How to find String from attribute proxyAddresses? - active-directory

How to find string "SMTP:*" (primary user address) in attributte proxyAddresses, then save in to variable and compare with value in attribute company. If there is a match (or no match) then exported into CSV file.
The number of values proxyAddresses is different:,,
Values in attributte company are only two characters: ff or zf or ju. They are always two characters after the #.
I have about two thousand users in Active Directory.
I have a code
Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase 'DC=ju,DC=com' -Properties company,proxyaddresses |
select company, #{L='ProxyAddress'; E={$_.proxyaddresses -join"; "}}
Result is a column Company (two char) and a column proxyaddresses (there are all values). I need only the value SMTP:xxx#xxx.

Select the proxyaddresses element that begins with an uppercase SMTP::
#{n='ProxyAddress';e={$_.proxyaddresses | Where-Object {$_ -clike 'SMTP:*'} | Select-Object -First 1}}
The operator -clike does a case-sensitive comparison.


Transpose to object but without values, yet

I'm importing esxtop data from an ESXi host. The import gives me two sets of data. The first is the list of all the fields that I will be getting data from. The second is data in those fields.
The fields list is like this:
I converted this into a Selected.System.String named $Headercols:
But I actually need it to be in columns, instead of rows. Because later on I want to add "records" / "rows" containing the data. I tried using converting to columns using add-member, but that needs a name and a value, but I don't know the value yet.
The example here only has a few rows, but this grows to 33 rows, so I'd rather fill them in a loop instead of addressing each one specifically.
Later on I will be receiving the data like this:
(Example has 3 rows, each one VM, but it can be many more rows with VMs.)
I know how to split the rows into separate values, but just as with the headers, I wouldn't know how to expand the object.
All examples I google are immediately adding name and value, I can't seem to get my head around how I should work with that.
But I actually need it to be in columns, instead of rows.
You're getting ahead of yourself - "columns" and "rows" relate to how we might format (or display) the data - but right now we need to import and parse the data somehow.
I would suggest trimming the leading and trailing |'s, at which point we can treat the data set as a CSV (with | instead of , as the separator - a PSV?):
# Read header list and split into individual strings
$headerString = Get-Content .\path\to\headers.txt |Select -First 1
$headers = $headerString.Split('|', [StringSplitOptions]::RemoveEmptyEntries)
# Read data set, remove the leading and trailing pipes
$dataSetRaw = (Get-Content .\path\to\data.txt) -replace '^\||\|$'
# Convert to structured objects
$data = $dataSetRaw |ConvertFrom-Csv -Delimiter '|' -Header $headers
ConvertFrom-Csv will create one object per record, at which point you'll find most formatting cmdlets do exactly what you expect:
PS ~> $data |Format-Table
SchedGroup GroupID GroupName IsValid IsVM VMName TimerPeriod CPUAllocMin CPUAllocMax
---------- ------- --------- ------- ---- ------ ----------- ----------- -----------
SchedGroup 13567824 vm.4430541 1 1 BJLDC002 10416 0 -1
SchedGroup 12883482 vm.4316334 1 1 VCDJAGTEST 15260 0 -1
SchedGroup 13558449 vm.4429332 1 1 BJLADF02 1000 0 -1
Continuing from my comment...
'|SchedGroup|GroupID|GroupName|IsValid|IsVM|VMName|TimerPeriod|CPUAllocMin|CPUAllocMax|' -replace '\|', ',' -replace '^,|,\s*$'
# Results
Yet, you say your data is coming in this way...
...then just import it and assign headers.
$Headers = #('|SchedGroup|GroupID|GroupName|IsValid|IsVM|VMName|TimerPeriod|CPUAllocMin|CPUAllocMax|' -replace '\|', ',' -replace '^,|,\s*$')
Import-Csv -Path 'SomeFilePath' -Header $Headers

Powershell - Parse duplicates in a list

I'm working on an issue with SCCM delivered App-V connection groups. Occasionally it delivers multiple (duplicate) connection groups to the client and the apps don't function correctly.
I'm running get-appvclientconnectiongroups in user context and where duplicates exist, exporting out Name, Groupid and Version id to a CSV.
I then import this using an elevated Powershell session (as I need admin rights to remove connection groups).
So CSV headers are
Name, GroupID, VersionID
The duplication lies in the Name header only
Name, Group ID, Version ID
Adobe_Reader, 123, 456
Adobe_Reader, 456, 789
Adobe_Reader, 111, 555
Notepad, 333,222
Notepad, 111,444
Receiver, 444,777
Receiver, 123,999
What I would like to do is, for each duplicate name grab, the Group ID and Version ID to use in a remove-appvclientconnectiongroup. HOWEVER - I don't wish to do this for each entry - I want to stop when there is one left of each name (i.e when than name becomes unique in the list).
So in the end the list would be:
Adobe_Reader, 111, 555
Notepad, 111,444
Receiver, 123,999
And these are the ones we don't want to run throught the cmdlet
Any ideas? APologies if that makes no sense!
I've been playing around with arrays but not getting anywhere fast.
Assuming you have a CSV file already, you can do the following to return the last item in a group of identical names:
Import-Csv file.csv | Group-Object Name |
Foreach-Object { $_.Group[-1] }
Using Group-Object, you can group objects based on a property value. Here, grouping by property Name creates collection of items with properties Count,Name,Group. Name contains the values of the property you are grouping by. Count contains the number of matching values of that grouped property. Group contains the objects that had matching property values.
Since the Group property contains your objects, you can access the objects using the member access operator .. When piping to Foreach-Object, $_.Group will return the object groupings. Then you simply need to grab the last element [-1] of the collection.
If you have that information stored in a CSV file, you can do this to remove all but the last connection group:
Import-Csv -Path 'TheGroups.csv' | Group-Object Name | Where-Object { $_.Count -gt 1 } | Foreach-Object {
$last = $_.Count - 2
# remove all but the last connection group
$_.Group[0..$last] | Remove-AppvClientConnectionGroup
Thanks! I managed to get it working with the code below after much messing about. As there can be multiple instances of duplicates I pushed everything into an editable array which a removes line from as the groups are removed. It then checks how many duplicates are left for any given package and stops when there's one of each left
$data = import-csv $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\AppvDuplciateGroups.csv
#Push the data into an ArrayList so it can be edited on the fly
$dataarray = [System.Collections.ArrayList]($data)
#Get the array size, number of duplicates and target array size
$arraysize = $dataarray.Count
$dupescount = $dataarray| group name
$arraytargetsize = $dupescount.count
$i = $arraysize -1
Function RemoveDuplicates(){
#select the relevant duplicate from the array based in index number (running bottom to top)
$lineX = $dataarray | select -Index $i
 #remove the duplicate
Remove-AppvClientConnectionGroup -GroupId $lineX.groupid -VersionId $lineX.VersionId
 #remove enrty from the array
 #check to see if that was the last entry for that particular connection group
$getcount = $dataarray | group-object name| Select-Object name, count | where name -eq $
 #if there's still more that one entry for that package, run the function again on the next line up
If ($getcount.count -gt 1){
$i = $i -1
 #if the array size is still larger than the calculated target array size, move up 2 lines in the array and run the function again
    If ($dataarray.count -gt $arraytargetsize){
        $i = $i -2
 #once the array meets the calculated target size, repair all connection groups and remove .csv file         
                Repair-AppvClientConnectionGroup *
                Remove-Item -Path $env:ALLUSERSPROFILE\AppvDuplicateGroups.csv}
RemoveDuplicates ```

Export specific output from an array

I have the below code that displays all groups that users which have a SamAccountName starting with 'X' are members of, and that exports the output in a CSV file:
Get-ADUser -Filter {SamAccountName -like "X*"} -Properties memberof |
Select name, #{N="MemberOf";E={$_.memberof -join ";"}} |
Export-Csv "C:\Users\chicken\Desktop\export_powershell\extract_test.csv"
The code works fine, but I have some problems with the output. Indeed it returns all groups that users are members of, but I only need to export one specific group (the group that starts by 'G-ORG') for each user.
How can I filter the output to only have groups that start with 'G-ORG' for each user?
Example output:
USER2,"CN=G-ORG-ARCHI; CN=Proj_X; CN=Proj_X; CN=X_REF; CN=......"
Required output:
Simply filter the member list for distinguished names that begin with CN=G-ORG- instead of joining all of them:
$_.memberof | Where-Object { $_.StartsWith('CN=G-ORG-') }
If there could be more than one match you can then either join the results
($_.memberof | Where-Object {...}) -join ';'
or select one of them (e.g. the first)
$_.memberof | Where-Object {...} | Select-Object -First 1
depending on the requirements.

Powershell Grouping of csv import file

Hopefully I'm just missing something that is simple...
I have a csv file similar to this :
Employee ID, Entry Date, Product Code,Amount Due
and what I want as an output is similar to this :
0001;<some header text>;200171120
0002;<some header text>;200171120
So that each detail section is grouped by the Employee ID it relates to
I have tried piping the group-object ("Employee ID") after using an import-csv ... but I can't get it to work correctly
Any help much appreciated!
I think this does what you need:
$CSV | Group-Object 'Employee ID' | ForEach-Object {
$EntryDate = (Get-Date ($_.Group.'Entry Date' | Select -First 1) -F 'yyyyMMdd')
"{0};<some header text>;{1}" -f $_.Name, $EntryDate
ForEach ($Item in $_.Group) {
"{0},{1}" -f $Item.'Product Code',$Item.'Amount Due'
Uses Group-Object to group the results by Employee ID and then ForEach-Object to iterate through the collection.
Gets the Entry date from the first entry in the group, converts it to a date object with Get-Date and then formats it as year/month/day (this part assumes you don't care if there are other/differing dates in the collection).
Outputs the header string you wanted, using {0},{1} as placeholders for the variables passed via -f (there are multiple ways to do this but this seemed tidiest for your scenario).
Uses ForEach to iterate through the Group property, which contains the grouped items. Again using string replacement to output the product code and amount due fields in the format you desired.

How to Parse the Results of CMDlet into Array

I am sure there is an easy answer to this question, but I cannot find it anywhere. I would like to know how to parse the results of Get-Mailbox | select Alias into an array so each time I use the array it does not show the items as "#{Alias=username}".
I have tired this, but it seems to make the values not text:
$arrayname = Get-Mailbox | select Alias
I am sure this question has been asked before, but I cannot find it.
Essentially I would like to get the Alias' from the Get-Mailbox command into an array so that I can use the foreach cmdlet to get specific folder information from a user like so:
>> $aliases = Get-Mailbox | select Alias
>> Foreach ($username in $aliases) {Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -identity $username | select FolderPath | where {$_.FolderPath -like '*Deleted*'} | Export-CSV "C:\users\username\desktop\allusers-deletedfolder-postarchive.csv" -NoTypeInformation}
The cmdlet already produces an array, only that its elements are mailbox objects, not strings. Selecting the Alias property restricts the object properties, but still leaves you with an array of objects (hence the output you observed). You need to expand the property:
$arrayname = Get-Mailbox | select -Expand Alias
or echo it in a loop:
$arrayname = Get-Mailbox | % { $_.Alias }
