by repeater, click every option with the help of each():
var selectElement = element('selectPrimaryObject'));;
var options = selectElement.all(by.repeater('item in primaryObjectsList'));
options.each(function (option) {;

Angularjs select with additional option

I have a multiple select that is connectted to the model. I would like to add an additional option that's not part of the model and handle the click event. Is that possible and how?
<select multiple name="Language_Custom"
ng-options="pn.Value as pn.Label for pn in Language_Custom_PossibleValues">
Create a function that returns a copy of your Language_Custom_PossibleValues array and appends your additional option to it. This lets you add an option without changing the underlying model.
$scope.getLanguages = function(){
var languages = [];
angular.forEach($scope.Language_Custom_PossibleValues, function(item){
languages.push({Value: 0, Label: 'Extra Option'});
return languages;
Now use that function as the source in the ng-options:
Language:<select multiple name="Language_Custom"
ng-options="pn.Value as pn.Label for pn in getLanguages()"
You also need a changeLanguage function that is called when the selected item in the list changes:
$scope.changeLanguage = function(){
if($scope.model.Language_Custom.indexOf(0) > -1)
alert('do somthing here');
Here is the solution I used:
Language:<select multiple name="Language_Custom" ng-model="model.Language_Custom" ng-required="true">
<option ng-click="selectAllMultiValues(model, 'Language_Custom', Language_Custom_PossibleValues)">Select All</option>
<option ng-repeat="pn in Language_Custom_PossibleValues" ng-model="p.Value">{{pn.Label}}</option>
