Modals with React - reactjs

I haven't managed to wrap my head around how to make use of existing modal libraries with React. For reference, I'm using the awesome remodal.
openNewModal: function () {
// The OpenModal component is wrapped around the modal's class which keeps it hidden until we show it here.
var modal = $(ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this.refs.modal)).remodal();;
render: function () {
<div onClick={this.openNewModal}>
<OpenModal ref="modal" />
handleSubmit: function(e) {
render: function () {
<form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
The modal opens up just fine. However, the binding on the onSubmit doesn't work. At first, I thought I'm doing something wrong. I added an onClick handler somewhere in the modal.js.jsx but still nothing would fire.
The interesting part is that, if I executed the binding immediately it worked, as in <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit()}>. Which means that React fine up to the point that I actually open() the modal.
Is there a simple solution/example for modals and React?

The interesting part is that, if I executed the binding immediately it worked, as in . Which means that React fine up to the point that I actually open() the modal.
This happened because you explicitly added the click event once the modal actually placed in DOM. I think the solution could be in this way. Please add your modal mockup in the component.js.jsx like -
render: function () {
<div onClick={this.openNewModal}>
<div class="remodal" data-remodal-id="modal">
<button data-remodal-action="close" class="remodal-close"></button>
Responsive, lightweight, fast, synchronized with CSS animations, fully customizable modal window plugin with declarative configuration and hash tracking.
<button data-remodal-action="cancel" class="remodal-cancel">Cancel</button>
<button data-remodal-action="confirm" class="remodal-confirm" onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>OK</button>
Then hide the modal mockup with CSS(if it is not hided bydefault by remodaljs). Then add your event(handleSubmit) to the ok button or to the form if modal is opened in form.
In openNewModal function instead of remodal the modal just open the modal.
Modal mockup is copied from remodal example. Do replace with your requirement.To be true i didn't have knowledge on remodal but i do faced the same problem while using the bootstrap modal.


How to customize a new google signin button?

Google recently announced a new way of user-signing-in here.
With this tutorial, the button was created by adding HTML code or javascript.
which looks like,
But since the button is all created and rendered in a new Iframe, I can’t customize the button style as I want.
Is there any way to change the button style as it was offered before?
Previously, I used
window.gapi.load('auth2', () => {
const auth2 = window.gapi.auth2.init(options);
idButtonRef.current is the button and all I need was just attach the button and eventlistener as the above code shows. So I was able to create the button style as I want.
Is there a way to do this with a new way of google user signing?
It's my own (and not elegant) way to customize button. I make "right" Google button invisible and then add click handler to my custom button. We need to trigger click() on div with role=button attribute.
My example with plain JavaScript, but you should easily make something similar with React.js:
.g_id_signin {
display: none;
<div id="g_id_onload"
<div class="g_id_signin"
<button id="custom-google-btn">Continue with Google</button>
const googleBtn = document.getElementById('custom-google-btn');
googleBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
document.querySelector('.g_id_signin div[role=button]').click();

React Button Click Event Not working correctly

How come the following React Button Emitter is not working? It should display the word Apple, with button click.
function App() {
return (
<button onClick={handleClick('apple')}>
Test Button
function handleClick(props) {
In order for it to get called on click you need to pass a function. Right now your code is invoking the function:
function App() {
return (
{/* Creates an anonymous function that calls `handleClick` */}
<button onClick={() => { handleClick('apple'); }}>
Test Button
By doing onClick={handleClick('apple')} what you are doint is to put the result of handleClick('apple') at rendering time, not onClick time.
onClick={() => handleClick('apple')} will work because you are creating a function and assign it to onClick, without executing it yet.
This is how React works, because what you are writing is actually just javascript (not html, even if it looks like so).
Your way would instead be perfectly ok if you were using Vue, for example, because in that case you are working in an html template (unless you don't want to use jsx..)

Setting state in a subcomponent of react-table closes component resetting all states with ReactJS

I've been using react-table heavily throughout my React app which has been so useful but now I've got a weird bug I believe
I've got a react table with a subcomponent structured as such
SubComponent={row => {
return (
<p>I am the subcomponent</p>
<button onClick={this.toggleHidden.bind(this)} >
Click to additional information
{!this.state.isHidden && <p>Hello world</p>}
And here's what that looks like in the browser - the blue button on the left opens and closes the subcomponent and that works just fine, I've used subcomponents like this throughout my React App with no problems
When clicking the 'Click to additional information' button I want to show additional information ('Hello world' in this example) it runs this piece of code
constructor () {
this.state = {
isHidden: true
toggleHidden () {
isHidden: !this.state.isHidden
But what happens in the browser is that the subcomponent toggle is closed and looks like this
If I reopen the subcomponent you can see that the 'hello world' is now showing so if did work as I wanted but just automatically closing the subcomponent which I didn't want to happen
In the console I'm not getting any errors or logs from react-table - it seems that any time I try to set a state inside of the react-table subcomponent that it will automatically close like this
My guess is that setting the state has reset all the states and that is what is confusing react-table, but I don't see how it would be?
I've just updated react-table to the latest version 6.8.6 but still have the same problem
Is this a bug or is there something I've done wrong here?
i fixed this by collapseOnDataChange: false
I had a similar issue. I have a subcomponent and inside the subcomponent are buttons which trigger functions when clicked:
The delete button had the following code:
<button id="delete" onClick={this.deleteClient('id')}>Delete</button>
where deleteClient is defined as:
deleteClient = (clientRef) => {
console.log(`deleting ${clientRef}`)
With the above code, "deleting id" would console.log both when I opened the subcomponent and when I clicked on the button.
I resolved the problem by using a callback in onClick as such:
<button id="delete" onClick={() => this.deleteClient('id')}>Delete</button>
Now "deleting id" only console.logs once, at the appropriate time, which is when I hit "Delete".
set your onClick to a callback function.
Hope that helps!

React Bootstrap Popover flashes when clicking OverlayTrigger

I want the OverlayTrigger to be able to dismiss the Popover by both clicking outside the button and clicking on the button. However, when I set the trigger to be trigger={['click', 'focus']}, the Popover would flash and disappear when I click to button to show it.
getInitialState() {
return { show: true };
classificationPopover() {
return (
<ReactBootstrap.Popover id="popover" title="Popover">
render: function() {
return (
trigger={['click', 'focus']} // Here is probably the tricky part
className="btn btn-default btn-circle">
<div className="btn-circle-text">?</div>
This happens when you click outside the button, and then you click the button. But if you just click the button and close the popover with the button, things work fine.
I know that adding a RootClose property in OverlayTrigger and just keep "click" for trigger would work, but for my work requirement I'm not allowed to use RootClose, so I need a different solution. Thanks :D
For anyone attempting to use trigger with OverlayTrigger, please consider using Overlay instead.
The OverlayTrigger component is great for most use cases, but as a
higher level abstraction it can lack the flexibility needed to build
more nuanced or custom behaviors into your Overlay components. For
these cases it can be helpful to forgo the trigger and use the Overlay
component directly.

Trying to render a React-Bootstrap Modal on Plunker
render: function() {
console.log('render', this.state)
return (
<p>Click to get the full Modal experience!</p>
Launch demo modal
<ReactBootstrap.Modal show={this.state.showModal} onHide={this.close}>
<span>The Modal</span>
The JSX seems to be compiling. The Modal component is available. The show prop is being set when you click the button. The Bootstrap CSS is there.
But the Modal always shows on page load even though its show prop is false.
What am I doing wrong?
I just took a look at your plunker and saw that you were using an older version of react-bootstrap. I think this was your problem I changed the version to a newer one and it worked. I just used the v0.28.3
