How to Return index position of hash - arrays

All, I am attempting to calculate the winning percentage of each user in a group, sort the users by winning percentage, and return the user's rank -- that is, the position where the user's winning percentage is set within the group.
So, the function should return "1" for the user with the highest winning percentage.
So far my code is:
def rank (user, group)
users = => group)
user =
rank =
users.each do |user|
total = Game.where("group_id = ? AND (user1 = ? OR user2 = ?"), group user_id, user_id).count
win = Game.where(:group_id => group, :winner => user).count
win_percentage = win/total.to_f
ranks[:user] = win_percentage
ranks.sort_by{|key, value|, value}.to_h
return ranks.each_with_index.detect{|(key, value), index| key == user).last +1
I think everything should be fine, but I can't figure out how to return the index of a the hash based on the key. I think that I might need to convert into an array of arrays and use Array#index; but I am also unclear on how to find an index of an array of arrays.

how to return the index of a the hash based on the key
You can use each_with_index. A quick example:
hash = {:h=>1, :k=>2, :v=>3}
hash.each_with_index.detect { |(key,value),index| key == :k }
# => [[:k, 2], 1]
hash.each_with_index.detect { |(key,value),index| key == :k }.last
# => 1


Apps Script - compare strings in two arrays

I am a stuck on this piece of code. I have an Example sheet with two tabs. The first tab is new items. A new item is comprised of two pieces, a attribute code (string), and an item ID (number). In the other tab "Locations" there are a bunch of empty locations. Each location has primary attribute (string), and a set of secondary attribute codes in a longer string.
I have assigned these two ranges to two unique arrays.
function matchcodes() {
var locss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('Locations');
var lastlocRow = locss.getLastRow();
var newitems = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('New Items');
var lastNIRow = newitems.getLastRow();
var itemcodes = newitems.getRange("A1:B" + lastNIRow).getValues();
var locations = locationssheet.getRange("A2:D" + lastlocationRow).getValues();
What I am attempting to do is compare itemcodes[i][0] to locations[j][2] (match item attribute with location primary attribute). If the strings match I want to copy itemcodes[i][1] (ItemID) and set it as the value of locations[j][1]. If the strings do not match check the next iteration of locations[j][2].
If no matching attributes are found in locations[j][2], I would like to see if it is contained as a substring in locations[j][3] (starting back at the top and iterating through the whole list of secondary attributes. If the substring code is contained in loactions[j][3] I would like take the same action in the first IF condition.
Once a new item is matched, the loop can break, and the next item can be located itemcodes[i+1][0]. If no match is found in the primary or secondary search, also iterate to the next new item.
Where I'm struggling is writing the condition statements to compare both strings and substrings within strings.
//for (var i = 0; i < itemcodes.length; i++) {
//for (var j = 0; j < locations.length; j++) {
//if (itemcodes[i][0] == locations[j][2]) {
// I want set the value of locations[j][1] with itemcodes[i][1]
// if no match is found in entire [j][2] column, search for substring in locations[j][3] column
//if item match is found, or no match is found in all of [j][2] or [j][3] break loop and iterate to [i+1][0] and start the next loop
Input (3 iterations)
Any help would be much appreciated. Or if you can point me to a similar thread. (I've not had any success finding a similar example) Thanks in advance!
function matchCodes() {
const newItems = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(`New Items`)
const locations = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName(`Locations`)
const newItemsValues = newItems.getDataRange().getValues()
const locationsValues = locations.getDataRange().offset(1, 0).getValues()
newItemsValues.forEach(([attribute, id]) => {
const primaryTarget = locationsValues.findIndex(row => row[2] === attribute && row[1] === ``)
if (primaryTarget !== -1) return locationsValues[primaryTarget][1] = id
const secondaryTarget = locationsValues.findIndex(row => row[3].includes(attribute) && row[1] === ``)
if (secondaryTarget !== -1) return locationsValues[secondaryTarget][1] = id
locations.getDataRange().offset(1, 0).setValues(locationsValues)
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Destructuring Assignment

Filter array where column value exists in a Dataverse table column

I have an array of thousands of rows with an element of "Order Number." I want to filter that array where that Order Number does not exist in a Dataverse table column.
I've tried a number of things, always starting with a List Rows action on the Dataverse table. From there, I feel like the thing to do is to do a Select action where I map OrderNumber to OrderNumber from the List Rows. I believe that creates an array of the order numbers.
I'm not sure if I'm on the right track, but how can I efficiently filter the original array where the Order Number does not exist in the Dataverse table?
Edit: Here's a sample item in the output of my current filter array:
This might help if you are able to use javascript.
// where output equals your data
const records = JSON.parse( output );
// we will create new array of filtered data
let newData = [];
// loop array searching for matching criteria
for (let n = 0; n < records.length; n++; ) {
// replace 123456 with search criteria
if(records[n]["Order Number"] != "123456") {
// once you reach the end
if(n == records.length-1) {
// stringify object (may not be required)
let fileteredData = JSON.stringify(newData);
/* open filteredData with program */

Ruby - Set key-value pairs inside array of hashes

The problem is:
I have a method
def comparison_reporter(list_of_scenarios_results1, list_of_scenarios_results2)
actual_failed_tests = {|k,v| v == 'Failed'}
actual_passed_tests = {|k,v| v == 'Passed'}
failed_tests = { }
failed_tests.each do |hash| {|name| hash["test_name"] = name} {|new_status| hash["actual_status"] = new_status}
list_of_scenarios_results1.values_at(*actual_failed_tests.keys).map {|old_status| hash["previous_status"] = old_status}
final_result = {
"passed_tests_count" => {|k,v| v == 'Passed'}.length,
"failed_tests_count" => {|k,v| v == 'Failed'}.length,
"failed_tests" => failed_tests
return final_result
This method takes 2 hashes as arguments and returns the result of their comparison and some other things. Currently, it always returns failed_tests with two (or more) identical hashes (same key-value pairs).
I think, that problem is somewhere in failed_tests.each do |hash| block, but I can't find the reason of this bug, please advice. Example of the method result (in .json format)
"passed_tests_count": 3,
"failed_tests_count": 2,
"failed_tests": [
"test_name": "As a user I want to use Recent searches tab",
"actual_status": "Failed",
"previous_status": "Failed"
"test_name": "As a user I want to use Recent searches tab",
"actual_status": "Failed",
"previous_status": "Failed"
hash1 (first argument) -
"As a new user I want to use no fee rentals tab"=>"Passed",
"As a new user I want to use Luxury rentals tab"=>"Passed",
"As a user I want to use Recent searches tab"=>"Failed",
"As a user I want to use new listings for you tab"=>"Passed"}
hash2 (second argument)-
"As a new user I want to use no fee rentals tab"=>"Failed",
"As a new user I want to use Luxury rentals tab"=>"Passed",
"As a user I want to use Recent searches tab"=>"Failed",
"As a user I want to use new listings for you tab"=>"Passed"}
Example of desired desired output:
"failed_tests": [
{"test_name":"As a user I want to use Recent searches tab",
{"test_name":"As a new user I want to use no fee rentals tab",
def comparison_reporter(before, after)
failed_tests = { |k,v| v == "Failed" }.map do |k,v|
test_name: k,
actual_status: v,
previous_status: before[k]
passed: after.size - failed_tests.size,
failed: failed_tests.size,
failed_tests: failed_tests
Simplified failed_tests quite a bit. Since we calculate number of failed tests, we can use it for the final counts, instead of iterating over the hash again.
The problem is on line 8: You're overwriting hash["previous_status"] with the last value in list_of_scenarios_results1.values_at(*actual_failed_tests.keys) when you map over it.
Usually you use map to assign an iterable to something, not modify something else.
x = ['1','2','3'].map(&:to_i)
rather than
x = []; ['1','2','3'].map {|v| x << v.to_i}
I'd suggest re-thinking your approach. Will you always have the same keys in both hashes? If so you could simplify this. I'd also suggest looking into byebug. It's an interactive debugger that'll let you step through your function and see where things aren't doing what you expect.

