SSAS. How to open FILE:// via Actions in Excel - sql-server

I have created an attribute called LinkToImage inside Item dimension. Attribute store paths to files in following:
and so on...
I've created an action via Visual Studio 2013 in following:
MyCube.cube > Actions >
Name: Link To Image
Target type: Attribute members
Target object: Item.Link To Image
Action content Type: URL
Action expression: [Item].[Link To Image].CURRENTMEMBER.NAME
Additional properties Caption: "Link To Image"
In this case I got warning:
The urls that do not begin with "http://" or "https://" are
considerend unsafe and will not be displayed by most applications
After deploying and exporting It to Excel In Additional Actions I see No Actions Defined
If I change Action Expression to: "HTTP://" + [Item].[Link To Image].CURRENTMEMBER.NAME
In Excel appears Additional Actions > Link To Image, but not working because It adding HTTP:// protocol in front of path and It's not accesable in that way:
Have you ideas how to achieve that without adding http://?

I don't believe there is any way other than building a website to display those images and having your action link to the website. Excel only shows HTTP(S) actions not other types of URLs.
Refer to this whitepaper for the proof that Excel specifically only renders HTTP(S) type URL actions:


Is there a way to rename automatically generated routes JSON file in Next.js?

I have a problem, when I click to go to the /analytics page on my site, adblockers block the analytics.json file that's being requested by Next.js as they think it's an analytics tracker (it's not, it's a page listing analytics products).
Is there a way to rename the route files Next.js uses when navigating to server-side rendered pages on the client-side?
I want to either obfuscate the names so they're not machine readable, or have a way to rename them all.
Any help appreciated.
With thanks to #gaston-flores I've managed to get something working.
In my instance /analytics is a dynamic page for a category, so I moved my pages/[category]/index.tsx file to pages/[category]/category.tsx and added the following rewrite:
// next.config.js
module.exports = {
async rewrites() {
return [
source: "/:category",
destination: "/:category/category",
This now gets the category.json file rather than analytics.json, which passes the adblockers checks and renders as expected.
Note that due to having a dynamic file name in the pages/[category] directory (pages/[category]/[product].tsx), I had to move that to pages/[category]/product/[product].tsx as I was seeing the /analytics page redirected to /analytics/category for some reason without this tweak.

Error Image Upload and Get, Method App\Image::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\JsonEncodingException

I am uploading user profile image which is uploading and moved to storage/app/upload/images folder but when I am trying to display that image, below given error occurs.
Method App\Image::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\JsonEncodingException
Here is my controller function for displaying
public function userProfile() {
$image = Image::all();
return view('frontend.layouts.Profile',compact('image'));
My view in which I am displaying image
#foreach($image as $images)
<img style="width:210px ; height: 230px " src="/storage/app/upload/images/{{$images->image}}" >
Please Upload your image in Public directory and then try to access that, it will work fine
There are three ways of making an image available to a user:
1. As a public asset
Here the image is made available to everyone. For instance your website logo, or landing page image would be accessed by all. So there is a url to the image that is easily accessed by all. These sort of files would go straight to public/img/ folder.
2. As a protected image available only if specific url is requested
Here user specific images would be accessed by specific people. Think of your members' personal photos that you want to make available only to the member herself or to some specific person. In this case you would store the images in storage/app/public and make a symlink using the artisan command php artisan storage:link You can read more on this here. Assuming that you store your files using random names using str_random() you would then generate urls to your image using the asset() helper like: echo asset('storage/X3jf5j5b2j3n.jpg'); Given that the file names are random, it would be hard to access this image by everyone excepting those who have the url generated using the asset() helper.
3. As a protected image made available using Intervention library
In this case you would first check if user is logged in and then dynamically load the image using Intervention via another protected route. So in your web routes you would first have the user authorization using auth middleware:
Route::group(['middleware' => 'auth'], function () {
Route::get('user', 'UserController#userProfile');
Route::get('images/{image}', 'UserController#serveImage'); // this route serves the image only if user is logged in
Then once your have installed Intervention library using composer, our UserController would look like:
use Intervention;
class UserController extends Controller
public function userProfile()
$images = Image::all();
return view('frontend.layouts.Profile', compact('images'));
public function serveImage($image)
$filename = storage_path('app/images/'.$image);
return Intervention::make($filename)->response();
You can see that the image is now being served from the storage folder and not public folder. So this method serveImage() is called only when the route defined earlier for it is authorized. Intervention then works its magic to read the image and send it as a http response.
Your view would change one tad bit to accommodate the new route end point that we defined called images. I assume here that you are storing the filename of the image in db by a field named filename:
#foreach($images as $image)
<img style="width:210px ; height: 230px " src="{{ url('/images/'.$image->filename) }}" >
Note: Do bear in mind that the preferred way to serve images is by using method 2 since it is much faster. You can use method 3 sparingly if you really don't want anyone to even stumble upon the files using the urls.

