Finding bit patterns in array and the fastest way to rebuild them - arrays

I have an array of 64 bits numbers where each bit represent an index in an array we will call A.
The data in the rows is STATIC and preprocessing time is not important (within reason), the data in the array A varies.
There are about 32 million rows to process, so I am trying to find how to get the fastest execution time.
The process is simple; For example, if I have the following numbers:
Row[0] = ...001110, Result[0] = A[1] | A[2] | A[3]
Row[1] = ...001101, Result[1] = A[0] | A[2] | A[3]
The method I thought about would find the largest bit patterns in the list and store temporary results:
For example, we see the 001100 pattern repeated, so we could save some steps:
...001110 => calculate A[1], A[2], A[3], store B[0] = (A[2] | A[3]), result = A[1] | B[0]
...001101 => calculate A[0], result = A[0] | B[0]
...110001 etc...
Ideally, I could make a tree that tells me how to build every possible combination in use (maybe treating the rows by chunk if it gets too large).
Another example:
I can calculate 1100000 and 0001010 one time and reuse the results 2 times, but 0100010 can be reused 3 times.
This is to speed up the multiplication of boolean matrices; I am assuming there are algorithms that already exist.

If there are enough repetitions (from your question I assume there are) so that the caching would speed up things, one way to do this would be use a hash to cache the patterns that have already been calculated.
Something like this (pseudocode):
Pattern := Patterns[Row];
Row_result := Hash(Pattern);
Row_result := Calculate(Pattern);
Hash(Pattern) := Row_result;
Now back to real life, you've said that the patterns are 64 bit long. If there are a lot of different patterns, the hash memory requirements would be huge. To mitigate this I suggest splitting each pattern into two halves and use two hashes, 1ts one to hash upper half, 2nd to hash lower part of the pattern. Then Row_result := Hash1(Upper_half) | Hash2(Lower_part) Having done this you'll lower memory consumption to a manageable several gigabytes in worst case. You can go further and make 4 hashes to make it even lower.

This solution seems a bit too obvious, so I may be missing something, but ...
If each element in A is identified by a bit in Row, and Row is of type uint64, then it follows that A can have at most 64 elements.
If elements of A are in turn Boolean values, as your examples suggest, why not simply have A as a uint64 as well, rather than an array of bool?
Then you could simply do
Result[i] = (Row[i] & A) != 0;
which would be really hard to beat performance-wise.


Is there a more lightweight alternative to array?

I need to create an array with 3 billion boolean variables. My memory is only 4GB, therefore I need this array to be very tight (at most one byte per variable). Theoretically this should be possible. But I found that Ruby uses way too much space for one boolean variable in an array.
ObjectSpace.memsize_of(, false)) #=> 840
That's more than 8 bytes per variable. I would like to know if there's a more lightweight implementation of C-arrays in Ruby.
Apart from a small profile, I also need each boolean this array to be fast accessible, because I need to flip them as fast as possible on demand.
Ruby isn't a well performing language, especially in memory use. As other said, you should put your booleans in numbers. You'll lose a lot of memory due to ruby's 'objetification'. If it is a bad scenario to you, you may store into strings of a large length and store the strings in a array, losing less memory.
You also can implement your own gem in C++, that can naturally use bits and doubles, losing less memory. And array of doubles means 64 booleans in each position, more than sufficient to your application.
Extremely large objects are always a problem and will require you to implement a lot to make easier to work with your large collection of objects. Surely you'll have to at least implement some kind of method to acess some position in an array of objects that store more than one boolean, and other to flip them.
The following class may not be exactly what you're looking for. It will store 1's or 0's into an array using bits and shifting. Entries default to 0. If you need three states for each entry, 0, 1, or nil, then you'd need to change it to use two bits for each entry, rather than one.
class BitArray < Array
BITS_PER_WORD = 0.size * 8
MASK = eval("0x#{'FF' * (BITS_PER_WORD/8)}") - 1
def []=(n, value_0_or_1)
word = word_at(n / BITS_PER_WORD) || 0
word &= MASK << n % BITS_PER_WORD
super(n / BITS_PER_WORD, value_0_or_1 << (n % BITS_PER_WORD) | word)
def [](n)
return 0 if word_at(n / BITS_PER_WORD).nil?
(super(n / BITS_PER_WORD) >> (n % BITS_PER_WORD)) & 1
def word_at(n)

