Cast select column to date in view to then run query against - sql-server

I have a view where I Select about 100 rows to allow users to easily query data. In this data, I have a field that is sometimes a date and sometimes text. A date or text depends on type. I cast to a date value like so.
SELECT Cast(Value as Date) as column
from Table
Where type = 1
When you then try to run a query against this column, you get a Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string. Here is the query.
From View
WHERE Column BETWEEN '01/01/2015' AND '12/31/2015'
I have another field that is a date and if I replace it in this query, the query works. Likewise the data from the whole table will load. Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks
Basically, I need this Query to work and not give me the error described above.
select cast(value as date)
from Value
where type = 1
and cast(value as date) between '01/01/2015' and '12/31/2015'

My guess is that you have entries in that column that cannot be converted to datetime. You may be able to find them by running
Select * from table where isdate(value) = 0


can we use if condition for compare 2 dates and display the row in sql server

I have 2 dates column, one is current date and the one is user define date, I have to display the specific row when the user define date is 2days greater than current date.
In the below code I try to display the row, when both dates are equal. But I don't know how display the row in sql.
I have following Columns,
DateTime (User define date and time)
CRDateTime (current date and time)
I have to set 3 condition.
if both dates are equal means that should be display,
if DateTime is 2 days before CRDate means I have to display that row,
if DateTime is 1 day before the CRdate means I have to display that row.
declare DateTime as datetime1;
select RId if CAST (DateTime as date) =CAST (#CRDateTime as date)
The IF...ELSE statement is a control-flow statement that allows you to execute or skip a statement block based on a specified condition.
For example:
IF Boolean_expression
-- Statement block executes when the Boolean expression is TRUE
-- Statement block executes when the Boolean expression is FALSE
If you want to check something in your SQL Statements you should use the where clause.
It could be looking like:
If you want to check the date in a 2 Day decade you can use the SQL DATEADD Function.
It lookse like:
SELECT DATEADD(day, +1, '2017/08/25') AS DateAdd;
Resault of this code is 2017/08/26
In your case it looks like this:
SELECT RId where DATEADD(day, +2, DateTime) = CRDateTime
All in one you can use this code here:
`DateTime` = `CRDateTime` OR
DATEADD(day, +1, DateTime) = CRDateTime OR
DATEADD(day, +2, DateTime) = CRDateTime
As I understand you basically want to show all the records with in range of 2 days.
SELECT RId, DateTime, Reminder, Description, CRDateTime
Or you may try this
SELECT RId, DateTime, Reminder, Description, CRDateTime
WHERE DateTime BETWEEN DATEADD(day, -2, CRDateTime) AND CRDateTime
The question isn't clear. I assume the actual question is how to filter a table's rows between two dates.
Filtering in SQL (in any product) is the job of the WHERE clause, not IF. You can use the BETWEEN clause to select values in a range.
If both the table field and the query parameter are date variables, the query is easy :
DateField date,
INDEX IX_Table1_Date (DateField)
declare #dateParam date='20190801';
FROM table1
WHERE DateField BETWEEN dateadd(day,-2,#dateParam) AND #DateParam
This query will take advantage of the IX_Table1_Date index to speed up the search. Typically, applying any kind of function on a table field prevents the query engine from using any index that includes that field simply because the values stored in the index have no relation to the function's result.
If you use the date parameter to be the current date, just assign GETDATE() to it.
declare #dateParam date=GETDATE();
If the field isn't a date, you can cast it to date and still get a fast range query, because the query engine is fast enough to convert the cast to a range query.
FROM table1
WHERE cast(DateField as date) BETWEEN dateadd(day,-2,#dateParam) AND #DateParam
If DateField is not a date-related type, eg it's a varchar, a) that's a serious bug and b) the server won't be able to use any indexes.
Casting the parameter values won't affect performance as they actual values are calculated before the query starts executing. The query becomes quite noisy though :
declare #dateParam datetime='20190801'
FROM table1
WHERE cast(DateField as date)
BETWEEN dateadd(day,-2,cast(#dateParam as date)) AND cast(#DateParam as date)
That's why it's better to use the correct type for parameters

