server sends raw json and can't be processed by angular - angularjs

I'm trying to access the data from server to $scope.resp but only raw json is getting displayed on the page.
here is the routes/addr.js
router.get('/', function(req, res) {
var pers = [{add: "abc"},{add: "pqr"}]
var app = angular.module('addbook', [])
app.controller('listcontroller', function($scope, $http){
$http.get('/list').then(function(response) {
$scope.resp = response
There is no error on chrome console. I notice that when $http.get request is commented out it still displays raw json. I saw a similar question where they asked to do do stringify but it is not working.

After our discussion in chat, we discovered that the issue was with your Express routes.
Angular is a client framework, which does not perform full page reloads. The user does not navigate directly to the URL on the server that is serving the data, they navigate to a URL that doesn't exist on the server, which is directed to the index.html file, where Angular is able to perform an AJAX request to retrieve the data from the Server URL and dynamically redraw the page.
If your user navigates to the server route that is serving the RAW JSON, the browser will receive the JSON and display it without any templating, styling, or other page elements. Therefore, your server URLs and your client URLs need to be different, and your server should use URLs that are exclusively identified as API urls. many people prepend /api/ to these URLs to avoid confusion, or secure them so that clients can't request them directly.

if you get a pure Json try to convert like this
$scope.resp = JSON.parse(;


Parsing Oauth 2.0 return parameters in angular-ui-router

I'm attempting to authenticate a user using Google's Oauth 2.0 API. When my app HREF's to the Google authentication page, it successfully passes information back to my AngularJS app. However, I'm not sure how best to handle the returned URL-encoded data.
This is the format it is returned as:
My main problem is that this string begins with # instead of ? as is traditionally done with URL encoded parameters.
In my stateProvider config, I've implemented the callback state as such:
.state 'auth.googlecallback',
url: '/googlecallback/#{accessToken}&token_type={tokenType}&expires_in={expiresIn}'
templateUrl: 'views/auth/googlecallback.html'
controller: 'GoogleCallbackCtrl as gVm'
The above URL is an example of what I have tried. When the url is simply /googlecallback/, the page loads successfully, even when navigated to using the Google Oauth link. But the moment I had the # symbol, the state breaks and I can't parse the state params for the data inside.
I've looked into using the angular-oauth library on GitHub, but it hasn't been updated in 2 years, and it doesn't appear to allow Oauth authentication for more than just Google (I want to use Facebook and Google).
What is the correct way to handle the the Oauth URL data in angular-ui-router?
To be frank, I don't think this will actually answer your question, but I was helping some friends with this earlier today. They were unable to handle the URI via the ui-router. Instead, they had to delegate parsing the parameters and making the appropriate request to their view controller. Using the Angular $location service and some remapping functions, we were able to get the parameters out of the # query syntax into a hash that he was able to push back to the server in his request. The code looked similarly to the following:
var paramsArray = $location.hash().split('&')
var payload = {};
angular.forEach(paramsArray, function (param) {
var arr = param.split('='),
key = param[0],
value = param[1];
payload[key] = value;
This could absolutely be simplified but this was what he was trying to accomplish for his strategy.
That all being said, I'm personally not a fan of trying to accomplish OAuth strategy on the client. You have private keys that usually need to get exchanged to complete the full handshake. If possible, it would be best if you did the following:
Redirect the client to the appropriate OAuth path
Have the redirect go to a server endpoint that can process the oauth request and complete the handshake.
Have the server endpoint that the oauth request redirected to, redirect to your success landing page with any additional response
objects required by your application.
Doing this would protect your private keys and most web frameworks have modules/packages/gems/plugins/etc. for implementing oauth for all the mainstream providers. Hope this helps you in the right direction.

Express Server, calling state.go and running a method in Controller

I am currently running an express server express.js with an angular js app. I use the UI router with stateprovider and state.go.
I have a requirement to allow a url to be typed in the browser
Am i going along the right lines , in that the following code can be added to the express server.js to achieve this or should I be handling this in the angular app states.
app.get('/p/:empId', function(req, res) {
I am not sure what was the reason for writing angular code inside your Express server but you should really separate your client code from your server code.
I assume you are trying to get some employee details by ID from your server.
The way it is usually done is by sending a HTTP request with the ID number from your client to the server. Then, the server will process the HTTP request (Maybe get some data from the database) and return a HTTP response to the client. And then the client will process the response and do something with it.
In your client yo can do something like this:
$'SERVER_URL/getEmployeeDetails/', {'id': 1234})
// will have the data returned from the server
// Do something with it. for example, go to other state and pass the data to it
state.go("employeeDetailsview", {'employee':});
The above will request an employee with id 1234 and do something with it.
In the server side:'getEmployeeDetails/', function(req, res) {
// Do something with ID
// Return some data to the client - for example an employee object
res.status(200).json({'data': employeeObject});

