Get the multiples from a file and copy them on another - c

My intention is to get all the numbers that exist on the file multiples.txt and write the multiples of the desired integer (input by the user).
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
FILE *f, *fs;
int value, multiple, n;
f = fopen("multiples.txt", "r");
if (f == NULL)
fs = fopen("exit.txt", "w");
if (fs == NULL)
printf("Write a number\n");
scanf("%d", &value);
do {
n = fscanf(f, "%d", multiple);
if (multiple % value == 0) {
fprintf(fs, "%d", multiple);
} while (n != EOF);
My program crashes and I can't figure where it comes from.

I'm going to assume the original c++ tag was actually correct, and give an answer that (I think) makes better use of the capabilities of C++ instead of just C.
Since we want to copy items that meet a particular criterion, we can use the std::copy_if algorithm to handle the majority of the work. We also need to specify the "rule" for what items to copy. We typically want to use streams instead of C-style FILE *s, especially since the latter don't support iterators.
Taking those ideas into account, we'd write the code more like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include <iterator>
int main() {
std::ifstream in("multiples.txt");
std::ofstream out("exit.txt");
std::cout << "Enter a number: ";
int n;
std::cin >> n;
std::istream_iterator<int> begin(in), end;
std::copy_if(begin, end,
[n](int i) { return i % n == 0; });
As you can see, this eliminates the opportunity for the error that originally prompted the question (along with the error you had in dealing with the end of file incorrectly).
If you are going to do the job in C, you usually want to combine reading input with testing whether the input succeeded to get a loop that reads to the end of a file, then stops at the right time. In this case you're reading with fscanf, so one fairly easy way to write the loop correctly would look something like:
while (1 == fscanf(f, "%d", &multiple))
if (multiple % value == 0)
fprintf(fs, "%d", multiple);
The return value from fscanf is the number of "items" successfully converted. Here we're asking for one integer to be read/converted, and then testing whether that happened.
One minor addition (that applies to both): I've written the code above to match that in the question in one respect: it writes out the resulting numbers without any delimiter between them. For example, if you had an input containing 2 4 5 8 and the user entered 2, it would produce output of 248, so in the result you wouldn't be able to tell which digits came from which inputs. In real use, you almost certainly want to separate them with something (commas, spaces, new-lines, etc.)

If you just enable warnings (-Wall for starters), the compiler just tells you:
test.cpp:20:29: warning: format specifies type 'int *' but the argument has type 'int' [-Wformat]
n = fscanf(f, "%d", multiple);
~~ ^~~~~~~~
You forgot to take the address of multiple
Always use the tools to spot your errors
There are many other issues that can be solved with a trip to the documentation (e.g.

n=fscanf(f, "%d", multiple);
I thinks this point has a little problem
n=fscanf(f, "%d", &multiple);
add "&"


Check if user input into an array is too long?