Efficiently testing if one list is a permutation of another

I was reading where the problem of checking if one list is a permutation of another is presented and two solutions are proposed.
The 'c brain' solution "you know the lists will always contain four numbers of fewer, and each number will be less than 256, so we can byte-pack all the permutations into 32-bit ints and..."
The 'python brain' solution is to sort both and then compare them, this seems more obvious, but I am interested in a more efficient (and low level) solution.
My initial approach was:
int permutations(int a[4], int b[4]){
int A = a[0] | a[1]*1<<8 | a[2]*1<<16 | a[3]*1<<24;
int B = b[0] | b[1]*1<<8 | b[2]*1<<16 | b[3]*1<<24;
unsigned int c=0, i=0;
for( i=0xFF; i>0; i<<=8 ){
A&i == B&0xFF ||
A&i == B&0xFF00 ||
A&i == B&0xFF0000 ||
A&i == B&0xFF000000
) c |= i;
if( c == 0xFFFFFFFF )
return 1;
return 0;
But this cant work unless I can find an easy way to position both A&i and B*0xxxxxxxxx both at the same byte (removing any trailing 0s after the byte we are looking at).
So something like
(a&i>>al)>>ar == b(&j>>bl)>>br
where al+ar == bl+br == 4 and are used to determine which byte we are examining.
Another approach
Someone in the comments box said "In C, why not simply dynamically allocate a section of memory of appropriate size and treat it as a single number?
True it'd be a bit slower than using an int but it'd also not be restricted to contain four or fewer elements or maximum number of 256, and still be faster than sorting (whether in C or Python) ..."
If we could have an array which has a length in bits greater than our highest number, then we could set the appropriate bits and compare the arrays, but this gives more comparisons as we then have comparisons unless we can treat this as one large number efficiently in c.
In x86 (which I have just started learning) we have the SBC instruction so we could subtract each part and if the results are all zero (which we could test with a JNE/JNZ) they are equal.
As far as I can tell we would still have to do / SBCs and jumps
Actual question
I would like to know how
byte packing
treating the whole list as one large number
can be used to check if a list is a permutation of another (assuming the lists are no longer than 4 items and each item is < 256)
Optimization assuming that the result is probably "no": calculate the sum (or the xor, or some other inexpensive, associative, commutative operator) of each list. If the sums differ, the answer is no without further testing. If the sums are the same, then perform a more expensive test to get a definitive answer.
I think you just want a hash that is not affected by permutations. Addition was offered as one method. I was thinking of a method that would be compatible with a bloom filter, so you could do more things with it.
A bloom filter would work with lists of arbitrary lengths and numbers of arbitrary size. It could be used to see if a list had the same permutations as a group of lists. It can be used to see if an element might exist in a list.
A bloom filter is basically an array of bits. You just 'or' the bits of the elements making up your list together to produce the bloom filter. Any list with the same elements in any order will have the same bits set. For small lists you can get away with using integer sized numbers for the bit arrays:
unsigned char b = a1|a2|a3|a4; // where a1..n are items (8 bit numbers)
if you had item a1 and a list with bloom b and wanted to know if a1 was in the list:
fPossibleMatch = ((a1&b) == a1);
if you had two lists of arbitrary lengths with blooms b1, b2 and wanted to know if all items of b1 might exists in b2:
fPossibleMatch = ((b1&b2) == b1);
If you wanted to know if list b1 and b2 with the same # of elements were permutations of each other.
fPossibleMatch = (b1==b2);
To cut down on false positives, widen the bloom filter. If we used a 64 bit bloom, we could use this arbitrarily chosen algorithm to spread bits out:
unsigned long long b = (a1<<(a1&0x1F)) | (a2<<(a2&0x1F)) | (a3<<(a3&0x1F)) | a4<<(a4&0x1F);
I have a feeling that my algorithm to widen the bloom is not any good. It might just set all the bits to mush. Someone else might know of a better way. I think you get the idea though.
I think this is better:
#define MUNGE(a) ((a)<<(((a)&7)<<3))
unsigned long long b = MUNGE(a1)|MUNGE(a2)|MUNGE(a3)|MUNGE(a4)
I'm not good at creating hashes.
You still have to double check any lists that have matching bloom filters. The number of false positives increases with increasing list length and element size. False positives decrease with increasing bloom size.
Use a hashtable and iterate through each list. This will give a solution that requires O(n) time and O(n) memory.

find if two arrays contain the same set of integers without extra space and faster than NlogN

I came across this post, which reports the following interview question:
Given two arrays of numbers, find if each of the two arrays have the
same set of integers ? Suggest an algo which can run faster than NlogN
without extra space?
The best that I can think of is the following:
(a) sort each array, and then (b) have two pointers moving along the two arrays and check if you find different values ... but step (a) has already NlogN complexity :(
(a) scan shortest array and put values into a map, and then (b) scan second array and check if you find a value that is not in the map ... here we have linear complexity, but we I use extra space
... so, I can't think of a solution for this question.
Thank you for all the answers. I feel many of them are right, but I decided to choose ruslik's one, because it gives an interesting option that I did not think about.
You can try a probabilistic approach by choosing a commutative function for accumulation (eg, addition or XOR) and a parametrized hash function.
unsigned addition(unsigned a, unsigned b);
unsigned hash(int n, int h_type);
unsigned hash_set(int* a, int num, int h_type){
unsigned rez = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
rez = addition(rez, hash(a[i], h_type));
return rez;
In this way the number of tries before you decide that the probability of false positive will be below a certain treshold will not depend on the number of elements, so it will be linear.
EDIT: In general case the probability of sets being the same is very small, so this O(n) check with several hash functions can be used for prefiltering: to decide as fast as possible if they are surely different or if there is a probability of them being equivalent, and if a slow deterministic method should be used. The final average complexity will be O(n), but worst case scenario will have the complexity of the determenistic method.
You said "without extra space" in the question but I assume that you actually mean "with O(1) extra space".
Suppose that all the integers in the arrays are less than k. Then you can use in-place radix sort to sort each array in time O(n log k) with O(log k) extra space (for the stack, as pointed out by yi_H in comments), and compare the sorted arrays in time O(n log k). If k does not vary with n, then you're done.
I'll assume that the integers in question are of fixed size (eg. 32 bit).
Then, radix-quicksorting both arrays in place (aka "binary quicksort") is constant space and O(n).
In case of unbounded integers, I believe (but cannot proof, even if it is probably doable) that you cannot break the O(n k) barrier, where k is the number of digits of the greatest integer in either array.
Whether this is better than O(n log n) depends on how k is assumed to scale with n, and therefore depends on what the interviewer expects of you.
A special, not harder case is when one array holds 1,2,..,n. This was discussed many times:
How to tell if an array is a permutation in O(n)?
Algorithm to determine if array contains n...n+m?
and despite many tries no deterministic solutions using O(1) space and O(n) time were shown. Either you can cheat the requirements in some way (reuse input space, assume integers are bounded) or use probabilistic test.
Probably this is an open problem.
Here is a co-rp algorithm:
In linear time, iterate over the first array (A), building the polynomial
Pa = A[0] - x)(A[1] -x)...(A[n-1] - x). Do the same for array B, naming this polynomial Pb.
We now want to answer the question "is Pa = Pb?" We can check this probabilistically as follows. Select a number r uniformly at random from the range [0...4n] and compute d = Pa(r) - Pb(r) in linear time. If d = 0, return true; otherwise return false.
Why is this valid? First of all, observe that if the two arrays contain the same elements, then Pa = Pb, so Pa(r) = Pb(r) for all r. With this in mind, we can easily see that this algorithm will never erroneously reject two identical arrays.
Now we must consider the case where the arrays are not identical. By the Schwart-Zippel Lemma, P(Pa(r) - Pb(r) = 0 | Pa != Pb) < (n/4n). So the probability that we accept the two arrays as equivalent when they are not is < (1/4).
The usual assumption for these kinds of problems is Theta(log n)-bit words, because that's the minimum needed to index the input.
