Angular - Objects seem bound to eachother but arent - angularjs

I have an edit page where the user can edit a file in the system, and then save it. When loading the file, I make two objects out of the result, one is bound to the view and the other I wish to keep (in its original state) until "save" is clicked, and then use it to compare vs the view-bound object, to see if any changes have been made.
So, when the page loads, this is being run
$http.get('/api/files/' + $
.then(function (result) {
vm.fileTemp =;
vm.fileTempCopy =;
The fileTempCopy is not being touched or referenced by anything in the view or elsewhere in the controller, except in the save-method, where i check if they are alike or not. But somehow, both of them are updated when i make changes to the input fields (as if they were both used as ng-model for the inputs).
if(vm.fileTemp === vm.fileTempCopy)//in save-function
is always true, and their fields are exactly the same.
Why does this happen and how can I solve it?

Using the assignment operator, you are actually just referencing the original array. Arrays are reference types. That means, that they don't actually store values, they only store references to those values. What you where doing is copying a reference to a memory location, meaning that any changes to the memory at that location (including removing elements) will be reflected in both arrays.
So you will want to do this instead:
vm.fileTemp = angular.copy(;
vm.fileTempCopy = angular.copy(;

here is a very basic approach to checking an object's "value equality".
function isEquivalent(a, b) {
// Create arrays of property names
var aProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(a);
var bProps = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(b);
// If number of properties is different,
// objects are not equivalent
if (aProps.length != bProps.length) {
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < aProps.length; i++) {
var propName = aProps[i];
// If values of same property are not equal,
// objects are not equivalent
if (a[propName] !== b[propName]) {
return false;
// If we made it this far, objects
// are considered equivalent
return true;
//After your update Outputs: false
console.log(isEquivalent(vm.fileTemp, vm.fileTempCopy));


modifying object in componentDidMount() [duplicate]

I’ll start with the code:
var s = ["hi"];
s[0] = "bye";
Simple, right? In response to this, the Firefox console says:
[ "hi" ]
[ "bye" ]
Wonderful, but Chrome’s JavaScript console (7.0.517.41 beta) says:
[ "bye" ]
[ "bye" ]
Have I done something wrong, or is Chrome’s JavaScript console being exceptionally lazy about evaluating my array?
Thanks for the comment, tec. I was able to find an existing unconfirmed Webkit bug that explains this issue: (EDIT: now fixed!)
There appears to be some debate regarding just how much of a bug it is and whether it's fixable. It does seem like bad behavior to me. It was especially troubling to me because, in Chrome at least, it occurs when the code resides in scripts that are executed immediately (before the page is loaded), even when the console is open, whenever the page is refreshed. Calling console.log when the console is not yet active only results in a reference to the object being queued, not the output the console will contain. Therefore, the array (or any object), will not be evaluated until the console is ready. It really is a case of lazy evaluation.
However, there is a simple way to avoid this in your code:
var s = ["hi"];
s[0] = "bye";
By calling toString, you create a representation in memory that will not be altered by following statements, which the console will read when it is ready. The console output is slightly different from passing the object directly, but it seems acceptable:
From Eric's explanation, it is due to console.log() being queued up, and it prints a later value of the array (or object).
There can be 5 solutions:
1. arr.toString() // not well for [1,[2,3]] as it shows 1,2,3
2. arr.join() // same as above
3. arr.slice(0) // a new array is created, but if arr is [1, 2, arr2, 3]
// and arr2 changes, then later value might be shown
4. arr.concat() // a new array is created, but same issue as slice(0)
5. JSON.stringify(arr) // works well as it takes a snapshot of the whole array
// or object, and the format shows the exact structure
You can clone an array with Array#slice:
console.log(s); // ["bye"], i.e. incorrect
console.log(s.slice()); // ["hi"], i.e. correct
A function that you can use instead of console.log that doesn't have this problem is as follows:
console.logShallowCopy = function () {
function slicedIfArray(arg) {
return Array.isArray(arg) ? arg.slice() : arg;
var argsSnapshot =, slicedIfArray);
return console.log.apply(console, argsSnapshot);
For the case of objects, unfortunately, the best method appears to be to debug first with a non-WebKit browser, or to write a complicated function to clone. If you are only working with simple objects, where order of keys doesn't matter and there are no functions, you could always do:
console.logSanitizedCopy = function () {
var args =;
var sanitizedArgs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args));
return console.log.apply(console, sanitizedArgs);
All of these methods are obviously very slow, so even more so than with normal console.logs, you have to strip them off after you're done debugging.
This has been patched in Webkit, however when using the React framework this happens for me in some circumstances, if you have such problems just use as others suggest:
Looks like Chrome is replacing in its "pre compile" phase any instance of "s" with pointer to the actual array.
One way around is by cloning the array, logging fresh copy instead:
var s = ["hi"];
s[0] = "bye";
function CloneArray(array)
var clone = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
clone[clone.length] = array[i];
return clone;
the shortest solution so far is to use array or object spread syntax to get a clone of values to be preserved as in time of logging, ie:
however be warned as it does a shallow copy, so any deep nested non-primitive values will not be cloned and thus shown in their modified state in the console
This is already answered, but I'll drop my answer anyway. I implemented a simple console wrapper which doesn't suffer from this issue. Requires jQuery.
It implements only log, warn and error methods, you will have to add some more in order for it to be interchangeable with a regular console.
var fixedConsole;
(function($) {
var _freezeOne = function(arg) {
if (typeof arg === 'object') {
return $.extend(true, {}, arg);
} else {
return arg;
var _freezeAll = function(args) {
var frozen = [];
for (var i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
return frozen;
fixedConsole = {
log: function() { console.log.apply(console, _freezeAll(arguments)); },
warn: function() { console.warn.apply(console, _freezeAll(arguments)); },
error: function() { console.error.apply(console, _freezeAll(arguments)); }

