PBC: get hash from an element - c

In the PBC library there is a function to get an element from a hash:
void element_from_hash(element_t e, void *data, int len)
Generate an element e deterministically from the len bytes stored in the buffer data.
PBC manuals: Converting elements
Is there a way to go the other way around, i.e. recover the corresponding hash from an element?
Alternatively, is there a consistent way to translate strings back and forth to elements?
Does element_to_bytes / element_from_bytes work or do these bytes be ina particular form to be interpreted as a PBC element (as I strongly suppose)?
I am building a cryptosystem and clearly I need to recover the cleartext after the decryption ;).
To explain better my problem, I need a way to encode strings as an element and decode an element to a string.

I studied the manual and looked up some theory. I am not an expert in cryptography and forgot much about eliptic rings and groups.
The basic purpose of Pairing-Based Cryptography is to be able to safely exchange or construct a shared key for use in further encryption or authentication, knowing that someone may be eavesdropping on the communications used in the exchange/construction.
The hashing the manual and theory talks about means to generate a hash from the message. That hash will in turn be used to obtain a component of a key from the ring using the functions of the PBC library.
Hashing by definition means to map from something larger onto something smaller. For example generating a 16 bit integer hash from a 1024 character message. As a consequence it is also by definition not possible to obtain an original from a hash - there are an infinite number of messages that would qualify as they all generate the same hash.
However, using the key obtained from the exchange and using the library's functions lets you decrypt the message.


simple AES function (not library) in C?

novice to aes. in reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AES_implementations, I am a bit surprised. I should need just one function
char16 *aes128(char16 key, char16 *secrets, int len);
where char16 is an 8*16=128bit character type. and, presumably, ignoring memory leaks,
assert( bcmp( anystring, aes128(anykey, aes128(anykey, anystring, len), len )==0 );
I am looking over the description of the algorithm on wikipedia, and although I can see myself making enough coding mistakes to take me a few days to debug my own implementation, it does not seem too complex. maybe 100 lines? I did see versions in C#, such as Using AES encryption in C#. that seem themselves almost as long as the algorithm itself. earlier recommendations on stackoverflow mostly recommend the use of individual functions inside larger libraries, but it would be nice to have a go-to function for this task that one could compile into one's code.
so, is AES implementation too complex to be for the faint of heart? or is it reasonably short and simple?
how many lines does a C implementation take? is there a self-contained aes128() C function already in free form somewhere for the taking?
another question: is each block independently encoded? presumably, it would strengthen the encryption if the first block would create a salt that the second block would then use. otoh, this would mean that disk corruption of one block would make every subsequent block undecryptable.
You're not seeing a single function like you expect because there are so many options. For example, the block encoding mechanism you described (CBC) is just one option or mode in AES encryption. See here for more information: http://www.heliontech.com/aes_modes_basic.htm
The general rule of thumb in any language is: Don't reinvent something that's already been done and done well. This is especially true in anything related to cryptography.
well using just the AES function is basically insecure as any block X will always be encoded to block Y with key K which is too much information to give an attacker... (according to cryptographers)
so you use some method to change the block cipher at each block. you can use a nonce or Cipher Block Chaining or some other method. but there is a pretty good example on wikipedia (the penguin picture): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_code_book#Electronic_codebook_.28ECB.29
so in short you can implement AES in one function that is secure (as a block cipher), but it isn't secure if you have data that is longer than 16 bytes.
also AES is fairly complex because of all the round keys... I wouldn't really want to implement it, especially with all of the many good implementations around, but I guess it wouldn't be so bad if you had a good reason to do it.
so in short, to construct a secure stream cipher from a block cipher you need to adopt some strategy to change the effective key along the stream.
ok, so I found a reasonable standalone implementation:
About 400 lines. I will probably use this one.
hope it helps others, too.

Precalculating MD5

I've got MD5 hash of one million symbols password and I've got first 999,992 symbols. I need to bruteforce last 8 digits. Can I precount first symbols' hash (let's call it base hash) and then just brute 8 chars length string and add its hash to base hash to make finding right pass faster? What algorithm should I use or what software can help me?
Yes, that's possible. MD5 is based on the Merkle-Damgård construction, which performs the hashing in blocks. You can hash a number of blocks, then save the state of the hash function and use it as the starting point to try different possibilities for the remaining blocks.
Based on the documentation (I haven't tested), I think calling clone() on a Java MessageDigest will copy the current state of the hash function. You could use that to build your partial hash from the known characters, then create a clone for each guess. That's assuming that the MD5 implementation actually supports cloning. There's a chance (depending on what language and library you use) that you might have to write your own MD5 implementation.
Note that MD5's block size is 512 bits (64 characters), and the length of your password (one million) is a whole multiple of that. That means your password characters will completely fill up the last block of data, and the hash function will need an additional block for padding. So you'll precompute the partial hash of the first 999,936 characters that you know, then produce the final data block from the remaining 56 characters that you know plus the 8 that you're guessing, then append the padding block after that.
An implementation like Java's MessageDigest should take care of the details of dividing things into blocks, though. You can probably (again, I haven't tested) just create a MessageDigest, call digest(byte[]) with your 999,992 known bytes, and then call clone().

