Why do we need a RTOS on ARM Cortex-M - arm

If we can already execute C programs on cortex-m like micro-controllers, Why do we even need to install RTOS (or other operating systems).?
What benefits it can provide if micro-controller is intended to be multi-purpose.?

No you dont need an RTOS only if you need/want the features of the (particular) RTOS. You can program the microcontroller the way you/we always have without one if you prefer.

Typical things an RTOS might bring,
Memory management (who owns memory)
Interrupt handling support
Scheduling (pre-emptive or co-operative)
Usually several drivers in a BSP for your hardware/SOC
Debug tools
Some sort of shell
File systems
IPC (inter-process communitation)
A tool suite
A build environment
Memory protection
Your application may or may not need these features depending on your end goal. Some of them may be detrimental to your organizations work flow (like the tool suite and build environment). As a product matures, you may end up needing features you didn't account for.
However, a completely custom solution will probably have a smaller foot print. The race conditions involved in interrupt handling can be quite difficult to get right. Probably most RTOS will give a better implementation than something custom that evolves over time. If you are very dedicated, a state machine with polling of devices can be more optimal (hard real time) but again it is difficult to get right.
If the RTOS is BSD (or other permissive) licensed , it maybe possible to reuse the driver code to your own custom infra-structure. At some point your code may become an 'RTOS' of sorts. There are many to choose from.
POSIX compliance is a common standard. If you confine your code to POSIX, you are portable to many different RTOS/OS. However, most often an API that is more rich than POSIX; it is one way they differentiate each other. You may be able to use more 3rd party libraries if the RTOS is POSIX compliant.

An operating system provides a level of abstraction between the code written by an application programmer and the actual hardware the program runs on.
So you don't have to worry, as an application programmer, about the details of the hardware, as they are handled by drivers.
And thus you can compile the same program for many different hardware platforms, if they run the same (or a compatible) operating system.


How to make my code independent of "RTOS"?

I want to to write a module that need some RTOS APIs like Mbox and Task creation API !
I'm trying to have structured code and to do that I'm looking at some libraries like "lwip" . In "lwip" there is a file named Sys-arch.c which in my knowledge is an abstraction layer to RTOS APIs ! but in my port it included cmsis_os.h and used that APIs . Why did they do that instead of using cmsis_os directly?
Should I have a new OS layer in order to have portable code or CMSIS_OS is enough ?
This answer is very opinion based.
In my experience it is always a good idea to use function/defines around your OS accesses. If you use CMSIS_OS or your own layer doesn't make a big difference beside you have more work if you use your own and especially porting and testing becomes very cumbersome with more than one OS.
The CMSIS_OS binds you to the Cortex-M systems but since they implement what you would implement in your layer as well and in quite usual way, it is rather simple to port from CMSIS_OS to your own layer later. It is not that simple if you use direct calls to a specific OS in your code directly but it is also possible if you only rely on standard features (take a look at CMSIS_OS what are common features of RTOS are) and don't use special features of your OS.
Why did they do that instead of using cmsis_os directly?
The idea is to abstract the API from any RTOS. If your target did not use CMSIS RTOS, you'd have to write a porting layer in any case.
the CMSIS RTOS API is ARM Cortex-M specific and lwip is not.
Should I have a new OS layer in order to have portable code or CMSIS_OS is enough ?
CMSIS is only enough if you will only ever target ARM Cortex-M, and there is a CMSIS layer for any RTOS you might be required to use. CMSIS is a portability abstraction, but not perhaps a usability abstraction. You might choose to implement a simpler abstraction of your own over CMSIS that can also be ported to other targets.
lwIP is nicely structured so that as long as your RTOS API supports its semantic requirements, then all you have to do is to adapt sys_arch.c to your OS API and you are done. By making sys_arch.c using the CMSIS_OS API abstraction, that would mean that you can use any CMSIS OS API compliant OS without changing that port of sys_arch.c. It's an extra layer of indirection that only you can decide whether it is worth it or not. If you do not plan to use different RTOS underneath, then there is no reason not to have a sys_arch.c that is specific to a single RTOS.
Anyway, lwIP RTOS requirements are fairly modest. Just about a dozen functions, but really only involve mailbox and semaphores with certain characteristics.

