The following is being attempted in the console for a postgis enabled rails4.2 application.
#target = Target.last
#meter_radius = 1000
#valid_points = Target.where("ST_DWithin(#{}, #{#target.lon}, #{#meter_radius}))
lat and lon are defined as decimal values. This translates into the following query
SELECT "targets".* FROM "targets" WHERE (ST_DWithin(38.656679, 15.984094, 1000))
with the error:
PG::UndefinedFunction: ERROR: function st_dwithin(numeric, numeric, integer) does not exist
I believe I need to declare the data type (geometric or geographic) for these values but am not sure how. I am also wondering whether the ST_DWithin function can work off of the 3857 data type, even though the documentation does not state so.
note the #target object also has a lonlat attributes defined as a spatial value in postgresql with :srid=>3857, :type=>"point" defined.
#valid_points = Target.where("ST_DWithin(lonlat, ST_PointFromText('#{#target.lonlat}', #{#meter_radius}))
returns a result and thus appears syntactically valid.
SELECT "targets".* FROM "targets" WHERE (ST_DWithin(lonlat, ST_PointFromText('POINT (15.984094 38.656679)', 3857), 1000))
However the result is incorrect. It essentially finds all the points of the table. Being of SRID type, this needed to be expressed in degrees, not meters.
One answer, leveraging the lonlat spatial point stored:
#target = Target.last
#degree_radius = 0.2249
#valid_points = Target.where("ST_DWithin(lonlat, ST_PointFromText('#{#target.lonlat}', #{#degree_radius}))
which returns a result and thus appears syntactically valid.
SELECT "targets".* FROM "targets" WHERE (ST_DWithin(lonlat, ST_PointFromText('POINT (15.984094 38.656679)', 3857), 0.2249))
One really neat feature of Postgres that I have only just discovered is the ability to define composite type - also referred to in their docs as ROWS and as RECORDS. Consider the following example
tslot smallint,
day smallint
Now consider the following tables
CREATE TABLE test_simple_array
id integer DEFAULT nextval('test_id_seq') NOT NULL,
dx integer []
CREATE TABLE test_composite_simple
id integer DEFAULT nextval('test_id_seq') NOT NULL,
dx dow_id
CREATE TABLE test_composite_array
id integer DEFAULT nextval('test_id_seq') NOT NULL,
dx dow_id[]
CRUD operations on the first two tables are relatively straightforward. For example
INSERT INTO test_simple_array (dx) VALUES ('{1,1}');
INSERT INTO test_composite_simple (dx) VALUES (ROW(1,1));
However, I have not been able to figure out how to perform CRUD ops when the table has an array of records/composite types as in test_composite_array. I have tried
INSERT INTO test_composite_array (dx) VALUES(ARRAY(ROW(1,1),ROW(1,2)));
which fails with the message
ERROR: syntax error at or near "ROW"
INSERT INTO test_composite_array (dx) VALUES("{(1,1),(1,2)}");
which fails with the message
ERROR: column "{(1,1),(1,2)}" does not exist
INSERT INTO test_composite_array (dx) VALUES('{"(1,1)","(1,2)"}');
which appears to work though it leaves me feeling confused since a subsequent
SELECT dx FROM test_composite_array
returns what appears to be a string result {"(1,1),(1,2)} although a further query such as
SELECT id FROM test_composite_array WHERE (dx[1]).tslot = 1;
works. I also tried the following
SELECT (dx[1]).day FROM test_composite_array;
UPDATE test_composite_array SET dx[1].day = 99 WHERE (dx[1]).tslot = 1;
SELECT (dx[1]).day FROM test_composite_array;
which works while
UPDATE test_composite_array SET (dx[1]).day = 99 WHERE (dx[1]).tslot = 1;
fails. I find that I am figuring out how to manipulate arrays of records/composite types in Postgres by trial and error and - altough Postgres documentation is generally excellent - there appears to be no clear discussion of this topic in the documentation. I'd be much obliged to anyone who can point me to an authoritative discussion of how to manipulate arrays of composite types in Postgres.
That apart are there any unexpected gotchas when working with such arrays?