Retrieve key from Value Dictionary Array

I would to know how to get key if I have the values. Which class get higher marks?
let higherMarks = [
"ClassA": [10,20,30,40,50,60],
"ClassB": [15,25,35,45,55,65],
"ClassC": [18,28,38,48,58,68],
var largest = 0
var className = ""
for (classTypes, marks) in higherMarks {
for mark in marks {
if mark > largest {
largest = mark
What I'm saying in my comment is that you need to get the classTypes when you get the mark. Because when you get the higher mark, you want to also get the corresponding key value.
Keeping your code's logic I would do something like this:
let higherMarks = [
"ClassA": [10,20,30,40,50,60],
"ClassB": [15,25,35,45,55,65],
"ClassC": [18,28,38,48,58,68],
func findBestClass(in results: [String: [Int]]) -> (name: String, score: Int) {
var largest = 0
var type = ""
for (classType, marks) in results {
if let max = marks.max(), max > largest {
largest = max
type = classType
return (type, largest)
let best = findBestClass(in: higherMarks)
print("The best class is \( with a score of \(best.score).")
I just replaced your inner loop with .max() and changed the name of the key variable because it should not be plural. My method also returns a tuple because I find it relevant in this situation. But I didn't change your logic, so you can see what I meant by "also get the classTypes".

How do I remove duplicate values from my Multidimensional array in a Scala way?

I'm trying extract some values from a String. The string contains several lines with values. The values on each line are number, firstname, last name. Then I want to filter by a given pattern and remove the duplicate numbers.
This is my test:
test("Numbers should be unique") {
val s = Cool.prepareListAccordingToPattern(ALLOWED_PATTERN, "1234,örjan,nilsson\n4321,eva-lisa,nyman\n1234,eva,nilsson")
assert(s.length == 2, "Well that didn't work.. ")
info("Chopping seems to work. Filtered duplicate numbers. Expected 1234:4321, got: "+s(0)(0)+":"+s(1)(0))
The methods:
def prepareListAccordingToPattern(allowedPattern: String, s: String) : Array[Array[String]] = {
val lines = chop("\n", s)
val choppedUp = =>
chop(",", line)).filter(array =>
array.length == 3 && array(0).matches(allowedPattern)
def chop(splitSymbol: String, toChop: String) : Array[String] = {
My test fails as expected since I receive back a multidimensional array with duplicates:
What I would like to do is to filter out the duplicated numbers, in this case "1234"
so that I get back:
How should I do this in a scala way? Maybe I could attack this problem differently?
val arr = Array(
arr.groupBy( _(0)).map{ case (_, vs) => vs.head}.toArray
// Array(Array(1234, rjan, nilsson), Array(4321, eva-lisa, nyman))
If you have a collection of elements (in this case Array of Array[String]) and want to get single element with every value of some property (in this case property is the first string from Array[String]) you should group elements of collection based on this property (arr.groupBy( _(0))) and then somehow select one element from every group. In this case we picked up the first element (Array[String]) from every group.
If you want to select any (not necessary first) element for every group you could convert every element (Array[String]) to the key-value pair ((String, Array[String])) where key is the value of target property, and then convert this collection of pairs to Map:
val myMap ={ a => a(0) -> a }.toMap
// Map(1234 -> Array(1234, eva, nilsson), 4321 -> Array(4321, eva-lisa, nyman))
// Array(Array(1234, eva, nilsson), Array(4321, eva-lisa, nyman))
In this case you'll get the last element from every group.
A bit implicit, but should work:
val arr = Array(
) => x.head -> x).toMap.values
// Iterable[Array[String]] = MapLike(Array(1234, rjan, nilsson), Array(4321, eva-lisa, nyman))
Reverse here to override "eva","nilsson" with "rjan","nilsson", not vice versa
