How to update a shared library without restarting the application in C - c

I understand that dlopen/dlclose/dlsym/dlerror APIs are used to interface to a
dynamic loading library but how does this work for a binary already compiled with
the -L flag referring the .so library (shared library, background/load time linking). Edit: I am referring to live updating of shared library without restarting the app.

Cong Ma provided some great pointers. Here is what I could conclude after some more research :
If an app is linked to an .so, and the shared library is replaced with a new copy of it, without stopping the app, the outcome would be 'non-deterministic' or 'unpredictable'.
During the 'linking/loading' phase of the app, the library gets mapped to the address space of the app/process.
Unix-like OS maintains COW, so for the reference, if copy is made on write, the app would have no impact though objective of being able to use new .so code would not be achieved
It all about the memory region that the app is accessing - if the access region does not have a change in address, the app won't experience any impact.
The new version of the lib may have an incremental nature, which might not impact the app - there can be compilation magic for the relocatable address generation too.
You may be lucky sometimes to fall in those above categories and have no issues while replacing the .so with a running app referring to it but practically you will encounter SIGSEGV/SIGBUS etc. most of the time, as the address/cross-reference gets jumbled up with a considerable change in the library.
dlopen() solves the problem as we reduce the window of access of the library. If you do dlopen() and keep it open for long enough you are exposing your app to the same problem. So the idea is to reduce the window of access to fail-proof the update scenario.

I'd say it's possible to reload a dynamic library while an application is running. But to do this you'd have to design such "live reloads" into the library from the start.
Conceptually it's not that difficult.
First, you have to provide a mechanism to signal the application to reload the library. This is actually the easy part - at least in the Unix world: rename or unlink the original library and put the new one in its place, then have the application call dlclose() on the old library, and dlopen() on the new. Windows is probably more difficult. On Unix or Unix-type systems, you can even do the unlink/rename while the application is still running. In fact, on Unix-type systems you do not want to overwrite the existing library at all as that will cause you serious problems. The existing on-disk library is the backing store for the pages mapped from that library into the process's address space - physically overwriting the shared library's file contents will again result in undefined behavior - the OS loads a page it expects to find the entry point of the function foo() in but that address is now halfway through the bar() function. The unlink or rename is safe because the file contents won't be deleted from disk while they're still mapped by the process.
Second, a library can't be unloaded while it's in use (it's probably possible to unload a library while it's being used on some OSes, but I can't see how that could result in anything other than undefined behavior, so "can't" is de facto correct if not de jure...).
So you have to control access to the library when it's being reloaded. This isn't really all that difficult - have a shim library that presents your API to any application, and use a read/write lock in that library. Each call into the library has to be done with a read lock held on the read/write lock, and the library can only be reloaded when a write lock is held on the read/write lock.
Those are the easy parts.
The hard part is designing and coding your library so that nothing is lost or corrupted whenever it's reloaded. How you do that depends on your code. But if you make any mistake, more undefined behavior awaits.
Since you have to halt access to the library to reload it anyway, and you can't carry state over through the reload process, it's going to be a LOT easier to just bounce the application.

Don't assume. Read about it... Inside stories on shared libraries and dynamic loading. tldr: Shared library is loaded (mostly) before the app is executed, rather than "in the background".
Do you mean "live updating of shared library without restarting the app"? I don't think this is possible without hacking your own loader. See answers to this question.


