Unable to deploy/debug a Windows 10 Iot Core app on Raspberry PI 2 - windowsiot

When I try to deploy from a developer machine that is on another domain the deployment fails.
Visual Studio gives me this Message:
The Visual Studio 2015 Remote Debugger (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance on configuring remote debugging.
Works fine when I deploy from a machine that is not in a domain.
I've been searching the web for days now but I'm not able to find any solution yet.

I'm guessing you have Windows 10 IoT-Core Build 10586 on your Pi, but you don't have Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 installed. You need to use the new Universal (Unencrypted Mode) authentication method with build 10586. You can read more about this issue here: http://embedded101.com/Blogs/David-Jones/entryid/721/Win-10-IoT-Core-Visual-Studio-2015-Update-1-App-Deployment-and-Debug-Requirements


Visual Studio 2017 fails to deploy UWP apps to IoT device

Visual Studio (VS 2017) has started failing to deploy to my IoT device ... I recently started using a more recent version of Windows 10 IoT Core (upgraded from build 17134 to insider build 17692) and Visual Studio can no longer deploy UWP apps.
The reported error is:
DEP6957: Failed to connect to device [IP Address] using Universal
Authentication. Please verify the correct remote authentication mode
is specified in the project debug settings. COMException - Exception
from HRESULT: 0x801C0003
The IP address is valid and VS can see the device.
This seems to be an error reflecting a mismatch between the Windows SDK installed on the Visual Studio machine and the OS version on the IoT device.
For recent versions of Windows 10 IoT Core (I'm using the insider images that you can install through the Windows IoT Dashboard), a recent version of the Windows SDK (I used Windows 10 SDK 1803) must be installed on your deployment machine.
Also uninstalled and reinstalled UWP parts of VS as described above.
Finally, I clicked on "update" for the whole VS installation (Visual Studio Installation program). Drew 4GB out of the net over night and in the morning everything was working as it should...

Hosting ASP.NET Web site using IIS7 Windows 7

I have made a small ASP.NET web site using VB 2010 and SQL 2008.
But I don't know how to host it on local PC.
The target PC is running windows 8.
All other PC's are connected it through LAN
The system is offline.
But before trying to host my web site on target PC (Windows 8) i want to make sure everything is ok with my site.
Hence I am first trying to host it on my PC (Windows 7).
I don't know anything about hosting on Windows 8 OS.
But I tried little bit on Windows 7 OS.
All I know is I am going to host my site on IIS7.
I already enabled IIS7 on my PC (Windows 7).
And I pasted all contents in my project folder to C:\inetpub\wwwroot
My default page is C:\inetpub\wwwroot\index.aspx
Now how do I add my website to IIS7 and attach database to it.
Do I need to install VB 2010 and SQL 2008 on target PC (Windows 8)?
Thank you.
Where is the database supposed to live in the end? If it is on the Target PC then yes it will need SQL 2008 but not if there is another server that is going to be the database server. You aren't clear about whether the site is supposed to all run on one server or if you have a multi-server set up where there is a web server and a separate database server.
Which version of the .Net Framework does the site use and is that registered with IIS?
Those would be my initial questions as you shouldn't have to install VB 2010 but you would need the Framework to be installed and configured to have this work.
EDIT: You will have to install and configure SQL Server 2008 on the machine. IIS can use .Net 2.0 or 4.0 and thus be aware of what configuration you want to run so that you don't wind up having issues.

Can't get Remote Desktop Services installed on Windows 2012 server

I am trying to install Remote Desktop Services on my dedicated Windows 2012 server but the installation does not start at all. It just stays here:
I have tried restarting the server 2 times and I have run every Windows Update there is. I have tried selecting other features but it will not start the installation. I had it running for hours but it would not install at all (just as the screenshot) and I had to cancel it.
Can any one help me on how to get Remote Desktop Services installed somehow or another? Is there another way to get it installed? I am not in this case installing remotely.
This guide to install via the Powershell seems to help:

Visual Studio 2012 : Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer

I've Visual Studio 2012 Ultimate on Windows 7 x64 machine.
Today when I tried to run my WPF application I got this error :
What's wrong ? What is remote debugging ? I just want to run my application.
I've also lunched "msvsmon.exe" but it didn't fix my problem.
Restarting my machine was another way to get rid of this problem that I tried.
How do I fix it?
Windows 7 x64, VS 2012
In my case, the Remote Debugging Monitor component was installed and the app was clearly configured to debug locally in settings. This was a WinForms app upgraded from VS 2008, .NET 3.5.
Turns out it was the Windows Firewall. By directly running:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe
A firewall dialog appeared where I could allow msvsmon.exe to run. After a VS 2012 re-start, debugging (locally) was fine!
I you are running Proxifier add a rule to route ::1 (IPV6 Loop-back) Direct and not via the proxy.
I had the same problem. It was because of some tunneling software on my computer: Proxifier.
If you run it, after then this error will appear when you hit F5. However, closing the Proxifier would not be enough! You should close it, then close the VS, after then, reopen the VS.
Select 'Local Machine', when you run the application. It seems like Remote Machine is selected for debugging.

Visual Studio ClickOnce deployment fails on Windows 7

I have a Windows Forms application that I am using ClickOnce deployment for and everything publishes fine when I am attempting to publish in Windows XP. When I try the same publish feature in Windows 7, it hangs on the publish step.
I am using a UNC path (file share) to the server (Windows Server 2008 R2 with IIS 7). Why might this happen?
I never receive an error message and the process cannot be cancelled. I have to force-close Visual Studio and restart my Windows 7 PC because Visual Studio has some of the files locked.
I was able to set full-control permission on the folder on the destination server for my domain PC, and I was then able to publish once. Then, every subsequent deploy hanged. I did notice however that it always hangs when it's trying to copy the Office Interop files. Why would this be?
This is definitely related to the Office 2010 PIA files. Why would it not publish them? Again, this works flawlessly on Windows XP, but when I perform the deployment on Windows 7, the PIAs are not published.
It could be a UAC issue. Try running Visual Studio as an administrator when you do a publish.
