build Microsoft Maps Spatial Toolbox from Visual Studio 2013 on win 7 - wpf

I am trying to build Microsoft Maps Spatial Toolbox from Visual Studio 2013 on win 7.
The code was downloaded from
But, it requires win 8.1. My machine is win 7.
Is there a workaround to build it on win 7 ?
If only WPF example can be built on win 7, that would also be fine.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks !

What you have to do is create a new empty solution in VS 2013, and then add references to the individual projects that you want to use. In this case the WPF project. Alternatively, go into the WPF samples folder, and open the project of the sample you want in VS 2013. You likely will have a few other projects that won't load, just ignore those. It should still build. I ran into the same issue when I moved from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.


Not able to find Windows Presentation Foundation in Visual Studio 2022

I wanted to create WPF project using visual studio 2022. I am not able to find the project template. What package should I use?
Installing .NET desktop development worked for me.

How do I change target framework of existing Windows Forms project in Visual Studio 2012?

I have an existing project built in Visual Studio 2012 with VC++, which works fine on Windows 7 or higher versions. But when running on Windows XP, it gives an error that the application needs .NET framework v4.0 or higher to run. I am unable to install .NET Framework v4.0 on that system either.
So, the problem is that I want to downgrade my project's Target Framework Version, and I could not find any way to do it in Visual Studio 2012 - Windows Forms Application project.
Is there an alternate or better solution?
You must compile two applications, one for Windows 7 or higher and one for lower than Windows 7.
For changing your application .NET Framework follow the below address
[On Menu Bar]
Project -> "Your Application Name" Properties -> Application
And change
"Target Framework"

How to add WPF to Visual Studio 2012?

I have downloaded and installed Visual Studio Express 2012 for Windows Phone. Is there a way to be able to code WPF apps for Windows too? Can I upgrade Visual Studio, because at the moment I can only create windows phone apps. Haven't found anything on the web.
Thanks in advance!
You need to get Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop (or a paid SKU) to develop WPF applications.
This version is for Desktop apps.
Did you install "Express for Windows Phone"? Perhaps try "Express for Windows Desktop"?
(must admit I've not tried express in a while, but it looks like they are different installers. I've always found Visual Studio works well side-by-side with different versions these days, so I imagine you can install both.)

No WPF/Silverlight in VS2012?

I have installed VS2012 on a windows 8 machine and surprisingly doesn't show any WPF or Silverlight option when I create a project.
Am I missing something here?! In fact, it is not the way it used to be in VS2010. I only can see it as template under Visual C# which again it is under Online.
Why is that?
You need to install "Visual Studio Express for Windows Desktop"'s a different edition which has restored the WPF capability.
To help decide if it's got all the capabilities you need:
Limitations of Visual Studio 2012 Express Desktop

How can I use Microsoft Surface SDK with Visual Studio 2012?

I visited Surface SDK and it tells that it requires Visual Studio 2010/Express. I tried to install it with VS 2012 RC but it does not allow. Does surface sdk not support VS 2012 RC ? How can I use it with VS 2012 RC ?
Install the SDK 2.0 Feb. 2012 Update on a box with Win 7 and Visual Studio 2010. Then create a Surface Project from the Template. Change the Main Surface Window ( I forget the class name. ) to inherit from Window instead of Surface Window if you want it to work on Windows 8. Of course doing this you will loose the input stack for Tags and stuff. Copy the Surface SDK redistributable Assemblies for the controls to a folder for future reference in new projects. You could Upgrade the project that you create with Visual Studio to VS2012. Create a template from there. Hope this points you in the right direction. I have not done it in a while and am writing from the top of my head. -Mark
you have to reference the following ddls:
