Looking for MANAGE button in Azure SQL Databases - sql-server

I am being tasked at a new job with managing some SQL Server databases hosted in Microsoft Azure, however it appears that some changes have been made to Azure Web Interface and there is no longer a MANAGE button option shown for a specific database, can anyone explain what happened to this option, and how to bring it back in the Azure Web Interface?
Basically this option let me view the data in the columns of the database tables, that is what I am trying to do.

The "manage" button you are referring to was removed for the latest generation of servers (v12) for Azure SQL Database. Using SSMS or Visual Studio is the recommended way to manage your servers going forward. However, if you really want the old web management portal you will need to create your SQL Database on a v11 server. You can do this in the portal in the new server blade by setting Create V12 server to "No".


Temporal tables missing data when migrating from SQL Server to SQL Azure

I'm trying to migrate a SQL Server 2016 database to SQL Azure via Data Migration Assistant. All the database tables are created, including the temporal ones, but only the temporal ones are missing data. Both main and history tables are completely empty.
Does anyone know if I have to do something special here to get this data filled in? Or do I unfortunately have to move this data over manually?
Specific to your scenario, if migration is the only concern, you can use SSMS to migrate the complete database with some easy steps. I tried it and there is no issue with the Temporal tables. All the temporal tables with data are migrating.
Follow the below steps:
Right click on the database you want to migrate. Select Task and from dropdown options select Deploy Database to Microsoft Azure SQL Database
Click on Next on pop-up window. On the very next window you will get options to connect your Azure SQL Server. Provide your Azure SQL server name, server credentials and click on Connect.
Provide the name for new database that will be creating in Azure SQL Server. Fill the Azure SQL Database settings as per your requirement. Click on Next.
Lastly, you will get a summary of all the settings you have done. Click on Finish to migrate the database.
Once your database migrated successfully, you will get summary with Operation Complete message. Click on Close. Your database has been migrated.
Check for the new database on Azure Portal and verify the data.

Integration services catalog

I was trying to create integration catalog in 2018 SSMS as shown in some videos on youtube it is a easy process. But whenever I click on create SSISIR it takes me to another wizard SSIS in ADF configuration. Although I have an Azure subscription as well and created a database in Azure. But still I am not able to get catalog server end point in this wizard. Any help regarding this will be appreciated.
From SSMS, you can create the catalog locally or you can create a SSIS-IR on Azure. One is the on-premise story vs the other is cloud. which one do you prefer?
I guess you go the the cloud story.

sql azure reporting solutions

Here's my setup:
SQL Azure DB - This is the PaaS solution, not SQL Server running on an Azure VM.
Single Page App (Angular.js) hosted on Azure Web App.
My needs:
I'd like to find a packaged solution where we could allow user-configured reporting that could be saved by the user, for running later. Output would ideally be either CSV or PDF.
Initial thoughts:
Could we create a SQL Server installation on an Azure VM, and use SSRS with the SQL Azure DB as the data source?
Are there third party solutions that could meet these needs?
My research so far has shown one answer... migrate your data to SQL Server running on Azure VM, and use SSRS that way.
Any additional suggestions? I'm reluctant to do a data migration if I can avoid it.
Consider PowerBi, there are numerous examples on the web and here is an overview. What you basically get is an excel-like environment with a lot of smart and easy visualizations. I am not sure how well it works, but there is a possibility to ask questions about your data in natural language as well.
It should be pretty easy to connect your database to PowerBi, then your user can configure what kind of visualizations/report does he want to have.

Browsing an Entity Framework code-first database + Azure Dev Fabric

I have a database created using the code-first approach against SQL Server Express. I'm trying to view the database in Management Studio, but cannot find the database. VS Database Explorer also cannot seem to find it.
I've searched about but cannot find any reference to what I'm after. Is it possible to browse a database running in the dev fabric?
Usually if we create a new database in Visual Studio, it will give us a database file, but it won’t register the database in SQL Server Management Studio. So please manually attach the database file to SQL Server Management Studio. First please find the database file, normally it is under the AppData folder of our project. Then I would like to suggest you to check http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms190209.aspx for instructions on how to attach the database.
Best Regards,
Ming Xu.
Take a look at Scott Gu's blog post on EF Code First and DB Generation: http://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/archive/2010/07/16/code-first-development-with-entity-framework-4.aspx
The Azure Dev Fabric has nothing to do with the DB layer, the connection string handles all this for you i.e. when you deploy to SQL Azure your DB will go there, the only thing that needs changed is the connection string...from localhost (Dev Machine) to SQL Azure connectionn string

Deploy application and database in WPF

I have a WPF application and it has a SQL Server database. All users of the application will be able to do the following:
Be able to install the application locally, and also the database (blank tables with no data) using a single click. Henceforth they will be able to run the application locally on their own machines. All the users have SQL Server installed on their machines.
Be able to get updates (or notification of updates) on the application and database, and will be able to install the updates if they choose to do so.
I realize that ClickOnce can do it for the application only. Now since I have the database along with the application, how can I do it?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
If your users have the adequate permissions over their database (which I hope they have) you could simply check that the DB is ready at application Startup, and if not, run the creation scripts on it.
You can deploy an SQL Server compact database along with your application. Sample here: http://robindotnet.wordpress.com/2010/02/28/how-to-deploy-the-sqlserver-compact-edition-software-locally/
For SQL Server 2005 / 2008 the user must use the Microsoft provided installers.
