Deadlock - SQL Server 2012 TempDB - sql-server
We have an issue with deadlock in a SQL-server agent job. Attached is the xml_deadlock_report.
We have some stored procedures that executes in the job and we use temporary tables #.
Some example:
SET #columnsSQL = ' SELECT #columnArrayOut = COALESCE(#columnArrayOut + '','' , '' '' ) ' + CHAR(13)
+' + COLUMN_NAME ' + CHAR(13)
+' where table_name = ' + CHAR(13)
+' object_name(' + CHAR(13)
+' object_id(''tempdb..'+ #globalTableName +'''),' + CHAR(13)
+' (select database_id from sys.databases where name = ''tempdb''))' + CHAR(13)
+'AND COLUMN_NAME <> ''SeqNbr''' + CHAR(13)
SET #sqlScript = 'INSERT INTO '+ #globalTableName + CHAR(13)
+ 'SELECT * '+ CHAR(13)
+ 'FROM ('+ CHAR(13)
+ 'SELECT '+ #columnArray +', CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY '+ #orderBy +') AS VARCHAR) AS SeqNbr FROM '+ #TableName +' WITH (NOLOCK)'+ CHAR(13)
+ 'UNION'+ CHAR(13)
+ 'SELECT '+ #columnArrayHeading +', ''0'''+ CHAR(13)
+ ') AS Temp'+ CHAR(13)
+ 'SELECT '+ #columnArrayOut +', CASE convert(INT, SeqNbr) WHEN 0 THEN ''SeqNbr'' ELSE SeqNbr END
FROM '+ #globalTableName + CHAR(13)
+ 'DROP TABLE '+ #globalTableName;
I am thinking it must be that we need to add nolock after some code, am I on the right track?
We have different customers on the same SQL-Server instance and it is SQL-Server 2012.
<victimProcess id="process6ff025c38" />
<process id="process6ff025c38" taskpriority="0" logused="27564" waitresource="KEY: 2:281474978938880 (6f07e5ef564d)" waittime="3457" ownerId="2943291814" transactionname="ExportFilter" lasttranstarted="2015-12-28T07:15:10.007" XDES="0xdb84ad760" lockMode="S" schedulerid="3" kpid="1536" status="suspended" spid="72" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="1" lastbatchstarted="2015-12-28T07:15:09.980" lastbatchcompleted="2015-12-28T07:15:09.970" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.970" clientapp="SQLAgent - TSQL JobStep (Job 0x93F327E5D307B843A95C7883AEE52C41 : Step 2)" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="2943291814" currentdb="9" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="538968096" clientoption2="128056">
<frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="78" sqlhandle="0x02000000bdb8ee370644f54bc076833c46eb8ce8ae6c21370000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
SELECT #columnArrayOut = COALESCE(#columnArrayOut + ',' , ' ' )
where table_name =
(select database_id from sys.databases where name = 'tempdb'))
<frame procname="mssqlsystemresource.sys.sp_executesql" line="1" stmtstart="-1" sqlhandle="0x0400ff7f427f99d9010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
sp_executesql </frame>
isolationlevel="read committed (2)"
<frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="78" sqlhandle="0x020000006df5ee06624475cdc854f45d0579dd554dddd61c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
SELECT #columnArrayOut = COALESCE(#columnArrayOut + ',' , ' ' )
where table_name =
(select database_id from sys.databases where name = 'tempdb'))
<frame procname="mssqlsystemresource.sys.sp_executesql" line="1" stmtstart="-1" sqlhandle="0x0400ff7f427f99d9010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000">
sp_executesql </frame>
<keylock hobtid="281474978938880" dbid="2" objectname="tempdb.sys.sysschobjs" indexname="clst" id="lock15895c380" mode="X" associatedObjectId="281474978938880">
<owner id="processea1d7ecf8" mode="X" />
<waiter id="process6ff025c38" mode="S" requestType="wait" />
<keylock hobtid="281474978938880" dbid="2" objectname="tempdb.sys.sysschobjs" indexname="clst" id="lock375a18480" mode="X" associatedObjectId="281474978938880">
<owner id="process6ff025c38" mode="X" />
<waiter id="processea1d7ecf8" mode="S" requestType="wait" />
Snowflake Pandas connection issue
I'm trying to insert a dataframe into a snowflake table using the pandas connector and am getting permission issues, but using the "normal" snowflake connector works fine. import snowflake.connector as snow from snowflake.connector.pandas_tools import * cur = self.conn.cursor() my_schema = "my_schema" my_table = "my_table" cur.execute(f"""INSERT INTO {my_schema}.{my_table}(load_date, some_id) values (current_timestamp, 'xxx')""") write_pandas(self.conn, daily_epc_df, table_name=my_table, schema=my_schema) But I'm getting File "/Users/abohr/virtualenv/peak38/lib/python3.8/site-packages/snowflake/connector/", line 85, in default_errorhandler raise error_class( snowflake.connector.errors.ProgrammingError: 001757 (42601): SQL compilation error: Table '"my_schema"."my_table"' does not exist the same connection can insert and then doesn't work on the same table. I also tried df.to_sql(..., method=pd_writer) and get Execution failed on sql 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type='table' AND name=?;': not all arguments converted during string formatting Why is it talking about sqlite_master if I'm trying to connect to Snowflake? Do the pandas functions require different connections? my libs: name = "snowflake-connector-python" version = "2.3.3" description = "Snowflake Connector for Python" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.5" [[package]] name = "pandas" version = "1.0.5" description = "Powerful data structures for data analysis, time series, and statistics" category = "main" optional = false python-versions = ">=3.6.1"``` on Python 3.8
I found my issue - I added quote_identifiers=False to write_pandas(self.conn, daily_epc_df, table_name=my_table, schema=my_schema, quote_identifiers=False) and now it works. But seems very wrong that the default behavior would break, I'm still suspicious.
Hmm I've done something superior I think to pandas ... Tell me if you agree ... CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DEMO_DB.PUBLIC.SNOWBALL( db_name STRING, schema_name STRING, snowball_table STRING, max_age_days FLOAT, limit FLOAT ) RETURNS VARIANT LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT COMMENT = 'Collects table and column stats.' EXECUTE AS OWNER AS $$ var validLimit = Math.max(LIMIT, 0); // prevent SQL syntax error caused by negative numbers var sqlGenerateInserts = ` WITH snowball_tables AS ( SELECT CONCAT_WS('.', table_catalog, table_schema, table_name) AS full_table_name, * FROM IDENTIFIER(?) -- <<DB_NAME>>.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES ), snowball_columns AS ( SELECT CONCAT_WS('.', table_catalog, table_schema, table_name) AS full_table_name, * FROM IDENTIFIER(?) -- <<DB_NAME>>.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS ), snowball AS ( SELECT table_name, MAX(stats_run_date_time) AS stats_run_date_time FROM IDENTIFIER(?) -- <<SNOWBALL_TABLE>> table GROUP BY table_name ) SELECT full_table_name, aprox_row_count, CONCAT ( 'INSERT INTO IDENTIFIER(''', ?, ''') ', -- SNOWBALL table '(table_name,total_rows,table_last_altered,table_created,table_bytes,col_name,', 'col_data_type,col_hll,col_avg_length,col_null_cnt,col_min,col_max,col_top,col_mode,col_avg,stats_run_date_time)', 'SELECT ''', full_table_name, ''' AS table_name, ', table_stats_sql, ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_name, ') AS col_name', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_data_type, ') AS col_data_type', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_hll, ') AS col_hll', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_avg_length, ') AS col_avg_length', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_null_cnt, ') AS col_null_cnt', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_min, ') AS col_min', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_max, ') AS col_max', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_top, ') AS col_top', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_MODE, ') AS col_MODE', ', ARRAY_CONSTRUCT( ', col_AVG, ') AS col_AVG', ', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP() AS stats_run_date_time ', ' FROM ', quoted_table_name ) AS insert_sql FROM ( SELECT tbl.full_table_name, tbl.row_count AS aprox_row_count, CONCAT ( '"', col.table_catalog, '"."', col.table_schema, '"."', col.table_name, '"' ) AS quoted_table_name, CONCAT ( 'COUNT(1) AS total_rows,''', IFNULL( tbl.last_altered::VARCHAR, 'NULL'), ''' AS table_last_altered,''', IFNULL( tbl.created::VARCHAR, 'NULL'), ''' AS table_created,', IFNULL( tbl.bytes::VARCHAR, 'NULL'), ' AS table_bytes' ) AS table_stats_sql, LISTAGG ( CONCAT ('''', col.full_table_name, '.', col.column_name, '''' ), ', ' ) AS col_name, LISTAGG ( CONCAT('''', col.data_type, '''' ), ', ' ) AS col_data_type, LISTAGG ( CONCAT( ' HLL(', '"', col.column_name, '"',') ' ), ', ' ) AS col_hll, LISTAGG ( CONCAT( ' AVG(ZEROIFNULL(LENGTH(', '"', col.column_name, '"','))) ' ), ', ' ) AS col_avg_length, LISTAGG ( CONCAT( ' SUM( IFF( ', '"', col.column_name, '"',' IS NULL, 1, 0) ) ' ), ', ') AS col_null_cnt, LISTAGG ( IFF ( col.data_type = 'NUMBER', CONCAT ( ' MODE(', '"', col.column_name, '"', ') ' ), 'NULL' ), ', ' ) AS col_MODE, LISTAGG ( IFF ( col.data_type = 'NUMBER', CONCAT ( ' MIN(', '"', col.column_name, '"', ') ' ), 'NULL' ), ', ' ) AS col_min, LISTAGG ( IFF ( col.data_type = 'NUMBER', CONCAT ( ' MAX(', '"', col.column_name, '"', ') ' ), 'NULL' ), ', ' ) AS col_max, LISTAGG ( IFF ( col.data_type = 'NUMBER', CONCAT ( ' AVG(', '"', col.column_name,'"',') ' ), 'NULL' ), ', ' ) AS col_AVG, LISTAGG ( CONCAT ( ' APPROX_TOP_K(', '"', col.column_name, '"', ', 100, 10000)' ), ', ' ) AS col_top FROM snowball_tables tbl JOIN snowball_columns col ON col.full_table_name = tbl.full_table_name LEFT OUTER JOIN snowball sb ON sb.table_name = tbl.full_table_name WHERE (tbl.table_catalog, tbl.table_schema) = (?, ?) AND ( sb.table_name IS NULL OR sb.stats_run_date_time < TIMESTAMPADD(DAY, - FLOOR(?), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()) ) --AND tbl.row_count > 0 -- NB: also excludes views (table_type = 'VIEW') GROUP BY tbl.full_table_name, aprox_row_count, quoted_table_name, table_stats_sql, stats_run_date_time ORDER BY stats_run_date_time NULLS FIRST ) LIMIT ` + validLimit; var tablesAnalysed = []; var currentSql; try { currentSql = sqlGenerateInserts; var generateInserts = snowflake.createStatement( { sqlText: currentSql, binds: [ `"${DB_NAME}".information_schema.tables`, `"${DB_NAME}".information_schema.columns`, SNOWBALL_TABLE, SNOWBALL_TABLE, DB_NAME, SCHEMA_NAME, MAX_AGE_DAYS, LIMIT ] } ); var insertStatements = generateInserts.execute(); // loop over generated INSERT statements and execute them while ( { var tableName = insertStatements.getColumnValue('FULL_TABLE_NAME'); currentSql = insertStatements.getColumnValue('INSERT_SQL'); var insertStatement = snowflake.createStatement( { sqlText: currentSql, binds: [ SNOWBALL_TABLE ] } ); var insertResult = insertStatement.execute(); tablesAnalysed.push(tableName); } return { result: "SUCCESS", analysedTables: tablesAnalysed }; } catch (err) { return { error: err, analysedTables: tablesAnalysed, sql: currentSql }; } $$;
Prepare WHERE Clause string for given values
I have the following details to prepare string as shown below in the expected result. Given: DECLARE #VValue VARCHAR(MAX) = 'John Dee|Mak Don' DECLARE #VColumns VARCHAR(MAX) = 'FName|LName' DECLARE #VCondition VARCHAR(500) = 'OR' DECLARE #VPattern VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Start|Exact' DECLARE #VCheck VARCHAR(MAX) = '1|0' DECLARE #String VARCHAR(MAX) = '' Expected result: ( ISNULL(PATINDEX(''John%'', FName), ''0'') > 0 AND ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Dee%'', FName), ''0'') > 0 ) OR ( ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Mak'', LName), ''0'') + ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Don'', LName), ''0'') > 0 ) My attempt: SET #VCondition = '|'+#VCondition; SET #String = REPLACE('('+REPLACE(STUFF((SELECT N') '+DS3.Item+' (' + NCHAR(10) + STUFF((SELECT CASE WHEN DS4.Item = 'Start' AND DS5.Item = 0 THEN N' + ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +'%'''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' WHEN DS4.Item = 'Start' AND DS5.Item = 1 THEN N' > 0 AND ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +'%'''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN DS4.Item = 'Exact' AND DS5.Item = 0 THEN N' + ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +''''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' WHEN DS4.Item = 'Exact' AND DS5.Item = 1 THEN N' > 0 AND ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +''''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' ELSE '' END FROM dbo.f_split(DS1.Item,' ') DSn CROSS APPLY dbo.f_split(DS2.Item,',') DSc ORDER BY, FOR XML PATH(N'')),1,4,N'') FROM dbo.udf_split (#VValue,'|') DS1 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VColumns,'|') DS2 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VCondition,'|') DS3 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VPattern,'|') DS4 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VCheck, '|') DS5 WHERE = AND DS2.ID = DS3.ID AND DS3.ID = DS4.ID AND DS4.ID = DS5.ID ORDER BY FOR XML PATH(N'')),1,9,N''),'>','>') + N') )','>','>'); PRINT(#String); But I'm getting the following result: ( AND ISNULL(PATINDEX(''John%'', FName), ''0'') > 0 AND ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Dee%'', FName), ''0'')) OR ( ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Mak'', LName), ''0'') + ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Don'', LName), ''0'')) )
After many attempt, following does the job done. Query: DECLARE #VValue VARCHAR(MAX) = 'John Dee|Mak Don' DECLARE #VColumns VARCHAR(MAX) = 'FName|LName' DECLARE #VCondition VARCHAR(500) = 'OR' DECLARE #VPattern VARCHAR(MAX) = 'Start|Exact' DECLARE #VCheck VARCHAR(MAX) = '1|0' DECLARE #String VARCHAR(MAX) = '' SET #VCondition = '|'+#VCondition; SET #String = REPLACE('('+STUFF((SELECT N' > 0 ) '+DS3.Item+' (' + NCHAR(10) + REPLACE(STUFF((SELECT CASE WHEN DS4.Item = 'Start' AND DS5.Item = 0 THEN N' + ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +'%'''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' WHEN DS4.Item = 'Start' AND DS5.Item = 1 THEN N' > 0 AND ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +'%'''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' ELSE '' END + CASE WHEN DS4.Item = 'Exact' AND DS5.Item = 0 THEN N' + ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +''''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' WHEN DS4.Item = 'Exact' AND DS5.Item = 1 THEN N' > 0 AND ' +NCHAR(10)+ N'ISNULL(PATINDEX('''''+DSn.Item +''''''+ N',' + DSc.Item + N'),''''0'''')' ELSE '' END FROM dbo.f_split(DS1.Item,' ') DSn CROSS APPLY dbo.f_split(DS2.Item,',') DSc ORDER BY, FOR XML PATH(N'')),1,11,N''),'>','>') FROM dbo.udf_split (#VValue,'|') DS1 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VColumns,'|') DS2 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VCondition,'|') DS3 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VPattern,'|') DS4 CROSS APPLY dbo.udf_split (#VCheck, '|') DS5 WHERE = AND DS2.ID = DS3.ID AND DS3.ID = DS4.ID AND DS4.ID = DS5.ID ORDER BY FOR XML PATH(N'')),1,13,N''),'>','>') + N' > 0 ) '; PRINT(#String); Output: ( ISNULL(PATINDEX(''John%'',FName),''0'') > 0 AND ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Dee%'',FName),''0'') > 0 ) OR ( ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Mak'',LName),''0'') + ISNULL(PATINDEX(''Don'',LName),''0'') > 0 )
Deadlock between two select
I am having a typical situation of a deadlock between two select statements. I have a JMS listener running, handling two jms message at the same time. They both run a select query and i end up with a key lock on the same table all the time. This is the details of the deadlock. <deadlock-list> <deadlock victim="process276e56fcca8"> <process-list> <process id="process276e56fcca8" taskpriority="0" logused="764" waitresource="KEY: 7:72057594422558720 (8e392f9a7525)" waittime="4129" ownerId="24935297" transactionname="implicit_transaction" lasttranstarted="2017-09-02T10:01:18.853" XDES="0x276dd31f7b8" lockMode="S" schedulerid="5" kpid="25308" status="suspended" spid="65" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="1" lastbatchstarted="2017-09-02T10:01:18.963" lastbatchcompleted="2017-09-02T10:01:18.963" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.963" clientapp="Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server" hostname="GAETAN-PC" hostpid="0" loginname="fundhive" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="24935297" currentdb="7" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058"> <executionStack> <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtend="274" sqlhandle="0x02000000ad097723a3df0ffd0ae8c2aae2d6e9938b5224fa0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> </executionStack> <inputbuf> select * ,61 as userId from getDocumentWorkflowMessages(20285) where 1=1 and vehicleGroupId = '10372' and investorLevelGroupId = '13933' </inputbuf> </process> <process id="process276f302fc28" taskpriority="0" logused="764" waitresource="KEY: 7:72057594422558720 (7d9127e683cc)" waittime="4188" ownerId="24935134" transactionname="implicit_transaction" lasttranstarted="2017-09-02T10:01:18.690" XDES="0x27671594728" lockMode="S" schedulerid="3" kpid="13788" status="suspended" spid="73" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="1" lastbatchstarted="2017-09-02T10:01:18.783" lastbatchcompleted="2017-09-02T10:01:18.783" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.783" clientapp="Microsoft JDBC Driver for SQL Server" hostname="GAETAN-PC" hostpid="0" loginname="fundhive" isolationlevel="read committed (2)" xactid="24935134" currentdb="7" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128058"> <executionStack> <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtend="274" sqlhandle="0x0200000046471c35dd8038f6b5d5a8a05c3680d8fe3b66dc0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> </executionStack> <inputbuf> select * ,61 as userId from getDocumentWorkflowMessages(20285) where 1=1 and vehicleGroupId = '10385' and investorLevelGroupId = '14481' </inputbuf> </process> </process-list> <resource-list> <keylock hobtid="72057594422558720" dbid="7" objectname=" DocumentWorkflowStatuses" indexname="idx_DocumentWorkflowStatuses_isArchived" id="lock276c4fac900" mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057594422558720"> <owner-list> <owner id="process276f302fc28" mode="X"/> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="process276e56fcca8" mode="S" requestType="wait"/> </waiter-list> </keylock> <keylock hobtid="72057594422558720" dbid="7" objectname=" DocumentWorkflowStatuses" indexname="idx_DocumentWorkflowStatuses_isArchived" id="lock276e1728600" mode="X" associatedObjectId="72057594422558720"> <owner-list> <owner id="process276e56fcca8" mode="X"/> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="process276f302fc28" mode="S" requestType="wait"/> </waiter-list> </keylock> </resource-list> </deadlock> </deadlock-list> I read lots of post but i am not sure how to approach the problem. I tried with and without an index on the table DocumentWorkflowStatus but it's the same things. This is the getDocumentWorkflowMessages query : CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getDocumentWorkflowMessages] ( #projectId bigint ) RETURNS TABLE RETURN SELECT t.* , AS workflowStatusId ,( CASE WHEN isnull(t.workflowScheme_fk, - 1) = - 1 -- IS NULL THEN '' ELSE dbo.WorkflowStatuses.NAME END ) AS workflowStateName , AS workflowStateId ,CASE WHEN isnull(t.workflowScheme_fk, '') = '' THEN - 1 WHEN IS NOT NULL THEN ELSE isnull(( SELECT TOP 1 id FROM dbo.getWorstWorkflowIdForStructure(t.projectLanguageId, t.vehicleGroupId, t.investorLevelGroupId, t.structureId) ), - 1) END AS worstWorkflowCategoryId from dbo.getProjectDetailView(#projectId,1) t LEFT JOIN dbo.DocumentWorkflowStatuses docs ON docs.structure_fk = t.structureId AND isnull(docs.versionLanguage_fk, - 1) = isnull(t.projectLanguageId, - 1) AND isnull(docs.vehicleGroup_fk, 0) = isnull(t.vehicleGroupId, 0) AND isnull(docs.vehicleInvestorGroup_fk, 0) = isnull(t.investorLevelGroupId, 0) AND isnull(docs.country_fk, 0) = isnull(t.countryId,0) LEFT JOIN dbo.WorkflowStatuses ON = docs.workflowStatus_fk LEFT JOIN dbo.WorkflowStatusCategories ON = WorkflowStatuses.workflowStatusCategory_fk GO This is my index : CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_DocumentWorkflowStatuses_isArchived ON [dbo].[DocumentWorkflowStatuses] ([structure_fk],[versionLanguage_fk],[vehicleGroup_fk],[vehicleInvestorGroup_fk],[country_fk]) INCLUDE ( [workflowStatus_fk]) GO
LINQ to SQL - Dead Lock on Insert
I am facing deadlock issue on SQL Server -2014 standard edition. Two inserts are getting deadlocked over a clustered index. It is an OLTP database and table is high insert and high read, table already has primary key with clustered index and having more that 13 Million records The SQL Statements are given below exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [dbo].[PatientBilledItem]([PatientBillUID], [EventOccuredDttm], [ServiceName], [BillableItemUID], [Amount], [CUser], [CWhen], [MUser], [MWhen], [StatusFlag], [OwnerOrganisationUID], [PatientBillableItemUID], [Discount], [NetAmount], [Description], [Comments], [ItemMultiplier], [BSMDDUID], [ItemName], [DiscountAuthorizedBy], [ConsultantShare], [ServiceTax], [CareProviderUID], [QNUOMUID], [SpecialAmount], [IsRefunded], [ConsultantDiscount], [EducationCess], [HigherEducationCess], [RecordedByUID], [OriginalCreditBillUID], [PatientPackageItemUID], [BatchID], [VATPercentage], [InternalCost], [CalculateTaxOnMRP], [StoreUID], [BillPackageUID], [SplitDiscount], [RSLVLUID], [ParentUID], [PackageItemAmount], [RoundOff], [AuthNo], [ExpiryDttm], [BILGRDUID], [ApprovalCode], [ApprovedBy], [InternalBatchID]) VALUES (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6, #p7, #p8, #p9, #p10, #p11, #p12, #p13, #p14, #p15, #p16, #p17, #p18, #p19, #p20, #p21, #p22, #p23, #p24, #p25, #p26, #p27, #p28, #p29, #p30, #p31, #p32, #p33, #p34, #p35, #p36, #p37, #p38, #p39, #p40, #p41, #p42, #p43, #p44, #p45, #p46, #p47, #p48) SELECT [t0].[UID], [t0].[TIMESTAMP] FROM [dbo].[PatientBilledItem] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[UID] = (SCOPE_IDENTITY())',N'#p0 bigint,#p1 datetime,#p2 nvarchar(4000),#p3 int,#p4 float,#p5 int,#p6 datetime,#p7 int,#p8 datetime,#p9 nvarchar(4000),#p10 int,#p11 bigint,#p12 float,#p13 float,#p14 nvarchar(4000),#p15 nvarchar(4000),#p16 float,#p17 int,#p18 nvarchar(4000),#p19 int,#p20 float,#p21 float,#p22 int,#p23 int,#p24 float,#p25 nvarchar(4000),#p26 float,#p27 float,#p28 float,#p29 int,#p30 bigint,#p31 bigint,#p32 nvarchar(4000),#p33 float,#p34 float,#p35 nvarchar(4000),#p36 int,#p37 int,#p38 float,#p39 int,#p40 bigint,#p41 float,#p42 float,#p43 nvarchar(4000),#p44 datetime,#p45 int,#p46 nvarchar(4000),#p47 int,#p48 nvarchar(4000)',#p0=3796014,#p1='2017-06-20 12:12:49.300',#p2=N'Consultancy',#p3=38328,#p4=500,#p5=4985,#p6='2017-06-20 12:13:12.603',#p7=4985,#p8='2017-06-20 12:13:12.603',#p9=N'A',#p10=4,#p11=10692556,#p12=NULL,#p13=500,#p14=NULL,#p15=NULL,#p16=1,#p17=1159,#p18=N'Dr. B K ',#p19=NULL,#p20=500,#p21=NULL,#p22=1395,#p23=NULL,#p24=NULL,#p25=NULL,#p26=NULL,#p27=NULL,#p28=NULL,#p29=NULL,#p30=NULL,#p31=NULL,#p32=NULL,#p33=NULL,#p34=NULL,#p35=NULL,#p36=NULL,#p37=NULL,#p38=NULL,#p39=NULL,#p40=NULL,#p41=NULL,#p42=NULL,#p43=NULL,#p44=NULL,#p45=NULL,#p46=NULL,#p47=NULL,#p48=NULL exec sp_executesql N'INSERT INTO [dbo].