I have a C++ wrapper class that uses C code. reading_function is running in a thread, and the function only returns when write_is_finished. This function should read data when a new segment is wrote. writing_function is called when a new segment is available. So, my objective is to do write-read-write-etc. To make that possible I use an infinite loop, with if else statements (pseudo-code):
int reading_function([parameters]){
if(is_writing == false){
is_reading == true;
is_reading == false;
if(write_is_finished == true){
return check_state;
int writing_function([parameters]){
if(is_reading == false){
is_writing = true;
is_writing = false;
return check_state;
The program is running good. But I want a more elegant solution. Since this is C code, called from a C++ class. I don't know how can I synchronize the read and write threads.
It may depend on the environment that the code will run. If it is going to run on Windows, you may use thread synchronization objects like Semaphore or Mutex, and WIn32API provides such function to create, control and release, e.g. CreateSemaphore, CreateMutex.
If it is going to run on Unix environment, you may use posix-supported synchronization objects, e.g. pthread_mutex_, or pthread_semaphore.. The usage of these are pretty much well documented so that you may write your code without meeting race conditions.
I want to write a function in C and to put a condition in it. If the condition isn't met the program gives and error and prevents the user (developer) from compiling the code.
For example:
void func(int x)
if (x > 0)
//do stuff
//give an error and stops the code from compiling
prevents the user (developer) from compiling the code.
There's a problem there. You can decide on the user's behaviour, but you can't decide on the compilation of the program. If the code is right (right in the language sense, so it makes sense to the compiler), it will compile, else it won't. You can't make up new arbitrary rules for the compiler.
Before you can even run a program written in C, the compilation needs to be fulfilled.
Functions are called at run-time and so are the parameter values determined at run-time, too.
You can't make the compilation of your code dependent upon the variable x in C.
What you're trying to achieve is basically completely impossible.
Let's take an example. Assume that you want to manufacture an elevator, and you set the weight limit to 800 kilograms. You could build in something that makes the elevator stop if the weight exceeds the limit.
So take the scenario where we program the elevator so that it does not move if the weight limit is exceeded. That would typically be done with an assert() or something like that.
You could also in various way try to prevent this from happening, like making the elevator very small so that you cannot fit too many people. But that is not a fail safe option. We have restricted the volume, but nothing prevents a person from bringing a big chunk of solid gold into the elevator.
The point here is that you can measure the weight before moving the elevator, since this is done at runtime. But preventing someone from even trying to exceed the limit is virtually impossible.
In the general case, what you're asking for is completely impossible. What you can do is something like this:
void func(int x)
/* Do stuff */
And a slightly related thing that is possible is to create a test that is a part of the build process. You cannot prevent compilation the way you want, but you can use it to fail the whole build process. An example.
// main.c
int add(int x, int y)
return x+y;
bool test()
if(add(4,5) != 9) return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(strcmp(argv[1], "--test") == 0) {
if(!test()) {
printf("Test failed\n");
// More tests
printf("All tests passed\n");
/* Rest of the main function */
Then you create a Makefile that compiles main.c and then calls ./a.out --test as a part of the build process. The above example is a very simple case, and for a more realistic case I would have made it a bit more sophisticated, but it shows how it can be done. Also, there are libraries that can take care of this kind of stuff, but this is a way to do it without having to use that.
I'm making a GTK+3 application in C and I want a spinner to show when the program is processing the data. Here's what I generally have:
//Some statements
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Generate), &mainform);
void Generate(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
Begin_Lengthy_Processing(Parameters, Galore, ...);
I have the stop function commented out so I can see the spinner spin even after the function has finished, but the spinner starts after the function is finished, and I suspect it turns on in the main loop.
I also found out that the entire interface freezes during the execution of the long going function.
Is there a way to get it to start and display inside the callback function? I found the same question, but it uses Python and threads. This is C, not Python, so I would assume things are different.
You need to run your lengthy computation in a separate thread, or break it up into chunks and run each of them separately as idle callbacks in the main thread.