You need square brackets with ARRAY:
A warning: composite types are a great feature, but you will make your life harder if you overuse them. As soon as you want to use elements of a composite type in WHERE or JOIN conditions, you are doing something wrong, and you are going to suffer. There are good reasons for normalizing relational data.
I've got a table full of WKT (well known text) in a varchar(max) column. This is formatted exactly as geometry. So, for example, one of the values is:
POLYGON ((174.893529167059 -37.0260462162965,174.89351593407 -37.0260221329151,174.893508034056 -37.0260077002766,174.893444415879 -37.0258916500588,174.893416916056 -37.0258414997842,174.893481733297 -37.0258186834198,174.893492016755 -37.0258150663863,174.89349653254 -37.025823316032,174.893512415978 -37.0258522827285,174.893556883897 -37.0259333832477,174.893591032956 -37.0259956661343,174.893604265986 -37.0260197504078,174.893575149738 -37.0260300006258,174.893529167059 -37.0260462162965))
However, I need to convert this varchar(max) field into a geometry field. Unfortunately, SQL Server needs to have some other information in order to do this, so I can't just change the type of the field from varchar(max) to geometry.
I've created a blank geometry column in the same table (MyGeometry) but I'm failing in trying to convert it. Here is my code (where 2193 is the CRS I'm dealing with). WKT is my varchar(max) field and MyGeometry is my new geometry field.
SET MyGeometry = geometry::STPolyFromText('' + WKT + '', 2193)
EDIT - currently coming back saying the WKT is not valid (System.FormatException 24111 - the input isn't valid).
Which is strange as it matches up perfectly with some other inputs I have in how it's styled.
This will do :
SET MyGeometry = geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((174.893529167059 -37.0260462162965,174.89351593407 -37.0260221329151,174.893508034056 -37.0260077002766,174.893444415879 -37.0258916500588,174.893416916056 -37.0258414997842,174.893481733297 -37.0258186834198,174.893492016755 -37.0258150663863,174.89349653254 -37.025823316032,174.893512415978 -37.0258522827285,174.893556883897 -37.0259333832477,174.893591032956 -37.0259956661343,174.893604265986 -37.0260197504078,174.893575149738 -37.0260300006258,174.893529167059 -37.0260462162965))', 0)
You can change that 'POLYGON....' to your VARCHAR(MAX) field.
0 at the end, which is SRID only relevant if you're using Geography.
You can also try :-
UPDATE MY_TABLE SET MyGeometry = GEOMETRY::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((174.893529167059 -37.0260462162965,174.89351593407 -37.0260221329151,174.893508034056 -37.0260077002766,174.893444415879 -37.0258916500588,174.893416916056 -37.0258414997842,174.893481733297 -37.0258186834198,174.893492016755 -37.0258150663863,174.89349653254 -37.025823316032,174.893512415978 -37.0258522827285,174.893556883897 -37.0259333832477,174.893591032956 -37.0259956661343,174.893604265986 -37.0260197504078,174.893575149738 -37.0260300006258,174.893529167059 -37.0260462162965))',4326);
The value of SRID passed should be 4326 and not 0
You can check the URL below. I found this information in another similar question (older post) so pasting it without any changes
I found solution, SQL Server Spatial Tools
Followings are the methods solved my problem.
IsValidGeographyFromText(string inputWKT, int srid)
Check if an input WKT can represent a valid geography. This function requires that the WTK coordinate values are longitude/latitude values, in that order and that a valid geography SRID value is supplied. This function will not throw an exception even in edge conditions (i.e. longitude/latitude coordinates are reversed to latitude/longitude).
SqlGeography MakeValidGeographyFromText(string inputWKT, int srid)
Convert an input WKT to a valid geography instance. This function requires that the WKT coordinate values are longitude/latitude values, in that order and that a valid geography SRID value is supplied.