I am getting the user to input 4 numbers. They can be input: 1 2 3 4 or 1234 or 1 2 34 , etc. I am currently using
int array[4];
scanf("%1x%1x%1x%1x", &array[0], &array[1], &array[2], &array[3]);
However, I want to display an error if the user inputs too many numbers: 12345 or 1 2 3 4 5 or 1 2 345 , etc.
How can I do this?
I am very new to C, so please explain as much as possible.
Thanks for your help.
What I have now tried to do is:
char line[101];
printf("Please input);
fgets(line, 101, stdin);
if (strlen(line)>5)
printf("Input is too large");
array[0]=line[0]-'0'; array[1]=line[1]-'0'; array[2]=line[2]-'0'; array[3]=line[3]-'0';
printf("%d%d%d%d", array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3]);
Is this a sensible and acceptable way? It compiles and appears to work on Visual Studios. Will it compile and run on C?
OP is on the right track, but needs adjust to deal with errors.
The current approach, using scanf() can be used to detect problems, but not well recover. Instead, use a fgets()/sscanf() combination.
char line[101];
if (fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin) == NULL) HandleEOForIOError();
unsigned arr[4];
int ch;
int cnt = sscanf(line, "%1x%1x%1x%1x %c", &arr[0], &arr[1], &arr[2],&arr[3],&ch);
if (cnt == 4) JustRight();
if (cnt < 4) Handle_TooFew();
if (cnt > 4) Handle_TooMany(); // cnt == 5
ch catches any lurking non-whitespace char after the 4 numbers.
Use %1u if looking for 1 decimal digit into an unsigned.
Use %1d if looking for 1 decimal digit into an int.
OP 2nd approach array[0]=line[0]-'0'; ..., is not bad, but has some shortcomings. It does not perform good error checking (non-numeric) nor handles hexadecimal numbers like the first. Further, it does not allow for leading or interspersed spaces.
Your question might be operating system specific. I am assuming it could be Linux.
You could first read an entire line with getline(3) (or readline(3), or even fgets(3) if you accept to set an upper limit to your input line size) then parse that line (e.g. with sscanf(3) and use the %n format specifier). Don't forget to test the result of sscanf (the number of read items).
So perhaps something like
int a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0;
char* line=NULL;
size_t linesize=0;
int lastpos= -1;
ssize_t linelen=getline(&line,&linesize,stdin);
if (linelen<0) { perror("getline"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); };
int nbscanned=sscanf(line," %1d%1d%1d%1d %n", &a,&b,&c,&d,&lastpos);
if (nbscanned>=4 && lastpos==linelen) {
// be happy
else {
// be unhappy
fprintf(stderr, "wrong input line %s\n", line);
free(line); line=NULL;
And once you have the entire line, you could parse it by other means like successive calls of strtol(3).
Then, the issue is what happens if the stdin has more than one line. I cannot guess what you want in that case. Maybe feof(3) is relevant.
I believe that my solution might not be Linux specific, but I don't know. It probably should work on Posix 2008 compliant operating systems.
Be careful about the result of sscanf when having a %n conversion specification. The man page tells that standards might be contradictory on that corner case.
If your operating system is not Posix compliant (e.g. Windows) then you should find another way. If you accept to limit line size to e.g. 128 you might code
char line[128];
memset (line, 0, sizeof(line));
fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin);
ssize_t linelen = strlen(line);
then you do append the sscanf and following code from the previous (i.e. first) code chunk (but without the last line calling free(line)).
What you are trying to get is 4 digits with or without spaces between them. For that, you can take a string as input and then check that string character by character and count the number of digits(and spaces and other characters) in the string and perform the desired action/ display the required message.
You can't do that with scanf. Problem is, there are ways to make scanf search for something after the 4 numbers, but all of them will just sit there and wait for more user input if the user does NOT enter more. So you'd need to use gets() or fgets() and parse the string to do that.
It would probably be easier for you to change your program, so that you ask for one number at a time - then you ask 4 times, and you're done with it, so something along these lines, in pseudo code:
i = 0
while i < 4
ask for number
scanf number and save in array at index i
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void){
int array[4], ch;
size_t i, size = sizeof(array)/sizeof(*array);//4
i = 0;
while(i < size){
if(1!=scanf("%1x", &array[i])){
//printf("invalid input");
scanf("%*[^0123456789abcdefABCDEF]");//or "%*[^0-9A-Fa-f]"
} else {
if('\n' != (ch = getchar())){
printf("Extra input !\n");
scanf("%*[^\n]");//remove extra input
printf("%x", array[i]);
return 0;