Binding an integer to AngularJS 1.5 component

When using attribute binding in components, the data passed to the controller is always a string. I'm trying to pass an integer, however, and am having trouble converting it from a string and having the conversion stick.
I've tried saving the data as an integer in $onInit() but outside of this function, the data returns to its original state (type and value). I understand that components should not modify the data passed in as a general rule, but since this is an attribute binding, and the data is passed by value, I didn't think that applied.
function IntegerBindingController() {
this.$onInit = function() {
// Assuming 'number="2"' in the HTML
// This only changes the data inside this function
this.number = parseInt(this.number)
this.typeofNumber = typeof this.number // evaluates to 'number'
this.simpleAdd = this.number + 5 // evaluates to 7
this.dataAdd = this.numberOneWay + 5
this.test = function() {
// this.number is a string inside this function
this.typeofNumber = typeof this.number // evaluates to 'string'
this.simpleAdd = this.number + 5 // evaluates to 25
I can solve this by copying the data to a new property on the controller, but I'm curious if someone can explain what's happening here. See this Plunker for a working example of the issue.
Passing number with '#' will always pass it as a string. If you want the object value pass number with '=' instead in the components bindings.
var IntegerBindingComponent = {
controller: IntegerBindingController,
bindings: {
string: '#',
number: '=',
numberOneWay: '<'
template: _template
A decent explanation can be found here:
or here: Need some examples of binding attributes in custom AngularJS tags
"The '=' notation basically provides a mechanism for passing an object into your directive. It always pulls this from the parent scope of the directive..."
The solution I ended up going with was to use $onChanges to handle the bound data values. In my case, at least one of the values could potentially change after an async call in the parent component, so this made sense overall. As Prinay Panday notes above, the # binding always comes through as a string. The $onInit() method guarantees that bindings will be available, but it doesn't guarantee that they will change, so even if you change the value on the component, Angular can change it later. That's another reason why the documentation recommends copying the bound values to a local variable if you need to manipulate them at all. As for the $onChanges() solution, it would look like this
function IntegerBindingController() {
this.$onChanges(changes) {
if (changes.number && changes.number.currentValue) {
this.number = parseInt(changes.number.currentValue)
this.test = function() {
this.typeofNumber = typeof this.number // evaluates to 'number'
this.simpleAdd = this.number + 5 // evaluates to 7 (assuming this.number was 2)