If your lengthy computation takes a single set of inputs and doesn’t need any more inputs until it’s finished, then you should construct it as a GTask and use g_task_run_in_thread() to start the task. Its result will be delivered back to the main thread via the GTask’s GAsyncReadyCallback. There’s an example here.
If it takes more input as it progresses, you probably want to use a GAsyncQueue to feed it more inputs, and a GThreadPool to provide the threads (amortising the cost of creating threads over multiple calls to the lengthy function, and protecting against denial of service).
The GNOME developer docs give an overview of how to do threading.
This is what I got:
int main()
// Statements...
g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(btnGenerate), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(Process), &mainform);
// More statements...
void Process(GtkWidget *btnGenerate, form_widgets *p_main_form)
GError *processing_error;
GThread *start_processing;
active = true;
if((start_processing = g_thread_try_new(NULL, (GThreadFunc)Generate, p_main_form, &processing_error)) == NULL)
printf("%s\n", processing_error->message);
printf("Error, cannot create thread!?!?\n\n");
void Generate(form_widgets *p_main_form)
// Long process
active = false;
My program, once cleaned up and finished, as there are many other bugs in the program, will be put on GitHub.
Thank you all for your help. This answer comes from looking at all of your answers and comments as well as reading some more documentation, but mostly your comments and answers.
I did something similar in my gtk3 program. It's not that difficult. Here's how I would go about it.
g_idle_add_full() expects a pointer to a function with the signature below:
(*GSourceFunc) (gpointer user_data).
So your function signature must adhere to that in order to be called.
But you might want to pass variables to the function.
If you don't want to have the variables in the global scope
then you can do this:
typedef struct myDataType {
char* name;
int age;
} myDataType;
myDataType person = {"Max", 25};
then when calling g_idle_add_full() you do it this way:
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, myFunction, person, NULL);
int main()
// Assumming there exist a pointer called data
g_idle_add_full(G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, lengthyProcessCallBack, data, NULL);
// GTK & GDK event loop continues and window should be responsive while function runs in background
gboolean lengthyProcessCallBack(gpointer data)
myDataType person = (myDataType) *data;
// Doing lenghthy stuff
while(;;) {
sleep(3600); // hypothetical long process :D
return FALSE; // removed from event sources and won't be called again.
I have a problem with using threads in a C Extension to run ruby code async.
I have the following C code:
struct DATA {
VALUE callback;
pthread_t watchThread;
void *ptr;
void *executer(void *ptr) {
struct DATA *data = (struct DATA *) ptr;
char oldVal[20] = "1";
char newVal[20] = "1";
pthread_cleanup_push(&threadGarbageCollector, data);
while(1) {
if(triggerReceived) {
rb_funcall(data->callback, rb_intern("call"), 0);
return NULL;
VALUE spawn_thread(VALUE self) {
VALUE block;
struct DATA *data;
Data_Get_Struct(self, struct DATA, data);
block = rb_block_proc();
data->callback = block;
pthread_create(&data->watchThread, NULL, &executer, data);
return self;
I am using this because I want to provide ruby-code as a callback, which will be executed, once the Thread receives a signal.
In general this is working fine, if the callback is something like this ruby-code:
1 + 1
But, if the callbacks ruby-code looks like this:
puts "test"
than the main ruby process will stop responding, once the callback is getting executed.
The thread is still running and able to react to signals and puts the "test" everytime, the thread receives a message.
Can somebody maybe tell me, how to fix this?
Thanks a lot
From the Ruby C API docs:
As of Ruby 1.9, Ruby supports native 1:1 threading with one kernel
thread per Ruby Thread object. Currently, there is a GVL (Global VM
Lock) which prevents simultaneous execution of Ruby code which may be
released by the rb_thread_call_without_gvl and
rb_thread_call_without_gvl2 functions. These functions are
tricky-to-use and documented in thread.c; do not use them before
reading comments in thread.c.
TLDR; the Ruby VM is not currently (at the time of writing) thread safe. Check out this nice write-up on Ruby Threading for a better overall understanding of how to work within these confines.