Bare bones OS kernel programming

I have recently started to take an interest in the topics of operating systems. I have a couple of things that are weighing on my mind, but I have decided to split the questions.
Let's assume we're designing a kernel for a new instruction set architecture that's out on the market. There are no C runtime libraries, no nothing. Only a compatible compiler for that ISA.
Presumably, this means that the only C constructs that are available to the kernel programmer are only basic assignment operators, bitwise operators and loops. Is this correct?
If so, how are more complex things like main memory I/O and process scheduling achieved on the lowest level? Can they only be implemented in pure assembly?
What does it mean then, for a kernel to be written in C (Linux for example). Are some parts of the kernel inherently written in assembly then?
Presumably, this means the only C constructs that are available to the kernel programmer are only basic assignment operators, bitwise operators and loops. Is this correct?
Pretty much all C language features will still work in your kernel without needing any particular runtime support, your C compiler will be able to translate them to assembler that can run just as well in kernel mode as they would in a normal user-mode program.
However libraries such as the Standard C Library will not be available, you will have to write your own implementation. In particular this means no malloc and free until you implement them yourself.
If so, how are more complex things like main memory I/O and process scheduling achieved on the lowest level? Can they only be implemented in pure assembly?
Memory I/O is something much more low level that is handled by the CPU, BIOS, and various other hardware on your computer. The OS thankfully doesn't have to bother with this (with some exceptions, such as some addresses being reserved, and some memory management features).
Process scheduling is a concept that doesn't really exist at the machine code level on most architecture. x86 does have a concept of tasks and hardware task switching but nobody uses it. This is an abstraction set up by the OS as needed, you would have to implement it yourself, or you could decide to have a single-tasking OS if you do not want to spend the effort, it will still work.
What does it mean then, for a kernel to be written in C (linux for example). Are some parts of the kernel inherently written in assembly then?
Some parts of the kernel will be heavily architecture dependent and will have to be written in ASM. For example on x86 switching between modes (e.g. to run 16 bit code, or as part of the boot process) or interrupt handling can only be done with some protected ASM instructions. The reference manual of your architecture of choice, such as the Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manual for x86 are the first place to look for those kinds of details.
But C is a portable language, it has no need for such low level architecture-specific concepts (although you could in theory do everything from a .c file with compiler intrinsics and inline ASM). It is more useful to abstract this away in assembler routines, and build your C code on top of a clean interface that you could maintain if you wanted to port your OS to another architecture.
If you are interested in the subject, I highly recommend you pay a visit to the OS Development Wiki, it's a great source of information about Operating Systems and you'll find many hobbyists that share your interest.
About the only thing you need to code in assembler are:
Context switches (swapping out the machine state of one abstract process for another)
Access to device registers (and you don't even need this if the devices are memory mapped)
Entry and exit from interrupt handlers (this is a kind of context switch)
Perhaps a boot loader
Everthing else you should be able to do in C code.
If you want to see this job done spectacularly well, you should go an check out the Multics OS, dating from the middle 60s, supporting a large scale information services (multiple CPUs, Virtual Memory, ...). This was coded almost entirely in PL/1 (a C-like language) with only very small bits coded in the native assembly language of the Honeywell processor that supported Multics. The Organick book on Multics is worth its weight in gold in terms of showing how Multics worked and how clean most of it is. (We got "Eunuchs" instead).
There are some places where it will be worthwhile to code in assembler anyway. Regardless of the quality of your compiler's code generator, you will be able to hand-code certain routines that occur in time-critical areas better in assembler than the compiler will do. Places I'd expect this matter: the scheduler, system call entry and exit. Other places only as measurement indicates. (On older, much smaller systems, one tended to write the OS using a lot of assembler, but that was as much for space savings as it was for efficiency of execution, C compilers weren't nearly as good).
I'm wondering how a new architecture that's "out on the market" would not already have some type of operating system.
Device drivers - someone is going to have to write code for this, perhaps one driver for BIOS, the other for the OS. Memory mapped I/O can get complicated depending on the hardware, such as a controller with a set of descriptors, each containing a physical address and length. If the OS supports virtual memory, then that memory has to be "locked" and the physical addresses obtained in order to program the controller. This one reason for having a set of descriptors, so that a single memory mapped I/O can handle scattered physical pages that have been mapped into a continuous virtual address space.
Assembly code - the other comments here have already note that some assembly will be required (context switches, interrupt handlers (which could call C functions, so most of the code could be in C)).

