I am using libjpeg to decompress my JPEG image and write it to a BMP file. Assuming the image width is being set to 2550 pixels at 24 bits (3 bytes) per pixel, the resulting row width will not be a multiple of 4. How do I align each row at 4 byte boundary?
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
unsigned int bytesPerRow = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.num_components;
unsigned int colColor;
FILE *bmpFile = NULL;
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
row_pointer[0] = raw_image
+ cinfo.output_scanline * bytesPerRow;
jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);
for (colColor = 0; colColor < cinfo.image_width; colColor++) {
/* BMP scanlines should be aligned at 4-byte boundary */
/* write each row to bmp file */
fwrite(row_pointer[0], 1, bytesPerRow, bmpFile);
bytesPerRow = 4 * ((cinfo.output_width * cinfo.num_components + 3) /
4); – Hans Passant
The formula is correct as far as rounding up to a multiple of 4 is concerned, but incorrect in using the multiplicand cinfo.num_components; according to USING THE IJG JPEG LIBRARY:
You will need output_width * output_components JSAMPLEs per scanline
in your output buffer…
The output arrays are required to be output_width * output_components
JSAMPLEs wide.
So, it's
unsigned int bytesPerRow = (cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components + 3) / 4 * 4;
I am trying to just read every pixel in a jpeg image. When I read a scanline, it appears that the image has been squashed to one eighth the size of the original image. The scanline is the correct width but the remaining 7/8'ths of the scanline are not filled (0, 0, 0).
I cant simply use each pixel 8 times since a large amount of information was lost.
I don't use any decompression parameters and am perfectly happy with the defaults. The Libjpeg version I am using is "libjpeg/9d" from the https://conan.io package center.
How can I get scanlines in the correct aspect ratio?
FILE* file_p = openfile(fileaddress);
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
struct jpeg_error_mgr err; //the error handler
cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error( &err );
jpeg_stdio_src(&cinfo, file_p);
int result = jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);
bool startedfine = jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);
int row_stride = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.output_components;
image output = create_image(cinfo.output_width, cinfo.output_height);
JSAMPARRAY buffer = calloc(1, sizeof(JSAMPROW*));
buffer[0] = calloc(1, sizeof(JSAMPROW) * row_stride);
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height) {
int current_y = cinfo.output_scanline;
jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, buffer, 1);
JSAMPROW row = buffer[0];
for(int row_i = 0; row_i < row_stride; row_i += 3) {
int r = (int)row[row_i];
int g = (int)row[row_i + 1];
int b = (int)row[row_i + 2];
int actual_x = row_i / 3;
output.pixels_array_2d[actual_x][current_y].r = r;
output.pixels_array_2d[actual_x][current_y].g = b;
output.pixels_array_2d[actual_x][current_y].b = g;
As a side note, you may notice I assign the blue value to the green value when copying the pixels. This is because without it, my test image is the wrong colour and I don't know why.
This question already has answers here:
not able to save an image file using c?
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am using libjpeg on a Ubuntu 14.04 environment to decompress my JPEG image and write it to a BMP file. However, if I have a colored JPEG image with 300x300 resolution(2550x4206 pixels), the output BMP file is in grayscale and image seems dull. Other JPEG images with resolution 200x200, 400x400 and 600x600 will output the correct BMP image. Need your advice on this. Please help. Thank you.
link to JPEG image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3ob0t07z5xEdmtVVWRicUQ5SGs/view?usp=sharing
Preview for BMP is not available. Download and view the image in Ubuntu or a Linux environment system. I have no idea why it doesn't display the image in Google or even in Windows.
