Angularjs disabling drop down - angularjs

I have a ui in which based on the selection of one drop down another dropdown should be disabled. Both these dropdowns are generated using ng-repeat . Below is the code sample
<tr data-ng-repeat="abc in xyz.divisionViewList" >
ng-init="abc.selectedAppRole =abc.selectedAdRole"
id="{{abc.applicationId}}_{{abc.divisionId}}" name="{{abc.selectedAppRole}}">
<option value="null">Select/Deselect a role</option>
<option data-ng-repeat="roleDetail in abc.roleDetails" data-ng-selected="{{abc.adRole == abc.selectedAdRole}}"
value="{{abc.adRole}}"> {{abc.roleDesc}} </option>
As this is a dynamic generated drop downs based on ng- repeat, i want to put validations based on selection on one drop down. Please let me know how can i put this validation so that i can disable and enable any dropdown based on selection of the other.
I am really stuck on this.

Use ng-disabled and use model value of one of the dropdowns to disable/enable the other.
Example app:
angular.module('app', []).controller('MyController', function($scope){
$scope.dropdownSelections = {};
$scope.dropdownA = [
{value: 1, label: 'Item A1'},
{value: 2, label: 'Item A2'},
{value: 3, label: 'Item A3'},
{value: 4, label: 'Item A4'}
$scope.dropdownB = [
{value: 1, label: 'Item B1'},
{value: 2, label: 'Item B2'},
{value: 3, label: 'Item B3'},
{value: 4, label: 'Item B4'}
$scope.dropdownC = [
{value: 1, label: 'Item C1'},
{value: 2, label: 'Item C2'},
{value: 3, label: 'Item C3'},
{value: 4, label: 'Item C4'}
Example template code:
<div ng-controller="MyController">
<div>Dropdown selections: {{dropdownSelections}}</div>
<legend>Dropdown A</legend>
<select name="A" id="A" ng-model="dropdownSelections.dropdowA" ng-options="item.value as item.label for item in dropdownA"></select>
<legend>Dropdown B</legend>
<select name="B" id="B" ng-model="dropdownSelections.dropdowB" ng-options="item.value as item.label for item in dropdownB" ng-disabled="dropdownSelections.dropdowA !== 2"></select>
<legend>Dropdown C</legend>
<select name="C" id="C" ng-model="dropdownSelections.dropdowC" ng-options="item.value as item.label for item in dropdownC" ng-disabled="dropdownSelections.dropdowB !== 3"></select>
DropdownB will be enabled when DropdownA has option 2 selected. DropdownC will be enabled when DropdownB has option 3 selected. Of course this is only basic example, the code is not perfect, but demonstrates the idea.
I've created working example in this JSFiddle.
More information about ng-disabled can be found in this doc.


AngularJS End User Filter multiple values

I am trying to create a shop like site where there is a filter option for products. I need the filter to be able to have more than one option selected, and show all the items that contain the selections. Example, checkbox for food is selected, and for furniture, show all products of type food and furniture. If none of these are selected, then show all product types.
I have a JSFiddle that is half working. It will filter down a checkbox, but as soon as a second one is selected, it shows no results.
<div ng-app ng-controller="Main">
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='filterFood' ng-true-value="Food" ng-false-value="" />Food
<br />
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='filterFurniture' ng-true-value="Furniture" ng-false-value="" />Furniture
<br />
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='filterFences' ng-true-value="Fences" ng-false-value="" />Fences
<br />
<hr />
<div ng-repeat="product in products | filter:search | filter:filterFood | filter:filterFurniture | filter:filterFences">
{{}} | {{product.type}}</div>
function Main($scope){
$scope.products = [{name: 'Product One', type: 'Food'},
{name: 'Product Two', type: 'Furniture'},
{name: 'Product Three', type: 'Fences'},
{name: 'Product Four', type: 'Food'},
{name: 'Product Five', type: 'Furniture'},
{name: 'Product Six', type: 'Fences'}];
I have seen other similar questions, and the answers to them are much like this one: How to filter multiple values (OR operation) in angularJS with checkbox
That method will not work for me. I need all the products to be showing to begin with, and filter out what is not selected.
Forked fiddle here:
This should do it for you:
<div ng-app ng-controller="Main">
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='Food' ng-true-value="Food" ng-false-value="" />Food
<br />
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='Furniture' ng-true-value="Furniture" ng-false-value="" />Furniture
<br />
<input type='checkbox' ng-model='Fences' ng-true-value="Fences" ng-false-value="" />Fences
<br />
<hr />
<div ng-repeat="product in products | filter:search | filter: productType">
{{}} | {{product.type}}
function Main($scope){
$scope.products = [{name: 'Product One', type: 'Food'},
{name: 'Product Two', type: 'Furniture'},
{name: 'Product Three', type: 'Fences'},
{name: 'Product Four', type: 'Food'},
{name: 'Product Five', type: 'Furniture'},
{name: 'Product Six', type: 'Fences'}];
$scope.productType = function(product) {
var filters = []
if (filters.toString().length <=4) {return true}
else {return filters.indexOf(product.type)>-1 }