sshannin's polynomial-evaluation answer works fine over finite fields, which sidesteps the difficulties with limited-precision registers. All we need are a prime of the appropriate (easy to find under the same assumptions that support a lot of public-key crypto) or an irreducible polynomial in (Z/2)[x] of the appropriate degree (difficulty here is multiplying polynomials quickly, but I think the algorithm would be o(n log n)).
If we can modify the input with the restriction that it must maintain the same set, then it's not too hard to find space for radix sort. Select the (n/log n)th element from each array and partition both arrays. Sort the size-(n/log n) pieces and compare them. Now use radix sort on the size-(n - n/log n) pieces. From the previously processed elements, we can obtain n/log n bits, where bit i is on if a[2*i] > a[2*i + 1] and off if a[2*i] < a[2*i + 1]. This is sufficient to support a radix sort with n/(log n)^2 buckets.
In the algebraic decision tree model, there are known Omega(NlogN) lower bounds for computing set intersection (irrespective of the space limits).
For instance, see here:
So unless you do clever bit manipulations/hashing type approaches, you cannot do better than NlogN.
For instance, if you used only comparisons, you cannot do better than NlogN.
You can break the O(n*log(n)) barrier if you have some restrictions on the range of numbers. But it's not possible to do this if you cannot use any extra memory (you need really silly restrictions to be able to do that).
I would also like to note that even O(nlog(n)) with sorting is not trivial if you have O(1) space limit as merge sort uses O(n) space and quicksort (which is not even strict o(nlog(n)) needs O(log(n)) space for the stack. You have to use heapsort or smoothsort.
Some companies like to ask questions which cannot be solved and I think it is a good practice, as a programmer you have to know both what's possible and how to code it and also know what are the limits so you don't waste your time on something that's not doable.
Check this question for a couple of good techniques to use:
Algorithm to tell if two arrays have identical members
For each integer i check that the number of occurrences of i in the two arrays are either both zero or both nonzero, by iterating over the arrays.
Since the number of integers is constant the total runtime is O(n).
No, I wouldn't do this in practice.
Was just thinking if there was a way you could hash the cumulative of both arrays and compare them, assuming the hashing function doesn't produce collisions from two differing patterns.
why not i find the sum , product , xor of all the elements one array and compare them with the corresponding value of the elements of the other array ??
the xor of elements of both arrays may give zero if the it is like
but what if you compare the xor of the elements of two array to be equal ???
consider this
here xor of both arrays will be same !!! (10^3)=(12^5)=9
but their sum and product are different . I think two different set of elements cannot have same sum ,product and xor !
This can be analysed by simple bitvalue examination.
Is there anything wrong in this approach ??
I'm not sure that correctly understood the problem, but if you are interested in integers that are in both array:
If N >>>>> 2^SizeOf(int) (count of bit for integer (16, 32, 64)) there is one solution:
a = Array(N); //length(a) = N;
b = Array(M); //length(b) = M;
//x86-64. Integer consist of 64 bits.
for i := 0 to 2^64 / 64 - 1 do //very big, but CONST
for k := 0 to M - 1 do
if a[i] = b[l] then doSomething; //detected
for i := 2^64 / 64 to N - 1 do
if not isSetBit(a[i div 64], i mod 64) then
setBit(a[i div 64], i mod 64);
for i := 0 to M - 1 do
if isSetBit(a[b[i] div 64], b[i] mod 64) then doSomething; //detected
O(N), with out aditional structures
All I know is that comparison based sorting cannot possibly be faster than O(NlogN), so we can eliminate most of the "common" comparison based sorts. I was thinking of doing a bucket sort. Perhaps if this qn was asked in an interview, the best response would first be to clarify what sort of data those integers represent. For e.g., if they represent a persons age, then we know that the range of values of int is limited, and can use bucket sort at O(n). However, this will not be in place....
If the arrays have the same size, and there are guaranteed to be no duplicates, sum each of the arrays. If the sum of the values is different, then they contain different integers.
Edit: You can then sum the log of the entries in the arrays. If that is also the same, then you have the same entries in the array.