[PatientBilledItem]([PatientBillUID], [EventOccuredDttm], [ServiceName], [BillableItemUID], [Amount], [CUser], [CWhen], [MUser], [MWhen], [StatusFlag], [OwnerOrganisationUID], [PatientBillableItemUID], [Discount], [NetAmount], [Description], [Comments], [ItemMultiplier], [BSMDDUID], [ItemName], [DiscountAuthorizedBy], [ConsultantShare], [ServiceTax], [CareProviderUID], [QNUOMUID], [SpecialAmount], [IsRefunded], [ConsultantDiscount], [EducationCess], [HigherEducationCess], [RecordedByUID], [OriginalCreditBillUID], [PatientPackageItemUID], [BatchID], [VATPercentage], [InternalCost], [CalculateTaxOnMRP], [StoreUID], [BillPackageUID], [SplitDiscount], [RSLVLUID], [ParentUID], [PackageItemAmount], [RoundOff], [AuthNo], [ExpiryDttm], [BILGRDUID], [ApprovalCode], [ApprovedBy], [InternalBatchID]) VALUES (#p0, #p1, #p2, #p3, #p4, #p5, #p6, #p7, #p8, #p9, #p10, #p11, #p12, #p13, #p14, #p15, #p16, #p17, #p18, #p19, #p20, #p21, #p22, #p23, #p24, #p25, #p26, #p27, #p28, #p29, #p30, #p31, #p32, #p33, #p34, #p35, #p36, #p37, #p38, #p39, #p40, #p41, #p42, #p43, #p44, #p45, #p46, #p47, #p48) SELECT [t0].[UID], [t0].[TIMESTAMP] FROM [dbo].[PatientBilledItem] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[UID] = (SCOPE_IDENTITY())',N'#p0 bigint,#p1 datetime,#p2 nvarchar(4000),#p3 int,#p4 float,#p5 int,#p6 datetime,#p7 int,#p8 datetime,#p9 nvarchar(4000),#p10 int,#p11 bigint,#p12 float,#p13 float,#p14 nvarchar(4000),#p15 nvarchar(4000),#p16 float,#p17 int,#p18 nvarchar(4000),#p19 int,#p20 float,#p21 float,#p22 int,#p23 int,#p24 float,#p25 nvarchar(4000),#p26 float,#p27 float,#p28 float,#p29 int,#p30 bigint,#p31 bigint,#p32 nvarchar(4000),#p33 float,#p34 float,#p35 nvarchar(4000),#p36 int,#p37 int,#p38 float,#p39 int,#p40 bigint,#p41 float,#p42 float,#p43 nvarchar(4000),#p44 datetime,#p45 int,#p46 nvarchar(4000),#p47 int,#p48 nvarchar(4000)',#p0=3796013,#p1='2017-06-20 12:13:10.030',#p2=N'Consultancy',#p3=83986,#p4=600,#p5=763,#p6='2017-06-20 12:13:12.023',#p7=763,#p8='2017-06-20 12:13:12.023',#p9=N'A',#p10=8,#p11=10692557,#p12=NULL,#p13=600,#p14=NULL,#p15=NULL,#p16=1,#p17=1159,#p18=N'Dr.L K S',#p19=NULL,#p20=600,#p21=NULL,#p22=1506,#p23=NULL,#p24=NULL,#p25=NULL,#p26=NULL,#p27=NULL,#p28=NULL,#p29=NULL,#p30=NULL,#p31=NULL,#p32=NULL,#p33=NULL,#p34=NULL,#p35=NULL,#p36=NULL,#p37=NULL,#p38=NULL,#p39=NULL,#p40=NULL,#p41=NULL,#p42=NULL,#p43=NULL,#p44=NULL,#p45=NULL,#p46=NULL,#p47=NULL,#p48=NULL Yes the table is having trigger as well The event XML is attached <deadlock> <victim-list> <victimProcess id="processa19016ca8" /> </victim-list> <process-list> <process id="processa19016ca8" taskpriority="0" logused="3888" waitresource="KEY: 9:72057699966713856 (ffffffffffff)" waittime="1034" ownerId="1298235110" transactionname="user_transaction" lasttranstarted="2017-06-20T11:52:42.003" XDES="0x714fe0d90" lockMode="RangeI-N" schedulerid="1" kpid="7856" status="suspended" spid="66" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2017-06-20T11:52:42.830" lastbatchcompleted="2017-06-20T11:52:42.820" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.820" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="WIN-2HO2RRV99BU" hostpid="2980" loginname="sa" isolationlevel="serializable (4)" xactid="1298235110" currentdb="9" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128056"> <executionStack> <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="1236" stmtend="3454" sqlhandle="0x0200000064f4502b431082b3ac55b13757583f58c2c98c7c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> </executionStack> <inputbuf> (#p0 bigint,#p1 datetime,#p2 nvarchar(4000),#p3 int,#p4 float,#p5 int,#p6 datetime,#p7 int,#p8 datetime,#p9 nvarchar(4000),#p10 int,#p11 bigint,#p12 float,#p13 float,#p14 nvarchar(4000),#p15 nvarchar(4000),#p16 float,#p17 int,#p18 nvarchar(4000),#p19 int,#p20 float,#p21 float,#p22 int,#p23 int,#p24 float,#p25 nvarchar(4000),#p26 float,#p27 float,#p28 float,#p29 int,#p30 bigint,#p31 bigint,#p32 nvarchar(4000),#p33 float,#p34 float,#p35 nvarchar(4000),#p36 int,#p37 int,#p38 float,#p39 int,#p40 bigint,#p41 float,#p42 float,#p43 nvarchar(4000),#p44 datetime,#p45 int,#p46 nvarchar(4000),#p47 int,#p48 nvarchar(4000))INSERT INTO [dbo].[PatientBilledItem]([PatientBillUID], [EventOccuredDttm], [ServiceName], [BillableItemUID], [Amount], [CUser], [CWhen], [MUser], [MWhen], [StatusFlag], [OwnerOrganisationUID], [PatientBillableItemUID], [Discount], [NetAmount], [Description], [Comments], [ItemMultiplier], [BSMDDUID], [ItemName], [DiscountAuthorizedBy], [ConsultantShare], [ServiceTax], [CareProviderUID], [QNUOMUID], [Sp </inputbuf> </process> <process id="process18572db848" taskpriority="0" logused="3896" waitresource="KEY: 9:72057699966713856 (ffffffffffff)" waittime="1012" ownerId="1298235129" transactionname="user_transaction" lasttranstarted="2017-06-20T11:52:42.027" XDES="0x1ada4fed90" lockMode="RangeI-N" schedulerid="1" kpid="14928" status="suspended" spid="118" sbid="0" ecid="0" priority="0" trancount="2" lastbatchstarted="2017-06-20T11:52:42.853" lastbatchcompleted="2017-06-20T11:52:42.847" lastattention="1900-01-01T00:00:00.847" clientapp=".Net SqlClient Data Provider" hostname="WIN-PGECRKPS51J" hostpid="3092" loginname="sa" isolationlevel="serializable (4)" xactid="1298235129" currentdb="9" lockTimeout="4294967295" clientoption1="671088672" clientoption2="128056"> <executionStack> <frame procname="adhoc" line="1" stmtstart="1236" stmtend="3454" sqlhandle="0x0200000064f4502b431082b3ac55b13757583f58c2c98c7c0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> <frame procname="unknown" line="1" sqlhandle="0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"> unknown </frame> </executionStack> <inputbuf> (#p0 bigint,#p1 datetime,#p2 nvarchar(4000),#p3 int,#p4 float,#p5 int,#p6 datetime,#p7 int,#p8 datetime,#p9 nvarchar(4000),#p10 int,#p11 bigint,#p12 float,#p13 float,#p14 nvarchar(4000),#p15 nvarchar(4000),#p16 float,#p17 int,#p18 nvarchar(4000),#p19 int,#p20 float,#p21 float,#p22 int,#p23 int,#p24 float,#p25 nvarchar(4000),#p26 float,#p27 float,#p28 float,#p29 int,#p30 bigint,#p31 bigint,#p32 nvarchar(4000),#p33 float,#p34 float,#p35 nvarchar(4000),#p36 int,#p37 int,#p38 float,#p39 int,#p40 bigint,#p41 float,#p42 float,#p43 nvarchar(4000),#p44 datetime,#p45 int,#p46 nvarchar(4000),#p47 int,#p48 nvarchar(4000))INSERT INTO [dbo].[PatientBilledItem]([PatientBillUID], [EventOccuredDttm], [ServiceName], [BillableItemUID], [Amount], [CUser], [CWhen], [MUser], [MWhen], [StatusFlag], [OwnerOrganisationUID], [PatientBillableItemUID], [Discount], [NetAmount], [Description], [Comments], [ItemMultiplier], [BSMDDUID], [ItemName], [DiscountAuthorizedBy], [ConsultantShare], [ServiceTax], [CareProviderUID], [QNUOMUID], [Sp </inputbuf> </process> </process-list> <resource-list> <keylock hobtid="72057699966713856" dbid="9" objectname="HEALTHOBJECT.dbo.PatientBilledItem" indexname="IX_PatientBillableItem" id="lock28bc25a00" mode="RangeS-S" associatedObjectId="72057699966713856"> <owner-list> <owner id="process18572db848" mode="RangeS-S" /> <owner id="process18572db848" mode="RangeI-N" requestType="convert" /> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="processa19016ca8" mode="RangeI-N" requestType="convert" /> </waiter-list> </keylock> <keylock hobtid="72057699966713856" dbid="9" objectname="HEALTHOBJECT.dbo.PatientBilledItem" indexname="IX_PatientBillableItem" id="lock28bc25a00" mode="RangeS-S" associatedObjectId="72057699966713856"> <owner-list> <owner id="processa19016ca8" mode="RangeS-S" /> <owner id="processa19016ca8" mode="RangeI-N" requestType="convert" /> </owner-list> <waiter-list> <waiter id="process18572db848" mode="RangeI-N" requestType="convert" /> </waiter-list> </keylock> </resource-list> </deadlock>