Convert to mm/dd/yyyy and select max value

Using SQL Server 2014, I have a date field named LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE that is stored as datetime.
I used the CONVERT function to convert to mm/dd/yyyy:
What I want to be able to do is then select the MAX value of BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE without creating a table. Is this even possible?
It's a little unclear from your post what your data is and what you're trying to get out. Here are a couple solutions, hopefully one of which is applicable
Assuming you want your result as a string formatted mm/dd/yyyy you can do this
select convert(varchar(10), max(LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE), 101))
from YourTable
If you just need it as a date, just do
from YourTable
if LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE is already a string (formatted mm/dd/yyyy) and you want it as a date,
select max(convert(date, LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE, 101))
from YourTable
I think you are complicating this. Just do the conversion on the max datetime values.
declare #table table (LAST_BASELINE_UPDATE_DATE datetime)
insert into #table
('20160701 12:21'),
('20160705 03:21'),
('20160401 19:21'),
('20161201 04:21')
This method converts your single returned row, which is the max() value of your datetime columns, as opposed to converting every row and then finding the max value.

Date range based on Column Date

I am using the latest SQL Server. I have a table with a CreatedDate column. I need to write a Query that uses dates that are plus or minus 7 from the Date in CreatedDate. I have no clue how to go about this. My thought was this:
DECLARE #Date datetime
DECLARE #SevenBefore datetime
DECLARE #SevenAfter datetime
SET #Date = CreatedDate
SET #SevenBefore = DATEADD(day,-7,#Date)
SET #SevenAfter = DATEADD(day,7,#Date)
FROM <table>
WHERE <table> BETWEEN #SevenBefore AND #SevenAfter
The issue with this is that I cannot use "CreatedDate" as a SET #DATE because SQL gives an error "Invalid column name 'CreatedDate'"
Any help would be appreciated. I cannot list a date because every date in that column could be different.
In this case, you need to stop thinking as a programmer would, and start thinking as a Database programmer would.
Lets work only with this central part of your query:
FROM <table>
WHERE <table> BETWEEN #SevenBefore AND #SevenAfter
Now, you say that the CreatedDate is a column in a table. For this example, I will assume that the CreatedDate is in a table other than the one in your example above. For this purpose, I will give two fake names to the tables. The table with the CreatedDate, I will call tblCreated, and the one from the query above I will call tblData.
Looking above, it's pretty obvious that you can't compare an entire table row to a date. There must be a field in that table that contains a date/time value. I will call this column TargetDate.
Given these assumptions, your query would look something like:
FROM tblCreated tc
INNER JOIN tblData td
ON td.TargetDate BETWEEN DATEADD(day, -7, tc.CreatedDate) and DATEADD(day, 7, tc.CreatedDate)
Looking at this, it is clear that you still need some other associations between the tables. Do you only want all data rows per customer based on the Created date, or perhaps only want Creations where some work was done on them as shown in the Data records, or ??. Without a fuller specification, we can't help with that, though.

Select condition on date for datetime field

I want to impose date condition on a date time field in SQL Server.
The datetime field is like this 2011-01-19 17:57:18.350 and when I execute below query it yields no results.
select top 1000 *
from [dbo].[RouteState]
where convert (date, logtime, 101) = '12-01-2015'
Can someone help me what's going wrong here?
There is no need to convert the datetime column to anything. Use a closed-open interval instead and change the format of your string literal to yyyymmmdd to make sure that SQL Server will interpret the date value in the same way regardless of regional and date format settings.
select top 1000 *
from [dbo].[RouteState]
where logtime >= '20150112' and
logtime < '20150113';
For more info on casting a column to date you can have a look at Cast to date is sargable but is it a good idea?

how to cast or convert numeric/varchar to date data type field in sql and use in update statement?

Good day!
I have 2 questions how to update a date data type column field using varchar and numeric column field
1.)mydate varchar(8)--> varchar column field
SELECT mydate from mytable
Result: 20141120
my question is how can I update my date column field using my varchar column field using cast or convert
update table2
set date = (select mydate from mytable)
which I get an error!!! and I'm stuck.
2.)mydate numeric(8) --> numeric column field
SELECT mydate from mytable
update table2
set date = (select mydate from mytable a, mytable2 b
my question is how can I update my date column field using my numeric column field using cast or convert
I used different CAST and CONVERT but still I'm getting error!
What is the correct syntax for this?
Thank your for your help!
To convert a string to a date field you will need to use the CONVERT function:
CONVERT(datetime, mydate, 101)
This is expecting a string field, so if your mydate field is really a numeric field then you will need to CAST that to a string, so the CONVERT command will then look like:
CONVERT(datetime, CAST(mydate as VarChar), 101)
The third parameter of the function is determined by the format of the date in the previous parameter, you can find the full list on MSDN at