Appending an output file in C

I am solving a problem on USACO. In the problem, I have to take two strings as inputs and calculate the numerical values modulo 47. If the values are same, then GO is to be printed otherwise STAY has to be printed. The initial numerical value will be calculated by taking the product of the numerical values of the alphabets ( 1 for A and similarily 26 for Z ) and then the final number will be calculated by using modulo.
My program is being compiled withour any error and the first case is also a success. But the problem is in the second case and the way my file is being appended. The program is as follows:-
#define MAX 6
int cal(char *ptr);
int a,b;
char *comet,*group;
FILE *fptr;
fptr=fopen("ride.out","a+"); (1)
//fptr=fopen("ride.txt","a+"); (2)
fprintf(fptr,"GO\n"); (3)
//printf("GO\n"); (4)
fprintf(fptr,"STAY\n"); (5)
//printf("STAY\n"); (6)
return 0;
int cal(char *ptr)
int c,prod=1,mod;
return mod;
The first case is the set two strings:-
and the second case is given in the error notification itself.
If I remove the comment symbols from (2) and put it on (1), then the program is working fine because I can see the contents of the file and they appear just as the grader system wants. It isn't happening for the actual statement of (1). The comments of line (4) and (6) are also fine but not the line (1). I am not able figure this out. Any help?
First a few notes:
main(): a decent main is either:
int main(void)
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Using malloc() you should always check if it returns NULL, aka fail, or not.
Always free() malloc'ed objects.
Everyone has his/hers/its own coding style. I have found this to be invaluable when it comes to C coding. Using it as a base for many other's to. Point being structured code is so much easier to read, debug, decode, etc.
More in detail on your code:
Signature of cal()
First line in main you declare the signature for cal(). Though this works you would probably put that above main, or put the cal() function in entirety above main.
Max length
You have a define #define MAX 6 that you never use. If it is maximum six characters and you read a string, you also have to account for the trailing zero.
E.g. from scanf:
specifier 's': Any number of non-whitespace characters, stopping at the first whitespace character found. A terminating null character is automatically added at the end of the stored sequence.
#define MAX_LEN_NAME 7
comet = malloc(sizeof(char) * MAX_LEN_NAME);
As it is good to learn to use malloc() there is nothing wrong about doing it like this here. But as it is as simple as it is you'd probably want to use:
char comet[MAX_LEN_NAME] = {0};
char group[MAX_LEN_NAME] = {0};
instead. At least: if using malloc then check for success and free when done, else use static array.
Safer scanf()
scanf() given "%s" does not stop reading at size of target buffer - it continues reading and writing the data to consecutive addresses in memory until it reads a white space.
/* data stream = "USACOeRRORbLAHbLAH NOP" */
comet = malloc(szieof(char) * 7);
scanf("%s", buf);
In memory we would have:
Address (example)
0x00000f comet[0]
0x000010 comet[1]
0x000011 comet[2]
0x000012 comet[3]
0x000013 comet[4]
0x000014 comet[5]
0x000015 comet[6]
0x000016 comet[7]
0x000017 /* Anything; Here e.g. group starts, or perhaps fptr */
0x000018 /* Anything; */
0x000019 /* Anything; */
And when reading the proposed stream/string above we would not read USACOe in to comet but we would continue reading beyond the range of comet. In other words (might) overwriting other variables etc. This might sound stupid but as C is a low level language this is one of the things you have to know. And as you learn more you'll most probably also learn to love the power of it :)
To prevent this you could limit the read by e.g. using maximum length + [what to read]. E.g:
scanf("%6[A-Z]", comet);
| | |
| | +------- Write to `comet`
| +-------------- Read only A to Z
+---------------- Read maximum 6 entities
Input data
Reading your expected result, your errors, your (N) comments etc. it sound like you should have a input file as well as an output file.
As your code is now it relies on reading data from standard input, aka stdin. Thus you also use scanf(). I suspect you should read from file with fscanf() instead.
So: something like:
FILE *fptr_in;
char *file_data = "";
int res;
if ((fptr_in = fopen(file_data, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open %s for reading.\n", file_data);
return 1; /* error code returned by program */
if ((res = fscanf(fptr_in, "%6[A-Z]%*[ \n]", comet)) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Read comet failed. Got %d.\n", res);
return 2;
b = cal(comet);
if ((res = fscanf(fptr_in, "%6[A-Z]%*[ \n]", group)) != 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Read group failed. Got %d.\n", res);
return 2;
The cal() function
First of, the naming. Say this was the beginning of a project that eventually would result in multiple files and thousand of lines of code. You would probably not have a function named cal(). Learn to give functions good names. The above link about coding style gives some points. IMHO do this in small projects as well. It is a good exercise that makes it easier when you write on bigger to huge ones. Name it e.g. cprod_mod_47().
Then the mod variable (and might c) is superfluous. An alternative could be:
int cprod_mod_47(char *str)
int prod = 1;
while (*str)
prod *= *(str++) - 'A' + 1;
return prod % 47;
Some more general suggestions
When compiling use many warning and error options. E.g. if using gcc say:
$ gcc -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c89 -o my_prog my_prog.c
This is tremendous amount of help. Further is the use of tools like valgrind and gdb invaluable.

