paper-dropdown inside iron-list is not positioned correctly - polymer-1.0

I am trying to place a paper-dropdown inside a collapsable iron-list (similar to the demo here). But when I click on the dropdown menu, the menu items are displayed at a completely incorrect location. Below is a JSBin example of what I am seeing. If I place the same dropdown outside of the iron-list or even in paper-dialogs, they are working fine.
Can someone tell me whats going wrong or if there is any workaround.,output


react treeviewcheckbox checked without click

This is my example.
I have this treeview inside a tab. so I will checked a value from the treeview then I click another tab and come again my value clearing. I couldn't find any event to do this like onchange or something. Is there any way to do this. Please help

When two of the same icon is present just one gets displayed

As the title says I have two icon component that supposed to display the same SVG content, however, when the second gets called, the first disappears. Not from the DOM, just from the screen...
The case is that I'm displaying a content card and a modal filled with corresponding data.
These components are sharing a content object from a separate file. What makes them displaying relevant data is an index prop.
What I figured out is nothing matters but the two icon component.
This is how an icon component looks like:
getIcon is a simple switch function returning the icon based on name.
And this is how I import the SVGs:
Does anyone can help me with this please? Thanks in advance. No console errors.
The problem seems to be hoisting.
I had the modal declared first then the content that meant to be clicked to popup the modal.
This makes no sense for me in a component based architecture on the same component level... just wanted to try if always the first icon would disappear or not.

uib-typeahead dropdown doesn't disappear when focus shifts?

I've got a dropdown in this spreadsheet-like UI which provides a list of names as possible valid entries for the cell. When I tab or return out of the cell, it disappears as it should, but when I click away, to a different cell, the dropdown list isn't dismissed. Any thoughts on how to get that to work? (Theres a lot going on in the code, including ng-keydown and ng-blur directives, too involved to show here, but any pointers what to look for would be appreciated.)
Here are some pictures:
Works properly as I start typing -- but when I click to another cell:
Drop down still remains...
Found the problem, there was an 'event.preventDefault' in the blur event in certain circumstances which is responsible for the box not dismissing.

Ionic - Wrong tab active after changing tabs template

I am learning Ionic and I am stuck in one place because I want to change my default tabs layout to other one.
When I change to state where I reload my tabs layout, in new layout there is always selected second one, no matter what I do... I want first tab to be selected.
Here is plnkr. Go to friends, click one and look on tabs at bottom. Second one is active :(
$ionicTabsDelegate is not working (Or I have done something wrong)
Do you have any ideas why it's happening?

Collection-repeat and checked input type checkbox

I have a collection of contacts and I generate an ion-item for each contact using collection-repeat. Each ion-item has a span, a paragraph and a checkbox element within it. I chose to use collection-repeat over ng-repeat because it increases performance.
I understand that collection-repeat only renders the items that can fit the screen at once and renders more as we scroll.
The problem I have is that when I click a checkbox within an item, for example, the first one, and scroll down to see more lists, another checkbox within an item lower in the list would also be checked automatically. This is not the intended behaviour as I want users to be able to check a checkbox for every item.
These pictures will make the explanation clearer:
Why is my list showing this behaviour? Does it have to do with how collection-repeat works or is it a problem with my code? This is really killing me and I need to find answers. Thanks!
Ionic team is working on it right now
