How can I access Angular functions client side in the browser console? [duplicate] - angularjs

This question already has answers here:
How do I access the $scope variable in browser's console using AngularJS?
(20 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
For debugging purposes I would like to access my Angular module functions client-side in the console.
Is there a way to access the Angular $scope inside the console of a browser?

If you put a breakpoint, you can examinate the scope value in this execution moment
Also you can install the Batarang extension for Chrome, and you will get direct access to your $scope s in the console browser

Open developer tools window (F12) in chrome --> go to sources tab --> find the js file where your specific function is in --> click on the line number in front to set the breakpoint --> press refresh(F5) in browser, and your browser will stop at the breakpoint.
Then type in the console en you can check the variables/objects witch are in scope of the specific javascript function


Can I configure my browser to let my web app receive a right-click instead of the browser itself? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
React Synthetic Event distinguish Left and Right click events
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I want to be able to use a right-click in a single page (react) app. Every time I right click, the browser handles it instead of letting my app handle it. This seems to happen with Chrome and Safari. Is there a way to tell either browser to pass the right-click to the web app?
Please refer to the official documentation to get a complete list of mouse events.

Calling a function when a user comeback to a page from a different tab in react js app [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Detect If Browser Tab Has Focus
(9 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to call a function to authorize a user when it comes back from a different tab or opens the browser which is minimized. How can I do this in react js app?
You can use document.hasFocus function. It is native and works and all browsers.
You can see in this example

C: Check if page in Chrome has fully loaded

I am writing a program in C automating keyboard clicks in Chrome to visit webpages. How can i check if the page i want to visit has fully loaded? I want to know if the page has loaded successfully or if a problem occurred.
This might be off topic, but are you sure you want to do this in C? Why not use phantomjs. They have done the hard work, you could integrate that in your work, and listen for events just using injected javascript.

AngularJS site only working when launching through IIS

I am using Visual Studio Community 2015 to build HTML-Pages as I like the editor. Today I am working on a page which generates its content with AngularJS and is being formatted by Fullpage.js
Now I am trying to debug my page. When I am launching it with F5 on Visual Studio, Angular works as it should and creates all data I want it to create, but fullpage.js does not work (no console errors, just not doing anything at all).
If I am opening the html file manually in my browser, the exact opposite happens: Angular does not work (I tracked it down to the part of my code where I fill my $scope via $http.get() to a local json file), but fullpage.js seems to work fine, just without content.
I imported fullpage, angular and jquery through the nuget packet manager, might that be the issue or am I missing something?
Have you tried to deploy your code to a different server instead of opening it up in your browser? This sounds like a CORS problem.

how to navigate to page without angular in protractor? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
how to use Protractor on non angularjs website?
(13 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
How can I go to a page that does not contain angular with protractor? My test looks like this:
The result is:
Message:Error while waiting for Protractor to sync with the page: "angular could not be found on the window"
So the site starts with a login page and does not contain angular. Is it uberhaupt possible?
Use below line of code before launching application.
By writing above line, it wont wait for angular. It considers the app as normal app.
you can move back a page by using this line "browser.navigate().back();"