link to output BMP image: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3ob0t07z5xEZTMycVRVX3Vscnc/view?usp=sharing
Code snippet writing decompressed JPEG image to BMP file:
struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
unsigned int bytesPerRow = cinfo.output_width * cinfo.num_components;
unsigned int colColor;
FILE *bmpFile = NULL;
while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.image_height) {
JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
row_pointer[0] = raw_image
+ cinfo.output_scanline * bytesPerRow;
jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);
for (colColor = 0; colColor < cinfo.image_width; colColor++) {
/* BMP scanlines should be aligned at 4-byte boundary */
/* write each row to bmp file */
fwrite(row_pointer[0], 1, bytesPerRow, bmpFile);
BMP FILE: (bit fields are set byte by byte)
typedef struct {
unsigned int img_bits_per_pixel;
unsigned int img_scansize;
unsigned int img_width;
unsigned int img_height;
} Image_Information;
Image_Information *image_info;
image_info = (Image_Information *) malloc(sizeof(Image_Information));
image_info->img_height = cinfo.image_height;
image_info->img_width = cinfo.image_width;
image_info->img_scansize = ((image_info->img_width * 24 + 31) & ~31) / 8;
bfType = "BM";
bfSize = sizeof(BITMAPFILEHEADER) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + image_info->img_scansize * image_info->img_height;
bfReserved1 = 0;
bfReserved2 = 0;
bfOffBits = 54;
biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
biWidth = image_info->img_width;
biHeight = image_info->img_heigh;
biPlanes = 1;
biBitCount = 24;
biCompression = 0;
biSizeImage = 0;
biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
biClrUsed = 0;
biClrImportant = 0;
I actually got the answer from #user3629249. Thank you.
I just added 2 bytes of padding at the end of each row only if resolution is 300x300
padding = 0;
fwrite(&padding, 2, 1, bmpFile);
I am building a function that replaces a color in a BMP image with another target color.
It works as long as I don't attempt to replace a color in image that requires padding.
However, I am almost certain that the way I account padding is correct.. So for me this is a complete mystery.
330 x 250 (248 054 bytes) Hi-color 24bit bitmap
This is the function:
unsigned long ulColor;
unsigned char byteColor[4];
} oldColor;
unsigned long ulColor;
unsigned char byteColor[4];
} newColor;
typedef unsigned char BYTE;
typedef unsigned short int WORD;
typedef unsigned long int DWORD;
typedef unsigned long long int DDWORD;
(BYTE *buff, BYTE old_r, BYTE old_g, BYTE old_b, BYTE new_r, BYTE new_g, BYTE new_b)
#define OFFSET_OF_SIZE 0x2
#define OFFSET_OF_WIDTH 0x12
#define OFFSET_OF_HEIGHT 0x16
DWORD* buffSize = (DWORD*)&buff[OFFSET_OF_SIZE];
DWORD* buffPixels = (DWORD*)&buff[OFFSET_OF_PIXELS];
DWORD* buffWidth = (DWORD*)&buff[OFFSET_OF_WIDTH];
DWORD buffHeight = 0;
BYTE pad = 0;
DDWORD pixels_replaced = 0;
oldColor.byteColor[0] = old_b; newColor.byteColor[0] = new_b;
oldColor.byteColor[1] = old_g; newColor.byteColor[1] = new_g;
oldColor.byteColor[2] = old_r; newColor.byteColor[2] = new_r;
for(i = (*buffPixels); i < (*buffSize); i += 3)
if( i == ((*buffPixels) + (((*buffWidth) * 3) + pad) * (buffHeight + 1)) )
pad = ((*buffWidth) % 4);
i += pad;
if(!memcmp(buff + i, oldColor.byteColor, 3))
memcpy(buff + i, newColor.byteColor, 3);
return pixels_replaced;
What am I possibly doing wrong ?
When dealing with bitmaps, there are three parameters that you need to know: height, width, and stride. Width and height are obvious. The stride is the number of bytes per line including padding.
Here's one way to compute the stride. Note that the stride must be a multiple of 4.
int stride = ((width * 3) + 3) >> 2;
stride *= 4;
The first line computes the minimum number of 4-byte values that can hold a line. The second line converts the stride to a byte count.
The code at the end of this post demonstrates how to use the stride. The code assumes that the input file contains a 24bpp RGB image. The file headers have already been read, leaving just the pixel data, which is read into a buffer. The code writes to an output file, assuming the output image is the same size as the input image and any headers have already been written.