You can use Ruby's native_thread_create(rb_thread_t *th) which will use pthread_create behind the scenes. There are some drawbacks that you can read about in the documentation above the method definition. You can then run your callback with Ruby's rb_thread_call_with_gvl method. Also, I haven't done it here, but it might be a good idea to create a wrapper method so you can use rb_protect to handle exceptions your callback may raise (otherwise they will be swallowed by the VM).
VALUE execute_callback(VALUE callback)
return rb_funcall(callback, rb_intern("call"), 0);
// execute your callback when the thread receives signal
rb_thread_call_with_gvl(execute_callback, data->callback);
I have two modes that I want to switch between with an interrupt that is generated by a sliding switch. Initially I read the current position and choose a mode/function. I want to switch between the two right when the position of the switch is changed. I have an interrupt which occurs on both edges (whenever the position is changed). However since both functions run continuously in a while loop, I can't just call them in the interrupt. Basically I have something like this:
//not sure how to switch between modes here
//choose mode on startup
if (switch_HIGH)
//do something
//do something
I don't know if it's a good idea to just leave a function where it is and just move to something else but I can't think of any other way to do it. I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me how I can go about this.
The language I'm using is C and the platform is a NIOS system on a Altera DE1 development board.
Using an interrupt for this seems very pointless; it's much simpler to just poll the input on each loop, and call the proper function just as you're doing.
UPDATE: I just relized your code doesn't have a loop, so the above is a bit hard to understand, of course.
I meant that you can structure your program like this:
int main(void)
This makes the CPU go around in an infinite loop, and on each iteration it checks the switch and calls either modeA() or modeB() depending on the current mode.
Adding an interrupt gains you nothing except adding more complexity.
That said, what I would do is use a function pointer to indicate the current mode, and change the function pointer's value inside the interrupt, depending on the state of the switch. Then in the main loop just call the pointed-at function.
Remember to initialize the function properly, since you probably won't get an interrupt when teh device comes out of reset. This is another argument against this solution; the complexity is much bigger than just checking the switch on each iteration.
How about calling the two functions as threads. The interrupt function can kill the active thread and start the other thread. Pseudo code:
thread threada,threadb;
flag a=0;
//do something
//do something
Rather than killing the thread, you can have graceful shutdown mechanism using some kind of synchronization.
I want to optimize/reduce memory usage of my software. One of the approaches that I'm looking at is to look for removing redundant and unnecessary code.
In my software there are lot of features (up to 3000) which can be activated/deactivated via a Feature Enable mechanism. What I am trying to do is to find how much RAM/FLASH a feature utilizes and then start evaluating with the biggest ones and see if they are required or not (Features not required can be safely deleted from the code). Also please note a function may have more than one feature within itself.
Our code would look something like this:
void foo (void)
if(TRUE == feature1_enable)
if(TRUE == feature2_enable)
//rest of the code
How can I calculate how much FLASH the code inside if statements is using? I cannot use final link map file as it provides data only about the function but not individual statements inside them. One solution that I have thought is to create an assembly listing file (.alst) out of the C code and then calculate the size of the instructions within the if statements which is nothing but the amount of FLASH utilized by these lines of code.
Kindly let me know if I am on the right track or if there is a better/easier way to do this?
I am using:
Processor: MPC5554 (POWER PC architecture)
Compiler: WindRiver Diab
If the logic is correct I would eventually write a script to search the enables and do the required calculations.
The only solution that comes to my mind that works with optimizations:
void foo (void)
#if 0 // disable feature 1 for size test
if(TRUE == feature1_enable)
#endf // feature 1
if(TRUE == feature2_enable)
//rest of the code
If you need to automate:
void foo (void)
#ifndef DISABLE_FEATURE_1_AT_COMPILE_TIME // disable feature 1 for size test
if(TRUE == feature1_enable)
#endf // feature 1
#ifndef DISABLE_FEATURE_2_AT_COMPILE_TIME // disable feature 2 for size test
if(TRUE == feature2_enable)
#endif // feature 2
//rest of the code
Then you can automate in your build script for every feature you have and measure the size of the feature alone. The most work you will have is adding all the defines now.