Threading in C, cross platform

I am dealing with an existing project (in C) that is currently running on a single thread, and we would like to run on multiple platforms AND have multiple threads. Hopefully, there is a library for this, because, IMHO, the Win32 API is like poking yourself in the eye repeatedly. I know about Boost.Thread for C++, but, this must be C (and compilable on MinGW and gcc). Cygwin is not an option, sorry.
Try OpenMP API, it's multi-platform and you can compile it with GCC.
Brief description from the wikipedia:
OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) is an application programming interface
(API) that supports multi-platform shared memory multiprocessing
programming in C, C++, and Fortran,[3] on most platforms, processor
architectures and operating systems, including Solaris, AIX, HP-UX,
Linux, macOS, and Windows. It consists of a set of compiler
directives, library routines, and environment variables that influence
run-time behavior.
I would use the POSIX thread API - pthread. This article has some hints for implementing it on Windows, and a header-file-only download (BSD license):
Edit: I used the sourceforge pthreads-win32 project in the past for multi-platform threading and it worked really nicely. Things have moved on since then and the above link seems more up-to-date, though I haven't tried it. This answer assumes of course that pthreads are available on your non-Windows targets (for Mac / Linux I should think they are, probably even embedded)
Windows threading has sufficiently different functionality when compared to that of Linux such that perhaps you should consider two different implementations, at least if application performance could be an issue. On the other hand, simply implementing multi-threading may well make your app slower than it was before. Lets assume that performance is an issue and that multi-threading is the best option.
With Windows threads I'm specifically thinking of I/O Completion Ports (IOCPs) which allow implementing I/O-event driven threads that make the most efficient use of the hardware.
Many "classic" applications are constructed along one thread/one socket (/one user or similar) concept where the number of simultaneous sessions will be limited by the scheduler's ability to handle large numbers of threads (>1000). The IOCP concept allows limiting the number of threads to the number of cores in your system which means that the scheduler will have very little to do. The threads will only execute when the IOCP releases them after an I/O event has occurred. The thread services the IOC, (typically) initiates a new I/O and returns to wait at the IOCP for the next completion. Before releasing a thread the IOCP will also provide the context of the completion such that the thread will "know" what processing context the IOC belongs to.
The IOCP concept completely does away with polling which is a great resource waster although "wait on multiple object" polling is somewhat of an improvement. The last time I looked Linux had nothing remotely like IOCPs so a Linux multi-threaded application would be constructed quite differently compared to a Windows app with IOCPs.
In really efficient IOCP apps there is a risk that so many IOs (or rather Outputs) are queued to the IO resource involved that the system runs out of non-paged memory to store them. Conversely, in really inefficient IOCP apps there is a risk that so many Inputs are queued (waiting to be serviced) that the non-paged memory is exhausted when trying to temporarily buffer them.
If someone needs a portable and lightweight solution for threading in C, take a look at the plibsys library. It provides you thread management and synchronization, as well as other useful features like portable socket implementation. All major operating systems (Windows, Linux, OS X) are supported, various other less popular operating systems are also supported (i.e. AIX, HP-UX, Solaris, QNX, IRIX, etc). On every platform only the native calls are used to minimize the overheads. The library is fully covered with Unit tests which are run on a regular basis.
glib threads can be compiled cross-platforms.
The "best"/"simplest"/... answer here is definitely pthreads. It's the native threading architecture on Unix/POSIX systems and works almost as good on Windows. No need to look any further.
Given that you are constrained with C. I have two suggestions:
1) I have a seen a project (similar to yours) that had to run on Windows and Linux with threads. The way it was written was that it (the same codebase) used pthreads on Linux and win32 threads on Windows. This was achieved by a conditional #ifdef statement wherever threads needed to be created such as
#ifdef WIN32
//use win32 threads
//use pthreads
2) The second suggestion might be to use OpenMP. Have you considered OpenMP at all?
Please let me know if I missed something or if you want more details. I am happy to help.
From my experience, multi threading in C for windows is heavily tied to Win32 APIs. Other languages like C# and JAVA supported by a framework also tie into these core libraries while offering their thread classes.
However, I did find an openthreads API platform on sourceforge which might help you:
The API is modeled with respect to the Java and POSIX thread standard,
I have not tried this myself as I currently do not have a need to support multiple platforms on my C/C++ projects.

