how to access process.env.endPointAPI in factories - angularjs

how to access this variable "process.env.endPointAPI" in yeoman
in the factories Services ?
I want to call the API from different server?

To complement my comment to the question and to provide a more detailed answer:
It is necessary more info regarding your code. I guess you are using a yeoman generator with nodejs server side, maybe with expressjs. If that is the case then you need to pass process.env.endPointAPI via express with the help of your templating engine or change your grunt/gulp tasks to include it in a custom angular factory (for example) when you serve/build your app.
This article describes some of these situations step-by-step.
If the options in the article above don't work for you for some reason, and you are using grunt, maybe you can give grunt-ng-constant a try. Basically, it will generate you a custom constant-value utility for Angular. Once injected in your app module you can access those values from your controllers for example.


Strongloop AngularJS reflection services

I've a Java developer who's begun working in the Javascript enterprise domain. Specifically I've begun working with Strongloop/Loopback API and AngularJS in the client.
I'm creating entities with ease with Strongloop and am very impressed with how quickly I can generate an expanded model. When it comes to the client however things appear to slow down as I have to manually create the Angular Controllers, Services and the crud template views.
I've used reflection in Java considerably in the past and I found it to be very effective. I was hoping someone might be able to let me know if there's either a reflective way to initialise Controllers so that I could have one EntityController if you like that would export the CRUD methods. Alternatively if there's a tool that might be able to access the restful api and generate generic templates, controllers and services for the restful API?
Thanks in advance for any help!
I believe that you are looking for loopback angularjs SDK.
It will not generate views and controllers but you will have angularJS services generated that contains all the LoopBack models and methods you have defined. You have to register the AngularJS module lbServices as a dependency of your app.
Documentation covers this very well with step-by-step instructions how to setup client application.
After you setup loopback angular client, then it is easy to use models in your controllers. All you have to do is to add your model as a dependency in your controller.
If you want to avoid manual work of generating angular controllers, routes, views etc then you should consider using one of the angular application generators ( i.e. yeoman generator-angular ).
To make long story short:
use angular generator to generate angular application.
generate angular services using loopback angularjs SDK.
add loopback model as dependency to your controller or service
See also Angular SDK built-in models API

Web project with Angular in frontend and Symfony2 in Backend

I would like to have a web app with Angular in Frontend and Symfony in Backend. I separated this into 2 single projects and now I want to let them communicate via REST.
Now here's the point I'm struggling a little. First of all, is the project separation the right approach? Also, I'm confused with building a REST-Service with the ngResource-factory in Angular. Can someone explain this to me, how to create a simple GET-Request (no params etc and just how to use the factory. Dependencies aren't a problem)? The tutorial on AngularJS doesn't really help. Do I need to create a JSON-File as well?
By the way, I'm new to these 2 frameworks.
Thanks in advance!
Disclaimer: I'm the author of API Platform
Take a look at API Platform. It's a solution to create REST API using Symfony (full stack).
The official tutorial explains how to create a REST API in a first project then an Angular client (using Restangular) in another project.

Sails Angular Frontend

Ok so I have looked around and cannot find the exact answer I am looking for. When developing a Sails app (which I am new to) it appears that by default it creates its own frontend using EJS.
Is this correct?
If this is correct then why is there an npm for sails generate frontend
If I want to use an Angular frontend is sails-generate-frontend-angular the best route to go?
First you need to separate server templating (EJS) from angular.
Just because sails defaults to an EJS template engine does not mean that you can not still put angular is your asset library and create and angular app. EJS is (the default but not the only option) what sails uses as a programming language for building its templates on the server that then get delivered to the client. Angular templates are used once delivered to the client to display information and perform tasks specifically already in the client machine.
1.) See above
2.) Sails-generate-frontend helps to setup your asset pipeline. It creates grunt tasks to copy image files and setup your javascript libraries such as ANGULAR.js, jQuery ect for use in your front-end.
3.) It could be. It depends, what a lot of people do is setup 2 projects. They use Sails as their API and then setup a second project for their Angular app (especially if its a SPA).
If instead your just using angular is specific places in your app (think jQuery style), then you would use a something like generate-front-end to take the angular library from someplace (like bower_compenents) and place it in your assets when you lift your app. It also makes it avaiable so that it can be placed in your html to be included in your app.
I on the other hand, use sails templates (I use Jade instead of EJS) to create and modify my angular templates on the server before they reach the client. This is a slightly advanced practice and can get confusing if you don't understand the difference between generating html on the server vs client.
An alternate method of thinking about this would be creating your index page on the server. This page would include your css and scripts. It would possibly be the only page on your server and everything else would be angular templates rendered on the client asking for JSON calls. In this scenario you would be using SAILS (ejs, or jade or whatever) to render only a single page INDEX.js and that might be the only server template you have.
However, this being said. Sails ships with this stuff already. You don't need sails-generate-frontend. Its is already inside a standard sails app.

Typescript angular and yeoman

What is a best way to kik start a project of angular and Typescript ?
Should I us the official yo angular and add on it
or is it a good stable generator that will help me with the inertial kikstart
We are currently developing with a friend a Typescript + Angular + Express generator for Yeoman :
It is still under heavy development but already works and we use it to develop a real production website for a client.
It is a port from a previous great Yeoman generator Bangular where we added Typescript, UI Router and Desktop builds with Electron (Atom shell).
At the moment tests are broken and documentation is not up to date, but it's gonna come back real soon, and we would be happy to have your feedback on it.
Not sure yo is a great tool for scaffolding angular. It wants to put controllers in a controller directory and services in a service directory.
This structure is fine, but there are other structures that may serve you better. There are feature and component structures that group related controllers and services together.
You are going to want to define your services and controllers as classes with Typescript. It is always the best to register your controller with Angular is PascalCase because a unique class instance is returned. Services should be registered as camelCase as only a singleton instance Is returned.
I would recommend looking up Basarat's Angular with Typescript examples and John Papa Angular style guide.

AngularJS Provider dependency injection - using $http in provider?

I'm really struggling to find the appropriate pattern here. How should I best configure a generalized provider to a specific use-case? I can't use $http as a dependency in .configure(); can I?
longer, boring explanation:
I am trying to create a generalized provider which I may reuse in Angular. I have it working, however it requires configuration.
The intention is to provide a fallback REST service to use in saving data to the server, but with provision to save offline in local-storage. Therefore, I need to provide appropriate $http calls for each instance of this provider.
Is it possible to provide appropriate $http calls with .configure() or else should I try and figure out how to inject $http into the provider from the start and then configure it afterward??
It's frustrating... and may change in AngularJS 2.0... But for now, yes, it is not possible to do this. There is a very high wall between the .configure() and .run() states, so you can't access $http from a .configure() function. The reason is that it hasn't actually been created. At this stage, all that exists is the provider. Once all of the dependencies are configured, then the http provider will be used to make the real $http service.
I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to do, but there are two excellent AngularJS developers that are good to follow who have some advanced patterns in projects they've shared: Pascal Precht and Brian Ford. Here are two projects that make heavy use of provider/service concepts as well as $http-driven services:
Angular Modal, especially, does $http work to load its templates. There might be use cases in there that are similar to what you're trying to do.
