I have tried to count the number of bits set in an integer value in c.
But for some values it is showing the correct bit set count and for some values it is not.
PFB program code
int main()
int a=512,i=0,j=1,count=0,k=0;
printf("the total bit set countis %d",count);
The output of set bit value count of 512 is showing as zero and if the value used is 511 count is showing as 9.
Please help me to correct the program.
Stanford University has a page of different ways to implement common bit-twiddling operations. They list 5 different algorithms to count the bits set, all with C examples.
Their simplest implementation:
unsigned int v; // count the number of bits set in v
unsigned int c; // c accumulates the total bits set in v
for (c = 0; v; v >>= 1)
c += v & 1;
If you're using gcc/clang compiler, you can use the builtin function __builtin_popcount
unsigned int user_input = 100
int count = __builtin_popcount(n); // count == 3
When I'm not looking for cross-platform I'll use this function since its highly optimised.
Generally you would count bits in an unsigned integer. The reason being that you're usually checking for bits set in a register or a mask, for example. Signed integers are represented using twos-compliment and I can't think why you'd want to count set bits in a signed integer (would be interested why if you definitely do want this).
Note in C that right or left shifting a signed integer is implementation defined behaviour if the number is negative. From C standard sectn 6.5.7:
... The result of E1 << E2 is E1 left-shifted E2 bit positions; ... If E1
has a signed type and nonnegative value, and E1 << E2 is representable
in the result type, then that is the resulting value; otherwise, the
behavior is undefined.
The result of E1 >> E2 is E1 right-shifted E2
bit positions. ... If E1 has a signed type and a negative value, the
resulting value is implementation-defined ...
If you want to count 1's in an arbitrary sized unsigned integer you could use this example:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
unsigned int value = 1234;
unsigned int ones = 0;
while(value > 0) {
ones += value & 0x1;
value >>= 1;
printf("#Ones = %u", ones);
Using this example value could be unsigned char, unsigned long, whatever unsigned integer type...
Note: Do not shift signed values or floats/doubles.
You can use the division / and the modulo % operator to check the bits that are set in an integer.
int main()
int a = 512, count = 0;
while(a != 0)
if(a % 2 == 1)
a /= 2;
printf("The total bit set is %d", count);
You have a couple of mistakes:
for(i=0;i<32;i++) // <<< this should be 32, not 31
j=j<<1; // <<< this needs to be outside the if block
Note that instead of using a hard-coded value of 32 for the no of bits in an int, it would be better to do it like this:
This way the code will still work if the size of an int is e.g. 16 bits or 64 bits.
Although this is not C strictly speaking, you can use inline assembly to call the POPCNT x86 operation:
// GCC syntax
unsigned a = 1234;
unsigned int count;
" POPCNT %0, %1\n"
:"=r" (count)
:"r" (a)
return count;
According to this benchmark, calling __builtin_popcount as in idok's answer is just as fast as the above code and they both are much faster than any other C implementation. You can also check the linked repo for other solutions as well.
You are checking the value of a&j , and if a&j is 0, then you do nothing else but try again.
Your j-bitshift needs to be outside the if-then.
int rem, binary = 0;
unsigned int
countSetBits (unsigned int n){
unsigned int count = 0;
while (n){
count += n & 1;
n >>= 1;
printf ("\n\t Number of 1's in the binary number is : %d",count);
int dec_bin (int n){
int i=1;
while (n != 0){
rem = n % 2;
n = n / 2;
binary = binary + (rem * i);
i = i * 10;
printf("\n\t The converted Binary Equivalent is : %d",binary);
int main(){
int i = 0;
printf ("\n\t Enter the Decimal Nummber: ");
scanf ("%d", &i);
int n= i;
countSetBits (i);
return 0;
I tried left-shifting a 32-bit integer by 24:
char *int_to_bin(int num) {
int i = 0;
static char bin[64];
while (num != 0) {
bin[i] = num % 2 + 48;
num /= 2;
bin[i] = '\0';
return (bin);
int main() {
int number = 255;
printf("number: %s\n", int_to_bin(number));
printf("shifted number: %s\n", int_to_bin(number << 24));
return 0;
number: 11111111
shifted number: 000000000000000000000000/
and i left-shift with 23-bit it yields this result:
Well Why is it like that and what's the matter with '/' at the end of the wrong result?
Two things:
If number has the value 255 then number << 24 has the numerical value 4278190080, which overflows a 32-bit signed integer whose largest possible value is 2147483647. Signed integer overflow is undefined behavior in C, so the result could be anything at all.