I have seen a similar post here but my situation is slightly different from anything I've found so far. I am trying to call a postgres function with parameters that I can leverage in the function logic as they pertain to the jsonb query. Here is an example of the query I'm trying to recreate with parameters.
from edit_data
where ( "json_field"#>'{Attributes}' )::jsonb #>
'{"issue_description":"**my description**",
I can run this query just fine in PGAdmin but all my attempts thus far to run this inside a function with parameters for "my description" and "" values have failed. Here is a simple example of the function I'm trying to create:
p1 character varying,
p2 character varying)
RETURNS SETOF edit_metadata AS
SELECT * from edit_metadata where ("geo_json"#>'{Attributes}' )::jsonb #> '{"issue_description":**$p1**, "reporter_email":**$p2**}'::jsonb;
COST 100
ROWS 1000;
I know that the syntax is incorrect and I've been struggling with this for a day or two. Can anyone help me understand how to best deal with these double quotes around the value and leverage a parameter here?
You could use function json_build_object:
select json_build_object(
'issue_description', '**my description**',
'reporter_email', '****');
And you get:
{"issue_description" : "**my description**", "reporter_email" : "****"}
(1 row)
That way there's no way you will input invalid syntax (no hassle with quoting strings) and you can swap the values with parameters.
I am trying to run the following PostGIS query:
select ST_distance_spheroid(
(select AsText(location) from test where name="EGMC")
)', 4326),
(select AsText(location) from test where name="EGDY")
)', 4326),
but keep getting an error:
ERROR: parse error - invalid geometry
(s" <-- parse error at position 9 within geometry
I'm happy that I know what the error means, I just don't know how to go about achieving what I want to do. I don't want to manually specify the location, it's stored in the database! I know the name of the place, so I want to get it's location by looking it up. How should I be doing this? Also, it seems a bit unnecessary to convert to a string to convert back, what else can I do?
If I can do this without having to specify variables that would be great.
You are mixing SQL and WKT, which are not the same. Furthermore, you don't need to recreate geometries that already exist. Query the existing geometries instead:
select ST_distance_spheroid(g1.location, g2.location, 'SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137,298.257223563]')
from test g1, test g2
where = "EGMC" and = "EGDY";
This is a followup post to this post. I am writing an accounting system backed by an h2 database. The tree of accounts is stored in the ACCOUNTS table, with the PARENT_ID column storing the links in the tree.
To get the path to a given node in the tree, I have the following stored procedure:
public static Long[] getAncestorPKs(Long id)
whose job is to produce an array of integers, being the PARENT_ID values between the given node and the root of the tree. Let's imagine it is defined like this (because I have tried this and I get the same error):
public static Long[] getAncestorPKs(Long id)
return new Long[]{new Long(1), new Long(2), new Long(3)};
It is properly registered in the database and I can call it from within a SQL query. My problem is that h2 seems to be unable to deal with the return value: if I use it like this:
then I get the following error:
Data conversion error converting "(1, 2, 3)"; SQL statement:
If, instead, I send the following to the database:
I get back a result set with 3 rows, containing the three integers (exactly what I expect).
I really can't see what is the problem here! I am returning an array of Longs, which are to be used in comparing against a column which contains BIGINTS. Why is h2 refusing to convert this array? I have tried making the return value be Object[], because the h2 documentation is not entirely clear whether this is required on the return side as well as on the call side, but that makes no difference at all. I'm just banging my head against a brick wall here. This ain't rocket science! Surely someone has written similar code before?
Many thanks in advance, before I go mad!
If the method returns an array of objects, then for the database this is one value of data type ARRAY. And not a table with 3 rows. But of course you don't use the data type ARRAY in your table, you use INT or BIGINT. So your query is incorrect.
Either the method needs to return a ResultSet, or you need to convert the array value to a table. To do that, you could use the function TABLE(..) as follows:
select x from table(x bigint = getAncestorPKs(1));
So what you could do is:
drop table accounts;
create table accounts(id int);
insert into accounts values(1), (2), (10), (20);
drop alias getAncestorPKs;
create alias getAncestorPKs as 'Long[] getAncestorPKs(Long id) {
return new Long[]{new Long(1), new Long(2), new Long(3)};
select * from accounts where id in
(select x from table(x bigint = getAncestorPKs(1)));