The important lines are
size = height * stride; // total number of bytes in the image, including padding
offset = (y * stride) + (x * 3); // 'y * stride' is the offset to the beginning of a line
// 'x * 3' computes the byte offset of a particular pixel
for ( x=width*3; x<stride; x++ ) // outputs the padding bytes, if needed,
fputc( 0, fpout );
unsigned char *buffer = NULL;
int height = bmpinfo.biHeight;
int width = bmpinfo.biWidth;
// stride = (width * 3), rounded up to a multiple of 4
int stride = ((width * 3) + 3) >> 2;
stride *= 4;
// size of the pixel data, including padding
size_t size = height * stride;
// allocate memory for the pixel data
if ( (buffer = malloc( size )) == NULL )
error( "Insufficient memory" );
// read the pixel data from the file
if ( fread( buffer, 1, size, fpin ) != size )
error( "Unable to read image data" );
// process pixels by row and column
for ( y = 0; y < height; y++ )
for ( x = 0; x < width; x++ )
// get the RGB values from the buffer
offset = (y * stride) + (x * 3);
blue = buffer[offset];
green = buffer[offset+1];
red = buffer[offset+2];
// mess around with the RGB value here
// write the new RGB values to the file
fputc( (int)blue , fpout );
fputc( (int)green, fpout );
fputc( (int)red , fpout );
// write the padding bytes to the file
for ( x = width*3; x < stride; x++ )
fputc( 0, fpout );
I'm trying to create a Bitmap that shows the flightpath of a bullet.
int drawBitmap(int height, int width, Point* curve, char* bitmap_name)
int image_size = width * height * 3;
int padding = width - (width % 4);
struct _BitmapFileheader_ BMFH;
struct _BitmapInfoHeader_ BMIH;
BMFH.type_[1] = 'B';
BMFH.type_[2] = 'M';
BMFH.file_size_ = 54 + height * padding;
BMFH.reserved_1_ = 0;
BMFH.reserved_2_ = 0;
BMFH.offset_ = 54;
BMIH.header_size_ = 40;
BMIH.width_ = width;
BMIH.height_ = height;
BMIH.colour_planes_ = 1;
BMIH.bit_per_pixel_ = 24;
BMIH.compression_ = 0;
BMIH.image_size_ = image_size + height * padding;
BMIH.x_pixels_per_meter_ = 2835;
BMIH.y_pixels_per_meter_ = 2835;
BMIH.colours_used_ = 0;
BMIH.important_colours_ = 0;
writeBitmap(BMFH, BMIH, curve, bitmap_name);
void* writeBitmap(struct _BitmapFileheader_ file_header,
struct _BitmapInfoHeader_ file_infoheader, void* pixel_data, char* file_name)
FILE* image = fopen(file_name, "w");
fwrite((void*)&file_header, 1, sizeof(file_header), image);
fwrite((void*)&file_infoheader, 1, sizeof(file_infoheader), image);
fwrite((void*)pixel_data, 1, sizeof(pixel_data), image);
return 0;
Curve is the return value from the function which calculates the path. It points at an array of Points, which is a struct of x and y coordinates.
I don't really know how to "put" the data into the Bitmap correctly.
I just started programming C recently and I'm quite lost at the moment.
You already know about taking up any slack space in each pixel row, but I see a problem in your calculation. Each pixel row must have length % 4 == 0. So with 3 bytes per pixel (24-bit)
length = ((3 * width) + 3) & -4; // -4 as I don't know the int size, say 0xFFFFFFFC
Look up the structure of a bitmap - perhaps you already have. Declare (or allocate) an image byte array size height * length and fill it with zeros. Parse the bullet trajectory and find the range of x and y coordinates. Scale these to the bitmap size width and height. Now parse the bullet trajectory again, scaling the coordinates to xx and yy, and write three 0xFF bytes (you specified 24-bit colour) into the correct place in the array for each bullet position.
if (xx >= 0 && xx < width && yy >= 0 && yy < height) {
index = yy * length + xx * 3;
bitmap [index] = 0xFF;
bitmap [index + 1] = 0xFF;
bitmap [index + 2] = 0xFF;
Finally save the bitmap info, header and image data to file. When that works, you can refine your use of colour.
