Detection of Index in Angular: indexOf() does not work properly because of $$hasKeys? - angularjs

Following Situation:
role: { roleid=3, name="admin"}
{ roleid=3, name="admin", $$hashKey="object:222"},
{ roleid=4, name="plain user", $$hashKey="object:223"}
{ roleid=3, name="admin"}
Following Trys:
currentRoles.indexOf(role); // works properly and outputs 0
availableRoles.indexOf(role); // does not work
I can imagine, this occurs because of $$hasKeys. But I didn't put them there, AngularJS does augment these data.
How can I overcome this situation?
Is there a function like: ignore Angular HasKeys in this Datastructure?

Angular object comparison:
Compare objects in Angular
So you can just write the function:
function arrayObjectIndexOf(arr, obj){
for(var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++){
if(angular.equals(arr[i], obj)){
return i;
return -1;
JavaScript saves objects as pointers, therefore, two objects even if has the same data in them, have different values (the value of the pointer in the memory).
Code example:
var role = { roleid:3, name:"admin"};
var availableRoles =
{ roleid:3, name:"admin"},
{ roleid:4, name:"plain user", $$hashKey:"object:223"}
So it does not relate to the hashKey. To compare to objects (and such, find the index in an array) you must create a loop of comparison, or overload the "==" operator of Object to compare values and not pointers, which I dont believe you are allowed to do in JS.

Best way is not to have such objects...
You can use angular filter:
function contains(arr, id) {
return $filter('filter')(arr, {roleid : id}, true).length != 0;
You can use some other js library (lodash, underscore, ...) for such things.


My if statement doesnt look to be satisfied inside foreach in angularJS

Im fairly new to JS. However, the if statment inside the foreach never seems to satisfy. Im guessing its the call back nature of foreach on array thats not happy ?
Example Array used:
Array 1:
Value: 43
Array 2:
Items :
Value: 43,
Name: Car
Value: 44,
Name: MotorBike
What ive tried so far:
array1.forEach(function (list1)
array2.Items.forEach(function (Item)
if (list1.Value == Item.Value)
return true;
Can see the foreach was working well on this thread
angularjs compare two arrays
Unsure why it didnt work for me.
The below code works, yet, im curious on what didnt on the first approach:
for (var i = 0; i < array1.length; i++)
for (var j = 0; j < array2.length; j++)
if (array[i].Value=== array2[j].Value)
return true;
The main difference is the strict comparison with === as described here:
In this case it is likely that your previous comparison returned a false negative because the type of the item and indeed the .Value was not strictly determinable at runtime.
Without the full code and working example that shows how the arrays are instantiated we can only speculate, but this is a common solution to comparison logic, use strict equals in all cases for primitive value comparisons unless you really do mean to interpolate the values.

modifying object in componentDidMount() [duplicate]

I’ll start with the code:
var s = ["hi"];
s[0] = "bye";
Simple, right? In response to this, the Firefox console says:
[ "hi" ]
[ "bye" ]
Wonderful, but Chrome’s JavaScript console (7.0.517.41 beta) says:
[ "bye" ]
[ "bye" ]
Have I done something wrong, or is Chrome’s JavaScript console being exceptionally lazy about evaluating my array?
Thanks for the comment, tec. I was able to find an existing unconfirmed Webkit bug that explains this issue: (EDIT: now fixed!)
There appears to be some debate regarding just how much of a bug it is and whether it's fixable. It does seem like bad behavior to me. It was especially troubling to me because, in Chrome at least, it occurs when the code resides in scripts that are executed immediately (before the page is loaded), even when the console is open, whenever the page is refreshed. Calling console.log when the console is not yet active only results in a reference to the object being queued, not the output the console will contain. Therefore, the array (or any object), will not be evaluated until the console is ready. It really is a case of lazy evaluation.
However, there is a simple way to avoid this in your code:
var s = ["hi"];
s[0] = "bye";
By calling toString, you create a representation in memory that will not be altered by following statements, which the console will read when it is ready. The console output is slightly different from passing the object directly, but it seems acceptable:
From Eric's explanation, it is due to console.log() being queued up, and it prints a later value of the array (or object).
There can be 5 solutions:
1. arr.toString() // not well for [1,[2,3]] as it shows 1,2,3
2. arr.join() // same as above
3. arr.slice(0) // a new array is created, but if arr is [1, 2, arr2, 3]
// and arr2 changes, then later value might be shown
4. arr.concat() // a new array is created, but same issue as slice(0)
5. JSON.stringify(arr) // works well as it takes a snapshot of the whole array
// or object, and the format shows the exact structure
You can clone an array with Array#slice:
console.log(s); // ["bye"], i.e. incorrect
console.log(s.slice()); // ["hi"], i.e. correct
A function that you can use instead of console.log that doesn't have this problem is as follows:
console.logShallowCopy = function () {
function slicedIfArray(arg) {
return Array.isArray(arg) ? arg.slice() : arg;
var argsSnapshot =, slicedIfArray);
return console.log.apply(console, argsSnapshot);
For the case of objects, unfortunately, the best method appears to be to debug first with a non-WebKit browser, or to write a complicated function to clone. If you are only working with simple objects, where order of keys doesn't matter and there are no functions, you could always do:
console.logSanitizedCopy = function () {
var args =;
var sanitizedArgs = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(args));
return console.log.apply(console, sanitizedArgs);
All of these methods are obviously very slow, so even more so than with normal console.logs, you have to strip them off after you're done debugging.
This has been patched in Webkit, however when using the React framework this happens for me in some circumstances, if you have such problems just use as others suggest:
Looks like Chrome is replacing in its "pre compile" phase any instance of "s" with pointer to the actual array.
One way around is by cloning the array, logging fresh copy instead:
var s = ["hi"];
s[0] = "bye";
function CloneArray(array)
var clone = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++)
clone[clone.length] = array[i];
return clone;
the shortest solution so far is to use array or object spread syntax to get a clone of values to be preserved as in time of logging, ie:
however be warned as it does a shallow copy, so any deep nested non-primitive values will not be cloned and thus shown in their modified state in the console
This is already answered, but I'll drop my answer anyway. I implemented a simple console wrapper which doesn't suffer from this issue. Requires jQuery.
It implements only log, warn and error methods, you will have to add some more in order for it to be interchangeable with a regular console.
var fixedConsole;
(function($) {
var _freezeOne = function(arg) {
if (typeof arg === 'object') {
return $.extend(true, {}, arg);
} else {
return arg;
var _freezeAll = function(args) {
var frozen = [];
for (var i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
return frozen;
fixedConsole = {
log: function() { console.log.apply(console, _freezeAll(arguments)); },
warn: function() { console.warn.apply(console, _freezeAll(arguments)); },
error: function() { console.error.apply(console, _freezeAll(arguments)); }

