Silverlight application converted to window application doesn't work - winforms

Below link is an Intel realsense application using Silverlight. I have tried this
in window form and it doesn't work.
For mediaelement I used window media player and for image I used picturebox. Video is working in this but no image in picture.
Can anyone tell how to make this same application works in window application as I'm new to this.


Why is it my application which contains DWM thumbnail lags when the target app was moved to second monitor?

I have a wpf fullscreen borderless application that displays a live thumbnail of a borderless, fullscreen UWP app that plays video.
My laptop setup includes 1 extended monitor thru HDMI port.
My wpf app can display a live thumbnail of the target app very well without lag.
But the problem occurs when I move the target UWP app to the second screen, my wpf app that contains DWM thumbnail is lagging and stuck on a single frame.
It could be the graphics adapter/ or native video source thru HDMI. Because if I move the target UWP app back to primary screen my wpf app is working well.
Also if I use miracast for second display instead of HDMI, still my app works well without lag.
Is there any known workaround for this? or anyone has the same problem? How did you fix it?

WPF Window with Control in Full Screen Mode

I have a WPF window hosting a web browser control. I want this WPF window to always be on top. Now for example user surfs to a Youtube page and the web player plays a video. User clicks on the full screen button in the Youtube player and the video fills the screen. But my WPF window that hosts web browser control now is still on top of everything and it looks weird because in the background, the video plays fullscreen.
Is there any way an embedded control can tell WPF window that it's in fullscreen mode now so that the WPF is no longer on top, say maybe hidden?
Thanks for any advice!
Try to play with Topmost property. If you display content not in Popup than this should works:
window.Topmost = false;

winform webbrowser display pdf in same window

I have a simple question which expects a simple answer! :-)
In a visual basic .NET winform I drop a WebBrowser control
Within the form's load event script I have this:
Now the issue is that the webbrowser actually launches an Adobe reader new window with the PDF document, and that window is NOT part of my application.
In my application the WebBrowser control says: Navigation Cancelled!!!!
What I want is the pdf file displayed within the actual WebBrowser control.
Any fix greatly appreciated.
Isn't this a setting in Adobe reader? Look for Display PDF in browser in settings.

Ensure WPF Taskbar Window Preview is actualized

How can I ensure that the hower preview of my WPF application (.net 4) is refreshed when the user places the mouse over the taskbar icon.
I have an app that visualizes some status values. If the app window is minimized and the user hovers over the taskbar button, the preview window that is shown shows the last view of the window at which the window was active. However I would like to have an actualized view.
Is there a possiblity to achieve that?
I believe you'd need to customize the preview, as described here (under the Customizing Preview section). Which leverages the Windows API Code Pack for Microsoft® .NET Framework.
An example can be found here, but looks like:
TabbedThumbnail preview = new TabbedThumbnail(parentForm.Handle, childForm.Handle);
preview.TabbedThumbnailBitmapRequested += (o, e) =>
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(width, height);
// draw custom bitmap...
e.Handled = true;
Another example, can be found here which states:
The CustomWindowsManager class
provides an abstraction of a
customized window thumbnail preview
and live preview (peek), including the
facilities to receive a notification
when a preview bitmap is requested by
the Desktop Window Manager (DWM) and
to automatically grab the preview
bitmap of a window.
The download link for this code is here, which includes the CustomWindowsManager class. This appears to provide the live preview.
You probably can't. Windows 7 pipes the graphics of an open window to the live preview from the Taskbar. It can't know what the window now looks like while it is minimized because it isn't being drawn at all.
I guess it's not impossible to do custom thumbnails. Aside from CodeNaked's answer, I also found this article, which even includes multiple thumbnails from the same app.

Background HTML visibiltiy in Silverlight Full Screen Mode

I am creating a page with Silverlight component and some HTML controls.
On enabling Silverlight's full screen, I am unable to view the background HTML controls. Even if I set the xaml's background to transparent.
Please let me know if it's possible to view the HTML controls in full screen mode of Silverlight or not.
I doubt that such thing is possible, for security reasons, as the keybordsupport in Fullscreen is. It would enable you create such things as a app totally visible observing the movements.
But I might be wrong !
Fullscreen mode takes the content currently restricted to rectangle on hosts window (the Browser client area window) and displays it on full screen window. This full screen window is a new window and contains only the Siverlight content.
When silverlight is rendering in a windowless mode it is simply rendering directly on to the host window. When you got fullscreen mode in Silverlight you are not affecting the hosts window, fullscreen effectively suppends windowless mode as it needs a new window of its own to render on.