Alternative to Hash Map for Small Data set in C

I am currently working on a command line interface for a particle simulator. Its parser takes reads input in the following format:
[command] [argument]* (-[flag] [flag argument])
Currently, the command is sent through a conditional block, compared to various known commands and its corresponding data packet is sent to the matching function. This, however, seems clunky, inefficient and inelegant.
I am thinking about using a hashmap instead, with a string representation of a command as the key and a function pointer as the value. The function referenced would then be sent a data packet containing arguments, flags, etc.
Is a hash map overkill in this situation? Does the extra infrastructure required to implement one outweigh the potential benefits? I am aiming for speed, elegance, function, and, since this is an open-source project, extensibility.
Thanks for the help.
You might want to consider the Ternary Search Tree. It has good performnce, efficient use of storage; and you don't need a hash function or a collision strategy.
The linked Bentley/Sedgwick article is a very thorough-yet-readable explanation of the accompanying C source.
I've been using a TST for name-lookup in the past 3 versions of my postscript interpreter. The only changes that have been needed have been due to changes in memory management. Here's a version I modified (lightly) to use explicit pointers. I use yet another version in my postscript interpreter, any of the xpost2*.zip versions, in the file core.c, which uses byte-offsets for pointers (have to be added to the user-memory byte-pointer to yield a real pointer).
Speed gained will probably be minimal, but you could hash the command to convert it to a number and then use a switch statement. Faster than a hash map.

How can I generate unique, non-sequential serial keys without 3rd party software?

I'm working on a project that involves writing low-level C software for a hardware implementation. We are wanting to implement a new feature for our devices that our users can unlock when they purchase an associated license key.
The desired implementation steps are simple. The user calls us up, they request the feature and sends us a payment. Next, we email them a product key which they input into their hardware to unlock the feature.
Our hardware is not connected to the internet. Therefore, an algorithm must be implemented in such a way that these keys can be generated from both the server and from within the device. Seeds for the keys can be derived from the hardware serial number, which is available in both locations.
I need a simple algorithm that can take sequential numbers and generate unique, non-sequential keys of 16-20 alphanumeric characters.
SHA-1 looks to be the best way to go. However, what I am seeing from sample output of SHA-1 keys is that they are pretty long (40 chars). Would I obtain sufficient results if I took the 40 char key and, say, truncated all but the last 16 characters?
You could just concatenate the serial number of the device, the feature name/code and some secret salt and hash the result with SHA1 (or another secure hashing algorithm). The device compares the given hash to the hash generated for each feature, and if it finds a match it enables the feature.
By the way, to keep the character count down I'd suggest to use base64 as encoding after the hashing pass.
SHA-1 looks to be the best way to go. However, what I am seeing from sample output of SHA-1 keys is that they are pretty long (40 chars). Would I obtain sufficient results if I took the 40 char result and, say, truncated all but the last 16 characters?
Generally it's not a good idea to truncate hashes, they are designed to exploit all the length of the output to provide good security and resistance to collisions. Still, you could cut down the character count using base64 instead of hexadecimal characters, it would go from 40 characters to 27.
Hex: a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3
Base64: qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M
Actually, #Nick Johnson claims with convincing arguments that hashes can be truncated without big security implications (obviously increasing chances of collisions of two times for each bit you are dropping).
You should also use an HMAC instead of naively prepending or appending the key to the hash. Per Wikipedia:
The design of the HMAC specification was motivated by the existence of
attacks on more trivial mechanisms for combining a key with a hash
function. For example, one might assume the same security that HMAC
provides could be achieved with MAC = H(key ∥ message). However, this
method suffers from a serious flaw: with most hash functions, it is
easy to append data to the message without knowing the key and obtain
another valid MAC. The alternative, appending the key using MAC =
H(message ∥ key), suffers from the problem that an attacker who can
find a collision in the (unkeyed) hash function has a collision in the
MAC. Using MAC = H(key ∥ message ∥ key) is better, however various
security papers have suggested vulnerabilities with this approach,
even when two different keys are used.
For more details on the security implications of both this and length truncation, see sections 5 and 6 of RFC2104.
One option is to use a hash as Matteo describes.
Another is to use a block cipher (e.g. AES). Just pick a random nonce and invoke the cipher in counter mode using your serial numbers as the counter.
Of course, this will make the keys invertible, which may or may not be a desirable property.
You can use an Xorshift random number generator to generate a unique 64-bit key, and then encode that key using whatever scheme you want. If you use base-64, the key is 11 characters long. If you use hex encoding, the key would be 16 characters long.
The Xorshift RNG is basically just a bit mixer, and there are versions that have a guaranteed period of 2^64, meaning that it's guaranteed to generate a unique value for every input.
The other option is to use a linear feedback shift register, which also will generate a unique number for each different input.