Access returned computed array within method and manipulate

I have a computed array which is full of tags and updates depending on what selection i make in the select box. I would like to take this array and pass it to a method and then run a method to update what “results” have an active class. Although I get an array saying I can’t run forEach on this element.
Been through a few topics and understand computed properties dont work like that but surely there is a way around this.
Short Snippet
methods: {
updateOutput() {
var tags = this.tagArray;
tags.forEach(function(tag) {
computed: {
concatenated: function () {
var ret = this.selected.concat(this.selected2, this.selected3);
this.tagArray = ret;
return ret;
Full Output
Thanks again :slight_smile:
It looks like the issue is the line:
var ret = this.selected.concat(this.selected2, this.selected3);
That line of code is returning an empty string rather than an array. This is because this.selectedX is a string rather than an Array. This explains why tag.forEach is undefined. forEach doesn't exist on the String prototype.
You can create this an array instead be doing
var ret = [ this.selected, this.selected2, this.selected3 ]
From there you can set this.tagArray to ret
Hope this helps

Strongloop promise inside loop

I am trying to call a loopback find function inside of a for loop, passing in a value from the iteration into the loopback function. The main issue of the code can be represented by the following:
for (var a = 0; a < $scope.countries.length; a++) {
$scope.getEmFacPurElec($scope.countries[a], 'ton/kWh', 'CO2e').then(function(result) {
emFacPurElecToUse = $scope.emFacPurElecs;
And here is the function being called:
$scope.getEmFacPurElec = function (country, unit, ghgType) {
var defer = $q.defer();
$scope.emFacPurElecs = [];
$scope.emFacPurElecs = Country.emFacPurElecs({
filter: {
where: {
and: [
{unit: unit},
{ghgType: ghgType}
defer.resolve('Success getEmFacPurElec');
return defer.promise;
The problem is that the loopback promise function is called and then returned undefined which means that it moves to the next iteration of the for loop before getting the value to assign to emFacPurElecToUse. I need to do some more calculations with that variable for that country before moving to the next country.
I have looked at using $q.all as a possible solution and also using as per (Rookie mistake #2: WTF, how do I use forEach() with promises?), but I just cannot figure out how to pull it all together to make it work. Should I be using a forEach instead?
I also saw this link angular $q, How to chain multiple promises within and after a for-loop (along with other similar ones) but I do not have multiple promises that I need to process inside the for loop. I need to retrieve the value of one emFacPurElecs for that country, do some work with it, then move to the next country. I feel I am close but I just cannot get my head around how I would code this particular functionality. Any help is greatly appreciated.
It seems to me that you do have multiple promises to process inside your for loop, as you say "I need to do some more calculations with that variable for that country before moving to the next country." This should all be done with in the promise chain that I've suggested - calcEmFacPurElec.
$scope.calcEmFacPurElec = function (country, unit, ghgType) {
$scope.getEmFacPurElec(country, unit, ghgType).then(function(countryEmFacPurElecs) {
// do something with countryEmFacPurElecs
return countryEmFacPurElecs;
$scope.getEmFacPurElec = function (country, unit, ghgType) {
var defer = $q.defer();
filter: {
where: {
and: [
{unit: unit},
{ghgType: ghgType}
}); );
return defer.promise;
Hopefully the above is a pointer in the right direction!
When you want to carry out a promise chain on an array of items, then as you have identified, Promise.all (using whatever promises implementation you require) is what you want. .all takes in an array of Promises, so in your for loop you can do:
var promises = [];
for (var a = 0; a < $scope.countries.length; a++) {
promises.push($scope.calcEmFacPurElec($scope.countries[a], 'ton/kWh', 'CO2e')); // new promise chain that does all of the work for that country
$q.all(promises).then(function(arrayofCountryEmFacPurElecs) {console.log('all countries completed')});

remove empty spaces from array using angular

im taking first steps in angular, and i need to return array excluding empty spaces in it. i was able to create function to return the array i want, spliced, but couldn't find a way to make sure each cell in the array contains a value.
this is my function:
$scope.letters = function(arr) {
var lettersarray = arr.split('');
return lettersarray;
is there a way to do it in angular?
i know a way in jquery but understood its not recommended to mix both so im looking for an "angularish" way to do it..thx
There's no real "Angular" way to do it, why not just use native JS and .map
function trimArraySpaces(arr) {
return {
return item.trim();
var testArr = ["John ", "Sally "],
trimmedArr = trimArraySpaces(testArr); //["John", "Sally"]