How to create url for each file entry in database (liferay) and download it

I have a table that contains a file id and a file content saved as clob type.
Now I want to create a link programmatically for each file and download via it.
How this is possible?
I have created my link but I have no idea how to get file from that link.
String fileUrl = themeDisplay.getPortalURL() + themeDisplay.getPathContext() + "/files/"
+ themeDisplay.getScopeGroupId() + "/Folder/" + HttpUtil.encodeURL(HtmlUtil.unescape(String.valueOf(fileId)));
I assume you have your own service for you custom table (Service created by Liferay Service Builder).
What you can do is that at the page load, you can create the <portlet:resourceURL> links with id as a parameter.
When user clicks this, the serveResource() method will be called. Here, just call your service and get the data by passing id. Take that data and write the data into OutputStream and provide the valid Content-Type.
This should work, as the main purpose of serveResource() is to serve resource! :)

Show Filtered Lookup in CRM2011 from Silverlight Grid

I recently show up all products on a "Lookup" Field on a Inline Silverlight App on the CRM2011 Quote form.
I do this with directly calling the link of the Lookup:
var uri = (ScriptObject)crmUri.Invoke("create", string.Format("/_controls/lookup/lookupinfo.aspx?LookupStyle=single&objecttypes={0}", objectType));
var dArgs = (ScriptObject)HtmlPage.Window.CreateInstance("Object");
dArgs.SetProperty("items", new string[] { "" });
dynamic dlgResult = HtmlPage.Window.Invoke("showModalDialog", uri, dArgs, "dialogWidth:500px;dialogHeight:700px");
Our Customer wants to filter the lookup view on a value of a specific field on the product form.
This field is a optionset and can be 1 or 2.
I tried to add "&$filter=" + "producttypecode/Value" + " eq 1" or "&$filter=" + "producttypecode" + " eq 1" in the link, but this always Returns a error message.
Are there any suggestions?
This is a valid request that I just tested.
ProductSet?$filter=ProductTypeCode/Value eq 1
If that doesn't work I'd recommend the following troubleshooting steps.
Test your full URL in a browser first.
If it works in a browser then fire up fiddler and see what the difference is between the silverlight request and your manual request using a browser.
If you are having difficulty determining the correct full url I'd recommend downloading and becoming familiar with the CRM OData Query Designer. It will allow you to use a GUI to generate your request strings, and test them out. It can be found here.
We solved this issue by adding a new System View and call it from its URL.

how to clear the file name list after fineUploader (3.5) uploads file

I download fine uploader 3.5, created http handler for a file upload function in my little website . the website is done by ajax and jquery. it runs at IE9. every time I upload a file, there is a list of file names shown below the load button. if I don't want thme, what should I do?
my code is like this:
html: ...
'<tr><td><div id="jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader"></div></td></tr>...
'request: { endpoint: 'xxx.ashx' }
'function (event, id, fileName, responseJSON) {
' alert("UPLOAD SUCCESS");
' $.ajax({some ajax calls here});
' })
// WHERE TO PUT this TO CLEAR the UPLOADED FILE LIST??? $('#jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader').fineUploader('reset');
'... public void ProcessRequest (HttpContext context) {
'do some http request work..
'context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
My question is:
I want to completely remove the uploaded file list which shows automatically in green color ( or red if they fail), in order to clear them, I tried to put: $('#jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader').fineUploader('reset'); right after .on('complete'), it's not working, also #jquery-wrapped-fine-uploader seems cached all the time. please help on this.
If you don't want to see the file list at all, you should be using FineUploaderBasic mode instead of using FineUploader mode and then removing all elements in the pre-built UI. FineUploaderBasic mode gives you access to the API, options, and callbacks, but assumes you will be creating your own UI. In other words, FineUploaderBasic mode does not create any DOM elements (except the opaque file input element as a child of your button container, if you supply one). This is all explained (in a great amount of detail) in the documentation.
Start here:
