Access uploaded image in NodeJS in AngularJS via ng-file-upload - angularjs

I am using ng-file-upload framework to save images. I am facing an issue. I am successfully able to upload the image into an image folder and image is being saved like CPqc3h_zWwr_5n9xOzTBybz4.png. I am trying to access this image in frontend by http://localhost:5040/images/CPqc3h_zWwr_5n9xOzTBybz4.png but it is giving me 404.
I also tried to do fs.readFile(); and send the binary data into frontend but I don't know how to convert it back into Image. I would like to also to know the best practice MEAN Stack developers take around the world to solve this issue.

Don't use the absolute path in the image reference, use a relative path instead
Change this
And In your controller or service or factory reference the image like
$scope.var.imageURL = './images/CPqc3h_zWwr_5n9xOzTBybz4.png'`
And render it to the client like
<img ng-src={{var.imageURL}}


Strongloop loopback-component-storage + angularjs file upload

I created a Container model and connected it to an S3 bucket which all works well. I am trying to upload a file using Angular, using the service file generated with lb-ng.
If I do Container.upload({container: 'testbucket'}, {file: file}) call will fire but nothing uploads. Am sure I have just got the params wrong but cannot find any example of the angular library being used, and the official example at uses a different angular uploader to handle the upload, which I'd like to avoid if possible.

How to upload an image in angular as an API client?

I'm using Angular as a client to a Rails backend. I'd like to have a form that can accept multipart upload data, and pass it to the server. But the only data I get on the files is:
Shouldn't this contain something else? I need the actual binary data. How do I get this?
there is a module on file upload called angular-file-upload check it out
hope this help you..!

Preloading images from different servers with AngularJS

I'm trying to preload some images in an AngularJS app before presenting them to the user to prevent them from "peeling" in. I my preload facility to return a promise resolved when the image has been downloaded.
Current approach:
At the moment I'm using a simple $http call to download the image. Imagine element is an <img> tag with my image in it:
.then( function() {
This seems to work okay, but I would appreciate any pointers if there's a better way to do it.
I'm hitting issues with CORS I think. One application of this preloader is to load profile pictures from twitter. When I do this, my $http.get throws an error in the console:
XMLHttpRequest cannot load https://path/to/img.jpg.
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.
Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
Is there a way to preload this sort of image?
I've created a very simple plunkr demonstrating the problem - you'll need the console open to see the error.
Use one of the standard ways to preload images - img tag that's not shown on screen would still force image loads.
Combined with Angular, sounds like a preloader directive would work perfectly.
No need to reinvent the wheel, just make the most use of Angular.

Is where way to mock image which comes from API with $httpBackend of angularjs?

i'm doing protractor tests and using angular-mocks to "fake" requests.
In my app where is one place where image should be displayed:
<img ng-src="api/documents/image/{{file.Id}}">
Is it possible to intrcept the request for getting image data and replace it by some fake image data, in the way things done with json?
Currently i'm getting broken image icons on the screen, which i prefer to be replaced by some fake images.
I hope that it is possible...
Kind regards
ngSrc just accepts an expression/static path - it doesn't perform an $http call which you can mock unless your expression is a function call to fetch images which is probably not what you want. I would recommend:
1) Add a config variable to your image paths that can be switched for dev/prod such as:
ng-src="{{ baseUrl }}/api/documents/image/{{file.Id}}"
2) Point this baseUrl to a dev server which delivers whatever mock images you desire. You can create a simple Express server that delivers the same image for every request for example.

Upload file using Angular JS

I need to save a PDF file which the user uploads to database as a byte array (in Angular JS). I have tried using the file upload module provided by Angular. It doesnt seem to work for me.I have also tried posting the PDF file through a $http post call of jquery. This method works if I accept the data at the server side as a dynamic object of Newtonsoft. However I need a byte array and I am unable to convert this object to a byte array.
This questions is not really about angular but instead it is, based on your description, about how to upload a file using WebApi.
I would recommend your start trying to upload your file using this exmaple:
When it is ready then adapting it to your angular app.
I had a similar issue a while back. Have a look at this Stack Overflow link.
Uploading/Downloading Byte Arrays with AngularJS and ASP.NET Web API
If you still have some questions, let me know.
I am sending and receiving a lot of byte array data between my clients and servers using Web API. The approach I use is compatible with iPhones, iPad, Android devices, Macs, and Windows PCs/laptops. I haven't checked it on Windows phones yet, but do not expect any problems.