What probably happens in this case is that the result of the shift is negative. When num is negative then num % 2 may take the value -1, so you store character 47 in the string, which is /.
Bit shifting math is usually better to do with unsigned types, where overflow is well-defined (it wraps around and bits just shift off the left and vanish) and num % 2 can only be 0 or 1. (Or write num & 1 instead.)
Your int_to_bin routine puts the least-significant bits at the beginning of the string (on the left), so the result is backwards from the way people usually write numbers (with the least-significant bits on the right). You may want to rewrite it.
Shift works fine, you simply print it from the wrong direction.
char *int_to_bin(char *buff, int num)
unsigned mask = 1U << (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(num) - 1);
char *wrk = buff;
for(; mask; mask >>= 1)
*wrk++ = '0' + !!((unsigned)num & mask);
*wrk = 0;
return buff;
int main()
char buff[CHAR_BIT * sizeof(int) + 1];
int number = 255;
printf("number: %s\n", int_to_bin(buff, number));
printf("shifted number: %s\n", int_to_bin(buff, number << 24));
return 0;
Shifting signed integers left is OK, but the right shift is implementation-defined. Many systems use arithmetic shift right and the result is not the same as using the bitwise one:
you are storing numbers backwards
you are using signed int32 while shifting by 23 results needs more than 32 bits to handle that operation ...you should use long long int
signed integer can lead to wrong answers as 1<<31 is -1 which results in bad characters in string
finally using unsigned long long int with storing numbers in correct order will produce correct string
you should try re write code on your own before seeing this improved version of your code
char *int_to_bin( unsigned long long int num) {
int i = 0;
static char bin[65];
while (i != 64) {
bin[63-i] = num % 2 + 48;
num /= 2;
bin[64] = '\0';
return (bin);
int main() {
unsigned long long int number = 255;
printf("number 1: %s\n", int_to_bin(number));
printf("number 2: %s\n", int_to_bin(number << 24));
return 0;
I have an issue i can't solve. The code below should get a number from the user and a number of rotations. The code should calculate the number after the rotations. For negative number of rotations the code should rotate the number left and for positive number of rotation the code should rotate the number right.
For example: for the input x=1010111011111011
my_rotate(x, -3) will return 0111010111011111
my_rotate(x, 3) will return 0111011111011101
Here is the code i wrote so far:
#include <stdio.h>
unsigned short my_rotate(unsigned short, char);
int main()
unsigned short num, res;
char rotations;
printf("\nPlease enter a number and number of rotations\n");
scanf("%hu %d", &num, &rotations);
res = my_rotate(num, rotations);
return 0;
unsigned short my_rotate(unsigned short a, char b)
unsigned short bitsNum = sizeof(unsigned short) * 8;
unsigned short temp1, temp2, result;
if(b == 0)
return a;
else if(b < 0)
temp1 = a << (bitsNum + b);
temp2 = a >> (-b);
result = temp1 + temp2;
else /* b > 0 */
temp1 = (a >> (bitsNum - (unsigned short)b));
temp2 = (a << (unsigned short)b);
result = temp1 + temp2;
return result;
I always get 0 as a result and i don't know why. What's wrong with my code?
in main :
unsigned short num, res;
char rotations;
printf("\nPlease enter a number and number of rotations\n");
scanf("%hu %d", &num, &rotations);
the last argument of scanf must be a pointer to an int (format is %d) but you give the address of a char, the behavior is undefined. Use an int for rotations for the format %d
In my_rotate b is a char and you do if(b < 0), the result depends if the char are signed or not, type n with signed char if you expect a char to be signed
If rotations is an int and b a signed char :
44795 (1010111011111011) and -3 produce 30175 being 111010111011111
44795 (1010111011111011) and 3 produce 30685 being 111011111011101
as you expected.
Note for me an unsigned short is on 16 bits, of course the result is not the same if short are on a different number of bit.
#bruno well explained a problem with input.
A rotation count may exceed +/- bitsNum, so a good first step is to limit the rotation count.
unsigned short my_rotate(unsigned short a, int b) {
unsigned short bitsNum = sizeof(unsigned short) * 8;
b %= bitsNum;
Highly portable code would not use bitsNum as that is derived by the size of unsigned short (and assumes 8 bits/char) and an unsigned short could have padding bits. Certainly this is more of a rare machine concern. Code should derive the bit width based on USHRT_MAX instead.