Iterating through parent entity to return array of child entities

I am trying to build an array of entities from a server query that exist in an object arrays
The diagram below illustrates my model:
In my datacontext, I've applied the following code:
function getByDboardConfig(dboardConfig) {
var busUnitDims = [];
var busUnitsTotalCount = dboardConfig.busUnits.length;
var buCount = 0;
dboardConfig.busUnits.forEach(function (busUnit) {
eq.from('BusUnitDimensions') // eq = breeze.EntityQuery
.where('busUnitId', '==',
.using(em).execute() // em = EntityManager
.to$q(succeeded, failed); // using Angular, thus to$q
function succeeded(data) {
data.results.forEach(function (result) {
if (buCount === busUnitsTotalCount) {
return busUnitDims;
When I log to the console as show the length of the array, I get the correct entity count, but when I return the result of this call to my controller I get undefined. Not understanding why?
I've tried returning $q.when(busUnitDims) as well but I still get undefined.
The problem with your code is that the function is not returning anything, even if you relocate the return line outside the succeeded block
, it may return before filling the array is finished(notice you're executing the query asynchronously )
Neverthless, looking at your code; I take it you are getting the busUints and then query for each of their line items BusUnitDimensions separately;
that could mean many roundtrips to the server.
Anyways, you aim to fetching busUnits along with their related BusUnitDimensions (eager loading).
Although you didn't provide an idea of how your view model or your controller looks like; I assume you have one view for DboardConfig and another view for both related busUnits and BusUnitDimensions
so your workflow is:
Get a list of DboardConfigs
for each DboardConfig, load it's busUnits along with BusUnitDimensions
Hence, your function could be :
function getByDboardConfig(dboardConfig) {
return eq.from("busUnits")
.where("dboardConfigId", "==",
.using(em).execute() // em = EntityManager
Then inside your controller:
$Scope.getBusUnitsandDimentions = function () {
function succeeded(data) {
$Scope.busUnits = [];
data.results.forEach(function (result) {
This way, you can remove the coding for fetching busUnits since we've already fetched it with it's related child table.
Simply put:
busUnits to get your array of bus units for a specified DboardConfig
busUnits.BusUnitDimensions to get it's related dimensions

Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor

I'm trying to make a bomb catching game (I'm actually using the code from the AS3 Classroom in a Book on arrays). As soon as I changed the word fruit to bomb in the code I got error 1007. With the exception of changing basket_mc to eod_mc and fruit to bomb (I used command-F and replaced with case sensitive on) I haven't changed much. It worked with eod_mc, but doesn't with bomb.
var bombArray:Array = new Array(bomb);
var bombsOnstage:Array = new Array();
var bombsCollected:int = 0;
var bombsLost:int = 0;
for (var i:int = 0; i<20; i++) {
var pickBomb = bombArray[int(Math.random() * bombArray.length)];
var bomb:MovieClip = new pickBomb();
bomb.x = Math.random() * stage.stageWidth-bomb.width;// bomb.width is subtracted from the random x position to elimate the slight possibility that a clip will be placed offstage on the right.
bomb.y = Math.random() * -500;
bomb.speed = Math.random() * 15 + 5;
eod_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragEod);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dragStop);
function dragEod(e:Event):void {
function dragStop(e:Event):void {
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
function catchBomb(e:Event):void {
for (var i:int = bombsOnstage.length-1; i > -1; i--) {
var currentBomb:MovieClip = bombsOnstage[i];
currentBomb.y += currentBomb.speed;
if (currentBomb.y > stage.stageHeight - currentBomb.height) {
currentBomb.y = 0 - currentBomb.height;
field2_txt.text = "Total Bombs Detonated: " + bombsLost;
if (currentBomb.hitTestObject(eod_mc)) {
field1_txt.text = "Total Bombs Caught: " + bombsCollected;
if (bombsCollected >= 20) {
} else if (bombsCollected > 15) {
} else if (bombsCollected>10) {
} else if (bombsCollected>5) {
if (bombsOnstage.length <= 0) {
field1_txt.text = "You Win! You have defused the bombs.";
field2_txt.text = "";
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
if (bombsLost >= 20) {
field1_txt.text = "Sorry you lose. You have lost your foot!";
field2_txt.text = "";
stage.removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, catchBomb);
for (var j:int = bombsOnstage.length-1; j > -1; j--) {
currentBomb = bombsOnstage[j];
Maybe to avoid making your programming life more twisted than it is now...
There are objects and classes in programming, a class is a description of a set of objects, say "table" (or, as it's better to differ in names for classes and variables, "Table", first letter capitalized) is a name of a class. An instance or an object is a structure that belongs to one or more classes, with Object being the topmost, as everything in programming is either an object or a "simple variable", that is, a number, a true/false, a string of characters (these are object types in AS3 too, though, Number, Boolean, String, but these generally not need to be instantiated via new) or probably some other simple type I don't remember right now.
Classes have properties and methods. A property is something that can be requested off any object of the class, say "height" for tables. Properties can be of any type, including nested objects, depending on what your base class is. Say stage in AS3 is a property of any DisplayObject which is used to get the only Stage object there is at runtime[1]. Methods are what any object of a class can be told to do. Say, bombs fall, explode, MovieClips can be told to stop(), etc. You write class code keeping in mind that all of the objects of this class will have to behave exactly like you've written, but since they can differ in properties, you can give them conditional behavior. For example, if a bomb has already exploded, it cannot blow up once more.
A variable, whether a property or a standalone var (if you declare one in a function) is a reference to an object of a given type. Say var i:int refers to some kind of an integer. Simple type vars are containers instead, that is, i=2; will place a 2 in the referred integer, and i=j; will copy the value from j into i, while var theStage:Stage=this.stage will instead create a reference to an existing object, and if that object will change, the reference will give you the changed object instead of its previous state. An array is a collection of variables, reachable by indexes, in AS3 they don't have to be of one type, and a Vector is a typed array.
Next, the lifetime of objects. An object only lives while there's an active reference to it, whether in a property of another alive object, or in a visible variable, or in an event listener (AS3 specific). An object is created via new ClassName(<parameters>), lives while you can reach it somehow, and is destroyed once you have no active links to it and Flash player decides to run garbage collector. Prior to this programmers had to deallocate objects themselves, a rudiment can be seen at BitmapData.dispose(). So, in order to avoid Flash player to run out of free memory, take full control over creation and destruction of links. You don't need to care for simple vars, they are being cared for by Flash player.
A lot of basic functions for interactions has already been implemented in AS3, look for them and examples of how they work in Adobe's manual, navigate through packages in the lower left, most of the interactive stuff is in flash.display package, refer to other packages as necessary.
Hope this will bring you some insight into programming basics.
[1]: There is one stage unless you're doing a load of an SWF, then there could be more, one Stage per one SWF.

