Find object where value is equal to set value - angularjs

I have a scope $scope.moviesCheck that contains many objects. I would like to return one object inside that scope that equals a value in another scope.
For example, In my $scope.moviesCheck I have 8 objects. Each object in that scope has a string called movie_id with values 1-8.
I also have a scope $ This scope has a value of 1-8. Now I want to check the $scope.moviesCheck scope, to find a object that has the same string value as $ and then return that object.

Try like this
var objList=$scope.moviesCheck.filter(function(x){ return x.movie_id == $; });
var obj = objList.length > 0 ? objList[0] : {};


How to push object into an array? in Angular 7

I am pushing an object into an array but cannot do it?
I'm doing it like this
this.passData = this.tribeForm.value;
var id = {"tribe_id": 1}
This is the value in the tribeForm
I also tried
var id = {tribe_id: 1}
this.passData.splice(0,0, id)
this.passData = Array.prototype.slice(id)
but it all ends up with
TypeError: this.passData.push/splice/concat is not a function
The question is not that clear, But I understood you are manipulating form data, value of form data returns an Object, Not an array. Objects in JavaScript are represented as key-value pairs, (or attribute-value) pairs.
Example :
var object = {
name : "Jhon",
grade : 12,
gpa : 8.12
It is just a collection of key-value pairs, push(), concat() and other methods are supported only for Arrays not for Objects. You can achieve whatever you want simply by creating a new key/attribute and assigning the value to it.
this.passData = this.tribeForm.value
this.passData['tribe_id'] = 1
//or, Objects can also contain nested object
this.passData['someKey'] = {'tribe_id' : 1}
You can create an empty array and push objects to it
Example :
var exampleArray = []
exampleArray.push({'tribe_id' : 1})
Now, it works because exampleArray is an Array not JS object.
Thanks for A2A
First, you need to understand the error:
TypeError: this.passData.push/splice/concat is not a function
Push/splice/concat is functions for Array and because of that the console is yelling at you that the passData is not an Array.
Make sure your passData is an Array and you will able to do so.

change key's value across multiple objects at once in JS

I have multiple objects that all have the same keys lets say each object has: name and position. The first object will start with position=0. The second object would have position=1. The third object would have position=2 and so on until we get to the 10th object that would have position=9.
I need a way to subtract 1 from every objects position (with only possible values being 0-9 so that 0-1=9)
Looking for a solution that handles all of them mathematically at once, not just re-writing out new values to assign to each key individually.
Suppose you have an array of JavaScript objects, you could use map:
var newObjs = (object) {
object.position = (object.position === 9 ? 0 : object.position--);
return object;
A better approach would be:
objects.forEach( function (object) {
object.position = object.position < 0 ? 9 : object.position;

Angular concat array

In my Angular controller, i loop through an array of cities to retrieve each value sent :
angular.forEach($scope.outPutcities, function (value, key) {
// are 3,4
$scope.countries.cityId =;
But the cityId value has always the last value in the array which is 4.
[Object { countryName=Canada, cityId=**4**}, Object {countryName=Canada, cityId=**4**]
But what i want is :
[Object { countryName=Canada, cityId=**3**}, Object {countryName=Canada, cityId=**4**]
Is there an easy to fix this ? Thanks
Firstly this is redundant
$scope.countries.cityId =;
You are assigning to countries.cityId and overwriting it on each iteration, rather just do
Your code does look fine besides that, are you sure the $scope.outPutcities has the values you are expecting?

why array become blank after splitting into multiple small array?

hello I have one a array $ .I am spliting the array into small arrays .But after spliting the array .it become blank why ?
actually I assigned the given array into temp variable and splite the temp variable .Again my $ become blank why ?
here is my plunker
var test=$;
var arrays = [], size = 3;
while (test.length > 0)
arrays.push(test.splice(0, size));
You are directly assigning object to other object, so that will cause change in any of the object will update other object value.
Use angular.copy instead of assigning object directly, that will create a new clone copy of that object will returned.
var test=angular.copy($;
Forked Plunkr

rootScope is upating on scope variable update

I have created a rootScope variable like
$rootScope.globalData = data;
$rootScope.globalData.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value = "ST"; //Default Value
$scope.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value = 1; //Default Value
where data is my returning value from api. Also create a scope variable which is a object contains a list of items.
$scope.chillerAttributes = data.ObjCandidateListChillerAttributes;
$scope.chillerConditions = data.ObjCandidateListConditions;
On HTML I have:
<select ng-model="chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value" style="width:53%;" ng-options="item.Id as item.Description for item in ValidRatingHeatSource" ng-change="heatSourceChanged()" id="ddRatingHeatSource" class="form-control search-select designComboboxHeight" data-container="body"></select>
Here ValidRatingHeatSource is
$scope.ValidRatingHeatSource = \*list of items*\
On change of Drop Down I have written an function. In that
if($scope.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value == 2)
$rootScope.globalData.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value = "HW";
$rootScope.globalData.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value = "ST";
Till now was the my current code.
Issue is :
When the above function is called then whenever current $rootScope varible i.e. $rootScope.globalData.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value is changed to "HW" or "ST" it also changing $scope.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value to "HW" or "ST".
Why so?
Is there any inbuilt functionality in angularjs?
Please suggest if I am making any mistake? New suggestion are also welcome.
This behavior is the way JavaScript works and has nothing to do with AngularJS. JavaScript is an object-oriented (prototype-based) language where objects are addressed by reference and not by value. E.g. assign car2 to car1 and both of them will reference the same object (JSFiddle)
var car1 = {make: "Audi"}
var car2 = car1;
car2.make = "Toyota";
So in your case, $rootScope.globalData.chillerConditions.HeatSource and $scope.chillerConditions.HeatSource are the same object.
Rather, it seems like you want to create a copy. You can do so with angular.Copy
$scope.chillerAttributes = angular.copy(data.ObjCandidateListChillerAttributes);
$scope.chillerConditions = angular.copy(data.ObjCandidateListConditions);
In your example u have both ng-model and ng-change, so:
1. User change value in select.
2. $scope.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value changes (ng-model)
3. heatSourceChanged starts (ng-change) -> $rootScope.globalData.chillerConditions.HeatSource.Value changes
So everything works as should...
