Setting Attributes within Angular Directives: Radio Button > set > checked = true - angularjs

In the examples "sa" shoulbe checked and remain as checked. It is checked for a short time and then it looses its check status. I dont now why?
I am using a classical old fashion radio-button-based-navigation-tab-menu with Angular-UI-Router, it works well. Each click on a tab gets its URL.
If a user puts the URL manually into the adress bar of a browser and presses enter, the proper URL's content will be shown, it is also OK.
But my tab menu doesn't react on the manually changes at the adress bar. The correponding radio button should be checked. Therefore I've written a directive:
.directive ('checkIfMe', function (){
return {
link: function (scope, e, a) {
if (currentUrl == currentNaviElement) {
console.log("Yes it is");
a.$set("checked", true);
I can detect the correct radio button, I see "yes it is" and I want to set its checked attribute to true. I've tried:
e.g. The ID of the current radio button is "navRadio_sa"
a.$set("checked", true);
a.checked = true;
All of them didn't work. But it I try it in the firebug console
it works. Where is my mistake?
Last but not least, that is a:

Try this
.directive('checkIfMe', function ($timeout) {
return {
link: function (scope, e, a) {;;
if( == "navRadio_sa") {
e.prop("checked", true);
var me = ("navRadio_","");
}, 10);
The e variable is a jQuery object of the element itself. You can work with it the same way that you'd normally work with jQuery objects.
I wrapped it in a timeout of 10 ms to give the ng-repeat time to complete before manipulating the dom. IT looks like ti was not working before because of a race condition. By setting the timeout, it should alleviate the issue.


How can I prevent my custom directive from getting compiled/executed every time I use $route.reload()

I have built a custom directive to enable arrow key navigation in a dropdown.
This is my HTML code
<div ng-click="dropdownShow = !dropdownShow" id="dropdownToggle" arrow-navigation>
<div ng-show="dropdownShow">
<div ng-repeat="item in list" id="row_{{$index}}" ng-click="getItemInfo($index)">
And my JS code
app.directive('arrowNavigation', ['$document', function($document){
restrict: 'A',
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
// check if dropdown open
// if down arrow key pressed
if(e.keyCode === 40){
console.log("down arrow key pressed");
// When the dropdown is first opened, the focus will be on the dropdownToggle.
// In this case, I'm moving the focus to the first item on the list.
if( === "dropdownToggle"){
let currentFocused =;
// currentFocused = row_ + $index
let index = currentFocused.substring(4);
// index = $index of currently focused item
// check if the currently focused item is the last item on the list
// In this case, move the focus back to the first item on the list
if(index >= scope.list.length){
document.getElementById('row_' + index).focus();
// there's similar code for up arrow key press. I have decided to skip it for the sake of simplicity.
The first time I use the dropdown, everything works perfectly.
But when I select any item from the dropdown, the resulting ng-click function has a $route.reload inside it. This causes my ng-view to get reloaded. That's when the problem starts. After the first reload, when I try to use the dropdown, it gets executed twice for every single arrow click. So if the first list item is focused, and I press the down arrow key, instead of moving the focus to the second item, it moves the focus to the third item. Upon every subsequent $route.reload(), the number of executions increases by one.
I'm guessing that this is happening cause everytime the route gets reloaded, the directive is being re-rendered, causing multiple copies of the same directive, all of which then get executed on the arrow click.
Is there any way to prevent this re-rendering?
Remove the event listener when scope is destroyed
// inside link
scope.$on("$destroy", function() {
Note that angular.element bind and unbind are deprecated so am assuming you may be using a fairly old version. Most recent versions use on() and off()

disable mouse wheel on number inputs

I am triyng to disable mouse wheel on number inputs because users can make the mistake of scrolling down just after updating the value.
I found this link :
So i added the directive in my app :
.directive('ignoreMouseWheel', function ($document) {
return {
restrict: 'A',
link: function (scope, element) {
element.bind('mousewheel', function (event) {
var scrollAmount = event.originalEvent.wheelDelta * -1 + $document.scrollTop();
It works with Chrome but on firefox, when i focus in a field, if i scroll, number is updated.
Can you help me to disable it ?
WebKit desktop browsers add little up down arrows to number inputs called spinners. You can insert css code
turn them off visually like this:
input[type=number]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
-webkit-appearance: none;
margin: 0;
Note that some other functionality still exists, like being able to increment the number via the scroll wheel on a mouse.
see :

Change HTML input field to label by defining custom angular directive

I have lots of input, textarea and select on some pages (angular templates).
I want to redefine "input" directive such that It will take a value like ViewMode = true from either localStorage and convert all inputs as label. If I change the ViewMode then on page refresh input should behave properly.
But I do not want to edit any input tag on any angular template.
Means I want to override input, textarea and select as my own angular directive.
I am not able to start. Where from should I start? (I have experience of custom directive with new name, but not with any exciting HTML tag name)
Note: I do not want to use readonly (with proper style) since it requires editing all input tag. Not only that I have custom directives with isolated scope, so I need to pass the ViewMode value to all custom directives. More over if user press CTRL+A content readonly field is not being selected.
I am looking for a solution kind of as follows
ViewButtonClickEvent () {
set localStorage.viewMode = true;
EditButtonClickEvent () {
set localStorage.viewMode = false;
editPagesModule.directive('input', {
if(localStorage.viewMode != true)
//Keep all existing functionality with ng-model
else {
//replace input with span or label.
You could create directives called input, select and textarea, which would automatically be compiled without having to change your existing markup.
Working examples: JSFiddle & Plunker
It would look something like this:
angular.module('myApp', [])
.directive('input', inputDirective)
.directive('select', inputDirective)
.directive('textarea', inputDirective)
.factory('$editMode', editModeFactory)
inputDirective.$inject = ['$editMode'];
function inputDirective($editMode) {
return {
link: postLink
function postLink(scope, iElement, iAttr) {
scope.$watch($editMode.get, function(edit) {
if (iElement[0].nodeName === 'SELECT') {
if (edit === 'true') iElement.removeAttr('disabled');
else iElement.attr('disabled', true);
else {
if (edit === 'true') iElement.removeAttr('readonly');
else iElement.attr('readonly', true);
editModeFactory.$inject = ['$window'];
function editModeFactory($window) {
return {
get: function() {
return $window.localStorage.getItem('editMode');
set: function(value) {
$window.localStorage.setItem('editMode', value);
I did use the readonly attribute (disabled for select), because the only other option I can think of would be to replace the entire input element with something like a div. You would also have to cache the original element, so you can restore it later...and doing that sort of thing would break your bindings so you'd have to recompile every input, every time. That just seems like a horrible idea.

