Edit Matrix in ReportViewer Using Code in Vb - database

I have this in my DataBase :
Table Days:
IdDay NameDay
1 Monday
2 Tuesday
3 Wednesday
4 Thursday
5 Friday
6 Saturday
7 Sunday
Table Time:
IdTime Time
1 9am
2 10am
3 11am
Table Work:
IdWork NameWork IdDay IdTime
1 cleaning 6 3
2 Studying 1 2
I am trying to edit a Matrix in My ReportViewer:
Day [Time]
I want to use code and edit my Matrix like this Algo :
if database day = day in the matrix && database Time= time in matrix
Put NameWork
Is there a way to do that ?


Difference between weeks in MDX

How I can calculate difference between each week and 2 weeks ago, for a given measure in MDX?
---- ------- -----------
1 10 NULL
2 5 NULL
3 20 10
4 10 5
5 40 20
Below Members work, but only without CASE statement so I have to calculate it separately:
MEMBER [Measures].[12 Week temp]
([Date].[Week Year].CurrentMember, [Measures].[Total Orders]) -
([Date].[Week Year].lag(13), [Measures].[Total Orders])
MEMBER [Measures].[12 Week]
CASE WHEN [Measures].[12 Week temp] = [Measures].[Total Orders] THEN 0 ELSE [Measures].[12 Week temp] END

SAS Creating entries by group

I have an array that I want to add years and months sequentially to using a SAS program:
End result:
1 2014 11
1 2014 12
1 2015 1
1 2015 2
1 2015 3
2 2014 11
2 2014 12
2 2015 1
2 2015 2
2 2015 3
3 2014 11
3 2014 12
3 2015 1
3 2015 2
3 2015 3
I also need to set the upper lower limits for the years and months I want to add to the table.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
As the comments suggest, I'm taking a bit of a guess on what you're looking for. From what you're asking, I'd recommned using a data step to loop through your original data, outputing multiple rows for each line in the original data.
This uses intnx to advance to the next month (intnx documentation)
*Enter start and end date here;
%Let startdt = '01NOV2014'd;
%Let enddt = '01MAR2015'd;
data want (drop=_date);
set original;
*Create multiple records for each observation in 'original'- one for each month;
_date = &startdt;
DO UNTIL (_date > &enddt);
year = year(_date);
month = month(_date);
*Advance to next month;
_date = intnx('month', _date, 1, 'beginning');

How do I get Google Sheets to give me the average time of day in a series of dates?

I need to find the average time of day over the course of several days.
Column A
Row 1 - 07/13/14 02:45 PM
Row 2 - 07/12/14 10:45 PM
Row 3 - 07/12/14 04:07 PM
Row 4 - 07/11/14 12:30 AM
Row 5 - 07/11/14 06:15 PM
Row 6 - 07/10/14 05:30 PM
Row 7 - 07/10/14 01:00 AM
Row 8 - 07/10/14 04:00 AM
=AVERAGE(A1:A8) returns 7/11/14 2:51 PM. The average of these times should be 8:51 PM. AVERAGE seems to be incorporating the date in the average and I can't have that.
The only way I can get 8:51 PM is by first converting each cell in Column A to either 1/1/14 or 1/2/14 so the dates remain in the 24 hour range by using
and then taking the average of the converted cells, which are in Column B
Column B
Row 1 - 01/01/14 02:45 PM
Row 2 - 01/01/14 10:45 PM
Row 3 - 01/01/14 04:07 PM
Row 4 - 01/02/14 12:30 AM
Row 5 - 01/01/14 06:15 PM
Row 6 - 01/01/14 05:30 PM
Row 7 - 01/02/14 01:00 AM
Row 8 - 01/02/14 04:00 AM
I tried using
=IF(AND(TIMEVALUE(A1:A8) > TIMEVALUE("12:00 AM"), TIMEVALUE(A1:A8) < TIMEVALUE("5:00 AM")),DATEVALUE("1/2/14")+DATEVALUE(A1:A8), datevalue("1/1/14")+TIMEVALUE(A1:A8))
but that also returns #VALUE.
Thanks in advance.
From what I can understand, the "correct average" you are providing is in fact wrong. You said
The average of these times should be 8:51 PM.
While I am finding it to be 11:51:30 AM.
In any case, when extracting timevalues from dates, this formula should do the trick:
You may want to take a look at ARRAYFORMULA API, but here's a description extract:
[ARRAYFORMULA] Enables the display of values returned from an array formula into multiple rows and/or columns and the use of non-array functions with arrays.