I am working in C on a physics experiment, Young's interference experiment and I made a program who prints to file a huge bunch of pixels:
for (i=0; i < width*width; i++)
fwrite(hue(raster_matrix[i]), 1, 3, file);
Where hue, when given a value [0..255], gives back a char * with 3 bytes, R,G,B.
I would like to put a minimal header in my image file in order to make this raw file a valid image file.
More concise, switching from:
0000 : height * width : data } my data, 24bit RGB pixels
0000 : dword : magic \
: /* ?? */ \
0012 : dword : height } Header <--> common image file
0016 : dword : width /
: /* ?? */ /
0040 : height * width : data } my data, 24bit RGB pixels
You probably want to use the PPM format which is what you're looking for: a minimal header followed by raw RGB.
TARGA (file name extension .tga) may be the simplest widely supported binary image file format if you don't use compression and don't use any of its extensions. It's even simpler than Windows .bmp files and is supported by ImageMagick and many paint programs. It has been my go-to format when I just need to output some pixels from a throwaway program.
Here's a minimal C program to generate an image to standard output:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
enum { width = 550, height = 400 };
int main(void) {
static unsigned char pixels[width * height * 3];
static unsigned char tga[18];
unsigned char *p;
size_t x, y;
p = pixels;
for (y = 0; y < height; y++) {
for (x = 0; x < width; x++) {
*p++ = 255 * ((float)y / height);
*p++ = 255 * ((float)x / width);
*p++ = 255 * ((float)y / height);
tga[2] = 2;
tga[12] = 255 & width;
tga[13] = 255 & (width >> 8);
tga[14] = 255 & height;
tga[15] = 255 & (height >> 8);
tga[16] = 24;
tga[17] = 32;
return !((1 == fwrite(tga, sizeof(tga), 1, stdout)) &&
(1 == fwrite(pixels, sizeof(pixels), 1, stdout)));
The recently created farbfeld format is quite minimal, though there is not much software supporting it (at least so far).
Bytes │ Description
8 │ "farbfeld" magic value
4 │ 32-Bit BE unsigned integer (width)
4 │ 32-Bit BE unsigned integer (height)
(2+2+2+2)*width*height │ 4*16-Bit BE unsigned integers [RGBA] / pixel, row-major
Here's a minimal example that writes your image file with a minimal PPM header. Happily, I was able to get it to work with the exact for loop you've provided:
#include <math.h> // compile with gcc young.c -lm
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define width 256
int main(){
int x, y, i; unsigned char raster_matrix[width*width], h[256][3];
#define WAVE(x,y) sin(sqrt( (x)*(x)+(y)*(y) ) * 30.0 / width)
#define hue(i) h[i]
/* Setup nice hue palette */
for (i = 0; i <= 85; i++){
h[i][0] = h[i+85][1] = h[i+170][2] = (i <= 42)? 255: 40+(85-i)*5;
h[i][1] = h[i+85][2] = h[i+170][0] = (i <= 42)? 40+i*5: 255;
h[i][2] = h[i+85][0] = h[i+170][1] = 40;
/* Setup Young's Interference image */
for (i = y = 0; y < width; y++) for (x = 0; x < width; x++)
raster_matrix[i++] = 128 + 64*(WAVE(x,y) + WAVE(x,width-y));
/* Open PPM File */
FILE *file = fopen("young.ppm", "wb"); if (!file) return -1;
/* Write PPM Header */
fprintf(file, "P6 %d %d %d\n", width, width, 255); /* width, height, maxval */
/* Write Image Data */
for (i=0; i < width*width; i++)
fwrite(hue(raster_matrix[i]), 1, 3, file);
/* Close PPM File */
/* All done */
return 0;
The header code is based on the specs at http://netpbm.sourceforge.net/doc/ppm.html. For this image, the header is just a string of fifteen bytes: "P6 256 256 255\n".