Cross-platform (microcontroller-PC) algorithm development

I was asked to develop a algorithm for network application on C. This project will be developed on Linux for PC and then it will be transferred to a more portable platform, something that will include a microcontroller. There are many microcontroller/companies out there that provide very nice and large libraries for TCP/IP. This software will hold statistics on the network performance.
The whole idea of a cross platform (uC - PC) seems rubbish to me cause eventually the code should be written in a more platform specific way for the microcontroller, but I am not expert to judge anyway.
Is there any clever way of doing this or is there a anyone that did this before? My brainstorming has "Wrapper library" and "Matlab"... Any ideas?
I do agree with you to some extent - you do want the target system and the system on which you are developing in the interim should be as close as possible (it is better if they can match). Nevertheless the idea with cross-platform is to get you started with the firmware development while the hardware is being designed. Instead of doing it on Linux - what I would do is to use Embedded OS simulator. Here are the steps
- Step 1: Identify the OS for the Embedded System; make sure that OS has a simulator that runs on PC (Win or Linux) Typical Embedded OS with Simulator include VxWorks, μC/OS-II, QNX, uClinux ... Agreeing on the OS means that the hardware design team knows that the OS is the right match for the hardware that is being designed and there is a consensus that the hardware + OS + Application being designed will meet the requirements of the system that is being developed.
- Step 2: Use this simulator to develop the application until the hardware that is being designed is brought up.
- Step 3: Once the first version of the hardware is ready and has been powered up - you can run your application with minimum changes - mostly likely no changes to the code, but changes to the linker/library being used is likely.
The idea of cross-platform if done correct has immense advantages - it helps remove serializing your project development activities.
Given that you mention it is a TCP/IP application - check for Berkeley Sockets support and you use it. Usually this API should not matter if you are using a Simulator, in the extreme case if you have to change the OS for whatever reason your Berkeley Sockets based application is likely to be better portable.
Just assume you can use the standard BSD socket library (system calls are socket(), bind(), accept(), connect(), recv(), send(), with various options). Any OS with a TCP/IP stack will support this standard API.
There may be some caveats that you will run into if your embedded system uses a run to completion type TCP/IP stack like *u*IP, but those will be easily solvable.
Also only use POSIX file I/O (fopen, fread, fwrite, printf, etc). But keep in mind your target may not have a filesystem.
If using a simulator was not an option I would try to wrap the Linux functions up in interfaces that match those of the embedded system, if possible. That way any extra bulk in the system will be on the Linux development system (which is not resource constrained). Various embedded OSes and TCP/IP stacks can have vastly different architectures, so how easy this is can range from nearly impossible to no work at all.
If it turns out that writing wrapper libraries to make Linux look like the embedded system is too difficult then I suggest at least trying to keep the embedded OS in mind while writing the Linux version so that you can try to at least write some functions so that they work on both systems.
If it doesn't take too long writing a Linux version of at least part of the code may help you to shake out a few flaws in the overall design, at the very least. At most it will allow you to more quickly test changes to the system since loading code onto an embedded device often takes more time than you would like. It may also be easier to debug on your development machine.
Some embedded OSes will run on x86, and it would not surprise me if some of them have drivers that allow them to be run in virtual machines, so this may be an option as well.
Another thing to consider is the endian-ness and the word size of the development machine verses the embedded system. If these differ then you need to keep this in mind as you code. Getting this type of thing right when you originally write the code is easier than going back and trying to fix code, in my opinion.

input and output without a library in C

I'm writing a small kernel for my programs in C.
This is not (at the moment) an OS kernel, it's merely a way for me to keep track of input and output in programs without relying on external source (i.e. stdio.h). You might ask me why I'd ever want to do this; it's just so I know how this works, and so that I have more, and more (end goal is total) control of program flow.
I was wondering if anyone knows some tutorials on input and output in C (with inline asm?) without relying on any other code.
There is a lot of room between the bare metal and stdio. You have said you aren't writing an OS kernel, but not whether or not you are running under an OS.
Running directly on hardware without an OS, you will still want to encapsulate all of your I/O operations in a module, even if you don't formally define a device driver interface and framework for all of your I/O modules to follow. This is hugely architecture dependent, and makes you responsible for knowing all of the details of interaction with every I/O device you might ever use. For some devices, this can quickly become a huge development effort. That isn't a problem for embedded systems, but running on commercial hardware this way is neither easy nor recommended.
Running within an OS, you probably don't get (and shouldn't want to get) access to the actual hardware registers and interrupts. If you are developing a custom I/O device, the best practice is to make it conform to existing standards so that you need as little low level custom software for it as possible. This is why you see a lot of custom user interface gadgets connecting via USB and identifying themselves as HIDs (Human Interface Devices). As a HID, the existing USB drivers take care of the physical layer, and the OS-supplied HID driver takes care of the logical interface, providing a very simple high level access API to the application.
One of the operating system's key roles is to provide a consistent I/O API across all devices. Generally, that takes the form of open(), close(), read(), write(), and ioctl() functions (the names vary, but some form of at least the first four will always exist). The OS layer is quite raw, however. Typically, an OS call is forwarded without much processing to a device driver, which then forwards the data on to the device. Usually, the OS low level calls block the caller until they complete, and often they have restrictions on the sizes of the buffers that make sense. For instance, raw access to a disk device is usually required to be for an integral number of disk blocks at a time.
And don't forget about things like file systems and network protocols... all of which are made much more reliable and compatible by encapsulation within an operating system.
Even if it is acceptable to call read() and write() for single characters, that is usually not the best performance possible. Operating system calls are relatively expensive, and if you can read multiple characters in a single call, your performance can go way up.
That is the origin of the stdio library for C, and various other buffering libraries in other environments. The stdio library provides a buffering layer that isolates the C code from the block size of the underlying hardware. Even on an entirely home-grown operating system where you have full control over all the devices, something like C stdio will still be valuable.
Writing your own stdio replacement is a highly valuable exercise, even if you don't use it in production code, and is one I would recommend to anyone wanting to learn about what really goes on between printf() and scanf() and the terminal or files.
One valuable resource is the book The Standard C Library by P.J. Plauger. In it, the author presents an implementation of the complete C runtime library specified in the ANSI standard. His discussion of the specific implementation choices he made is valuable and apropos to the context of this question, and the discussions of why some of the standard library features were specified is interesting as well.
This sort of thing is very architecture specific. To put it simply, your I/O devices will raise hardware interrupts to the CPU. The CPU will call the code associated with the interrupt which will deal with it appropriately; for an input device it will fetch the data that is available from the device, for an output device the interrupt usually means that the device is ready to send the next piece.
The old 8088/8086 CPU architecture is a nice simple place to start to get your head around this. Typically, the BIOS would be where the hardware interrupts would have been handled, but it was always possible to write your own. ;)