Node.js and Angular routing - How to make REST API inaccessible by browser URL

I use Angulars $http service to call for data on the backend. Let's say JSON data. An example URL to do so would be something like:
Doing this from within Angular nicely returns the requested data. No problem.
But even though I catch all other Angular routes using Angular UI Router with $urlRouterProvider.otherwise('/');, I can still go to my browser and type in the URL, which provides me with a page of JSON code.
How to I restrict back-end server calls to come just from Angular, NOT from my browser URL without user authentication?
Using Express 4.X on Node, I also provided my app with a 'catch-all' route to default back to my front-end index.html page, like so:
router.get('*', function(req, res) {
res.sendFile(path.join(__dirname, '/index.html'));
My God! Spent whole frikin day fighting this problem, finally fixed it!
The dog is burried in headers - you have to specify one on Angular http request, then read it in node.
First of - routing setup is the same as in this guide:
On frontend in Angular http request I specify one of the accepted header types to be json:
$http.get('/blog/article', {
headers: {
'Accept': 'application/json;'
}).success(function(data) {
.error(function(data) {
console.log('Error: ' + data);
On backend in Node I check if header includes json type. If it does, I serve back json data, so angular can receive the content. If it doesn't, I force node to load index.html, from which the controller runs the before mentioned http request with the header, ensuring you get your data then.
app.get('/blog/article', function(req, res) {
if(/application\/json;/.test(req.get('accept'))) {
//respond json
//console.log("serving json data...");
blogItemModel.find({ "_id" : }, 'title full_text publish_date', function(err, blog_item){
// if there is an error retrieving, send the error. nothing after res.send(err) will execute
if (err) res.send(err);
} else {
//respond in html
//console.log('Request made from browser adress bar, not through Angular, serving index page...');
Agree with #HankScorpio
Angular UI routing for Angular application paths and server application accessing URL paths are two different things.
Angular UI router allows you to navigate within a single page application as if you have a multi page application. This is in no way similar to accessing the actual server application endpoint.
All restrictions should be done on the web server and server web application end. Hence you will have to implement some authentication/authorisation strategy.
This isn't really an angular issue. When a user enters they never actually load up the angular app, so your solution must be done elsewhere.
For example, you could add this to your website's .htaccess file. It will redirect all traffic to the root of your domain.
Check out this answer here:
.htaccess Redirect based on HTTP_REFERER
You can't.
Your angular code is running on their machine, in their browser.
As such, one can spoof the environment, capture the data as the browser requests it, edit the JS of your app while it is in their browser, or various other methods.
Why do you want such a restriction anyway?

Accessing Session values in Angular.js

I am unable to access the session values which is set by node.js in Angular.js controller. I am using the Express framework. How to resolve it? Here is my code.
secret: '1234567890QWERTY',
cookie: { httpOnly: false }
//setting the values
Presumably you want to do something like show the username in your angular app. As I mentioned in this answer, the hard part to Angular is not thinking about what data the server has, but thinking about data the server should provide to the browser via API.
My general model is to have the angular page start up without any data and have a low-level controller invoke a service (say AuthenticationService or IdentityService) that requests relevant data from the server, e.g. HTTP GET /api/identity. That will return a block of JSON that the page can then store in that low-level controller. Any deeper controller can then access the identity (or whatever) data loaded in that first request.

Angular ui-router using resolve validate authentication

I'm trying to see what's the best way to validate if a user is authenticated into the application.
Right now I'm using the following:
The user log in into the application
On Server Side a Token is created and send it back to the browser
On Log In Success, AngularJS stores the Token: $http.defaults.headers.common['RequestVerificationToken'] = token || $cookies.token;
On every http call to the server the Token is sent and is verified server side, in case the token doesn't exist then a 401 response status is sent to client.
This is working pretty well, now Im using UI-Router to control application states (pages - real scenario):
I have the following state:
.state('personinfo', {
url: "/personinfo",
controller: 'PersonController',
templateUrl: "app/partials/personinfo.html"
Inside my PersonContoller:
app.controller('PersonController', function ($scope,$sce, $location, PersonService) {
$scope.title = 'Person Page';
PersonService.getPersons().success(function (response) {
$scope.persons = response.success;
}).error(function () {
// If token doesn't exist, a 401 reponse status is sent by server
I don't really like how it works because AngularJS will load the state and download the partial HTML file and then it will go into the controller and execute the get method and if the token is not valid then it will redirect to login state.
I would like to validate the token before the state is being loaded, so if the token is not valid then the partial HTML won't be downloaded or whatever.
I have read that UI-Router has a resolve property that can be used to get data before the view is loaded... can I use the resolve to validate the Token?
Hope someone can give me a guide or advice.
Thanks a lot.
Your build stack should compile production JS with template embedded, so there
is no round trip to worry about.
If you really want to intercept the initial page load, experiment with
$locationChangeSuccess, which is fired before the first $routeChangeStart.
If you want to hook into resolve, just attach a promise to it.