Failing To Check if Element is Disabled

I have a dropdown with elements that get disabled when conditions are met. In the test, I check them for being disabled, but all tests fail and always return the element state as enabled (Clearly incorrectly. I have ensured that this is not a timing issue - refreshed the page and gave ample wait time with browser sleep - the elements are clearly disabled on the screen). There is an anchor within a list item. Please see image:
I have tried checking both the list item and the anchor, like so:
var actionDropDownList = $$('[class="dropdown-menu"]').get(1);
var checkOutButtonState = actionDropDownList.all(by.tagName('li')).get(6);;
console.log('THE NUMBER OF ELEMENTS IN THE DROPDOWN IS...............................................................' + count);
}) //verify that I have the correct dropdown - yes
console.log('CHECKING checkOutButton BUTTON STATE: ' + isEnabled);
}) //log state - shows incorrectly
I have also tried checking the button itself for disabled state (the element below is what I tried checking instead of the list element):
var checkOutButton = $('[ng-click="item.statusId !== || checkOut()"]');
This failed as well.
Not sure which one I should check and why both are failing. How do I correct this and get it to show that the disabled button is...well, disabled.
For simplicity's sake, I am trying:
var hasClass = function (element, cls) {
return element.getAttribute('class').then(function (classes) {
return classes.split(' ').indexOf(cls) !== -1;
var checkOutButtonState = actionDropDownList.all(by.tagName('li')).get(6);
expect(hasClass(checkOutButtonState, 'disabled')).toBe(true);
It still fails, however, despite the element clearly having the class. Alec - your solution throws "function is not defined," I am not sure if I need something else for it to see jasmine. Tried, but can't find anything wrong with it, not sure why I can't get it to work.
If I run...since it only appears to have one class:
I get "expected 'ng-isolate-scope' to be 'disabled'"
In a quite similar situation I've ended up checking the presence of disabledclass:
Where toHaveClass() is a custom jasmine matcher:
beforeEach(function() {
toHaveClass: function() {
return {
compare: function(actual, expected) {
return {
pass: actual.getAttribute("class").then(function(classes) {
return classes.split(" ").indexOf(expected) !== -1;

angularjs with ace code editor - forcing the editor to execute 'onblur' when model changes

I am using angularjs in conjunction with ui-ace, a library that has a directive for the popular ace library.
ace text editor
I have made some modifications to the directive because I need it to work with string[], instead of normal strings. Everything works fine except a strange situation when switching my core model. Here is how it is set up;
There is a grid with objects from my database.
When an item in the grid is clicked, the $scope.Model is populated with the information from the database
This includes a property called Scripting, which is a string[], and it is bound to the ace text editor.
the editor's text is set to $scope.Model.Scripting.join('\n')
this behavior is repeated in different ways in the editor's onChange and onBlur events.
Now, what is going wrong is that I have to actually click on the text editor to trigger the onBlur event before I click on an item in the grid. This has to be repeated each time, or the editor won't update. I cannot figure out why this is happening.
Here is the relevant code. I am going to link the whole directive, as well. The plunkr has everything needed to reproduce the issue, including exact instructions on how to do so.
Full Demonstration and Full Directive Live (Plunkr)
Relevant Directive Changes
return {
restrict: 'EA',
require: '?ngModel',
priority: 1,
link: function (scope, elm, attrs, ngModel) {
* Corresponds to the ngModel, and will enable
* support for binding to an array of strings.
var lines = scope.$eval(attrs.ngModel);
* normal ui-ace code
* Listener factory. Until now only change listeners can be created.
* #type object
var listenerFactory = {
* Creates a blur listener which propagates the editor session
* to the callback from the user option onBlur. It might be
* exchanged during runtime, if this happens the old listener
* will be unbound.
* #param callback callback function defined in the user options
* #see onBlurListener
onBlur: function (callback) {
return function (e) {
if (angular.isArray(lines)) {
scope.$apply(function () {
executeUserCallback(callback, acee);
// Value Blind
if (angular.isDefined(ngModel)) {
ngModel.$formatters.push(function (value) {
if (angular.isUndefined(value) || value === null) {
return '';
else if (angular.isArray(value)) {
return '';
// removed error if the editor is bound to array
else if (angular.isObject(value)) {
throw new Error('ui-ace cannot use an object as a model');
return value;
ngModel.$render = function () {
if (angular.isArray(lines)) {
else {
// normal ui-ace $render behavior
// set the value when the directive first runs.
if (angular.isArray(lines)) {
Looks like you set up ngModel.$formatters incorrectly for your array case.
Try changing:
else if (angular.isArray(value)) {
return '';
else if (angular.isArray(value)) {
return value.join('');
Personally I think it would have been easier to pass joined arrays in to model and not modify the directive. Then you wouldn't have issues with future upgrades