Defining variables at the beginning of function and "fprintf"

I'd like your help with couple of things I'm not sure of them, even-though the compiler doesn't complain about them:
Here I need to write a program which gets input and output, in the input file were stored integers which I don't know their amount divided by spaces, I need to read these numbers, sort them by the sum of digits comparison and print out the sorted numbers in the output file. this is what I wrote, after that a couple of short question about this code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
int myComp(const void *a, const void *b){
int x=(*(int*)a);
int y=(*(int*)b);
int sumForx=0;
int sumFory=0;
while (x){
while (y){
if (x>y) return 1;
else if (x<y) return -1;
else return 0;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
FILE* inFile;
FILE* outFile;
int size=0;
int tmp;
if (argc!=3) {
printf("Please enter 3 arguments");
inFile=fopen(argv[1], "r");
if (inFile==NULL) {
printf("path to the input file has not found");
outFile=fopen(argv[2], "w");
if (outFile==NULL) {
printf("path to the output file has not found");
while (fscanf(inFile, "%d", &tmp)==1) {
int arr[size];
fseek(inFile, 0, SEEK_SET);
int i=0;
while (fscanf(inFile, "%d", &tmp)==1) {
int j;
for (j=0;j<size;j++){
fprintf(outFile,"%c",' ');
return 1;
I kept define new variables during the main, in different places- I can recall that I shouldn't do that since all variables must be defined at the beginning of the function, unless there are local variables of inner functions/brackets, and this is not the case here- but still the compiler is fine with this- what's the correct thing to do?
If the answer the (1) is "you must define all variables at the beginning of the function"- in my case, I must define dynamic int* arr and allocate space for it after I computed size, otherwise I can't use int arr[size] since size is computed after all the variables have defined already, include the integer array.
3.I want to enter a space between these numbers while being printed to the file, is fprintf(outFile,"%c",' '); correct after putting integer every time?
4.any other correction would be gladly welcome!
The requirement to declare all variables at the beginning of a function dates back the the pre-previous version of the standard (C89, which was outdated by C99, which was outdated by C11).
Since you are using a variable-length array (arr[size]), which wasn't possible in that pre-previous version of the standard, you are obviously using a halfway-decent compiler that doesn't stick to restrictions no longer applying since 1999. ;-)
As for printing a space, fprintf( outfile, " " ) or (even better) fputc( ' ', outfile ) would do.
As for further corrections, I have a habit of not reading / commenting on uncommented source. You have a coding style with which I violently disagree, but at least you're consistent in applying it. ;-)
This depends on the version of C you are using. If you use ANSI C (c89) you will get warnings or errors about this. But most (if not all) modern compilers support declarations almost anywhere in the code.
This again depends on your compiler. Old compilers couldn't allocate static arrays like that, modern compilers can.
fprintf(outFile, " "); is perfectly legal too.
If you are using gcc, it will allow you to place variables anywhere in the function. However, other compilers (e.g. MSVC 2008) follow ansi c i.e c89 and probably will complain about it. The correct thing to do depends on your application. If you want it to be portable across compilers, declarations should come before statements.
This is also compiler and C standards specific, so reasoning similar to point 1 applies.
For this, your code seems fine but I use something like:
fprintf(outFile, "%d ", arr[j]);
to achieve similar functionality in a single line.
printf("Please enter 3 arguments");
The executable name is usually not referred to as an argument so this would normally be
printf("Please enter 2 arguments - input filename and output filename e.g.:\n");
printf("%s file1.txt file2.txt\n",argv[0]);
should be
1: Declaring variables anywhere in the function body is fine as long as you are on a compiler that supports the C99 standard or later. Earlier compilers required that you declared variables at the beginning of a block scope, as you say.
You can do even better than in your code however, by limiting the scope of some of the variables even more. Instead of:
int j;
for (j = 0; j < size; j++) { ... }
You can simplify this to:
for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) { ... }
Which also limits the scope where j is accessible to the block following the for statement.
2: Dynamically sized arrays are only supported in C99 and later, so the code would not compile on a compiler that does not support the newer standard.
3: You can simply add the extra space to the initial format string:
fprintf(outfile, "%d ", arr[j]);

Simple count how many integers are in file in C

Im currently learning C through random maths questions and have hit a wall. Im trying to read in 1000 digits to an array. But without specifiying the size of an array first i cant do that.
My Answer was to count how many integers there are in the file then set that as the size of the array.
However my program returns 4200396 instead of 1000 like i hoped.
Not sure whats going on.
my code: EDIT
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main (void)
FILE* fp;
const char filename[] = "test.txt";
char ch;
int count = 0;
fp = fopen(filename, "r");
if( fp == NULL )
printf( "Cannot open file: %s\n", filename);
ch = fgetc (fp);
}while (ch != EOF);
printf("Text file contains: %d\n", count);
test.txt file:
Any help would be great.
You forgot to initialize count, so it contains random garbage.
int count = 0;
(But note that with this change it's still not going to work, since %d in a scanf format means read as many digits as you find rather than read a single digit.)
Turn on your compiler's warnings (-Wall), it will tell you that you didn't initialize count, which is a problem: it could contain absolutely anything when your program starts.
So initialize it:
int count = 0;
The other problem is that the scanfs won't do what you want, at all. %d will match a series of digits (a number), not an individual digit. If you do want to do your counting like that, use %c to read individual characters.
Another approach typically used (as long as you know the file isn't being updated) is to use fseek/ftell to seek to the end of the file, get the position (wich will tell you its size), then seek back to the start.
The fastest approach though would be to use stat or fstat to get the file size information from the filesystem.
If you want number of digits thin you tave to do it char-by-char e.g:
while (isdigit(fgetc(file_decriptor))
Look up fgetc, getc and scanf in manpages, you don't seem to understand whats going on in your code.
The way C initializes values is not specified. Most of the time it's garbage. Your count variable it's not initialized, so it mostly have a huge value like 1243435, try int count = 0.