How to map a long integer number to a N-dimensional vector of smaller integers (and fast inverse)?

Given a N-dimensional vector of small integers is there any simple way to map it with one-to-one correspondence to a large integer number?
Say, we have N=3 vector space. Can we represent a vector X=[(int16)x1,(int16)x2,(int16)x3] using an integer (int48)y? The obvious answer is "Yes, we can". But the question is: "What is the fastest way to do this and its inverse operation?"
Will this new 1-dimensional space possess some very special useful properties?
For the above example you have 3 * 32 = 96 bits of information, so without any a priori knowledge you need 96 bits for the equivalent long integer.
However, if you know that your x1, x2, x3, values will always fit within, say, 16 bits each, then you can pack them all into a 48 bit integer.
In either case the technique is very simple you just use shift, mask and bitwise or operations to pack/unpack the values.
Just to make this concrete, if you have a 3-dimensional vector of 8-bit numbers, like this:
uint8_t vector[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
then you can join them into a single (24-bit number) like so:
uint32_t all = (vector[0] << 16) | (vector[1] << 8) | vector[2];
This number would, if printed using this statement:
printf("the vector was packed into %06x", (unsigned int) all);
produce the output
the vector was packed into 010203
The reverse operation would look like this:
uint8_t v2[3];
v2[0] = (all >> 16) & 0xff;
v2[1] = (all >> 8) & 0xff;
v2[2] = all & 0xff;
Of course this all depends on the size of the individual numbers in the vector and the length of the vector together not exceeding the size of an available integer type, otherwise you can't represent the "packed" vector as a single number.
If you have sets Si, i=1..n of size Ci = |Si|, then the cartesian product set S = S1 x S2 x ... x Sn has size C = C1 * C2 * ... * Cn.
This motivates an obvious way to do the packing one-to-one. If you have elements e1,...,en from each set, each in the range 0 to Ci-1, then you give the element e=(e1,...,en) the value e1+C1*(e2 + C2*(e3 + C3*(...Cn*en...))).
You can do any permutation of this packing if you feel like it, but unless the values are perfectly correlated, the size of the full set must be the product of the sizes of the component sets.
In the particular case of three 32 bit integers, if they can take on any value, you should treat them as one 96 bit integer.
If you particularly want to, you can map small values to small values through any number of means (e.g. filling out spheres with the L1 norm), but you have to specify what properties you want to have.
(For example, one can map (n,m) to (max(n,m)-1)^2 + k where k=n if n<=m and k=n+m if n>m--you can draw this as a picture of filling in a square like so:
1 2 5 | draw along the edge of the square this way
4 3 6 v
8 7
if you start counting from 1 and only worry about positive values; for integers, you can spiral around the origin.)
I'm writing this without having time to check details, but I suspect the best way is to represent your long integer via modular arithmetic, using k different integers which are mutually prime. The original integer can then be reconstructed using the Chinese remainder theorem. Sorry this is a bit sketchy, but hope it helps.
To expand on Rex Kerr's generalised form, in C you can pack the numbers like so:
X = e[n];
X *= MAX_E[n-1] + 1;
X += e[n-1];
/* ... */
X *= MAX_E[0] + 1;
X += e[0];
And unpack them with:
e[0] = X % (MAX_E[0] + 1);
X /= (MAX_E[0] + 1);
e[1] = X % (MAX_E[1] + 1);
X /= (MAX_E[1] + 1);
/* ... */
e[n] = X;
(Where MAX_E[n] is the greatest value that e[n] can have). Note that these maximum values are likely to be constants, and may be the same for every e, which will simplify things a little.
The shifting / masking implementations given in the other answers are a generalisation of this, for cases where the MAX_E + 1 values are powers of 2 (and thus the multiplication and division can be done with a shift, the addition with a bitwise-or and the modulus with a bitwise-and).
There is some totally non portable ways to make this real fast using packed unions and direct accesses to memory. That you really need this kind of speed is suspicious. Methods using shifts and masks should be fast enough for most purposes. If not, consider using specialized processors like GPU for wich vector support is optimized (parallel).
This naive storage does not possess any usefull property than I can foresee, except you can perform some computations (add, sub, logical bitwise operators) on the three coordinates at once as long as you use positive integers only and you don't overflow for add and sub.
You'd better be quite sure you won't overflow (or won't go negative for sub) or the vector will become garbage.
#include <stdint.h> // for uint8_t
long x;
uint8_t * p = &x;
union X {
long L;
uint8_t A[sizeof(long)/sizeof(uint8_t)];
works if you don't care about the endian. In my experience compilers generate better code with the union because it doesn't set of their "you took the address of this, so I must keep it in RAM" rules as quick. These rules will get set off if you try to index the array with stuff that the compiler can't optimize away.
If you do care about the endian then you need to mask and shift.
I think what you want can be solved using multi-dimensional space filling curves. The link gives a lot of references on this, which in turn give different methods and insights. Here's a specific example of an invertible mapping. It works for any dimension N.
As for useful properties, these mappings are related to Gray codes.
Hard to say whether this was what you were looking for, or whether the "pack 3 16-bit ints into a 48-bit int" does the trick for you.