Restrict permissions when loading C function pointer from dylib

I need to load a C function pointer from a dynamic library for use in my Swift app.
The loading code doesn't have to be Swift, I just need a usable function pointer.
I can do this via dlsym:
let handle = dlopen(theLibrary, RTLD_NOW)
let fun = dlsym(handle, functionName)!
let casted = unsafeBitCast(unsafeBitCast(fun, to: IMP.self), to: (#convention(c)() -> Void).self)
However, I'm concerned about the security of doing this. If the loaded code is being pulled from the dynamic library into my app's process, won't the loaded code have the same permissions as my app's? So, if I disabled app sandbox, couldn't the loaded code modify the users files or make network requests or worse like my app could?
I'm looking for plugin functionality here so I may not get to see the loaded dylibs actual source code, so ideally need a way to restrict the dylib's permissions to prevent possible malware running under the permissions of my app.
How can I either enforce security restrictions on a dylib prior to loading it, or lock-down loaded function pointer code?
Edit Craig Estey makes a very good point that even dlopen can be dangerous.
This is a good question, and a very difficult one to fully address. Most of my answer is, well first thoughts on the topic, however hopefully it will give you ideas on how to proceed.
With Vanilla Kernels
Generally speaking once the code is linked into your binary (e.g. through dynamic loading, it will run with the permissions of your app); You would need the operating system kernel to provide some facility to mark that code "special" somehow in order to restrict the capabilities whilst you're in the context of the plugin.
I am not sure if Darwin kernel has the granularity of namespaces that we find e.g. under Linux (which may or may not be enough as well). However you could use end-point-security API available under OS X 11.5 or above to monitor your self. The simple side-channel attack on that is the plugin would unhook you teehee.
You would set up a new namespace, say using setns and spawn a thread in it after limiting its access and downgrading the context and require the plugin to communicate via an IPC channel rather than direct function calls.
Write a kext
Bad and rather impractical idea. However you could write a kext that tracks and drops the process into a sandbox and then lifts it back up. The only way that would work would be to have an ioctl on a special nonce (e.g. a file descriptor) that is passed from the kernel to the privileged code. The code would then drop down to a sandbox do its job, and release the nonce (e.g. close the file) and that would lift it back up. During this time the code will not be allowed to perform any type of code injection loading of other dlls, spawning of threads, etc. (you would have do a deep dive on possible attack vectors and close them all) that would let the plugin insert trampoline code on the return address of the stack. Here too I would simply say spawn off a new sub-thread or a sub-process that uses IPC rather than communicating through a function call interface.
once the nonce is dropped the app is then reelevated to privileged mode.

Unloading/removing shared libraries from process

So here my problem. I have a Linux program running on a VM which uses OpenCL via dlopen to execute some commands. About half way through the program's execution it will sleep, and upon resume can make no assumptions about any state on the GPU (in fact, the drivers may have been reloaded and the physical GPU may have changed). Before sleeping dlclose is called and this does unload the OpenCL memory regions (which is a good thing), but the libraries OpenCL uses (cuda and nvidia libraries in this case) are NOT unloaded. Thus when the program resumes and tries to reinitalize everything again, things fail.
So what I'm looking for is a method to effectively unlink/unload the shared libraries that OpenCL was using so it can properly "restart" itself. As a note, the process itself can be paused (stopped) during this transition for as long as needed, but it may not be killed.
Also, assume I'm working with root access and have more or less no restrictions on what files I can modify/touch.
For a less short-term practical solution, you could probably try forcing re-initialization sequence on a loaded library, and/or force unloading.
libdl is just an ordinary library you can copy, modify, and link against instead of using the system one. One option is disabling RTLD_NODELETE handling. Another is running DT_FINI/DT_INIT sequence for a given library.
dl_iterate_phdr, if available, can probably be used to do the same without the need to modify libdl.
Poking around in libdl and/or using LD_DEBUG (if supported) may shed some light on why it is not being unloaded in the first place.
If they don't unload, this is either because something is keeping a reference to them, or they have the nodelete flag set, or because the implementation of dlclose does not support unloading them for some other reason. Note that there is no requirement that dlclose ever unload anything:
An application writer may use dlclose() to make a statement of intent on the part of the process, but this statement does not create any requirement upon the implementation. When the symbol table handle is closed, the implementation may unload the executable object files that were loaded by dlopen() when the symbol table handle was opened and those that were loaded by dlsym() when using the symbol table handle identified by handle.
The problem you're experiencing is a symptom of why it's an utterly bad idea to have graphics drivers loaded in the userspace process, but fixing this is both a technical and political challenge (lots of people are opposed to fixing it).
The only short-term practical solution is probably either factoring out the code that uses these libraries as a separate process that you can kill and restart, and talking to it via some IPC mechanism, or simply having your whole program serialize its state and re-exec itself on resume.