c language : read file content as numbers and add them together

I have the following in a text file called: values.txt
1 4
2.5 3.76
122 10
I am trying to read the content of this text file, and add each two pairs together and output the result ...
the output would be something like this :
1 Pair:(1, 4) = 5
2 Pair:(2.5, 3.76)= 6.26
and so on ..
I am opening the file like this
int c;
FILE myfile;
myfile= fopen("values.txt", "r");
if ( myfile == NULL ) {
printf("Cannot open TEXT file\n");
return 1;
double aa,bb;
while ( (c = getc(myfile) ) != EOF ) {
Any help is really appreciated ..
Language = C
The following code does what you expect. myfile should be declared as FILE*. fopen returns a pointer to FILE structure. If the file is very large, I would recommend reading in buffers of big size (eg: 65535 etc) and parse it char by char and convert it to float values. It reduces system call overhead which takes more time than processing text to float values.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
main(int argc, char *argv[])
FILE* myfile;
myfile = fopen("values.txt", "r");
if ( myfile == NULL ) {
printf("Cannot open TEXT file\n");
return 1;
double aa,bb;
while (2 == fscanf(myfile, "%lf %lf", &aa, &bb)) {
printf("%lf\n", aa+bb);
return 0;
For this simple task, use double a, b;
if (fscanf(myfile, "%lf %lf", &a, &b) == 2)
printf("%f + %f = %f\n", a, b, a+b);.
looks like a homework problem but fscanf can read the string into a variable like:
int n;
fscanf (myfile,"%d",&n);
You haven't shown what you need as output for the single-value lines, but this looks like a case for fgets() and sscanf(), unless you really want the two lines with a single value to be processed as a unit.
char buffer[256];
int rownum = 0;
while (fgets(buffer, sizeof(buffer), myfile) != 0)
double aa, bb;
int n = sscanf(buffer, "%lf %lf", &aa, &bb);
if (n == 2)
printf("%d Pair:(%g, %g) = %g\n", ++rownum, aa, bb, aa+bb);
else if (n == 1)
printf("%d Solo:(%g) = %g\n", ++rownum, aa, aa);
printf("Failed to find any numbers in <<%s>>\n", buffer);
If you used fscanf(myfile, "%g %g", &aa, &bb), then it would read over newlines (they count as white space) looking for numbers, so it would read one number from one line, and the second from another line. This is not usually what people are after (but when it is what you need, it is extremely useful). Error recovery with fscanf() tends to be more fraught than with fgets() and sscanf().
its in c++ sorry :( i dont know c
this is a very simple logic code for simple minde :D im a begineer too, i havent tested this prog so sorry if something goes wrong but exactly
on a same principle was working my parser and it worked fine. so this is a true method. not very efficent but...
do not use this program straight away, understand it's logic this will help you alot. copying that wont give you anything
...parser tutors are so rare....
int x=0;
char ch = 'r'; //i'v used this equasion to avoid error on first ckeck of ch.
it must be filled by something when program starts.
char bigch[10];
int checknumber = 0;
float firstnumber = 0;
float secondnumber = 0;
float result=0;
void clearar(char frombigar[10], int xar) //this function gets bigch as a reference which means that eny
changes made here, will directly affect bigch itself.
ths function gets the actual length of array and puts spaces
in bigch's every element to zero out numbers. we need to clear
bigch of any previous numbers. down below you'l see why i needed this.
'xar' is the x from main function. its here to tell our cleaner the
true length of filled bigar elements.
for (int i=0; i
int main()
<------------------- //here you add file opening and reading commands
while(!myfile.eof()) //while end of txt file have not been reached
ch=myfile.get(); //gets each letter into ch, and make cursor one step
forward in txt file for further reading.
get() does cursor forwarding automatically
if (ch!= " ") //i used space as an indicator where one number ends
//so while space havent been reahced, read letters.
{ bigch[x] = ch; //get read letter into bigch array.
x++; //icrement bigch array step
if(ch == " ") //if space is reached that means one number has ended and
{ im trying to set a flag at that moment. it will be used further.
checknumber++; the flag is simple number. first space will set checknumber to 1
second space will set it to 2. thats all.
if (checknumber == 1) //if our checknumber is 1, wich means that reading
of first number is done, lets make one whole float
from that bigch array.
{ firstnumber = atof(bigch); //here we get bigch, atof (array to float) command converts
bigch array into one whole float number.
clearar(bigch,x); //here we send bigch and its element step into function where
bigch gets cleaned because we dont want some ghost numbers in it.
abviously clearar function cleans bigch int main function aswell,
not only in it's teritory. its a global cleaning :)
else if (checknumber ==2) //here we do the same but if flag is 2 this means that two spaces
had been passed and its time to convert bigch into secondnumber.
{ secondnumber = atof(bigch); //same method of converting array into float (it hates other
not number letters, i mean if its a number its fine. if in your text
was 'a' or 's' in that case atof will panic hehe.. )
clearar(bigch,x); //same thing, we send bigch to cleaner function to kill any numbers
it, we get one space letter ( " " ) into each element of bigch.
checknumber = 0; if both two numbers had been read out and converted. we need to reset
space flagger. and start counting form 0; for next pair numbers.
result = firstnumber+secondnumber; well here everything is clear.