I got a problem that says: Form a character array based on an unsigned int. Array will represent that int in hexadecimal notation. Do this using bitwise operators.
So, my ideas is the following: I create a mask that has 1's for its 4 lowest value bits.
I push the bits of the given int by 4 to the right and use & on that int and mask. I repeat until (int != 0). My question is: when I get individual hex digits (packs of 4 bits), how do I convert them to a char? For example, I get:
x & mask = 1101(2) = 13(10) = D(16)
Is there a function to convert an int to hex representation, or do I have to use brute force with switch statement or whatever else?
I almost forgot, I am doing this in C :)
Here is what I mean:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BLOCK 4
int main() {
unsigned int x, y, i, mask;
char a[4];
printf("Enter a positive number: ");
scanf("%u", &x);
for (i = sizeof(usnsigned int), mask = ~(~0 << 4); x; i--, x >>= BLOCK) {
y = x & mask;
You are almost there. The simplest method to convert an integer in the range from 0 to 15 to a hexadecimal digit is to use a lookup table,
char hex_digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
and index into that,
a[i] = hex_digits[y];
in your code.
char a[4];
is probably too small. One hexadecimal digit corresponds to four bits, so with CHAR_BIT == 8, you need up to 2*sizeof(unsigned) chars to represent the number, generally, (CHAR_BIT * sizeof(unsigned int) + 3) / 4. Depending on what print_array does, you may need to 0-terminate a.
for (i = sizeof(usnsigned int), mask = ~(~0 << 4); x; i--, x >>= BLOCK)
initialising i to sizeof(unsigned int) skips the most significant bits, i should be initialised to the last valid index into a (except for possibly the 0-terminator, then the penultimate valid index).
The mask can more simply be defined as mask = 0xF, that has the added benefit of not invoking undefined behaviour, which
mask = ~(~0 << 4)
probably does. 0 is an int, and thus ~0 is one too. On two's complement machines (that is almost everything nowadays), the value is -1, and shifting negative integers left is undefined behaviour.
char buffer[10] = {0};
int h = 17;
sprintf(buffer, "%02X", h);
Try something like this:
char hex_digits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (i = 0; i < ((sizeof(unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT + 3) / 4); i++) {
digit = (x >> (sizeof(unsigned int) * CHAR_BIT - 4)) & 0x0F;
x = x << 4;
a[i] = hex_digits[digit];
Ok, this is where I got:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define BLOCK 4
void printArray(char*, int);
int main() {
unsigned int x, mask;
int size = sizeof(unsigned int) * 2, i;
char a[size], hexDigits[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
a[i] = 0;
printf("Enter a positive number: ");
scanf("%u", &x);
for (i = size - 1, mask = ~(~0 << 4); x; i--, x >>= BLOCK) {
a[i] = hexDigits[x & mask];
printArray(a, size);
void printArray(char a[], int n) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
printf("%c", a[i]);
I have compiled, it runs and it does the job correctly. I don't know... Should I be worried that this problem was a bit hard for me? At faculty, during exams, we must write our code by hand, on a piece of paper... I don't imagine I would have done this right.
Is there a better (less complicated) way to do this problem? Thank you all for help :)
I would consider the impact of potential padding bits when shifting, as shifting by anything equal to or greater than the number of value bits that exist in an integer type is undefined behaviour.
Perhaps you could terminate the string first using: array[--size] = '\0';, write the smallest nibble (hex digit) using array[--size] = "0123456789ABCDEF"[value & 0x0f], move onto the next nibble using: value >>= 4, and repeat while value > 0. When you're done, return array + size or &array[size] so that the caller knows where the hex sequence begins.
Given an unsigned int A (32 bit), and another unsigned int B, where B's binary form denotes the 10 "least reliable" bits of A, what is the fastest way to expand all 1024 potential values of A? I'm looking to do this in C.
E.g uint B is guaranteed to always have 10 1's and 22 0's in it's binary form (10 least reliable bits).
For example, let's say
A = 2323409845
B = 1145324694
Their binary representations are:
B denotes the 10 least reliable bits of A. So each bit that is set to 1 in B denotes an unreliable bit in A.
I would like to calculate all 1024 possible values created by toggling any of those 10 bits in A.
No guarantees that this is certifiably "the fastest", but this is what I'd do. First, sieve out the fixed bits:
uint32_t const reliable_mask = ~B;
uint32_t const reliable_value = A & reliable_mask;
Now I'd preprocess an array of 1024 possible values of the unreliable bits:
uint32_t const unreliables[1024] = /* ... */
And finally I'd just OR all those together:
for (size_t i = 0; i != 1024; ++i)
uint32_t const val = reliable_value | unreliables[i];
To get the unreliable bits, you could just loop over [0, 1024) (maybe even inside the existing loop) and "spread" the bits out to the requisite positions.
