Has anybody had any luck with using blueimp jquery-file-upload with browserify? I have the following requires in my javascript ...
and I get the following error when I use the resulting browserified code...
TypeError: $element.fileupload is not a function
... at the line ...
... inside of jquery.fileupload-angular.js. Without browserify this was working fine. I can't figure out where the fileupload() function is being added to the prototype of the $element.
By request I'm posting what I did here to get around the issue. So technically speaking not an answer but a "work around". As I indicated in my comment above I used gulp-concat along with gulp-uglify to do the minimizing "manually". I say manually because I have to list all of the source files here rather than relying on the requires.
gulp.src([src1, src2, ..., srcN])
I am migrating an application from Angular1 to Angular2, in which I used the svg.js library to draw an SVG. Some elements of the SVG contained "ng-click" directives, that I made the SVG library print to the final SVG.
That worked alright in Angular1, however, now the directive is called "(click)" and everything breaks. I traced the SVG sources and found that the following call
this.node.setAttribute(attr, value.toString())
results in the following error message:
VM22161:1 Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'setAttribute' on 'Element': '(click)' is not a valid attribute name.(…)
Any ideas to solve that problem? Patching the SVG source would be ok for me, if there's no other way.
A valid and quick workaround is to use the binding syntax of Angular2, that allows to use "on-click" instead of "(click)".
I have an angular app (using AngularAMD/RequireJS) and I'm converting the design to use angular-material. I have a toolbar directive that has md-icon using md-svg-src.
Trouble running the toolbar-directive_test.js file.
At first it kept complaining "Unresolve GET request images/icon.svg". I resolved in the test setup using:
Now if I run that test file using fdescribe(...) all the tests pass.
But if I run all my app tests (without fdescribe on that toolbar test file), they are somehow failing because of the md-icons. The error I get, which appears on another test file:
TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of undefined
The stack-trace does not give any guidance on what is causing it. Only mentions angular-mocks.js, and then exits around the any random assertion on this test file where the error is showing. And if I xdescribe this file which is showing the element of undefined error, the next test file is failing with this error instead.
If I use xdescribe on toolbar-directive_test.js file (the one which has the md-icon), all the tests pass.
And if I run all tests including the toolbar-directive_test.js file, but I remove all the md-icon instances from its template, again all the tests are passing.
I have tried including ngMaterial-mocks package in my tests, and that doesn't do anything. But in general, I'm not using that package (but I am using ngMocks).
Any suggestions on how to debug this?
As #Widget suggested, this works:
Where this didn't work:
I am trying to set up tests for my Angular.js project and I keep getting "$injector:nomod, Module 'result' is not available! You either misspelled..." error. I am sure that I am including "result" module in the "files" array inside "karma.config.js", basically it looks like this:
files: [
I thought initially that the ordering of the main module: 'simulator' (defined inside 'simulator.js' file) is wrong, so I specifically moved it upwards, before
the other modules, like the following stackoverflow thread recommends:
Angular module not available in Karma Jasmine test run
It did not help. Then I tried to make sure that the files are imported in the same order as in my angular apps' main entry file (except for angular-mocks.js and qa/tests-*.js), importing each single file, instead of using wildcards, but no success.
Jasmine definitely goes inside the test files but stumbles upon the line where I am trying to import the module "result":
describe('simulator.chartService', function() {
var chartService;
var graphConfig;
console.log("instantiating module result");
console.log("finished instantiating");
beforeEach(inject(function($injector) {
graphConfig = $injector.get('graphConfig');
chartService = $injector.get('chartService');
it('should be created', function() {
So, I see that the error happens in-between two console.log() statements.
I suspect that still something can be wrong with the ordering of my files inside the array "files" in "karma.config.js". I have main module "simulator" which is dependent on other modules:
angular.module('simulator', ['ngRoute','ngAnimate','selectize','newexp2','newexp','login','edit','exps', 'result','templates','commons'])
Modules 'newexp2', 'newexp', 'login', 'edit', 'exps', 'result', 'templates' are all dependent on the module 'commons'.
How to correctly import interdependent modules inside the "files" array?
Is it just enough to place "simulator.js", main module, above all others,
or I also need to place all other modules before "commons.js"?
Another my suspicion is that angular.js library version that I downloaded from the official angular website, "angular-mocks.js", can be incompatible with other modules that I am using. I had such an issue with "angular-animate.js" file before.
As long as I surround my test code with $(function(){...}) (and all other my modules ARE surrounded with it) it does not generate the error while importing the result module, so I start seeing two console.log() statements without an error in-between, however, this generates some unknown error which prevents me from invoking the it part at all, whereas when I do not surround it with $(function(){...}), the it test is invoked, but the module result import fails.
So far I am pretty much stuck and do not know where to move and what to try. Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
OK, I figured it out. The issue was that ALL of my angular code was enclosed inside $(function(){...}). The solution is to remove all of the $function(){...}), then reorder javascript imports inside the main entry .html file, and then all of the testing starts working good.
The question might be better to mark as duplicate with:
Angular document.ready() issue
I am using the yo react-boilerplate scaffold for a simple react project where I hope to test out the magic-move component.
When I run gulp dev I am getting the following error message:
Error: Parsing file /Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/react-magic-move/modules/components/MagicMove.js: Unexpected token (22:6)
at Deps.parseDeps (/Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/module-deps/index.js:439:28)
at fromSource (/Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/module-deps/index.js:378:44)
at /Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/module-deps/index.js:372:17
at ConcatStream.<anonymous> (/Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/concat-stream/index.js:36:43)
at ConcatStream.emit (events.js:129:20)
at finishMaybe (/Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:460:14)
at endWritable (/Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:469:3)
at ConcatStream.Writable.end (/Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js:436:5)
at DuplexWrapper.onend (/Users/Andrew/work/magicmove/node_modules/browserify/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js:537:10)
at DuplexWrapper.g (events.js:199:16)
I am using a simple require statement like:
var MagicMove = require('react-magic-move');
Any thoughts on where the error is coming from? I'm thinking perhaps it could be a jsx related issue? Do I need something like jsx loader?
Here is the scaffold I am using so that you can look at the gulpfile.. maybe there is something I need to alter here?
MagicMove.js has a parsing error on line 22.
MagicMove.js: Unexpected token (22:6)
I would start there.
Probably a jsx error, but it's hard to tell without seeing the code.
Looks like MagicMove.js is written in ES6 so you need something like babel.
Babelify (in case you are using browserify) may help to compile the code.
I've decided that I am going to try and learn backbone.js by making a web app. This is the first time I have done anything extensive in javascript, so the answer to my problem may be right in front of my face.
I have the web app on github, along with a running version that doesn't work. The javascript console just says that something is undefined when I don't think it should be. Here's the error that chrome gives for line 30 of app.js:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'el' of undefined
I've sort of been referencing the backbone-fundamentals example modular to-do app, and it doesn't seem to have any issues with a similar thing.
If anyone could point out what I am doing wrong, I would be most appreciative!
Thanks in advance!
Your Machine view render method was missing return this and by default all methods return undefined - that's why chaining didn't work
Edit: and a small tip:
jQuery, Underscore and Backbone register globally - and thanks to that you don't have to define them as dependencies every time - it's enough if you require them in your main script once and after that you can access them from the global scope as you normally would
In my case i was returning this without the return keyword. As i was using javascript and not coffeescript it failed on me. So, if you are using javascript use return this; instead of just this in the last line of the render() function.
I also had a problem when using this.collection.on('reset', this.render(), this). I instead had to use this.collection.on('reset', this.render.bind(this));