INSERTs alone won't deadlock each other. If you call SELECT WHERE UID=SCOPE_IDENTITY() in the same transaction though, the server will have to take a SHARED lock on any indexes that contain UID. That's because you tried to read the value of SCOPE_IDENTITY() which will change if another row is added, leading to inconsistent data. If you use the REPEATABLE READ isolation level, you could end up with a deadlock. The solution is very easy - don't use a separate SELECT. You can use the OUTPUT clause of INSERT to get all the new values, like identity, default values etc : INSERT INTO [dbo].[PatientBilledItem] ([PatientBillUID], [EventOccuredDttm], [ServiceName], [BillableItemUID], [Amount], [CUser], [CWhen], [MUser], [MWhen], [StatusFlag], [OwnerOrganisationUID], [PatientBillableItemUID], [Discount], [NetAmount], [Description], [Comments], [ItemMultiplier], [BSMDDUID], [ItemName], [DiscountAuthorizedBy], [ConsultantShare], [ServiceTax], [CareProviderUID], [QNUOMUID], [SpecialAmount], [IsRefunded], [ConsultantDiscount], [EducationCess], [HigherEducationCess], [RecordedByUID], [OriginalCreditBillUID], [PatientPackageItemUID], [BatchID], [VATPercentage], [InternalCost], [CalculateTaxOnMRP], [StoreUID], [BillPackageUID], [SplitDiscount], [RSLVLUID], [ParentUID], [PackageItemAmount], [RoundOff], [AuthNo], [ExpiryDttm], [BILGRDUID], [ApprovalCode], [ApprovedBy], [InternalBatchID]) OUTPUT inserted.UID,inserted.Timestamp VALUES ...... You can combine this with the SNAPSHOT isolation level to reduce blocking between transactions.
Based on provided info, first assumption is that these deadlocks are caused by one of following missing indexes CREATE /*UNIQUE*/ NONCLUSTERED INDEX IUN_PatientBilledItem_UID_#_TIMESTAMP ON dbo.PatientBilledItem (UID) INCLUDE(TIMESTAMP) or CREATE /*UNIQUE*/ NONCLUSTERED INDEX IUN_PatientBilledItem_UID_TIMESTAMP ON dbo.PatientBilledItem (UID, TIMESTAMP) needed by following SELECT statements: SELECT [t0].[UID], [t0].[TIMESTAMP] FROM [dbo].[PatientBilledItem] AS [t0] WHERE [t0].[UID] = (SCOPE_IDENTITY()) which generate RangeS-S locks (also because TX isolation level is SERIALIZABLE). Note: Uncomment /*UNIQUE*/ keyword if current index has unique values or unique pair of values (compound index).
sql server query concat string with '-'
In my SQL query, I'm trying to concatenate two strings in my select clause. Here's the expected results: col A col B Result null null & null '' & null XYZ XYC '' null & '' '' & '' XYZ XYC ABC null ABC ABC '' ABC ABC XYZ ABC-XYC My challenge is this - how do I get the 'dash' to show up for the last scenario and not the others? Here's my attempt: DECLARE #ColA as varchar(10) DECLARE #ColB as varchar(10) set #ColA = null; set #ColB = null; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = null; set #ColB = ''; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = null; set #ColB = 'XYC'; select 'XYC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = ''; set #ColB = null; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = ''; set #ColB = ''; select '&' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = ''; set #ColB = 'XYC'; select 'XYC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = 'ABC';set #ColB = null; select 'ABC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = 'ABC';set #ColB = ''; select 'ABC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' set #ColA = 'ABC';set #ColB = 'XYC'; select 'ABC-XYC' as 'Expected', COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') as 'Actual' Do you think I have to do one giant case when? I have many columns like this, and that would make it unbearable to read. Thanks! UPDATE: if I use a case when, then my select looks like this, which seems to work, but is going to be a pain. select case when (#ColA is not null and #ColA <> '') and (#ColB is not null and #ColB <> '') then #ColA + '-' + #ColB else COALESCE(NULLIF(COALESCE(#ColA, '') + COALESCE(#ColB, ''), ''), '&') end really hoping someone has some suggestions for improvement!
Could you use a searched case function like this? Select Case When isnull(ColA, '') + isnull(ColB, '') == '' Then '&' When isnull(ColA, '') <> '' and isnull(ColB, '') <> '' Then ColA + '-' + ColB Else isnull(ColA, '') + isnull(ColB, '') From Table1
I think this answer isn't a whole lot different than one of the other ones, but you might try this: SELECT CASE WHEN NULLIF(ColA,'') <> '' AND NULLIF(ColB,'') <> '' THEN ColA + '-' + ColB WHEN NULLIF(ColA,'') <> '' OR NULLIF(ColB,'') <> '' THEN COALESCE(ColA,ColB) ELSE '&' END