You can iterate through the 1024 different settings of the bits in b like so:
unsigned long b = 1145324694;
unsigned long c;
c = 0;
do {
printf("%#.8lx\n", c & b);
c = (c | ~b) + 1;
} while (c);
To use these to modify a you can just use XOR:
unsigned long a = 2323409845;
unsigned long b = 1145324694;
unsigned long c;
c = 0;
do {
printf("%#.8lx\n", a ^ (c & b));
c = (c | ~b) + 1;
} while (c);
This method has the advantages that you don't need to precalculate any tables, and you don't need to hardcode the 1024 - it will loop based entirely on the number of 1 bits in b.
It's also a relatively simple matter to parallelise this algorithm using integer vector instructions.
This follows essentially the technique used by Kerrek, but fleshes out the difficult parts:
int* getValues(int value, int unreliable_bits)
int unreliables[10];
int *values = malloc(1024 * sizeof(int));
int i = 0;
int mask;
The function definition and some variable declarations. Here, value is your A and unreliable_bits is your B.
value &= ~unreliable_bits;
Mask out the unreliable bits to ensure that ORing an integer containing some unreliable bits and value will yield what we want.
for(mask = 1;i < 10;mask <<= 1)
if(mask & unreliable_bits)
unreliables[i++] = mask;
Here, we get each unreliable bit into an individual int for use later.
for(i = 0;i < 1024;i++)
int some_unreliables = 0;
int j;
for(j = 0;j < 10;j++)
if(i & (1 << j))
some_unreliables |= unreliables[j];
values[i] = value | some_unreliables;
The meat of the function. The outer loop is over each of the outputs we want. Then, we use the lowest 10 bits of the loop variable i to determine whether to turn on each unreliable bit, using the fact that the integers 0 to 1023 go through all possibilities of the lowest 10 bits.
return values;
Finally, return the array we built. Here is a short main that can be used to test it with the values for A and B given in your question:
int main()
int *values = getValues(0x8A7C6BB5, 0x44444496);
int i;
for(i = 0;i < 1024;i++)
printf("%X\n", values[i]);
I'm rather ashamed to admit that I don't know as much about bits and bit manipulation as I probably should. I tried to fix that this weekend by writing some 'reverse the order of bits' and 'count the ON bits' functions. I took an example from here but when I implemented it as below, I found I had to be looping while < 29. If I loop while < 32 (as in the example) Then when I try to print the integer (using a printBits function i've written) I seem to be missing the first 3 bits. This makes no sense to me, can someone help me out?
Thanks for everyone's help, I've added comments to show changes I've made.
int reverse(int n)
int r = 0;
int i = 0;
for(i = 0; i < 29; i++) //Should be i < 32
r = (r << 1) + (n & 1); //| instead of + to make it obvious I'm handling bits
n >>=1;
return r;
Here is my printBits function:
void printBits(int n)
int mask = 0X10000000; //unsigned int mask = 0X80000000;
while (mask)
if (mask & n)
mask >>= 1;
And a working? reverse function
int reverse2(int n)
int r = n;
int s = sizeof(n) * 7; // int s = (sizeof(n) * 8) -1
for (n >>= 1; n; n >>=1)
r <<=1;
r |= n & 1;
r <<= s;
return r;
int mask = 0X10000000;
puts a 1 in bit 28. You want 0X80000000.
You have:
int mask = 0x10000000;
There are two problems here. You don't have the high bit set, and if you did, it still (probably) wouldn't work, as your compiler would be using arithmetic shift on a signed int.
You want to change your mask to:
unsigned int mask = 0x80000000;
For arithmetic shift, shifting 0x80000000 right will never become zero, as the sign bit will be magically extended into the other bits. See here for more details on arithmetic shift.
Print Bits is wrong, its 0x80000000 not 0x10000000.
>>> bin (0x80000000)
>>> bin (0x10000000)
See 0x1... doesnt set the highest bit.
Instead of +, you should use | (bitwise or). And you should use < 32.
As written, this will reverse the lower 29 bits of n into r. The top three bits of n will be left in n (shifted down 29 bits) and not returned.
I would suspect a problem with your printBits function if you see something else.
Your printBits function prints the lower 29 bits of n, so it all makes sense.