I was reading the docs of ui-router but I couldn't grasp the concept of resolves for controllers in each state. I am not able to figure out where should we use resolve and why the controller attached to a state is not enough (as we can inject any dependencies in it we want) ?
I've tried going through docs and other tutorials several times but its quite confusing , Can someone please explain it with its real life application?
Imagine you want to create a modal and pass some data to it. I'm using the angular-ui-bootstrap modals for this example.
var openExampleModal = function () {
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: "Modal.html",
controller: "ModalController",
size: "lg"
return modalInstance.result;
Now if you want to pass some data to this modal on initialization, you can either save it in your $rootScope or some data service, or you can use resolve to inject it into your controller directly without having to use anything else.
var openExampleModal = function (myData) {
var modalInstance = $modal.open({
templateUrl: "Modal.html",
controller: "ModalController",
size: "lg",
resolve: {
sampleData: function () {
return myData;
return modalInstance.result;
and in your controller you would have:
MyController.$inject = ["sampleData"];
function Mycontroller(sampleData) {
//You can access the data you passed on via sampleData variable now.
Resolve is used to inject your own custom objects into the controller, not for injecting dependencies.
A resolve is simply a value that is passed to the controller upon instantiation (which are used like an injected value). The neat thing about them is that if the value returned is a promise, the view/controller won't load until the promise has resolved.
The way you use them is by adding a resolve key to your route state, and returning the object you want injected into your controller (also naming it). For example:
.state('example', {
url: '/page',
templateUrl: 'sometemplate.html',
controller: 'SomeCtrl',
resolve: {
injectionName: function(){
// return a value or promise here to be injected as injectionName into your controller
Then inside your controller you simply add the resolve name to the controller injected values:
.controller('SomeCtrl', function($scope, injectionName){
// do stuff with injectionName
Just note that if you do return a promise, the value that is injected is the result of the promise (not the promise itself). Also note that if the promise errors the view/controller will not load, and an error will be thrown. As #koox00 commented, this error will fail silently unless $stateChangeErrorError is handled (usually in your apps primary run() function).
So why would you use this? Well if not inferred from above, you do this usually when you want your view/controller to wait until some async process has completed before loading a particular state. This saves you from creating loaders or loading processes for every single view/controller, moving it to a simple definition of what needs to be loaded.
As said by Jean-Philippe you can use resolve if you want to load some data before switching to a certain state. Resolve waits and blocks until the data is arrived and only then the state transition is done.
It is an highly discussed topic whether using a resolve or loading the data on the fly within the controller. I would say: It depends on your use case :)
Further info from supercool todd motto: https://toddmotto.com/resolve-promises-in-angular-routes/
As displayed below, even though i've 2 diff html i am using same controller so i want to have the scope shared between 2 html.
Is it possible to configure this in routeProvider?
.when('/cform', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientForm.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl', //Same Controller
.when('/vwClientManagement', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientManagement.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl' //Same Controller
$scope.showClientAddUpdateView = function(action,clientId) {
$scope.client.name="Hello World"; // This is getting displayed in UI.
$http.get("/qCli", { params:{id : clientId}}).then(
function successCallback(response){
//$scope.client = response.data;
$scope.client.name="Hello World After Ajax"; // This is not getting displayed in UI.
},function errorCallback(response){
console.log("err searching clients");
Scanario 1 - changing route and setting scope in ajax success call back, loosing only those value which i have set in success callback after route change
Scanario 2 - updating scope in ajax success callback but not changing route, view is updated with correct values.
Added More details More Details
In my opinion, it's better to use Service, for sharing data between Angular controllers. Generally, angularjs is very flexible, and there is at least few ways to solve your problem: using services, using $state.go services, using stateparams, using rootscope...
Check this issue, there is a bunch of related and useful advices: Share data between AngularJS controllers
While using this:
.when('/cform', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientForm.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl', //Same Controller
}).when('/vwClientManagement', {
templateUrl: '/partials/clientManagement.html',
controller: 'ClientCtrl' //Same Controller
You are not using one unique controller. You are creating, for each view, an instance of ClientCtrl.
So they don't share there scope, each have a different and independant scope.
It seems you are trying to avoid using services whereas this would be best done in this case. There are severals (1, 2) answers on Stack Overflow dealing with this subject.