IPC: maintaining a list/map in shared memory in a Qt library on OS X

Here's a nice little problem/exercise:
I'm working on a Qt library that needs to keep track of who's using a particular shared resource. If I were only to consider this in a single application, I'd use something like a registry consisting of a QMap<resourceName, QMap<userName,QList<resourceInstance*> > > that maps the list of instances to the named resource in use by a named user. The instance would probably simply be the this pointer in the instance constructor that would add a new entry to the registry (and ditto in the destructor).
However, the users here are applications, and there can be any number of those having (in theory) any number of instances to a single resource.
Which means:
1- My registry must be in some form of shared memory
2- That shared memory cannot easily be a file (or a property stored in the shared resource) as that would get corrupted too easily in case of crashes or other unclean exists
3- Using the instance address in the registry is likely to lead to aliasing when the OS maps concurrent applications to the same memory space.
This goes above and beyond what I've already dabbled in shared memory (namely only between threads, and not involving dynamic structures that can grow and shrink).
What's the best way to tackle this problem? In earlier implementations (fixed-size objects) I overloaded the new operator to allocate in shared memory, but I don't think that's a viable approach here - not when I hope to use Qt/STL classes. Qt's own SharedMemory class does not seem appropriate for dynamic objects either because I don't see a method to resize an existing shared segment ...
Is there a Cocoa IPC framework that I could use, and that exists from 10.6 onwards?
A file based alternative might be possible if OS X can open a file that has been unlinked (but is still open in at least 1 [other] application and thus not erased). That way, unclean exists cannot corrupt the registry. Supposing the OS can do this, I suppose that the "trick" would be to open the file in RW mode, lock it before reading, unlock it after (re)writing it, read its contents before any modification to the in-memory registry and then rewrite it immediately thereafter?
spoiler: the Qt library is KDE's kwallet framework, and the shared resources are KDE wallets stored in OS X keychain files. The underlying idea is to be able to re-implement the kwallet feature to close a wallet (keychain) when it is no longer in use (the current implementation requires a daemon process, uses DBus and just doesn't work well [yet] on OS X).
Since you use Qt, I really don't get the yearning for platform-specific hacks. You can simply use named local sockets. They work wherever Qt works.
You can then decide on whether the data is stored in a distributed fashion by every instance of the library (presumably linked to the application that uses it), or by a central, single-instance service.