Hash function for short strings

I want to send function names from a weak embedded system to the host computer for debugging purpose. Since the two are connected by RS232, which is short on bandwidth, I don't want to send the function's name literally. There are some 15 chars long function names, and I sometimes want to send those names at a pretty high rate.
The solution I thought about, was to find a hash function which would hash those function names to a single byte, and send this byte only. The host computer would scan all the functions in the source, compute their hash using the same function, and then would translate the hash to the original string.
The hash function must be
Collision free for short strings.
Simple (since I don't want too much code in my embedded system).
Fit a single byte
Obviously, it does not need to be secure by any means, only collision free. So I don't think using cryptography-related hash function is worth their complexity.
An example code:
int myfunc() {
The host would then be able to present me with list of times where the myfunc function was executed.
Is there some known hash function which holds the above conditions?
I assume I will use much less than 256 function-names.
I can use more than a single byte, two bytes would have me pretty covered.
I prefer to use a hash function instead of using the same function-to-byte map on the client and the server, because (1) I have no map implementation on the client, and I'm not sure I want to put one for debugging purposes. (2) It requires another tool in my build chain to inject the function-name-table into my embedded system code. Hash is better in this regard, even if that means I'll have a collision once in many while.
Try minimal perfect hashing:
Minimal perfect hashing guarantees that n keys will map to 0..n-1 with no collisions at all.
C code is included.
Hmm with only 256 possible values, since you will parse your source code to know all possible functions, maybe the best way to do it would be to attribute a number to each of your function ???
A real hash function would probably won't work because you have only 256 possible hashes.
but you want to map at least 26^15 possible values (assuming letter-only, case-insensitive function names).
Even if you restricted the number of possible strings (by applying some mandatory formatting) you would be hard pressed to get both meaningful names and a valid hash function.
You could use a Huffman tree to abbreviate your function names according to the frequency they are used in your program. The most common function could be abbreviated to 1 bit, less common ones to 4-5, very rare functions to 10-15 bits etc. A Huffman tree is not very hard to implement but you will have to do something about the bit alignment.
No, there isn't.
You can't make a collision free hash code, or even close to it, with just an eight bit hash. If you allow strings that are longer than one character, you have more possible strings than there are possible hash codes.
Why not just extract the function names and give each function name an id? Then you only need a lookup table on each side of the wire.
(As others have shown you can generate a hash algorithm without collisions if you already have all the function names, but then it's easier to just assign a number to each name to make a lookup table...)
If you have a way to track the functions within your code (i.e. a text file generated at run-time) you can just use the memory locations of each function. Not exactly a byte, but smaller than the entire name and guaranteed to be unique. This has the added benefit of low overhead. All you would need to 'decode' the address is the text file that maps addresses to actual names; this could be sent to the remote location or, as I mentioned, stored on the local machine.
In this case you could just use an enum to identify functions. Declare function IDs in some header file:
typedef enum
} FUNC_ID_t;
Then in functions:
int myfunc(void)
If sender and receiver share the same set of function names, they can build identical hashtables from these. You can use the path taken to get to an hash element to communicate this. This can be {starting position+ number of hops} to communicate this. This would take 2 bytes of bandwidth. For a fixed-size table (lineair probing) only the final index is needed to address an entry.
NOTE: when building the two "synchronous" hash tables, the order of insertion is important ;-)
Described here is a simple way of implementing it yourself: http://www.devcodenote.com/2015/04/collision-free-string-hashing.html
Here is a snippet from the post:
It derives its inspiration from the way binary numbers are decoded and converted to decimal number format. Each binary string representation uniquely maps to a number in the decimal format.
if say we have a character set of capital English letters, then the length of the character set is 26 where A could be represented by the number 0, B by the number 1, C by the number 2 and so on till Z by the number 25. Now, whenever we want to map a string of this character set to a unique number , we perform the same conversion as we did in case of the binary format