I've a page with Navbar and Sidebar that remains common across most of the pages and hence I load all data related to LoggedInUser in NavbarController.
This data ($scope.loggedInUser) is used in other Controllers (child controller) as well. Since call to get User data is async, many times, child controller tries to access data before it is returned from the server.
What is the best way to ensure, all promises of parent controller are resolved before child controller starts it's work?
You should use resolve from $stateProvider. This function ensures that all the promises are resolved before loading a new state.
A resolve is a property you can attach to a route in both ngRoute and the more robust UI router. A resolve contains one or more promises that must resolve successfully before the route will change. This means you can wait for data to become available before showing a view, and simplify the initialization of the model inside a controller because the initial data is given to the controller instead of the controller needing to go out and fetch the data.
.when("/news", {
templateUrl: "newsView.html",
controller: "newsController",
resolve: {
message: function(messageService){
return messageService.getMessage();
in controller
app.controller("newsController", function (message) {
$scope.message = message;
Hope this will help you
Probably it's just as easy as I think it is, but I cannot really find an answer to my question on the internet, so I hope you guys know the answer just by looking at a small piece of my code.
Problem: I'm using the UI router in Angular and it loads the template before all the data is loaded. So all input fields receive the correct values AFTER the template is already loaded. So the input fields are empty for a second or two....
I think my resolve is not as it should be:
So my ui-router code looks something like this (check the resolve object):
$stateProvider.state('teststate', {
url: '/test/',
templateUrl: 'app/page/template.html',
controller: 'testCtrl',
resolve: {
access: ["Access", function(Access) { return Access.isAuthenticated(); }],
UserProfile: 'UserProfile'
Now the controller contains the promise to get some data from an API url:
function TestCtrl($scope, $state, $stateParams, TestService) {
TestService.get($stateParams.id).then(function(response) {
$scope.data = response;
Now the service (which connects to the API) should return the promise to the Controller:
TestService.factory('TestService', ['Restangular', function(Restangular) {
var factory = {};
factory.get = function(id) {
return Restangular.one('api/test', id).get();
return factory;
Now, could the problem be, that because the TestService.get() (which connects to the API) within the Controller, gets executed NOT before the template is loaded, because it's not inside the resolve object? So the UI router doesn't resolve the call to the API? I'm just curious or I should move all methods which make API calls, to the resolve object of each stat inside the $stateProvider.
I could run a lot of tests, but if someone just directly knows the answer by just looking at this question, it helps me a lot.
Your assumptions are all correct.
If you resolve the TestService.get in routing config the data would be readily available to controller as an injectable resource
If you don't want your controller to run and your template to show before all your API calls are finished, you have to put all of them inside ui-routers resolve.
However, if API requests can take a little while it seems better UX to transition to the new page immediately and show some kind of loading indicator (e.g. block-ui) while your API call is running.
I have a controller that needs a thing provided by a route resolve function:
$routeProvider.when('/some/url', {
controller: MyController,
controllerAs: 'myCtrl',
resolve: {
theAnswer: ['deepThought', function(deepThought) {
return deepThought.computeTheAnswerAndReturnAPromise();
var MyController = ['$route', function($route) {
this.theAnswer = $route.current.theAnswer;
Now I want to do an end-to-end test, checking that the route matches and that parameters are propagated properly:
// ...set up the routes...
var ctrl = ???;
In the non-test setup, I can put in a log statement and see that the controller is being created successfully and gets the correct data injected. The only problem is: how to get hold of the controller in the test?
There is $route.current.controller, but it contains the controller's constructor function and not the controller instance.
The documentation promises a $route.current.locals.$scope, from which I could get myCtrl, but the $scope property doesn't actually exist unless we also use ngView (it gets set here).
The controller isn't registered with any module, so I can't use $provide to intercept its creation and stash the controller somewhere.
Found it, thanks to #PSL's comment. The thing that actually constructs the controller is the ngView link function. We can fake that easily enough:
var ctrl = $controller(MyController, $route.current.locals);
I have a service that loads data using $http and returns a promise (simplified for brevity):
angular.module('myApp').factory('DataService', ['$http', function($http) {
function unwrapFriendList(data) {
return unwrappedFriendList;
return {
getFriendList: function() {
return $http.get('/api/friends').then(unwrapFriendList);
Here is a view that uses that data, after promise is resolved and result is stored in $scope.friends:
<div ng-repeat='friend in friends'>
{{friend.firstName}} {{friend.lastName}}
When it comes to loading that data into the controller, I've come across a couple of ways to do that.