Update shared libraries without restarting processes

If my process is loading a .so library and if a new version of the library is available is it possible to switch to the new library without doing a process restart ? Or the answer depends on things like whether there is a parameter change to one of the existing functions in the library ?
I am working in a pretty big system which runs 100s of processes and each loading 10s of libraries. The libraries provide specific functionality and are provided by separate teams. So when one of the library changes (for a bug fix lets say) ideal thing would be to publish it under-the-hood without impacting the running process. Is it possible ?
EDIT Thanks! In my case when a new library is available all the running processes have to start using it. Its not option to let them run with the old version and pick-up the new one later. So it looks like the safer option is to just reload the processes.
You cannot upgrade a linked library on the fly with a process running.
You could even try to, but if you succed (and you'll not fail with a "text file is in use" error message), you'll have to restart the process to make it mapping the new library into memory.
You can use lsof command to check which libraries are linked in (runtime or linktime):
lsof -p <process_pid> | grep ' mem '
One interesting technique, although it is somewhat prone to failure in the checkpoint restore step, is to do an invisible restart.
Your server process or whatever it is, saves all its necessary information into disk files. Including the file descriptor numbers and current states. Then, the server process does an exec system call to execute itself, replacing the current version of itself. Then it reads its state from the disk files and resumes serving its file descriptors as if nothing happened.
If all goes well, the restart is invisible and the new process is using all of the updated libraries.
At the very least, you have to make sure that the interface of the library does not change between versions. If that is assured, then I would try looking into dynamically loading the libraries with dlopen/dlsym and see if dlclose allows you to re-load.
I've never done any of this myself, but that's the path I'd pursue first. If you go this way, could you publish the results?
Linux provides several dynamic loader interfaces, and process can load dynamic librarys when running. dlopen and dlsysm provided by linux may solve your problem.
If you expect libaries to change on a fairly regular basis, and
you expect to maintain up-time, I think that your system
should be re-engineered so that such libraries actually become
loosely coupled components (e.g. services).
Having said that, my answer to the question is yes: under certain
circumstances, it possible to update shared libraries without
restarting processes. In most cases I expect it is not possible,
for instance when the API of your library changes, when the
arrangement of your data segment changes, when the library
maintains internal threads. The list is quite long.
For very small bug fixes to the code, you can still make use
of ptrace to write to the process memory space, and from
there redo what /lib/ does in terms of dynamic
linking. Honestly, it is an extremely complex activity.
ldd the binary of your process is one way to find out. although it is theoretically possible, it is not advisable to tinker with the running process, although i am sure utilities exist such as ksplice that tinker with the running linux kernels.
you can simply upgrade and the running process will continue with the old version, and pick up the new version when it restarts, assuming that your package management system is good and knows what is comptible to install.
You might want to learn about shared library versioning and the ld -h option.
One way to use it is as follows:
You maintain a version counter in your build system. You build the shared library with:
ld ..... -h$VERSION
however, you put it in your dev tree's lib as just plain (There's also a hack involving putting the entire .so into a .a file).
Now, at runtime, processes using the library look for the fully-versioned name. To roll out a new version, you just add the new version to the picture. Running programs linked against the old version continue to use it. As programs are relinked and tested against the new one, you roll out new executables.
Sometimes you can upgrade an in-use .so, and sometimes you cannot. This depends mostly on how you try to do it, but also on the safety guarantees of the kernel you're running on.
Don't do this:
cat >
...because eventually, your process may try to demand page something, and find that it's not in the correct spot anymore. It's a problem because the addresses of things may change, and it's still the same inode; you're just overwriting the bytes in the file.
However, if you:
You'll be OK on most systems, because your running processes can hold onto a now-unnamed inode for the old library, while new invocations of your processes get the new file.
BUT, some kernels don't like to let you mv an in-use .so, perhaps out of caution, perhaps for their own simplicity.

Intermixing exe's statically compiled agaisnt different versions of a library w/ shared memory

I apologize in advance for the long-winded question but I wanted to make sure I didn't leave out any key points that may alter your response.
I am responsible for maintaining system software written in 'C' of which we have a few common '.a' libraries. We have what I would call an "Execution Manager" who's main job is to fork and and exec a variable list of "test-job" executables and return control back to the Execution Manager once the test-job process terminates. All executables, including the execution manager, are statically linked against the aforementioned libraries. The execution manager and the test-job processes it forks use IPC via shared memory. One of the common libraries contains wrapper functions to create and attach the shared memory with a predefined key that never changes.
A few months ago we locked down our software (test-jobs plus execution manager), compiled them statically and released them to have the test-jobs "proofed". Since that time, there have been some requests for changes to be made to the execution manager which would require changes to a select few common library functions. However, management has decided that they do not want to recompile the test-jobs against the new version of the common libraries because that will require them to re-proof the test-job executables they currently have; and they do not want to expend the money to do that.
Since all executables were statically compiled, I would normally say mixing an Execution Manager with test-jobs statically compiled against different versions of the same common library would not be a problem. However, the inclusion of IPC via shared memory is making me wonder if that is still true. My gut says that as long as there were no changes to the shared memory wrapper functions, especially the key, then we should be OK, but I could really use some expert opinions on this.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, much appreciated.
You should be OK, as long as the data structures and protocols that define how the processes talk to each other over the shared memory have not changed. (That is, your little ABI that exists between the two processes).
I'd like to confirm what caf says. You have correctly identified the crucial bits: the key and the wrapper functions used to access the shared memory. These bits don't care whether they're defined in a .o file, whether they're part of a .a file, or where they are within a .a file. At link time, they get pulled into the exe, keeping their original functionality; their "temporary home" in a .a file doesn't affect how they find the shared memory segment, how they determine the relevant offsets, etc. So if these (i.e., the key and the wrapper functions) haven't changed, you should be set.