How to define 2-bit numbers in C, if possible?

For my university process I'm simulating a process called random sequential adsorption.
One of the things I have to do involves randomly depositing squares (which cannot overlap) onto a lattice until there is no more room left, repeating the process several times in order to find the average 'jamming' coverage %.
Basically I'm performing operations on a large array of integers, of which 3 possible values exist: 0, 1 and 2. The sites marked with '0' are empty, the sites marked with '1' are full. Initially the array is defined like this:
int i, j;
int n = 1000000000;
int array[n][n];
for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
array[i][j] = 0;
Say I want to deposit 5*5 squares randomly on the array (that cannot overlap), so that the squares are represented by '1's. This would be done by choosing the x and y coordinates randomly and then creating a 5*5 square of '1's with the topleft point of the square starting at that point. I would then mark sites near the square as '2's. These represent the sites that are unavailable since depositing a square at those sites would cause it to overlap an existing square. This process would continue until there is no more room left to deposit squares on the array (basically, no more '0's left on the array)
Anyway, to the point. I would like to make this process as efficient as possible, by using bitwise operations. This would be easy if I didn't have to mark sites near the squares. I was wondering whether creating a 2-bit number would be possible, so that I can account for the sites marked with '2'.
Sorry if this sounds really complicated, I just wanted to explain why I want to do this.
You can't create a datatype that is 2-bits in size since it wouldn't be addressable. What you can do is pack several 2-bit numbers into a larger cell:
struct Cell {
a : 2;
b : 2;
c : 2;
d : 2;
This specifies that each of the members a, b, c and d should occupy two bits in memory.
EDIT: This is just an example of how to create 2-bit variables, for the actual problem in question the most efficient implementation would probably be to create an array of int and wrap up the bit fiddling in a couple of set/get methods.
Instead of a two-bit array you could use two separate 1-bit arrays. One holds filled squares and one holds adjacent squares (or available squares if this is more efficient).
I'm not really sure that this has any benefit though over packing 2-bit fields into words.
I'd go for byte arrays unless you are really short of memory.
The basic idea
Unfortunately, there is no way to do this in C. You can create arrays of 1 byte, 2 bytes, etc., but you can't create areas of bits.
The best thing you can do, then, is to write a new library for yourself, which makes it look like you're dealing with arrays of 2 bits, but in reality does a lot of hard work. The same way that the string libraries give you functions that work on "strings" (which in C are just arrays), you'll be creating a new library which works on "bit arrays" (which in reality will be arrays of integers, with a few special functions to deal with them as-if they were arrays of bits).
NOTE: If you're new to C, and haven't learned the ideas of "creating a new library/module", or the concept of "abstraction", then I'd recommend learning about them before you continue with this project. Understanding them is IMO more important than optimizing your program to use a little less space.
How to implement this new "library" or module
For your needs, I'd create a new module called "2-bit array", which exports functions for dealing with the 2-bit arrays, as you need them.
It would have a few functions that deal with setting/reading bits, so that you can work with it as if you have an actual array of bits (you'll actually have an array of integers or something, but the module will make it seem like you have an array of bits).
Using this module would like something like this:
// This is just an example of how to use the functions in the twoBitArray library.
twoB my_array = Create2BitArray(size); // This will "create" a twoBitArray and return it.
SetBit(twoB, 5, 1); // Set bit 5 to 1 //
bit b = GetBit(twoB, 5); // Where bit is typedefed to an int by your module.
What the module will actually do is implement all these functions using regular-old arrays of integers.
For example, the function GetBit(), for GetBit(my_arr, 17), will calculate that it's the 1st bit in the 4th integer of your array (depending on sizeof(int), obviously), and you'd return it by using bitwise operations.
You can compact one dimension of array into sub-integer cells. To convert coordinate (lets say x for example) to position inside byte:
byte cell = array[i][ x / 4 ];
byte mask = 0x0004 << (x % 4);
byte data = (cell & mask) >> (x % 4);
to write data do reverse