Option 1: Controller that uses data loaded via ng-route resolve
angular.module('myApp').controller('FriendListCtrl', ['$scope', 'friendList', function($scope, friendList) {
$scope.friends = friendList;
Route section:
angular.module('myApp', ...).config(function($routeProvider) {
.when('/friends', {
templateUrl: 'views/friends.html',
controller: 'FriendListCtrl',
resolve: {
friendList: ['DataService', function(DataService) {
return DataService.getFriendList();
Option 2: Controller that triggers data loading by itself
angular.module('myApp').controller('FriendListCtrl', ['$scope', 'DataService', function($scope, DataService) {
DataService.getFriendList().then(function(friendList) {
$scope.friends = friendList;
Are there other commonly used ways of doing this? If so, please illustrate with a code example.
What are the limitations of each approach?
What are advantages of each approach?
Under what circumstances should I use each approach?
Unit testing
Option 1:
Using resolves makes mocking dependencies in controller unit tests very simple. In your first option:
.when('/friends', {
templateUrl: 'views/friends.html',
controller: 'FriendListCtrl',
resolve: {
friendList: ['DataService', function(DataService) {
return DataService.getFriendList();
.controller('FriendListCtrl', ['$scope', 'friendList',
function($scope, friendList) {
$scope.friends = friendList;
Since friendList is injected into the controller, mocking it in a test is as simple as passing in a plain object to the $controller service:
var friendListMock = [
// ...
$controller('FriendListCtrl', {
$scope: scope,
friendList: friendListMock
Option 2:
You can't do this with the second option, and will have to spy on/stub the DataService. Since the data data requests in the second option are immediately invoked on controller creation, testing will get very tangled once you start doing multiple, conditional, or dependent (more on that later) data requests.
View initialisation
Option 1:
Resolves prevent view initialisation until all resolves are fulfilled. This means that anything in the view expecting data (directives included) will have it immediately.
Option 2:
If data requests happen in the controller, the view will display, but will not have any data until the requests are fulfilled (which will be at some unknown point in the future). This is akin to a flash of unstyled content and can be jarring but can be worked around.
The real complications come when you have components in your view expecting data and are not provided with it, because they're still being retrieved. You then have to hack around this by forcing each of your components to wait or delay initialisation for some unknown amount of time, or have them $watch some arbitrary variable before initialising. Very messy.
Prefer resolves
While you can do initial data loading in controllers, resolves already do it in a much cleaner and more declarative way.
The default ngRoute resolver, however, lacks a few key features, the most notable being dependent resolves. What if you wanted to provide 2 pieces of data to your controller: a customer, and the details of their usual store? This is not easy with ngRoute:
resolve: {
customer: function($routeParams, CustomerService) {
return CustomerService.get($routeParams.customerId);
usualStore: function(StoreService) {
// can't access 'customer' object here, so can't get their usual store
var storeId = ...;
return StoreService.get(storeId);
You can hack around this by loading the usualStore from the controller after the customer is injected, but why bother when it can be done cleanly in ui-router with dependent resolves:
resolve: {
customer: function($stateParams, CustomerService) {
return CustomerService.get($stateParams.customerId);
usualStore: function(StoreService, customer) {
// this depends on the 'customer' resolve above
return StoreService.get(customer.usualStoreId);
Are there other commonly used ways of doing this?
Depends, If you have data that is on other domain and it can take time loading so you cant show the view until it get received so you will go for resolve one i.e first.
What are the limitations of each approach?
Limitation of using the first pattern the resolve one can be that the page won't display anything until all the data has loaded
Limitation of second one is that data may take longer to be recieved and your view will be like "{{}}" if you have not tackled it with css
What are advantages of each approach?
Advantage of first one is what i have said earlier that you will resolve the data and ensure it that it is present before view is rendered
Under what circumstances should I use each approach?
the resolve is very useful if we need to load some data loaded before the controller initialisation and rendering the view
And second one is when you dont have check ins and these loading problems expected and data is in you own hands !