Polymer js application deployment - polymer-1.0

I have create a polymer js application And I can run this application in localhost by "gulp serve", but How can I deploy this application in live server
Any suggestion will be thankful for me

Did you use the Polymer Starter Kit?
If yes, just run gulp and everything should be neatly saved in a dist directory. Then you just upload the contents of your dist directory on your server.
If you don't use Polymer Starter Kit, the process still applies. You don't need any compilation to deploy Polymer applications. Just make sure everything is loaded correctly.


Cordova + react with hot reload while development mode

I found this question Cordova with Create-react-app.
Am I able to achieve live-reloading while I'm in development mode and app is running in android emulator? I'm scared that I have to build the app everytime I wanna to see changes.
Is cordova able to watch react-app which run in development mode and read source from index.js listening for changes?
Let's say that I want to achieve something like this:
create cordova project.
create react project inside of /www folder (or any other folder that will work with my use-case...).
run cordova run android from root to run application in Android Simulator and npm start from /www directory.
cordova should be able to listen for changes and live-reload react app inside Android emulator.
I need to able to access cordova instance inside react code to use plugins, etc.
I've found some webpack-server-dev (using webpack v1...) related solutions but none of them seems to be working and I need to restart cordova run android command to see changes in the code. Otherwise these templates doesn't provide functionality to enable access to the cordova plugins instance during development mode
So is really npm build followed by cordova run android only way to develop cordova + react app??
Note 1: I would like to use SQLite cordova plguin so development in browser-only mode and then building the application for android/ios once its done is not my case I think. Do you have any suggestions please?
Note 2: I can't use react-native as I need to use openlayers maps lib.
Thanks you so much for your answers!
Run webpack-dev-server with --host to make it accessible from outside
Change your config.xml and make <content src="..." /> point to your local-IP address and your dev-port, e.g. <content src="" />
Add a whitelist entry (refer to cordova whitelist-plugin documentation for more details): e.g. <allow-navigation href="*" />
If you need native functionalities via cordova, you need to make all cordova and cordova-plugin javascript files available in your dev-server. Please check this answer as well (symlink part): https://stackoverflow.com/a/46545408/1930339

What are some ways to deploy a reactjs application

So, I have spent a couples of months learning react and have now created a react app that works nicely on my local computer using the web address localhost:3000. But now is the big question: how do I deploy the app so it becomes accessible on the internet for everybody to see. Previously I have place on a web hotel where I can host some php files. But how do I put the react app on that web hotel. Or do I need some other service that a normal web hotel cannot handle.
Thanks for any help
/Simon :-)
There's a few great options for pushing out your first React application. Once it's built and hosted on GitHub, there's a few free options for deploying static websites (as long as your app meets this requirement). I suggest checking out GitHub Pages (https://pages.github.com/) or Netlify (https://www.netlify.com/); they offer you the tools to deploy right from your repository.
The short answer is simply run npm run build or yarn build command then the scripts try to create a js file and a CSS file and a HTML file and all your files can access from build folder. so just copy build folder and everything in it to server for example upload it to Heroku or AWS
First you should create build. Use 'npm run build' or if you are using yarn then use 'yarn build' command.
After that you will see build folder in your app having html file static folder.
You can test with any local server in your machine. You can use following chrome extension to deploy your app locally. Just import your build folder inside this extension.
Web server for chrome
Thank you Keith!
I used "Github pages" to deploy my React app and it was surprisingly simple. I found a great short 5 minute tutorial on Youtube: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y-PqBH-htk". This is how I did it:
Added this line to my package.json file, at the top level:
"homepage": "https://zimon42.github.io/helloworld"
(zimon42 is your username on Github. helloworld is the name of your repository)
Installed the so called Github pages module by running:
npm install --save gh-pages
Added these two lines to my package.json file, under scripts:
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"
Committed and pushed everything to Git (Dont know if this step is necessary)
Deploying the application by running
npm run deploy
Now simply check out the paeg at https://zimon42.github.io/helloworld.
( For me there was a delay before the changed took effect.)
Also my routes didn't work. Got a empty page. But saw this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yA7BGos2KQ&t=114s which described using HashRoutes instead, and then it worked!
/Simon :-)

How can I deploy my angular 2 app on tomcat or jboss?

I have built a basic angular 2 app. However I need to deploy it on Jboss or Tomcat as I need to use it along with my Java EE application.
Thanks for your help.
You would use a bundler such as angular-cli or webpack to create the production bundle which is then served by the HTTP server. The bundler creates all required file that go into the htdocs directory. Normally Angular apps are completely decoupled from your backend server so there shouldn't be any JBoss or Tomcat specifics.
The Angular team are going to increasingly focus on angular-cli as the premier bundling solution so it might be a good idea to start there.
If you are using angular-cli you can use ng build command. It creates all static files for deploy Angular2 app into the dist folder. You must copy and paste them in webresources folder of your Web Application (WAR). At the moment I am looking for how to deploy this files easier.

Always have to "clean and build" to see my changes in my Angular/Spring project

I have a problem on my AngularJS project, I'm using the SB Admin Angular template, but I really don't know how any changes I make on the code I need to clean and build the project to I see it, but it just happen when running on a server, stand alone it not show.
Try start the app with
grunt serve
grunt sevre:dist is for the builded minified version the default serve works fine with just a browser refresh

Yeoman angular grunt-serve vs http-serve

I've just used Yeoman to create an Angular project that looks great when I run grunt serve. But then I decided to view it by running http-server, and the page gets displayed without the formatting and without the images. Does anyone know why that is and if I'll run into this issue when I push it up to my web hosting server?
I discovered that I had to run grunt to build the project which fixes the references and places a distribution uglified version of the project in a dist folder. This ran just fine on my other server.
"Does anyone know why that is and if I'll run into this issue when I push it up to my web hosting server?"
Yes, you will run into this problem on your web hosting server.
grunt-serve serves the app used the setup on your local machine.
http-server mimics how a real web hosting server would evaluate your references.
My development routine is to use grunt-serve until I have a working version and then use http-server to test it out and see if it would work before I push it to my web hosting server. As #cdavid mentioned, running grunt build from your dist directory should be sufficient for general dependency issues.
