A dictionary with keys:
- total_cell_count - number of total cells in drilldown (after limit, before pagination). This value might not be present if it is disabled for computation on the server side.
But i don't know how to disable on the server side.
Thank you!
I have a Google Data Studio dashboard that loads really slowly since it's using Google Sheets as a Data Source. I migrated the same data to BigQuery then used it as my new Data Source however, I came across an issue:
When creating a calculated field, the new calculated field is not tagged as Auto in the Default Aggregation I still have to select Sum as a Default Aggregation. This causes problems in my report. Also, it's not Blue, where normal fields are shown as green, and calculated fields are shown as Blue.
When I was using Google Sheets, I could do direct computations in the calculated fields.
Handle Time = Talk Time / Number of calls
I just create a calculated field called Handle Time, then put the formula Talk Time / Number of calls
Now, I need to create 3 separate Calculated Fields:
Calculated Field 1: SUM(Talk Time)
Calculated Field 2: SUM(Number of calls)
Calculated Field 3: Calculated Field 1 / Calculated Field 2
This is even though I already tagged them as Sum in the Default Aggregation. Can anyone help me understand what I'm doing wrong?
A single calculated field will do the trick; the aggregation of each respective field needs to be stated explicitly in the calculated field:
SUM(Talk Time) / SUM(Number of calls)
Why the Change?
To elaborate, the change was part of the Data Modeling update on 31st October 2020; one of the benefits of explicitly stating the aggregation is that it offers greater flexibility with the ability to aggregate fields as required when creating a calculated field, for example, something like:
MAX(Talk Time) - MIN(Talk Time) / COUNT(Handle Time) * AVG(Handle Time) / COUNT_DISTINCT(Text_Field1) * COUNT(Text_Field2)
Regarding speed, where the Data Set is large and static (daily updates are fine and real time data is not required), then a Data Extract would be a good option.
Dimensions are shown as green, metrics are shown as blue. Data imported from other sources, particularly from Google sheets tend to show metrics as green but when you add them to a chart or table they get recognised as metrics and change to blue.
USer 1 needs access to this combination – Function “1C0” only – Period “Bud 2019” – Version “ Budget1”
User 2 needs access to this combination - Functions “1B0”, “1D0” and “1C1” only – Period “Bud 2019” – Version “Budget1”
function, period and version are dimension
1CO,1BO and 1C1 are elements of function dimensions
Bud 2019 is element of Period dimensions
"Budget1" is element of version dimension
how to provide write access for users for this element in above dimension, how to achieve this tm1 and to test as well
You should be able to set Read/Write rights in }CellSecurity_<cubename> cube for that cube setting. Have you tried that?
You can define cell security very precisely there from these cubes.
I intend to analyse multiple data sets on the same time series (daily EOD). I will need to use computed columns. Use column A + B to create column C (store net result of calculation in column C). Is this functionality available using the MongoDB / Arctic database?
I would also intend to search the data... for example: What happens when the advance decline thrust pushes over 70 when the cumulative TICK was below -100,000 in the past 'n days'
Two data sets: Cumulative TICK and the Advance Decline Thrust (Uses advancers / decliners data). So they would be stored in the database, then I would want to have the capability to search for the above condition. This is achievable with the mongoDB / Arctic database structure?
Just looking for some general information before I move to a DB format. Currently everything I had created is on excel / VBA now its alrady out grown!
Any information greatly appreciated.
Note: I will use the same database for weekly, monthly, yearly and 1 minute, 3 minute, 5 minute 60 minute TICK/TIME based bars - not feeding live but updated EOD
yes, this can be done with arctic. Arctic can store pandas dataframes, and an operation like you have mentioned is trivial in pandas. Arctic is just a store, so you'd want to read the data out of arctic (data is stored in symbols in arctic) and then perform your transform, and then write the data back. Any of the storage engines (VersionStore, TickStore, or ChunkStore) should work for this.
I'm a total n00b when it comes to SQL Server reports and my Vb.Net knowledge is ageing now.
I have a detailed report of rows in a database, with one of the columns that is nullable. What I want to do is show a simple pie chart over the data in the result which shows how many rows have a value and how many do not.
I can't work out how to write the Count() aggregate in the expression for the data series so that it filters.
I have 10000 rows of which 2000 have a null. I want a pie chart that shows two results, one small pie chunk with 2000 and a larger pie chunk with 8000. When I try and do =Count(IsDbNull(Fields!TransactionID.Value)) and =Count(Not IsDbNull(Fields!TransactionID.Value)) it appears to send the same result twice, ie. the result set is still the same size it just consists of trues and falses.
Cheers for your help.
Since you are using COUNT you are just counting values; IsDbNULL is returning TRUE or FALSE both of which are being counted.
Try doing this for the Non-NULLS =SUM(IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields! TransactionID.Value),0,1)) and for the NULLs use =SUM(IIF(ISNOTHING(Fields! TransactionID.Value),1,0))
Actually, for the non-NULLs you can just use COUNT(Fields!TransactionID.Value)
I'd use something like this
COUNT(Fields!TransactionID.Value) + SUM(CInt(NOTIsDbNull(Fields!TransactionID.Value)))
COUNT literally counts values, same as SQL Sever. So:
IsDBNull gives true/false -> -1/0 -> SUM that gives you number of NULLs (minus of course)
Then take full count, subtract the SUM gives non-NULL count
I have created a SQL Server 2005 matrix with a total column.
I want to be able to change the colors of the totals only so they stand out from the rest of the data. I can change the color of the "total" label, but not the actual data.
Can anyone give me a clue of how to do this?
To test whether or not a cell is a total or not, you need to use the InScope() Function along with a heavily nested If statement. Jorg Klein does a great job of exlplaing how this works within a matrix (here)
Select the Total box and you can set the color in the properties page. If you want all totals to appear in the same color, this will do.
You can also conditionally format them, by putting an expression in the color property.
Check this link
Unless I'm mistaken, you can select the totals cell for editing it's properties by selecting the cell and then clicking on the small triangle in the upper corner of the cell.
Hope this helps,