Tabbing a Calendar console application using C

I am implementing a simple yearly calendar in traditional format in a console application using ANSI C. The calendar must be tabbed to show in the format of 3 x 4 months. Till now I managed to display all the months beneath each other as shown in the code below. Any help how can I tackled the tabbing part? I tried to split the month[] into 3 according to the column for example Jan, April, July and October will be the 1st column and then work column by column, but I don't know if it is the best thing to do...any help please?
int main()
int d,y,no_lp,n,i=1,j,month[]={0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31};
printf("Enter year:");
scanf("%d", &y);
if (y%4==0)
no_lp= (27 + (42/5) + (y-1) + ((y-1)/4) - ((y-1)/100) + ((y-1)/400) + 1);
d= no_lp%7;
printf("\n\n %s",monthname[j]);
//printf ("\n\n%d",j);
printf("\n Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa\n");
printf(" "); //spaces for empty days
{printf(" %d ",i++);} //formating for dates with 2 digits
else{printf("%d ",i++);}//formatting for dates with 1 digit
if(n==7) //if 7 is reached start new line
i=1; //n will be the 1st day of next month
You can replace
{printf(" %d ",i++);} //formating for dates with 2 digits
else{printf("%d ",i++);}//formatting for dates with 1 digit
printf("%2d ",i++);
In order to print 3 * 4, don't print on the fly
Store those values
char out[12][6][24];
| | |
n months <- | -> string containing week in calendar (e.g 10 11 12 13 14 15 17)
Max weeks in a month
and print
week 1 month 1 , week 1 month 2 , week 1 month 3
week 2 month 1 , week 2 month 2 , week 2 month 3
week 3 month 1 , week 3 month 2 , week 3 month 3
week 1 month 4 , week 1 month 5 , week 1 month 6
week 2 month 4 , week 2 month 5 , week 2 month 6
week 3 month 4 , week 3 month 5 , week 3 month 6

Unpivoting Data in SSIS

I am attempting to normalize data using SSIS in the following format:
SerialNumber Date R01 R02 R03 R04
1 9/25/2011 9 6 1 2
1 9/26/2011 4 1 3 5
2 9/25/2011 7 3 2 1
2 9/26/2011 2 4 10 6
Each "R" column represents a reading for an hour. R01 is 12:00 AM, R02 is 1:00 AM, R03 is 2:00 AM and R04 is 3:00 AM. I would like to transform the data and store it in another table in this format (line breaks for readability):
SerialNumber Date Reading
1 9/25/2011 12:00 AM 9
1 9/25/2011 1:00 AM 6
1 9/25/2011 2:00 AM 1
1 9/25/2011 3:00 AM 2
1 9/26/2011 12:00 AM 4
1 9/26/2011 1:00 AM 1
1 9/26/2011 2:00 AM 3
1 9/26/2011 3:00 AM 5
2 9/25/2011 12:00 AM 7
2 9/25/2011 1:00 AM 3
2 9/25/2011 2:00 AM 2
2 9/25/2011 3:00 AM 1
2 9/26/2011 12:00 AM 2
2 9/26/2011 1:00 AM 4
2 9/26/2011 2:00 AM 10
2 9/26/2011 3:00 AM 6
I am using the unpivot transformation in an SSIS 2008 package to accomplish most of this but the issue I am having is adding the hour to the date based on the column of the value I am working with. Is there a way to accomplish this in SSIS? Keep in mind that this is a small subset of data of around 30 million records so performance is an issue.
Thanks for the help.
Create a SSIS package and add a new Data Flow Task and configure this DFT (Edit...)
Add a new data source
Add UNPIVOT component and configure it thus:
Add DATA CONVERSION component:
Temporary results:
Add DERIVED COLUMN component:
For NewData derived column you can use this expression: DATEADD("HOUR",(Type == "R01" ? 0 : (Type == "R02" ? 1 : (Type == "R03" ? 2 : 3))),Date). «boolean_expression» ? «when_true» : «when_false» operator is like IIF() function (from VBA/VB) and is used to calculate number of hours to add: for "R01" -> 0 hours, for "R02" -> 1 hour, for "R03" -> 2 hours or else 3 hours (for "R04").
