how to get live event on sonata Admin and Select2 jquery - sonata-admin

I added this example to my sonata admin page.
I try to get the live event on select2 change status, but I can't get the event: no js error, nothing in the console.
How do I get the event on select2 in a sonata-admin edit page?
EDIT: the page contains multiple select2 html tags. I am trying to get events for all of them. I edit a collections M2M.

simply use livequery plugins
$('.myClass').livequery(function() {
$(this).on("change", function() {


Reload tab on navigation in LWC

I have a use case where I need to navigate from one salesforce tab to other. I want the tab to which I navigate to reload as I want it to render and per new data which I will be setting in the previous tab.
I have tried using following code but it does not seem to reload the page. It just navigates to the tab.
type: 'standard__navItemPage',
attributes: {
apiName: 'tab_api_name'
If not complete reload, is there any method which we can invoke on switching/navigating between salesforce tabs as it did not call any of the lifecycle methods while switching tabs.
You can try, "_self");

Fixed Header showing when we navigate to different page in single page application

I'm using Datatables with AngularJS and the FixedHeader plugin which works fine when the table is displayed on the page. My issue is that when I navigate to a different page (single page application) using angular UI router, the FixedHeader header still shows.
Does anybody know why this is the case?
It looks like that is an issue with the FixedHeader plugin to DataTables.
There is an angular-DataTables module at, which has a page about the plugins that work with it. This page lists the FixedHeader plugin and mentions the same issue you are seeing.
This page says the following:
Beware when using routers. It seems that the header and footer stay in
your DOM even when you change your application state. So you will need
to tweak your code to remove them when exiting the state.
It also shows a workaround for angular-ui-router:
$stateProvider.state("contacts", {
templateUrl: 'somewhereInDaSpace',
controller: function($scope, title){
// Do your stuff
onEnter: function(title){
// Do your stuff
onExit: function(){
// Remove the DataTables FixedHeader plugin's headers and footers
var fixedHeaderEle = document.getElementsByClassName('fixedHeader');
var fixedFooterEle = document.getElementsByClassName('fixedFooter');

AngularUI Router - scroll to element on state change

I have searched on StackOverflow for the last five hours and none of the related answers quite solve my problem. I have an UI-Router state that loads a long list of messages generated from a custom directive. This page is linked too in many places pointing to a different message. I want to scroll to the currently selected message.
I can get this to work using $anchorScroll if I surround the call with a $timeout. $timeout(function(){$anchorScroll()};) but if the $timeout is not there a call to $anchorScroll does nothing since the View has not completely loaded.
Here is most of the relevant code.
<message id='message{{}}'
ng-repeat='message in messages'
ng-class="{'current':current == 'message{{}}'}" >
In the controller I set current to $scope.current = $location.hash(). This all works.
If I load the page like #/messages#message100 directly the page will correctly scroll. However, if from a different view I use the a link such as this:
<button ui-sref="message-state({'#':'message{{}}'})>
Go To Message {{}}
The page will not automatically scroll to the correct anchor since the message list has not been made yet. But by putting the call to $anchorScroll() in a $timeout I can make the page scroll.
I don't like using $timeout for this purpose. I know I am not supposed to manipulate the DOM in a controller like this.
I have tried registering the call to $anchorScroll() with many of the $stateProvider events such as:
$state.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function(event) {
But even at the time the $viewContentLoaded fires the message list does not exist in the DOM and the page does not scroll.
IWhat is the best way to make the UI-Router scroll based on the $location.hash().
Even I was facing a similar situation and after days of try and error, I came up with this.
In ui router add an id parameter to the state on which you want to enable the scroll.
$stateProvider.state('index', {
url: '/',
params: {
id: null
Then in the html use ui-sref
<li><a ui-sref="index({id: 'about-us'})" >About Us</a></li>
At last in the module detect the state change using
$rootScope.$on('$viewContentLoaded', function(event){
if ($ == 'index') {
if($ {
$anchorScroll.yOffset = 150;
$timeout(function(){$anchorScroll()}, 1000);
Hope this helps. Would do a plunkr if needed.

ADF Mobile: Invoke AMX Page to display on user screen using JavaScript

My question is very simple.
In ADF Mobile, I have HTML page and there is a button on it. I want to run JavaScript code on button click and navigate to AMX Page. How I can achieve this functionality.
Thank You!
In button properties in AMX page click action listener and create Bean and Method
Add below code in order to execute zoomIn JS Function
new Object[] { });
First Parameter: Feature Id
Second Parameter: Javascript Function
Name Third Parameter: Java Script Function Parameters
If it's HTML page once you choose a button in property inspector under javascript you will find all the javascript events you can use( if property inspector not visible click View -> Property Inspector).
you can add the JS function in the OnClick event then in that JS function you can use below code to go to the feature that has your AMX page."feature0",
function(req, res) { alert("gotoFeature complete"); },
function(req, res) { alert("gotoFeature failed with " +; }
Make sure you include the JS file in feature under content tab.
And in order to navigate to AMX page from a button on another AMX page pass the flowCase to below method
public void doNavigation(String flowCase) {
new Object[] { flowCase });
The doNavigation method is calling a standard ADFM JS API called and it passes the flowCase name to it.

Backbone View injected links reload Site

After rendering a Backbone View I inject HTML generated with jQuery. This HTML also includes links within the application. If you click those links they reload the site.
How can I bind those links so they will trigger the router and don't reload the site?
You have to bind a click event to those links and call Router.navigate. It's important that you return false from your event handler as this will prevent the borwser to actually follow the link. Another important thing is to pass trigger: true to actually have your router execute (otherwise it will only change the url displayed in the address bar).
events : {
'click a.changeView' : 'changeView'
changeView : function(e) {
Router.navigate(, { trigger: true });
return false;
Also, you might have to tweak your href a bit if it contains protocol, domain, etc... for instance if your href is you might need to pass only mypage to the router.