How would I remove a "row" in an array depending on the value of an element?

Here's what I'm currently doing/trying to do to accomplish my goal. But it is not removing the "row" the way I would like it too.
So, I'm making an object, then pushing it into an array. And the adding to the array part works fine and just as I expect.
var nearProfileInfoObj:Object = new Object();
nearProfileInfoObj.type = "userInfo";
nearProfileInfoObj.dowhat = "add";
nearProfileInfoObj.userid = netConnection.nearID;
nearProfileInfoObj.username = username_input_txt.text; = sex_input_txt.selectedItem.toString();
nearProfileInfoObj.age = age_input_txt.selectedItem;
nearProfileInfoObj.location = location_input_txt.text;
nearProfileInfoObj.headline = headline_input_txt.text;
So after that later on I need to be able to remove that object from the array, and it's not working the way I'm expecting. I want to take a variable whoLeft and capture their ID and then look in the array for that particular ID in the userid part of the object and if its there DELETE that whole "row".
I know you can do a filter with an array collection but that doesnt actually delete it. I need to delete it because I may be adding the same value again later on.
whoLeft = theiruserIDVariable;
public function userLeaving(element:*, index:int, arr:Array):Boolean
if (element.userid == whoLeft)
return false;
return true;
But this doesnt seem to be deleting the whole row like it implies. Does anyone know what i'm doing wrong?
Instead of modifying the original array, the new filtered array is returned by the filter method. So you need to assign the returned array to theArray.
Try this
theArray = theArray.filter(userLeaving);
EDIT This turned out to be slower than for loop:
An alternative to the hand coded loop could be something like this:
public function searchAndDestroy(element:*, index:int, arr:Array):Boolean
if (element.userid == whoLeft)
return false;
return true;
As far as I know, every() terminates the first time the test function returns false. So the question is: for a big list, which is faster, the for loop or the loop that every() does with the overhead of the test function call.
EDIT #2 But this was faster than a for loop for a test I ran on an array of a million Points:
for each(var element:Object in theArray)
if (element.userid==whoLeft)
I think this is what you're looking for:
for(var i:uint = 0, len:uint = theArray.length; i<len; i++)
if(thisArray[i].id ==
thisArray.splice(i, 1);
However, do you really need it in an Array because you could always use a Dictionary which would mean accessing it by id which would be a lot simpler to remove.