Select dropdown value based on value in DB

I am new to angular JS. I have a dropdown box where static options with values are present.
Based on condition I have to select the default value which matches the value from Database. How can it be achieved?
model="TemplateObj.IsActive" has the int value 0,1 or 2 from DataBase.
<label class="">STATUS</label>
<select class="form-control input-sm" style="border: none" required ng-model="TemplateObj.IsActive" >
<option value="2">In Development</option>
<option value="1">Active</option>
<option value="0">InActive</option>
Use ng-options directive with array of statuses. The syntax may look a bit complicated for beginner, but you'll learn it someday: value as title for element in array
$scope.statuses = [{
title: 'In Development',
value: 2
}, {
title: 'Active',
value: 1
}, {
title: 'Inactive',
value: 0
<select ng-model="TemplateObj.IsActive" ng-options="status.value as status.title for status in statuses"></select>
Here is jsfiddle with working example.
An option would be to make use of the ng-options directive.
The documentation is here and there are quite a few examples you can guide from.
Try ngOptions instead of normal HTML select.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.controller('MyCtrl',function($scope) {
$scope.status = [{
title: 'In Development',
value: 2
}, {
title: 'Active',
value: 1
}, {
title: 'Inactive',
value: 0
$scope.TemplateObj = {
"IsActive": 1
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<select ng-model="TemplateObj.IsActive" ng-options="option.value as option.title for option in status"></select>

Working with check-box, drop-down and text box

Im trying to display a check box , drop-down and text box like shown in the image using angularjs. But I couldn't get it right and now Im displaying everything one below the another. Also how to get different values for different text-boxes in the table so that time calculations are different for each row in the table.
mainApp.controller('settings-controller', function ($scope) {
$scope.fields = [{ id: 1, name: 'Sunday' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Monday' },
{ id: 3, name: 'Tuesday' },
{ id: 4, name: 'Wednesday' },
{ id: 5, name: 'Thursday' },
{ id: 5, name: 'Friday' },
{ id: 5, name: 'Sunday' }];
<ion-checkbox ng-repeat="field in fields" ng-model="field.checked" ng-checked="field.checked">
<input type="text" ng-model="medicinetime">
<select ng-model="time" ng-options="time for time in hours"
<option value="">Select</option>
It's just a table tr td format only. you need add ng-repeat on tr and format with td tag's like as below (please provide the correct array object name what they need.)
<tr ng-repeat="field in fields">
<ion-checkbox ng-repeat="field in fields" ng-model="field.checked" ng-checked="field.checked">
<input type="text" ng-model=""></td>
<select ng-model="field.time" ng-options="time for time in hours"
<option value="">Select</option>

Multi select dropdown AngularJS - Options attribute unknown

Currently I am using select for dropdown. I would like to change this as multiselect dropdown. But when I declare the multiselect dropdown I am getting error saying "unknown attribute Options"
The current code which is just a dropdown without multiselect.
<select class="form-control"> <option ng-repeat="item in CETIGroupList" value="{{item}}">{{item}}</option>
What I wrote for multiselect is
<div ng-dropdown-multiselect="" options="CETIGroupList" ></div>
Please help me creating a multiselect dropdown.
include loadsh.js , bootstrap css , AngularJS Dropdown Multiselect in your app. Inject angularjs-dropdown-multiselect in your app
angular.module('sampleApp', ['angularjs-dropdown-multiselect'])
in your HTML page
<div ng-dropdown-multiselect="" options="example13data" selected-model="example13model" ></div>
in your Controller
$scope.example13model = [];
$scope.example13data = [{
id: 1,
label: "David"
}, {
id: 2,
label: "Jhon"
}, {
id: 3,
label: "Lisa"
}, {
id: 4,
label: "Nicole"
}, {
id: 5,
label: "Danny"
Check out this fiddle :

angularjs filter on nested objects

I am quite new with angularjs so I am not sure if what I am trying to do is the right way. Basically I want to display in my page a nested object, and a filter, this way the user can easily type keywords on an input and the content get filtered, to only display the recods that get found by the filter
However I notice that the filter gets the whole parent object and i was expecting only display the record, so with the following code, if i search for Japan it will display Sydney, Melbourne and los angeles.
<script type="text/javascript">
var demoApp = angular.module('demoApp',['ngSanitize']);
demoApp.controller('simpleC',['$scope', function ($scope){
$ = [
{name: 'Documents',links: [
{namesublink:'document 1', description: 'Sydney'},
{namesublink:'document 2', description: 'Tokyo <b>Japan</b>'}
{namesublink:'document 3', description: 'Melbourne'},
{namesublink:'document 4', description: 'Los Angeles'}
{name: 'Video',links: [
{namesublink:'video 1', description: 'California'},
{namesublink:'video 2', description: 'San Francisco <b> USA</b>'}
{namesublink:'video 3', description: 'South America'},
{namesublink:'video 4', description: 'Northern <b>Europe</b>'}
{namesublink:'video name 5', description: 'Africa'},
{namesublink:'video name 6', description: 'Bangkok <b>Thailand</b>'}
<div class="container" ng-app="demoApp">
<br /><input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="search" >
<div ng-controller="simpleC">
<div ng-repeat="i in info | filter:search" >
{{}} :
<div ng-repeat="link in i.links">
<div ng-repeat="sublink in link.linknamesublink">
{{sublink.namesublink}}: <!--{{sublink.description}}-->
<span ng-bind-html="sublink.description"></span>
Follow this example
You can use filter in ng-repeat to filter items by property or write a filter yourself.
The author want to filter postcode property by the value of searc_postcode. So, he wrote //filter {postcode : search_postcode} //
Ps. Sorry, I misinterpret your question.
Write your own filter function. This way, you have total control over what is returned.
module.filter('searchfilter', function() {
return function(searchexpr) {
var filteredList = ['my', 'filtered', 'result'];//implement yourself
return filteredList;
and use searchfilter instead of filter in your markup.
Or, try to use a filter function as described here: (as far as I can tell, you didn't define a search function, i.e. the first agument for the filter expression).
Modified :
If you want to filter the objects based on any field(say "name"), you can use the below format
<div ng-repeat="i in info" ng-if="">
