setting the scope value after the http call in Angularjs - angularjs

I have a controller in which I make an ajax call. In the success callback I assign some value to $scope variable like below.
$http.get(GlobalService.getDomainUrl() +'/hosts/attr').success(function(data){
//Now that we have made the ajax call we need to first get all the config values..
$scope.classifications = _.allKeys(data);
var config;
_.each(data, function(e) {
$scope.config = _.allKeys(e);
_.each(config, function(attr){
$scope.attributes = attr;
The data from the server is in the below format:
"my_config": {
"cpu": [
"mem": [
"network_config": {
"my_config": [
"os_config": [
Inside my html code:
<div class="row">
When I try to use the values in my html file using {{config}} I am seeing an empty array. On the browser console I am able to see the data since I am printing using console.log statement. Please let me know where I am going wrong.

The issue got resolved. The $scope.config was getting set correctly but since the last item in the array returned from the server was empty that was overwriting the value of the scope.config.


How do I get a single value from a json file using angular (without using ng-repeat)?

I have a json file with the following data:
"favicons": [
"36x36”: "36x36.png",
"48x48": "48x48.png",
"57x57": "57x57.png"
"header": [
"imageUrl": "logo.png",
"subTitle": “blah”,
"backgroundColor": "#c30909"
I'd like to retrieve the value of favicons.36x36 without using ng-repeat.
I have this in my app.controller:
app.controller('myCtrl', function($scope, $http) {
$http.get("data.json").then(function (response) {
$scope.faviconData =;
Using {{faviconData}} in my HTML, I can output the entire array.
But {{faviconData.36x36}} results in a parse syntax error.
I have also tried faviconData[0].36x36 but this also results in an error.
Do this

Angularjs working with $filter filter

I'm trying to use $filter to filter dataset retrieved from a JSON file within a controller.
here is the data in the JSON file:
"keyword": "key1",
"path": "path1"
}, {
"keyword": "key2",
"path": "path2"
}, {
"keyword": "key3",
"path": "path3"
}, {
"keyword": "key4",
"path": "path4"
}, {
"keyword": "key5",
"path": "path5"
Then I get the data within my controller like this:
$http.get('/sampleJson.txt').then(function (response) {;
and then I use $filter to filter the data:
vm.results=$filter('filter')(vm.resultSet, {keyword: "key1"});
Finally I use ng-repeat to show the data in the view:
<tr ng-repeat="result in vm.results">
However the results variable is empty and nothing shows up. It seems to be pretty basic stuff, however I can not figure out what is wrong?
PS: When I declare other variables in the controller like :
vm.message="Hello, Angular!"
It shows up in the view.
I wrote a solution using $scope. The filter in this solution works. I don't know why you use vm but the $http service works asincronously, and the line
vm.results=$filter('filter')(vm.resultSet, {keyword: "key1"});
should be in the body of the then() function.
Here is a plunk
$http is asynchronous, .then (;) executed (when promise get resolved) after vm.results=$filter('filter')(vm.resultSet, {keyword: "key1"});
Try this,
$http.get('/sampleJson.txt').then(function (response) {;
vm.results=$filter('filter')(vm.resultSet, {keyword: "key1"});

In AngularJS, $http doesn't change my select option tag data

I have an issue in AngularJS on using $http to fetch data from server.
Here is my HTML
<select ng-model="foo" ng-options="item as for item in items"></select>
Here is my AngularJS Script
angular.module("myApp").controller("myCtrl", function($scope, $http) {
var $scope.items = [];
$scope.items = [
"id": 1,
"name": "item1"
"id": 2,
"name": "item2"
function getData() {
.then(function(response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
$scope.items = response.items;
$scope.items = [
"id": 5,
"name": "item11"
"id": 4,
"name": "item22"
What expect from this code is when $http fetches data from server, then select dropdown data will change. But it's not changing anything. I have also printed the response items in the console inside the success callback.
Maybe I don't understand $http usage well enough. Perhaps when I console out data after getData(); $scope.items doesn't change at all. And I think that maybe $http always run at last stage.
Can anybody help to explain this issue? If my assumption is correct, what is the solution that I am looking for?
I think you simply have to add a track by clause:
ng-options="item as for item in items track by"
Check the response object. When you are using 'then' callback to get the resolved data then the actual API result is stored in the 'data' property of the response. So change your code to
$scope.items =;
Or you can use the success callback to attach the data directly.
.success(function(response) {
if (response.status == 200) {
$scope.items = response.items;

AngularJS binding not occurring on page until a user action

I've got my first angular app which displays some data from a list via ng-repeat.
The controller for the view sets a few variables to scope - some directly in the function and another from an API call.
The data from the in function load is showing up in that ng-repeat. The data from the service call doesn't show up (debugging shows the function is being called and data returned and set in scope).
I've got a filter on and if I type anything in it then the data shows up. Or when I click to another view the data flashes onto the page briefly before it loads the new view.
Here is some view code (the items works, venues does not):
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
{{ item.firstName }}
<div ng-repeat="venue in venues">
{{ venue.details }}
And here is the controller (data is coming back from the call):
$scope.items = [
{ "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe" },
{ "firstName": "Anna", "lastName": "Smith" },
{ "firstName": "Peter", "lastName": "Jones" }
var client = new WindowsAzure.MobileServiceClient("url", "key");
var query = client.getTable("venues").read().done(function (results) {
$scope.venues = results;
}, function (err) {
alert("Error: " + err);
I'm wondering if maybe the binding is happening before the data is returned from the API?
I added a div and this line into the function and it is printing the results to the page no issues:
document.getElementById("venueslist").innerHTML = JSON.stringify(results);
Thank you for reading.
Looking at your code client.getTable doesn't look like it is using any of angularJs $http or $timeout service. So you will have to wrap the assignment in scope.$apply() so that the $digest cycle is run and the bindings are updated in the view.
var query = client.getTable("venues").read().done(function (results) {
$scope.$apply(function () {
$scope.venues = results;
}, function (err) {
alert("Error: " + err);
Side note: why are you doing JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(results)), you can directly use results if it is a json object.

Angulajs - how to extract certain data from json

I have this json example where I need to get data individually.
"web": "63",
"mobile": "2525",
"web": "70",
"mobile": "1886",
"web": "65",
"mobile": "1044",
then in the controller:
myData.get ().then (function (data) {
$ = data;//this is fine
$scope.web = data.web//this does not work
$ = does not work
console.log($;//this does not work
console.log($scope.web);//this does not work
//and then lets say I want to pass them in the url
var myUrl = ""+$scope.web+$;
so basically I need to be able to work with individual data within the json file, so I can pass them them anywhere within the applications logic. What am I doing wrong?
heres plunker:
Many thanks for your help
You need to use the data object inside $scope. So, if you try the following, it should work properly. console.log($ or console.log($
In your controller, define an empty array and then assign the response to it.
var localdata = [];
// http call goes here
localdata =;
// access the required members of localdata array
// since it's an array, you need to access individual data elements with index
// for example:
$ = angular.fromJson(data);
and check
